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its people and customs are nourished by the mixture of Spanish, African and Taino roots.

group synthesizes the three cultures that formed the idiosyncrasy of the Dominican culture. It is a
culture very rich in rhythm, with rhythms such as bachata, merengue, mangulina, carabiné, café en
jarro, la tinaja, etc., among other characteristics.

important places: It is known for its beaches, resorts and golf areas. Its terrain includes tropical
forests, savannah and highlands, including Pico Duarte, the highest mountain in the Caribbean.
The capital Santo Domingo has elements of Spanish style, such as the gothic style Catedral
Primada de América, which is 5 centuries old, in its Zona Colonial district.

gastronomy: The food consumed daily in the Dominican Republic is "La bandera" which consists of
white rice, stewed beans and stewed meat.

We find others such as La yuca y la guáyiga, Iconic dishes, Habichuelas Guisadas, Tostones, stewed

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