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The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. MAGIC IMPLEMENT COSTS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies Characteristic Additional Cost
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and +1 - 2 Damage 100
doing them harm).
+3 - 4 Damage 250
d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection
and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The +5 - 6 Damage 500
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
Ignore 1 Difficulty 150
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.
The character completely lose control of their magical energies or Ignore 2 Difficulty 600
draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
Ignore 3 Difficulty 2400
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small Ignore 4 Difficulty 9600
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of Spell lasts until the end of the encounter without 600
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath). having to use the Concentrate maneuver
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
To determine the cost of your implement, you need to look at
the greatest total amount that a user will be able to reduce the dif-
ficulty of a single spell. For instance, if your implement allows the
MAGIC SKILLS AND ACTIONS user to add the Fire additional effect without increasing difficulty,
that is a total reduction of one
Arcana Divine Primal Runes Verse WITCHCRAFT RITUAL difficulty, and will add 150 to the
Attack cost of the implement. If your im-
plement allows the user to add the
Augment Deadly and Destructive additional
effects without increasing difficul-
ty, that is a total reduction of three
difficulty, and will add 2400 to the
cost of the implement.
If your implement offers multi-
ple effects without increasing dif-
ficulty, but those effects can not be
applied together on a single spell,
DISPEL the price each effect (or group of
effects that can stack) separately.





Concentration: No
Skills: Arcana, Divine, Primal, Runes, Witchcraft
Magic attacks are combat checks, and they follow the normal rules for performing a combat check, on page 101 of the Genesys Core Rulebook, using
the character's magic skill instead of a combat skill. There are more exceptions, however, which we detail here. When making a magic attack, the
character must select one target at short range (but not engaged). The default difficulty of the check is Easy (k). The attack deals damage equal to the
characteristic linked to the skill used to make the attack (so if the character uses Arcana, they would deal damage equal to their Intellect), plus 1 dam-
age per uncanceled s. The attack ahas no Critical rating, so you may only inflict a Critical Injury with a t.
Before making a magic attack check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the table above. These effects are added to the attack.


Blast: The attacks gains the Blast quality with a rating equal to your character's rank in Knowledge (Lore). +k
Close Combat: May select a target engaged with your character. +k
Deadly: The attacks gains a Critical rating of 2. The attack also gains the Vicious quality with a rating equal to th character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +k
Fire: The attacks gains the Burn quality with a rating equal to your character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +k
Holy/Unholy (Divine Only): When dealing damage to a target the GM determines the antithesis of the character's faith or deity (sch as a priest of a god of life attack-
ing an undead zombie), each s deals +2 damage, instead of +1. +k

Ice: The attack gains the Ensnare quality with a rating equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +k
Impact: The attacks gains the Knockdown quality. The attack also gains the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +k
Lightning: The attack gains the Stun quality with a rating equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). The attack also gains the Auto-fire quality. (You mist
increase the difficulty by one to use the Auto-fire quality as normal.) +k

Manipulative (Arcana Only): If the attack hits, you may spend a to move the target up to one range band in any direction. +k
Non-Lethal (Primal Only) The attacks gains the Stun Damage quality. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Destructive: The attack gains the Sunder quality. The attack also gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +kk
Empowered: The attack deals damage equal to twice the characteristic linked to the skill (instead of dealing damage equal to the characteristic). If the attack has the
Blast quality, it affects all characters within short range, instead of engaged.

Poisonous: If the attack deals damage, the target must immediately make a Hard (kkk)Resilience check or suffer wounds equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge
(Lore), and strain equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). This counts as a poison.


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Divine, Primal, Runes, Verse, Witchcraft
This is using magic to enhance people. A character selects one target they are engaged with (which can be themselves), then makes a Divine, Primal,
Runes, or Verse skill check. The default difficulty of the check is Average (kk). If the check is successful, until the end of your character's next turn, the
target increases the ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they add a k to their checks). A character may not be affected by
more than one Augment spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
Before making an augment check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the Augment Additional Effects table below. These effects are
added to the check.


Divine Health (Divine Only): The target increases their wound threshold by a value equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore) for the duration of the spell. +k
Haste: Targets affected by the spell can always perform a second maneuver during their turn without spending strain (they may still only perform two maneuvers a
Primal Fury (Primal & Witchcraft Only): The target adds damage equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore) to unarmed combat checks, and their Critical
rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 3.
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Swift: Targets affected by the spell ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be immobilized. +k
Flight: The target gains the Flyer ability. See page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebhook +kk
Terrifying (Witchcraft Only): Opponents must make an Average (kk) Fear check. Supernatural creatures are immunite to this effect. The witch's alles might be
susceptible to this effect if they are not accustomed to this appearance (Per the GMs request).
Exoskeleton: Youur ranged and melee defense are increased by a value equal to your ranks in Knowledge (Forbidden). You are still limited to the maximum defense
rating of 4.

Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Arcana, Divine, Runes, Witchcraft, Ritual
Arcane, Divine, Rune, Witchcraft, and Ritual spellcasters have the power to create barriers of magical energy to protect themselves and their allies. The
character selects one target they are engaged with (which can be themselves), then makes an Arcana, Divine, Runes, Witchcraft, or Ritual skill check.
The default difficulty of the check is Easy (k). If the check is successful, until the end of the character's next turn, reduce the damage of all hits the
target suffers by one, and further reduce the it by one for every uncanceled ss beyond the first.
Before making a Barrier check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the Barrier Additional Effects table below. These effects are added to
the check.


Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time). +k

Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Add Defense: Each affected target gains ranged and melee defense equal to your ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +kk
Empower: The barrier reduces damage equal to the number of uncanceled s instead of the normal effect. +kk
Reflection (Arcana Only): In an opponent makes a magic attack against an affected target and generates ttt or d on the check, after the check in resolved, they
suffer a hit dealing damage equal to the total damage of the attack. +kk

Sanctuary (Divine Only): Opponents the GM determines are the antithesis of the character's faith or deity automatically disengage from affected targets, and may not
engage them for the duration of the spell.
Fire: The barrier becomes a Wall of Fire. Any target who enters the Barrier must pass through the wall of fire and take Burn damage equal to the ranks in Knowledge
(Lore). The size of the wall depends on the Range of the spell cast.
Ice: The barrier becomes a Wall of Ice. Any target who enters the Barrier must pass through the wall can become frozen and ensnared with an Ensnare quality equal to
the ranks in Knowledge (Lore). The size of the wall depends on the Range of the spell cast. +kk

Poisonous (Witchcraft Only): The barrier becomes a Cloud of Poison. Any target who enters the Barrier must immediately make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check or
suffer wounds equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Forbidden), and strain equal to the character's ranks in Knowledge (Lore). This counts as a poison.


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Arcana, Primal, Witchcraft
This action represents the ability of a spellcaster to animate objects or create items (or even allies) out of thin area and the aether. The character makes
an Arcana, Primal, or Witchcraft skill check. The default difficulty for the check is Easy (k). If the check in successful, the character summons a simple
tool with no moving parts (such as a shovel or pickax), a one-handed melee weapon with no moving parts (such as a sword or knife), or a minion no
bigger than silhouette 1 (such as an animal, magical creature, elemental spirit, or even undead monstrosity). These appear engaged with the character.
The summoned minion or item remains present until the end of the character's next turn.
If the character summons a creature, the creature behaves in the best approximation of its natural instincts (as determined by the GM). It is not con-
trolled by the character, it takes its turn immediately after the character.
Before making an Conjure check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the Conjure Additional Effects table below. These effects are
added to the check.


Additional Summon: The spell summons one additional item, weapon, or creature. In addition, after casting the spell, you may sped aa to summon one additional
item, weapon, or creature (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time). +k

Medium Summon: The character may summon a more complicated tool with moving parts, a rival no larger than silhouette 1, or a two-handed melee weapon. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell (the distance from the character that the summoned item or creature appears) by one range band, This may be added multiple
times, increasing the range by one range band each time.
Summon Ally: The creature the character summons is friendly to them and obeys their commands. The character may spend a maneuver to direct the creature, allow-
ing them to determine its action and maneuver. (If the character summons multiple creatures, the character may spend one maneuver on their turn to direct the turns +k
of all summoned creatures).
Grand Summon: The character may summon a rival of up to silhouette 3. +kk


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Arcana, Divine, Runes, Verse, Witchcraft
This action represents the combat use of curse magic. Your character selects on target within short range, then makes an Arcana, Divine, Runes, Verse,
or Witchcraft skill check. The default difficulty of the check is Average (kk). If it is successful, until the end of the character's next turn, the target
decreases the ability of any skill check they make by one (in effect, this means they remove one k from their checks).
Before making the curse check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the Curse Additional Effects table below. These effects are added to
the check.


Enervate: If a target suffers strain for any reason, they suffer 1 additional strain.

Misfortune: After the target makes a check, you may change one j to a facing displaying a f. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Blurred Defense (Witchcraft Only): Reduce the target's defense by 1 per rank of Knowledge (Forbidden). +k
Confusion (Witchcraft Only): If the target rolls tt or d on its combat checks, the witch can decide an alternate valid target for the combat check of the cursed
Hesitation (Witchcraft Only): While the spell is active, the target must always act on the last available initiative slot. +k
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Despair (Divine Only): The target's strain and wound thresholds are reduced by an amount equal the character's rank in Knowledge (Forbidden). This effects may not
be combined with the additional target effect.

Doom (Arcana Only): After a target makes a check, you may change any one die in the pool not displaying a t or d to a different face. +kk
In the Way: When an opponent is attacking, if the roll generates ttt or d on the combat check, the witch can decide that the attack hits the cursed character
instead of the intended target. The cursed character must still be within range of the attack. The GM might decide that the effect cannot apply if it does not narratively +kk
make sense.
Paralyzed:: The target is staggered for the duration of the spell. This affect may not be combined with the additional target effect +kkk


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: No
Skills: Arcana, Verse, Witchcraft, Ritual
The ability to nullify magic is a strange and wondrous art that only certain arcane spellcasters possess. The character selects one target within short
range that is under the effects of a spell, then makes an Arcana, Verse, Witchcraft, or Ritual skill check. The default difficulty for the check is Hard
(kkk). If the check is successful, the effects the target is under immediately end (if the spell affected multiple targets, the other targets remain affect-
Before making a dispel check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the below Dispel Additional Effects table. These effects are added to
the check.


Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time.

Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice).

This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to

any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
next turn.
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.

If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step

(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets
this character.
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
hhh or d the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well.

All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies

within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.


Condition Penalty
The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
gestures (armor with +2 soak
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric- +j
tive outfits, at your discretion.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
Concentration: No
Skills: Divine, Primal Verse, Ritual
Priests and other practitioners of divine magic are often known for their healing abilities. Often, those in touch with nature also possess the capacity
to heal wounds and illness. The tell of a good tale and the singing of a good song can also ease one's soul rejuvenating them. The character can use the
Divine, Primal, Verse skill in place of a Medicine check in order to remove damage or heal Critical Injuries. When making the check, the character
selects one target they are engaged with who is not incapacitated. The default difficulty of the check is Easy (k). Upon success, the character heals 1
wound per uncanceled s, and 1 strain per uncanceled a.
Before making a Heal check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the below Heal Additional Effects table. These effects are added to the


Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time). +k

Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Restoration: Select one ongoing status effect the target is suffering. This status effect immediately ends. +k
Heal Critical: Select one Critical Injury the target is suffering. If the spell is successful, the Critical Injury is also healed. +kk
Revive Incapacitated: The character may select targets who are incapacitated. +kk
Resurrection:: The character may select a target who has died during this encounter. If the check is successful, the target is restored to life, suffering wounds equal to
their wound threshold. If the check fails, no characters may attempt to resurrect the target again.


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Primal, Runes, Verse, Witchcraft
Magic users develop the ability to shift objects without physically handeling them, moving matter with magic. The default difficulty of the check is
Easy (k). Upon success, the character can move an object that is Silhouette 0.
Before making a Move check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the below Move Additional Effects table. These effects are added to the


Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time). +k

Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Size: The spell may increase the silhouette that is one size larger. A spell caster can use this upgrade multiple times each time increasing the difficulty by 1. (To life a
silhouette 1 object it would change the difficulty to Average (kk), or Silhouette 2 a difficulty of Hard (kkk).
Hurl: Once a spellcaster has lifted an object they may spend a maneuver to Hurl the object at a target using the rules of ranged combat making a Ranged skill check
based on how far away the target is. If the spellcaster hits the target he deals damage based on the silhouette of the object times 10
Terrain Skimming: A spellcaster can lift themselves in the air just inches of the ground to ignore the effects of difficult terrain while moving. +kk
Bind The spellcaster can use the spell to restrain the enemy, preventing the target from acting or moving. +kkk


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice).

This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to

any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
next turn.
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.

If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step

(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets
this character.
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
hhh or d the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well.

All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies

within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.


Condition Penalty
The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
gestures (armor with +2 soak
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric- +j
tive outfits, at your discretion.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Arcana, Witchcraft
You choose a target within short range (Which can be yourself.) You change them into a non-threatening form, mostly silhouette 0 animals, such as
a toad, rat, or snake. The default difficulty for the check is Average (kk). Until the end of your target's next turn, they cannot use their action but can
still convert it for a maneuver.
Before making a Polymorph check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the below Polymorph Additional Effects table. These effects are
added to the check.


Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time). +k

Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Weakening Form (Witchcraft Only): While polymorphed, the target's Soak value is reduced by an amount equal to your ranks in Knowledge (Forbidden). +kk


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice).

This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to

any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
next turn.
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.

If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step

(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets
this character.
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
hhh or d the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well.

All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies

within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.


Condition Penalty
The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
gestures (armor with +2 soak
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric- +j
tive outfits, at your discretion.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
Concentration: Yes
Skills: Arcana, Divine, Runes, Witchcraft, Ritual
The spell caster enhances their senses to perceive just a few moments into the near future. To do this they must make an Easy (k) Scry Magic check.
Until the end of your character's net turn, add a few new initiative slots at the sart of the initiative track. Only the spellcaster may act on that initiative
slot. If two allied spellcasters have this spell active at the same time, they can choose between themselves who acts on these additional slots. Regardless,
these initiative slots do not allow the spellcaster to act more than once per round.
Before making a Scry check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the below Scry Additional Effects table. These effects are added to the


Heightened Awareness: You no longer upgrade the difficulty of combat checks made when shooting a target engaged with an allied character. +k
Prediction: Once per round while this spell is active, you can spend aa to suffer 2 strain and reroll the whole check. You cannot use this if the check generated a d +k
True Vision: Your Character is not impeded by environmental effects that affect vision, such as darkness, or fog. +k
Strike Through: You may ignore the melee and ranged defense of your adversaries equal to your ranks in Knowledge (Lore). +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Forsee: The magic user can see what is and what will be getting vague hints and glimpses into the distant past or future events. It is important to note the always in
motion the future is and knowing the future does not mean that the magic user cannot affect things to change the future they see.
Seek: The magic user can gain an insight into the general location or direction of a person or object that they know about, regardless of current distance. +kk


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice). The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
gestures (armor with +2 soak
next turn. +j
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric-
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after tive outfits, at your discretion.
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
this character.

hhh or d
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well. COMMONLY CAST SPELLS
All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies SPELL
within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.
Concentration: No
Skills: Arcana, Verse, Ritual
The spell caster opens a portal and can teleport themselves short distances. The starting range for teleport is Medium. To do this they must make an
Average (kk) Teleport Magic check. A magic user must be able to see the location that they are Teleporting too.
Before making a Scry check, choose any number of additional effects listed in the below Scry Additional Effects table. These effects are added to the


Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional target
within range of the Spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
True Sight: The spellcaster has the ability to see through walls to teleport to the other side of walls or doors. +kk


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice).

This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to

any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
next turn.
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.

If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step

(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets
this character.
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
hhh or d the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well.

All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies

within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.


Condition Penalty
The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
gestures (armor with +2 soak
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric- +j
tive outfits, at your discretion.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).
Concentration: No
Skills: Arcana, Divine, Primal, Runes, Verse, Witchcraft
Utility magic covers all the minor things that we expect people to be able to do with magic, such as levitating a book, tranmuting a pebble into a
butterfly, detecting something magical nearby, summoning a ghostly light source to see in the dark, or making one's voice grown with distant thunder.
Basically, these are all cool abilities with a minor benefit, but are more tricks than dangerous or poerful magics. That doesn't mean the player can't
figure out how their character can use a utility spell to their best advantage.
Utility magic doesn't have an equivalent action for structured encounters, since the effects are almost entirely narrative in nature. A check to cast a
utility spell should always be an Easy (k). If that check seems too easy for what you want to accomplish, then what you want to do is probably beyond
the scope of the utility magic!


The magical energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain
h or d or 1 wound (controlling player’s choice).

This character and all allied spellcasters in the encounter add j to

any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s
next turn.
The spell doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after
hh or d a minute in narrative gameplay.

If the character is using a magical item, it becomes damaged one step

(see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89). Until the end of the
encounter, enemy spellcasters add j when casting a spell that targets
this character.
The spell is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of
hhh or d the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the spell as well.

All other spellcasters and creatures attuned to magical energies

within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending
on their disposition, may be very interested in finding them and
doing them harm).

d The character overexerts themself or loses their magical connection

and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. The
GM picks the target of the character’s spell. If the caster is an NPC,
the controlling player picks the target of the spell instead.

dd The character completely lose control of their magical energies or

draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s
discretion, this may instead take the form of some of terrible or
hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small
woodland creature, being struck by lightning on a clear day, swap-
ping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of
the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal wrath).
If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.


Condition Penalty
The character does not have at least one free hand. +j
The character is gagged, silenced, or otherwise unable to speak. + jj
The character is wearing heavy armor that might hamper their
gestures (armor with +2 soak
or more), or carrying a shield. This could also include other restric- +j
tive outfits, at your discretion.
The character is in circumstances that interfere with their ability Upgrade the
to concentrate, such as trying to cast while swimming or hanging difficulty once (or
from a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or casting a spell that more at your GM's
doesn't target the person they're fighting in hand-to-hand combat. discretion).

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