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Benefits of Same-Sex Parenting

Research has shown that there are no significant differences between children raised with same-sex
parents and those that are raised by different-sex parents. In fact, same-sex parents can provide
opportunities that can prove to be beneficial to their children.
The fact is that same-sex couples One consistent area in which Researchers have said that children
cannot conceive a child without help. children benefit being raised by of same-sex parents, more
Meaning they cannot “accidentally” same-sex parents is when it comes specifically children with lesbian
have a child. When same-sex to tolerance and open-mindedness. mothers, do better in school than
couples decide to have children, they Most of this is due to being raised their peers with heterosexual
are doing so because they want a outside of societal norms. One parents. They rated significantly
child. Research has shown it is research also stated that children felt higher in social, school/academic,
because of this fact that same-sex free to try a wide range of different and total competence and
couples are more motivated and interests since they were not bound significantly lower in social problems,
committed to their children. to gender stereotypes. rule-breaking, aggressive, and
externalizing problem behavior than
their age-matched counterparts.


There are some articles stating that same-sex parenting is harmful to children. Any issues or problems that
surround same-sex parenting originates with the societal norms constructed by society. If there are any
disadvantages to children of same-sex parents, it has nothing to do with the parents’ gender and absolutely
everything to do with how society reacts towards the families. If society changed its views on same-sex families, the
misconception of “same-sex parents will produce gay children” would dissipate quickly. Another concern from those
within society who do not understand are that those children raised in same-sex households will fail to properly
learn and adopt gender-appropriate behaviors. The real fear is that future generations will shatter the gender roles
so deeply imbedded within our society.

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