Bahasa Inggris Terapan Mid-Term Test

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General Instruction:
Work on all test items with your own words. What will be assessed in this test is the
quality of your answers, including originality. Carefully read all questions and
instructions before you work on them! You may do your own little research to be able
to answer the questions. Email your answer to I will be
waiting for you answer until Friday, April 9, 2021.

1. Look at the picture below! Describe this picture in terms of elements and
principles of design used and give your opinion on it!

The picture is taken from

2. Choose one advertising you like the most, and answer the following questions!
a. To whom do you think the ad is targeted to? Prove your answer with
b. What communication strategy do you think is used in the ad?
c. What make you like the ad?

3. Read carefully the following passages and answer the questions!

Reading A

While you select a design for your logo, you should think of a lot of options regarding
its shape. The type of your company and business, the need of a logo and the
circumstances which have driven you to design it should be taken into consideration
while you are in the process of designing your logo. The traditional geometric shape
can give a professional and different appearance to your logo. But it may not suit your
logo in all situations, needs and business, even though they create an impact of
balance in the entire design.

The basic geometric forms can provide you better canvas to work the design of your
logo. The innovation out of this can surely provide you with greater opportunity to be
attractive but if not chosen or designed properly, your logo will go out of the comfort
zone of viewer’s expectations. You should have an artistic mind while you choose the
right shape which can convey its subconscious messages. If you select a strong core
shape for your company logo, the shape itself can give an appearance of strength,
stability and credibility to your logo which can further benefit your company.

In some cases, you can go for a free form structures and shapes, only if you are quite
confident about your reason you select a non traditional form of shape for your logo.
There are people who say that the shape is not much important in your logo design
and any shape will do for this purpose. Frankly speaking they are not aware of the
process of logo design and they don’t know the psychology of visual appeal. So you
should be very much careful about and the circumstances that guide you to choose it
while you choose a freeform shape for your logo.

Natural shapes can add interest and reinforce a theme. Rather than a plain box, frame
text with a coiling rope or a spray of leaves or flowers. Use a freeform, non-
symmetrical shape to convey a feeling of spontaneity.

Be aware of what the shape of lines can convey. Sharp edges could indicate tension,
crispness, hardness, formality, or high tech. Soft edges and curves may be softer,
flowing, more casual, or more personal. Even small changes in line thickness,
endings, or shape changes can alter the look and feel of a design.

Alternating direction or color, disrupting a pattern with another shape or a shape out
of alignment can add interest or suggest abstract ideas. A triangle alone or a series of
overlapping ones can “point” in one or more directions.

Logo designs don’t need to be elaborated -- and usually work best when they are kept
simple. So simple shapes work beautifully.

a. What should be considered when designing a logo?

b. What skills should be mastered by a logo designer?
c. What are the requirements of a good logo?
d. What are the advantages of the use of geometric shapes and non-symmetrical
shapes for a logo?
e. What title is best for the passage?

Reading B

Unraveling the tale behind the Apple logo

By Holden Frith, Special to CNN

If beauty is indeed truth, as John Keats claimed, then this story ought to be true: The
logo on the back of your iPhone or Mac is a tribute to Alan Turing, the man who laid
the foundations for the modern-day computer, pioneered research into artificial
intelligence and unlocked German wartime codes.
His death, a decade after the end of the war, provides the link with Apple.
Unrecognized for his work, facing jail for gross indecency and humiliated by estrogen
injections intended to 'cure' his homosexuality, he bit into an apple he had laced with
cyanide. He died in obscurity on June 7, 1954, 10 years and a day after the Normandy
landings, which made copious use of intelligence gleaned by his methods.
And so, the story goes, when two Stanford entrepreneurs were looking for a logo for
their brand new computer company, they remembered Turing and his contribution to
their field. They chose an apple -- not a complete apple, but one with a bite taken out
of it.
Sadly, the truth is rarely as simple, or beautiful, as we would like. I first researched
this story in 2005 and was assured by someone at Apple that it was indeed true. The
article struck a chord and several people got in touch to say how pleased or touched
they were to hear the story.
A few years later I mentioned it to another Apple employee, who immediately said
that he thought it was a myth. It may have started around the time of the 2001 film
about the Bletchley Park code breakers, Enigma, or it may have just resurfaced then.
He checked with Apple headquarters, and although they were non-committal, it was
clear that that Turing story was not official Apple history.

Other theories were advanced. The apple represented knowledge, as in the biblical
story of Adam and Eve, or referenced the falling fruit that led Sir Isaac Newton to the
concept of gravity. Supporters of the latter theory note the name of Apple's handheld
PDA, the Newton, but that was more than a decade after the creation of the logo.
Sadly, the evidence now points in a more prosaic direction. In a 2009 interview with
CreativeBits, Rob Janoff, the man who drew the logo, reflected on the theories about
his work. He dismisses Sir Isaac or the Bible as source material and, while he says he
is charmed by the links with the Turing story, he says he was unaware of them at the
"I'm afraid it didn't have a thing to do with it," he said. "It's a wonderful urban
Janoff says that he received no specific brief from Steve Jobs, and although he's hazy
about how he settled on the simple outline of an apple, the reason for the bite is
crystal clear: it's there for scale, he says, so that a small Apple logo still looks like an
apple and not a cherry.
It wasn't long before Janoff discovered the first happy coincidence of his design,
when a colleague told him that "bytes" were the foundation stones of computing. The
more romantic myth-making would follow soon behind.
I was disappointed when the Turing story was first cast into doubt, but grew to enjoy
the uncertainty. Limbo seemed a fitting, even poetic state, for the tale of a man who
lived in the shadows. Even his tribute was now floating between life and death, like
Snow White after she swallowed her own mythical apple.
I hope that a similar respect for beauty over cold, hard fact lay behind Steve Jobs'
silence on the matter. He could have dismissed the creation myths inspired by his
company, but he chose not to. More than most, he appreciated the value of a beautiful

a. Who is Alan Turing?

b. How many theory(ies) about the Apple logo is (are) mentioned in the passage?
Mention it (them)!
c. Why is Alan Turing being related to the Apple logo creation?
d. Why do you think an apple shape was chosen as the logo?
e. Is there any philosophical reason for Janoff to draw a bite on the apple?
f. Apple logo creation seems to deny the opinion that a logo should be designed
with a philosophical reason. How would you respond to this statement?
g. From the two passages, what conclusion can you draw about designing a logo?

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