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Return to Me - Act 2
Scene 1

(Spotlight the narrator, dimmer light on the temple mount where

Zechariah is with the other young men learning from Jakin, their

Narrator: Ten long years have passed since the Jewish

people were forced to stop building the temple. Everything
remains how it was left that day so long ago. The ropes
on the crane have begun to rot along with piles of timber.
And the building site is overgrown with weeds and brush.
All a sign of lost time. Zechariah has grown into a tall
young man and is well on his way to becoming a priest for
the Almighty One.  Zechariah usually finds contentment
in following God’s call.
Oh, Yael! You haven’t seen Yael in ten years! Well, she
has become a beautiful young woman who combs her hair
now! Still very much full of spirit, independent and
definitely a mind of her own! And, yes... still pursuing
something...something not inspired by God. Instead, she
is walking deeper into the darkness of pagan religions and
sorcery.  Pondering how Yael will ever find her way back
to God, Zechariah becomes discouraged and grows angry.
Eventually directing that anger towards others for the
lack of progress on the temple.
all students stare at
Jakin: And that’s how you skin the
students leave
Zechi: Yes, Rabbi...I’m sorry. 

Jakin: Would you stay behind for a moment, please? 

The rest of you are dismissed!
What’s wrong with you today?  You were a long
way from here, and not even pretending to
listen to our lesson. You’re one of our best
students. Please, tell me you are not

reconsidering your commitment to the


Zechi: No, Rabbi.

Jakin: Then what’s wrong?

SONG- “Fed Up” -

Zechi: (hesitates, then singing strongly)
I’m fed up! 
I’m frustrated!
If we believe the Torah’s words then we should
show it.
It’s been ten years
We’ve lost our way
A temple should be standing but we blew it.
We do believe.
It’s not our fault
Our leaders tried their best but there have
been setbacks
My God is greater
Than politics
Step out in faith and build the temple back!
(oh yeah)
Step out in faith and build the temple back!
(end tune)

Jakin: Stop shouting, Zechariah.  This is a sacred


Zechi: We’ve waited long enough. Do you believe that

He sent ten plagues upon the Egyptians?

Jakin: Well, that was a special time in history.

Zechi: Do you believe He parted the Red Sea?

Jakin: He doesn’t always work miracles when we want

him to.

Zechi: “Some trust in chariots and some in horses,

but we trust in the name of the Lord our
God.”  Do you believe it?

Jakin: This behavior is unacceptable! Zechariah, go

explain your behavior to Iddo or maybe even
the High Priest!
(Zechi goes to walk away. Jakin mimic’s Zechi under his breath)

Jakin: ”Do you believe he parted the red sea????”

Zechi : (turns around) Did you say something Rabbi?

(Jakin embarrassed to be caught...points for Zechi to go!)

(Lights down, Exits SR)

Scene 2
 (Lights up on the home of Iddo and Dinah.   The home is more
complete now with plaster, a sturdy roof and steps to the top.  Iddo
is on the roof.  Dinah and Hodaya are in the courtyard, and Yael is
finishing up her chores in the home. Hodaya enters home and see

Hodaya: Yael! (gives her an affectionate hug) Aren’t you

going to see your friend Leyla today?

Yael: Yes, my sweet Hodaya, and there is also a

festival tonight.

Hodaya: (holding herself up taller, partially with her crutch)

May I go with you?

Yael: I wish... but it’s too far to walk, little one. You
would be exhausted before we were
halfway there.

Hodaya: What about Zechariah? He doesn’t like you

going off to the Samaritan village alone.

Yael: Well, what Zechi doesn't know, won't hurt

him! (Yael is putting on her cloak and head scarf.)

Besides sometimes he acts like he’s my boss,

always butting in on things that are not
his business. Telling me what to do or where I
can go! I am my own woman Hodaya, I
can take care of myself! Besides us girls have
to share some secrets of our own... right?
(Hodaya Smiles and nods yes)

Dinah: Hodaya, come help me please.

Hodaya: Coming Momma. (whispering to Yael) You better

hurry out or she will catch you too. Us girls
have to stick together.

Yael: See you later, little one!  

(she pats Hodaya on the head and exits through front of house- she
leaves behind her signature scarf on the table)

Scene 3
(Lights down on Iddo’s house. Spotlight follows Yael to Leyla’s
house in Samaritan village.  Leyla is propped up in bed; her
grandmother, Numari, is preparing a drink for her.  She beams
when she sees Yael.) Yael walks to Leyla’s beside and
sits next to her. Leyla sits
smiling giddily holding back the
Leyla: Yael!  I have wonderful news!  Come and have information)
a seat!  

Yael: Will?!? Come on tell me! What is it!

Leyla: I’m betrothed!  Can you believe it! I’m going to Yael stands and walks to
be married! Eeek!   another area of room and
(Leyla shrieks in excitement and Yael’s smile fades as she is fiddles with something,
shocked)  becoming distant in her
Abba made all the arrangements this very own world as she begins
asking her questions in a
morning and settled on my dowry, so it’s dreamy state, not really
official! wanting an answer from
Leyla but more speaking
her own thoughts
(Yael asks each question on the heel of the next, while Leyla
pretends to start to answer but can’t)

Yael: Who is he? 

Have I ever met him?  (Leyla shakes head no)
Is he young and handsome?

Leyla: Wait!
(ticking off on fingers answering Yael’s 3 Questions)
His name is Basam!
No, I don’t think you have ever met him!
And it doesn’t matter if he is young and
What I can tell you is My husband is nearly as
rich as Abba and nearly as Mature (laughs). A
strong, stable match, and our marriage will
seal their business partnership. 

Yael: (trying to smile)  Wo... that is some news.

Leyla: I was so lucky that Basam accepted me… since

I’m very much past the age for marriage. And,
He is paying a big bride price for me.

Yael: I see….Will he must love you very much!

Leyla: Now, he already has one wife, but she has Past
wives have only given him daughters.  As soon
as When I give him a son than I will become the
primary wife. That is why I asked you to come!
I’ll be needing you to make me a potion as soon
as you can.

Yael: Of course, I know lots of good ones for health.

Leyla: No! I need to become with child immediately

after we are married if I am to give him a
rightful heir! I need you to make a potion, do a
ritual whatever it takes that will guarantee me
a son! Isn’t it so exciting!!! Eeek! ok?

Yael: So, you don’t mind that your father chose him
for you? Rafi enters the room

Leyla: NO! Silly Yael , women should never choose for

themselves. (laughing) Our fathers and
husbands know what is best for us. (pausing)
It is more important that we focus on me
having a son! Besides, the Torah says that the
husband shall rule over his wife.

When Yael sees, Rafi she

Rafi: Leyla, I…(stopping short in surprise)  goes to a table to busy
Yael, hello.  I didn’t realize you were here.  Did herself by working on a
my sister tell you her good news? potion. She acts bothered by
Rafi’s intruding presences.
Short toned answers as if she
Yael: Why...Yes! I am so happy for her. is annoyed.

Rafi leans up
Rafi: I don’t understand why a beautiful young against wall looking at Yael.
woman like you is not betrothed yet

Yael: OH! My Safta Dinah has tried to marry me off

several times, (laughing and serious for next line)
but I informed my Abba I preferred to not get Takes an apple off the table
and tosses in air, shines it on
married to any”THING” around here! his shirt

Rafi: Really? The fathers in of our village would never

allow our daughters to have that control, let
alone speak what is best for them.

Yael: Well, ... I’m much too busy to even think

about a husband.

Rafi: And that is exactly why it is a man's

responsibility! Proof of the preposterous
thinking that a woman can’t make that big of a
decision on her own without a man’s guidance.
Besides, it takes lots of intelligent thinking to
make such an important decision!

Yael: I’ll have you know

(hands on hips, getting riled up)
I don’t need a man to do my thinking, I seek Rafi gestures at the sky with his
the stars for my guidance! hand
(realizing how it sounded she stammers to correct that
she is in control) But…And… I am very intelligent
on my own thank you!

Rafi: (stays calm and cool)

Ah, yes. That's right! Your work as a seer.  A
reader of the stars.

Yael: I’m also learning to be

(annoyed at Rafi mocking) 
a midwife. Which keeps me too busy for a
husband at this time. What is your excuse?
Why haven’t you married yet? Or, have you
not been able to find a woman with less
intelligence than worthy of your glory? (smiling
as his mocking Rafi winks and leaves the
has backfired) room, Yael is flustered

Rafi: (smiling at her statement, responds matter of factly)

Yael, still distracted by Rafi’s
No, I have found her! It is just that last comment, was he
the one I will marry, thinks she is too busy for referring to her? She
retrieves the charts that are
a husband ...  kept in the trunk at the foot
of Leyla’s bed. Then spread
Leyla: Yael, come read my stars.  I have to find the the charts out flat on the
best date for my wedding. And we have to plan
for my son the new heir!

Yael: I see so much happiness!   You will have a

prosperous new life, Leyla, and many, many
sons. (a horn sounds)
Oh! I am late. (Yael rises and heads to the door)
I have to head home now.
(turning around and looking at Leyla)
Congratulations my dear friend. You will invite
me to the wedding? Won’t you!

Leyla: What a thing to ask! You are my best friend.

I could not do this without you there!

Leyla is walking in with Yael

Scene 4 and Rafi on each side of her
as she is too weak to walk
(At the Samaritan village – dim light in Leyla’s house as Yael fixes
alone. They help her to sit on
a potion and gives it to Leyla. Spotlight up on narrator only as she a throne type chair adorned
speaks next part of narration.) with wedding decor. Her
much older husband comes
Narrator: On the day of the wedding, like so many other to stand next to her, being
married in background as
days, Leyla has a fever and is too weak to even stand. narrator speaks
Knowing that postponing the wedding would bring shame
to her father, Leyla has Yael fix a potion for strength.
That very night Leyla is married to Basam.

Leyla is so happy and thankful for Yael’s magical healing

potion that she promises to send for Yael as soon as the
wedding week is over. The wedding party will freeze
and smile as the Wedding song
is performed by ensemble.
The Wedding Song – As wedding song draws to a
(this song is sung by a chorus of females who will float in with close, Leyla leaves and lights
flower crowns and flowing robes all holding ribbons.) dim on wedding scene as they
(chorus) It’s wedding time, it’s wedding time
It’s why we’ve gathered here.
Be fruitful and multiply
The highlight of the year.

(Verse) A man is now a husband

A woman now a wife
The two become much stronger
Traveling through life

Together they will be one

As happy as can be,
And soon you’ll be a family
As one and one make three.

(Chorus) It’s wedding time, it’s wedding time

It’s why we’ve gathered here.
Be fruitful and multiply
The highlight of the year.

(lights down on wedding scene and up on narrator)

Narrator: 4 months have passed since the wedding and

neither Leyla’s family nor Yael have heard from the new
bride. Rafi and Yael spent countless hours at the village
marketplace discussing their growing concern for Leyla.
What could possibly keep Leyla from contacting them? Is
she so happy that she has forgotten them? Yael became
so desperate for information that she began to send
message to Leyla daily, pleading for a response. Then
one afternoon Yael got an answer, just not what she had
hoped for!

(Spotlight down on the Narrator and up on Iddo’s home. Rafi arrives

at Iddo’s house looking for Mattaniah.)

Rafi: Mattaniah!  I need your help, my lord.  I have

just received word that my sister Leyla is
not well.  She’s asking to see your daughter,
Yael.  May she please come?  

Yael: Please let me go with him, Abba. 

You know how I’ve been worried about Leyla.

Mattaniah:We will go together.

(Yael and Matteniah quickly gather their things and follow Rafi -
the spotlight follows them)

Yael: What’s wrong with her, Rafi?  Is she sick?

Rafi: Not sickness! But no one will tell me what is

wrong. The only thing I know is they would tell
me was... she needs a healer and she is asking
for you. 

Yael: Why me? Why not you?

Rafi: She wants you to read her stars and tell her
which god to petition.

Mattaniah:(turning back, confused)  Read the stars! What are

you talking about?

Yael: It’s nothing, Abba.  You know Leyla has

always been a little superstitious. (Speaking in
hushed tones directly to Rafi) Rafi, this doesn’t
make sense if she is not sick then what is
wrong with her?

Rafi: I pray for him if he has done anything to have

caused this! I will kill him if he has!

Yael: Who Rafi! What are you talking about?


Rafi: Leyla’s husband, Basam. Villagers gossip

that he has been known to train his new
wives with a heavy hand. Even rumors that his
last two wives succumbed to his training.
Yael: Oh Rafi, surely not! Leyla is much too frail to
survive something like that. We must
(Yael and Rafi rush into the house but find that Leyla has already
passed. Numari is mumbling incantations)

Yael: No!!!! (screams) The stars told me she would

have a long life. This can’t be!

Rafi: Look at the is as I feared.

Yael: No! This is my fault, I told

her the stars were aligned for her to marry. I
hate this life! It’s nothing but pain! (holding
herself and crying) Parthia where are you! You
said you would not leave me! I can’t do this Rafi moves to comfort
alone! Yael and hold her

Rafi: Shhh. You are not alone! I will be with you.

We will go through this together.

Yael and Rafi Song

Yael: You were my best friend.

Now you are gone.
You never had strength

The stars were so wrong

The moon goddess told me

That you would live long.
That you would be happy
The stars were so wrong

I spent my whole life

Watching the sky
I’m all alone here
Wondering why.
Rafi: Is anyone home?  
I thought you’d be here
I must talk to someone.
Yael: I’m so glad you’re here.
Yael: I have no more faith
Rafi: My sister is gone
We’ll miss her together
Yael: The stars were so wrong. As she sings Yael, runs into Rafi

Together: The moon goddess told us

That she would live long
That she would be happy
The stars were so wrong
Rafi: But someone will pay
I don’t need a sign
A life for a life
Vengeance is mine! (outro)
Yael: Rafi! 
Rafi: Let me walk you home, and we will plan how
to be together tomorrow.

(lights down.  Spotlight on narrator.)

Narrator: Over the next several weeks, Rafi made an

extra trek to Mattaniah’s farm each day to see Yael while
her father was away working at the temple.  Then slowly,
their shared time turns into something else...Yael believed
she was in love. For me, this is the saddest part of our
story...I was so young at the time, and I don’t remember
everything, but I do remember the fear, the tears and the
heartbreak of many, and how it all ended.
(lights up on Yael and Rafi walking hand in hand)

Rafi: So, have you given any more thought to this

whole marriage thing?

Yael: (Laughing) I have been thinking a little about it


Rafi: You still too busy for a husband these days?

Extending and open palm
Yael: Even more so! (joking and flirting) I mean I and gesturing up and
have this responsibility now! I can’t just down towards Rafi,
abandon you? Who would help you fill all your indicating he is the extra

Rafi: Yael, I want you for my wife. Will you marry

Pulling on Rafi’s hand.
Yael: Oh, Rafi. Yes! I love you too! Let’s tell my
Father, now! Together! He will be so happy
for us.
Rafi pulls away from Yael’s
touch as if offended.
Rafi: That’s not the way it’s done among my
people.  I will tell my father that I’ve found a
wife, and if he agrees, he’ll go to your father
and ask for a marriage contract. Of course, They embrace and Rafi exits;
your father will accept.

(Yael continues dreamily and happily into her courtyard and into the home.  She helps Dinah
set out baskets of bread as her father arrives and everyone sits to eat - Iddo, Dinah,
Mattaniah, Yael, Hodaya, Zechi) 

Dinah: Yael you seem awfully happy today!

Yael: I have wonderful news...I’m in love.  Now,

Abba, when Rafi’s father asks you for my
hand, you will say yes and (everyone stops
eating, then they all speak at once, Zechi
is quiet through it all)

Mattaniah: Wait - you’re in love?....with Rafi?

Iddo: The Samaritan?


Dinah ushers Hodoya away

Dinah: What?!  No! from the room - Hodaya exits
Hodaya: Boys are icky! and then crawls back in the
room to lay and hide under
the table and listen to the
Dinah: Hodaya -it’s time for you to go to bed. conversation.

Yael: Yes, he wants to marry me.  You know his

father, Zabad. (Hodaya is seen peeking out
from under the table and
listening to this conversation)
Mattaniah: (stops eating, shocked and worried looking)  Yes, I
know him all too well.  I don’t think it’s a very
good idea for you to marry Rafi or any a

Yael: Abba! Safta Dinah please! I love him!

Dinah: No! Absolutely not! He will never do!  I

promised your mother that I would find a
suitable husband for you.

Yael: He is suitable.  He’s part-Jewish.  And he

loves me… He is very rich, and I will want for
nothing! That is a suitable Husband.

Dinah: How could you possibly live with people who

kill their own children?

Yael: (shaking her head) How many times do I have to

tell you, Rafi- is- not- like- that!

Dinah: So naive! Once you’re married to him,

he might turn out to be just like his father or
worse.  Remember your friend Leyla? That life
is all he knows, Yael.

Iddo: Rafi is the eldest son, right?  The heir? 

Someday, as village elder, he must marry other
wives for political alliances and Prestige.  Why
would you endure such humiliation?

Yael: He wouldn’t do that!  He loves me, only me.


Dinah: What if he forbids you to see your family. 

Think of Hodaya, she would be heartbroken. 
And because of who she is, she would never be
able to visit you.  Think Yael, she’s Rafi’s half-

Yael: I know Rafi!! He would let me come home and

as far as Hodya is concerned... he never
needs to know, remember what the old woman
said, “it is our secret!”

Dinah: What about your work as a midwife?  You

would need his permission to continue.

Yael: I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.  Their

women need midwives too.

Dinah: But they don’t share our values, Yael.  You

know that.  You only have to look at Hodaya
to remember what they’re like.  Can you leave a
baby to die?

Yael: I’ll figure it out. (uncertainly)

Dinah: Yael, I’m saying this because I love

you.  You’ve always been stubborn and
independent, but for once in your life, please
listen to our wisdom.  Once the rush of love
fades, you will be trapped in a place where the
people think and believe differently than we do,
and you’ll have to obey your husband for the
rest of your life.

Yael: But…

Mattaniah: Dinah is right!  Yael, I have always been

lenient with you, and in doing so you’ve always
had the privilege of going your own way, but
not this time.  I will not allow you to marry

Yael: Abba, no! (outraged) I will marry him anyway! 


Mattaniah: My mind is made up! We will discuss this no

(Lights down on the house.) 
(Lights down and then rooster crows showing next morning)

Scene 5 -
(Lights up on Iddo’s home)
Dinah and Iddo’s are talking at breakfast and Zechi walks in to
join them.

Iddo: Don’t worry, Dinah.  Mattaniah assured me

that he will refuse Zabad’s offer.

Dinah: If Yael doesn’t get what she wants she will run
away with him. Mark my words I know
her Iddo!    She’s always had too much freedom
to do whatever she wants.  She’s fearless and
high spirited that one!

Iddo: High spirited or not! Until Mattaniah can find

an honorable way to decline Zabad’s proposal,
we have to it falls to us to watch her and make
sure she stays here. He fears a flat refusal will
start another war, and I agree. We cannot risk
insulting him.

Zechi: Saba, I know an honorable way for Mattaniah

to decline Zabad’s proposal.  He can say it
came too late, that he has already chosen a
husband for Yael and has a signed marriage

Iddo: Ah, yes, I thought of that too...but finding a

willing man that quickly…and it is Yael we are
talking about...(shaking head no)

Zechi: I’ll marry Yael.

Iddo: No, Zechi!  You deserve a wife who loves you

and is devoted to the Almighty as much you

Zechi: She’s the daughter of a Levite. And she does

love God. (speaking to self) She just doesn’t
know it yet!

Iddo: But her mingling with the Samaritans… all

these years has given her a taste for this whole
sorcery nonsense!

Dinah: She confesses her love for Rafi! What kind of

a marriage do you think you will have if
she loves someone else Rafi and is forced to
marry you?

Zechi: I don’t know! All I do know is this is the best

solution.  Yael and I have been friends
since childhood. I have a love for her, and I
believe she does for me too, in some way.
We can start there!
Iddo: Slow down! Let’s not rush into this!
Zechi: You have taught me to be my own man,
Saba.  This decision, as a man before God, is
mine to make. If Yael and Rafi run off together,
there’s nothing we can do about it, but this way
at least we tried. When we were very young, I
promised her I would always protect her. THAT
is what I plan to do!
(turns to exit house)
Iddo: Zechi where are you going?
Zechi: To talk to Mattaniah.

(lights down)
(lights up on Narrator, in Mattaniah’s home)

Narrator: So how do you think this will go over with Yael?

She is not one to take “No” without a lot of drama! But
this time…terrible.

Yael: Abba, no!  Please I don’t make me want to

marry Zechi!  I don’t love him!  I love Rafi!

Mattaniah: It’s done, Yael.  I have already explained to

Zabad and he understands agrees that it is a
father’s right to decide for his daughter.

Yael: How could you do this?  You totally

do not understand me!

Mattaniah: Zechariah is a good man, and he’ll treat

you well. The Samaritans aren’t like us,
especially in the way they treat women. How
can I will not allow my daughter to marry into a
family that sees nothing wrong with having
multiple wives or that grown man can marry
a child?

Yael: But Rafi wouldn’t do that!

Mattaniah: Yes, he would eventually.  It’s a sign of

prestige in their culture to have multiple wives.
My decision is final.

(Yael cries out and runs out of the room. Lights down.)

Scene 6
Defiantly, Yael runs up to Rafi’s village out through the
audience and then back as the scene has changed. The elders of the
city are present as are the women who know Yael for her sorcery. 
She strides past the elders as they look back at her in
astonishment, shaking their heads at her impertinence.  Women
from the village begin surrounding her, asking her for help with
their fortunes, making it hard for her to move - they all have little
gifts in their hands offering them to her - a bag of grain, a bouquet
of lavender, a pomegranate, etc.

Women #1: When should I marry?  Please read my

stars, I’m begging you. 

Woman #2: We need your guidance. 

Woman #3: Why won’t my goat give milk? 

Woman #4: Will we have a son?

Yael: I-I’m sorry but I didn’t bring my charts with

me...maybe another time.

(they follow her all the way to Rafi’s house as if worshiping her. 
Rafi sees her coming and strides over to her angrily and grabs her
arm, hurting Yael)

Rafi: Leave us (to the women in the courtyard - they

scurry away)   What are you doing here, Yael? 
You shouldn’t have come! 
Change lines to below…
Yael: Rafi, I love you.  I came so we could run away
You know nothing
of our ways! (laughs
Rafi: (condescending tone) You know nothing of my like she is
ways! (laughs like she is stupid) Asking me to bring stupid) Askingme
shame on my family!  My father is a village to bring shame on
my family!  Men
leader!  Men of our standing don’t run off to be like me pay for a
married. No, we pay a dowry Men like me pay suitable bride to
give us an heir.
for a suitable bride. We certainly do not run off We certainly do
with one who already betrothed to be married. not run off with
and certainly not one who is unworthy to give one who is already
betrothed to be
us an heir! married.

Yael: My betrothal is a sham. Only to keep us


Rafi: It doesn’t matter the reason!  Yael, you are a

soiled woman (spits on the ground) unworthy of
becoming my wife.

Yael: But you love me! Look at me. LOOK At (Crying,

raising her voice that is demanding and then back to
normal at “me” crying) me and tell me you love me,

Rafi: With all that I am. But family duty is always

first. (his face turns hard he turns his back to her) Go
home, Yael.  Marry your Jewish friend.

Yael: We can defy our fathers and-

Rafi: I would never defy my father! It would cost me

my inheritance.

Yael: Not even for me?


Rafi: (hesitates for a moment) No, not even for you.  

(Yael turns and runs away. Lights up on the narrator.

Soft music in background)
Narrator: And so, a wedding is planned. A heartbroken
bride. A sacrificing groom. A situation of convenience.
This night could be a turning point for Yael, but will she
take this second chance, this new path that is being

Scene 7
Lively music is playing as people gather for Yael’s wedding to
Zechi, in Iddo’s courtyard, the mood is festive and happy for
everyone, but Yael is merely going through the motions.  Once
everyone is present and in position, the Wedding Song is sung by
the chorus girls - have flower crowns and ribbons as they sing and
circle around the couple.  Others will be bringing a new robe for
Zechi and a veil for Yael as we transition immediately into the next
scene.   Women all do choreography for The Wedding Song this

The Wedding Song

(Verse 1) It’s wedding time, it’s wedding time

It’s why we’ve gathered here.
Be fruitful and multiply
The highlight of the year.

(Bridge) A man is now a husband

A woman now a wife
The two become much stronger
Traveling through life

(Verse 2) Together they will be one

As happy as can be
And soon you’ll be a family
As one and one make three

(As soon as the song has ended, there is a joyous sound of everyone
celebrating, congratulating the couple, as ensemble exit stage.
Dinah hugs Yael, Iddo kisses her on each cheek, Mattaniah hugs
Zechi and gradually everyone disappears from the scene Zechi and
Yael are alone in the courtyard)

Zechi: I know you don’t love me,

(Standing next to Yael)
Yael, but we have been friends for a
long time. I did what I did because But I love
you! r spirit, your sense of adventure, your zeal
for life and I didn’t want the Samaritans to
destroy those things. (she shakes her head) And
they That life would have changed you know.

Yael: (looking defiant but sad at the same time)I just can’t
help it. I love Rafi so much!

Zechi: I know you do, but I’m afraid your A life with
the Samaritans would have become been a
miserable prison. You can hate me if you want,
but I would do it all again to keep if it meant
rescuing you from that a terrible, undeserving
life. But...I also love you too much to ask for
more that you can give in this marriage.make
you stay in a marriage you don’t want. If you
want to leave, I won’t stop you.

Yael: (still crying, angrily shouts as she covers her ears)

I just need time to think!

Zechi: Yes, of course. I’m sorry. Take all the time you
need. Yael, you know…we’re not married until
you decide that we are. (Yael turns to leave) Do
you want me to go with you?

Yael: No, I just need to read the stars, they will

guide me in the right direction!
(Yael looks up at the stars, and begins to hum. Zechi shaking his
head disturbed goes to lie down in the courtyard, pretends to be
sleeping. Yael hears a rustling at the gate in the darkness and
looks to see Rafi entering the courtyard, she is overwhelmed with

Yael: Rafi!  (she runs to him and throws her arms around
him - he doesn’t return her embrace)
Rafi: Where is your new husband?

Yael: Rafi, I was looking

(crying but laughing with joy)
for a sign about what to do, and then here you
are! Oh, Rafi I knew you would come back for
me! Let me get a few belongings together and
we can leave and never….

Rafi: I didn’t come here for you, Yael.  

Yael: What do you mean?

(laughing as if he is telling a joke….she finally notices that he
seemslike a stranger, angry and cold.  she steps away from him
and he grabs her arm tightly and drags her to the courtyard where
Zechi is sleeping) Rafi, you’re hurting me.  Let go!
Zechi awakens during this
Rafi: You belonged to me, Yael.  You were mine!  exchange and gets up.
I don’t like losing someone I love. 
Basam had to pay for Leyla. Rafi moves to hold Yael in
Now it’s your husband’s turn to pay. front of him with a knife to
her throat.
(Zechi walks closer, startled) 
Neither of you make a sound, or she dies now.

Zechi: Rafi, put the knife down! You Don’t want to

hurt her. (Talking slowly and calmly as he
raises his arms in a surrender gesture)

Rafi: (crying with rage)You ruined me. Not only did

you steal my property but you caused me a
lifetime of humiliation. In front of my family,
my village! I will never be able to show my face
again. I have lost everything! But you have no
Idea what that feels like, do you? To have
nothing? But you will know…I will show you!
And Tonight, you will lose the one thing you
love in this life and you can do nothing about

Zechi: Rafi, wait! Let Yael go, it’s me who you want to
hurt. (pausing) Listen to me. Yael loves you. Zechi and Rafi Sentences
are overrunning each
Think about this. You can’t kill someone who other until Rafi yells You
loves you! Me! Kill me instead. have given….

Rafi: You truly don’t get it do you?

Zechi: Rafi… Rafi come on.

Rafi: You have given me no other choice! She is

mine! You will never have her because her and
I will die be together in paradise tonight.

(Suddenly, Iddo bursts into the courtyard and breaks a heavy water
jar over Rafi’s head.  He staggers.  Zechi grabs Yael away, as Rafi
turns towards Iddo, attacking him.  Zechi pushes Yael out of the
way and attacks Rafi from behind. The three men struggle with the
The lights go down and we hear shouts and a long curling scream)

Yael: No!

(Stage is Dark, Lights up on Parthia in her Lair, complete silence,

she is defeated and acts Enraged. Lights fade down on Parthia.
Spotlight on Yael who is SR.)

Song: Into the Sea(It’s going to be ok)

(Verse)My heart is breaking
In a way I never thought it could
My mind is racing
With the question, "Are you still good?"
Can you make something
From the wreckage?
Would you take this heart
And make it whole again?
(chorus)Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"
(Verse)I've blamed myself
And if I'm honest, maybe I've blamed You too
But You would not forsake me
'Cause only good things come from You
(chorus)Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"
(Bridge)From beginning to the end
You're so close
You have never let me down
And You won't
In the valleys, in the shadows, I know

You're so close
You're so close
(chorus)Though the mountains may be moved into the sea
Though the ground beneath might crumble and give way
I can hear my Father singing over me
"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"
"It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay"
I'm gonna be okay
I'm gonna be okay

(Lights down on Yael. Lights up on Iddo’s home)

Scene 8   (We see Dinah fussing

around Iddo’s bed; he is
(Spotlight up on narrator)
slightly sitting up but
Narrator: Three long days passed, three days before Iddo asleep)
was well enough to sit up a little in bed. Rafi had stabbed
him in the stomach before Iddo was able to kill him.  The
Samaritans came and took Rafi’s body back to the village
and every member of the Jewish village worried that there
might be vengeance, but none ever came.  Even Rafi’s own Zechi enters
people could see how insane it was for Rafi to attempt to
murder innocent people.

Zechi: I’ll stay with him for a while. You go do what

you need to Safta. (Dinah kisses Zechi’s head and

Iddo: (opening his eyes) Is the sacrifice finished?

Zechi: Yes.  And everyone prayed for you. All the

priests and the people...Saba, how are you Iddo winces in pain

Iddo: Like I’m still dreaming. Tell me about today’s

Torah portion.

Zechi: It’s one of your favorites.  The passage where

the Holy One says to Abraham, “Look up at
the heavens and count the stars - if indeed you
can count them.  So shall your offspring be.”

Iddo: Zechi - (begins to cough)

Zechi: Just rest, Saba.  Don’t try to talk until you’re


Iddo: From the very first moment you were placed

in my hands, God spoke of your greatness in
His kingdom to me!

Zechi: Saba, how do I find Him again?  Where do I

find Him?

Iddo: Pay attention to his voice as you read the

scriptures. And then, when he knows you are
listening, He will cause a stirring inside of you.
He will tell you to do the impossible! And when
it happens Zechariah, run! Run and do it
straight away.

(Lights down.  Lights up on the courtyard )

Yael: Zechariah. Can we talk? I’ve been wanting to

tell you, I’m sorry for everything.

Zechi: For what?  Loving the wrong person?  (shruging)

You couldn’t have known what Rafi would do.

Yael: I should have! I was so stupid! Everyone was

right about him. This is all my fault.  

Zechi: It wasn’t just you. I mean, I don’t blame you. 

I shouldn’t have interfered with your life!
Offering to marry you! I thought I was helping,
saving you from a horrible mistake!

Yael: (emotional)You did save me! How stupid I was!

Everyone was right about him. If I had only
listened.  Please, please forgive me.

Zechi: Of course, I forgive you. I already have.


Yael: I destroyed all the star charts...I threw them

all into the fire and watched them burn.  I
will never, ever look at the stars for guidance
again.  I will only worship the God you
(Yael breaks from Zechis hug and takes his hands in hers) 
Will you give me a second chance at this wife
thing Zechi? I will be only your wife?

Zechi: You don’t have to do this Yael. Change these line

Yael: Please… Listen. I have been blinded by the That night, I cried out
to God! The love and
stars when it was their creator that had the answers. forgiveness that came
His love and forgiveness are simple amazing! And it over me, I had never
was you Zechi, who always pointed me toward Him. felt. It was so clear…
all I had been
When I thought I would loose you that night, I searching for my whole
knew…all I had been searching for was right here life was here. And now
my whole life. The way you have always loved me life without Him or you
is unthinkable.
Zechi. The way I have always loved you! And it
imagine life without you. Without us! (holding back
tears until the end)

Zechi: You have no idea how happy you have made

me. I have been in continuous pray to God to
bless our union for a long time.
I love you Yael, I think I always have.
(They embrace and Zechi gives Yael a tender kiss on her forehead
before letting her go as the prayer horn sounds.)
Excuse me my dear, I must go for evening
prays, but I will be back very soon.

(Zechi walks into the night as Yael goes into the house and exits. 
He kneels, spotlights, and prays.)

Return to Us - Minor chord

Return to Us dear Lord
Guide us along your path
We need to know your ways.

(Zechi goes to say good night to Iddo on his bed)


Zechi: We need to rebuild the temple.  We need to

trust the God of the impossible. 
(Standing pacing and talking more to himself) do I get the others on board?

Iddo: You’ll have to convince them.  

Zechi: Then you, my old Saba will have to help me. 

You must fight to get well so we can do this
together. For your dream is now mine.

Iddo: I’ll do my best and I believe you

(Nods and smiles)
heard the voice of God again?

Zechi: (Smiles and nods) Yes regularly now.

Scene 9

Narrator- Fast forward, 6 years. Zechariah has become a

priest! He works alongside Iddo preparing sacrifices and
being a peacemaker for the People of Jerusalem. Yael has
turned all her feisty energy into knowing the God of her
fathers for the first time. She and Zechariah have
experienced much joy in their marriage, including two
beautiful daughters. Oh, and remember Prince
Sheshbazzar? Well, he died...and yep, you guessed... still
no temple! Because of the long, ongoing disobedience,
God allows a drought to plague the land. There are hot,
sandy, gritty desert winds that blow day and night. The
livestock and crops begin to die. It was just awful! So,
Prince Zerubbabel and High Priest Jeshua asked the
Israelite nation to pray for God’s mercy.

(The Temple: Zechi and Iddo are preparing their clothing for
working in the temple area.  They are constantly wiping sweat from
their faces, etc. -very hot. People fill the temple preparing for
worship service, the congregation performs prayers and such in
complete silence.  We see Zechi praying.  We can see how hot and
dry it is - everyone is uncomfortable, etc.)
Change lines to…
Zechi: Why can’t our leaders see that we’re I wish we could
disobeying by not completing this temple. And do something to
until we obey the Almighty One’s command to wake up our
leaders. Until we
finish the temple, this famine will continue!  I obey God’s
wish we could do something to wake everyone command to
up, but I don’t know what to do.   finish the
temple, this
famine will
Iddo: You need to pray the way you did as a boy continue!
Pray and ask God to give you the answer.

(lights down and a light blue spotlight is on Zechi. We see Zechi

praying. He is alone in a separate place from the congregation for

Song Confidence (Zechi)

I'm not a warrior, I'm too afraid to lose
I feel unqualified for what You're calling me to
But Lord with Your strength, I've got no excuse
'Cause broken people are exactly who You use

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den

Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

You took a shepherd boy and made him a King

So I'm gonna trust You and give You everything
I'll be a conqueror, 'cause You fight for me
I'll be a champion claiming Your victory

So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den

Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

I'm gonna sing and shout and shake the walls

I won't stop until I see them fall
I'm gonna stand up, step out when You call
Jesus, Jesus
I'm gonna sing and shout and shake the walls
I won't stop until I see them fall
I'm gonna stand up, step out when You call

Give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den

Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence, yeah!...

Give me faith like Daniel in the lion's den

Give me hope like Moses in the wilderness
Give me a heart like David, Lord be my defense
So I can face my giants with confidence

I'll face my giants with confidence

(only Zechi hears these words in his head, the congregation

performs prayers and such in complete silence.)

Voice of God: The seed will grow well, the vine will yield its
fruit, the ground will produce its crops, and the heavens will drop
their dew.  I will give all these things as an inheritance to the
remnant of these people.  As you have been an object of cursing
among the nations, O Judah and Israel, so will I save you, and you
will be a blessing.  Do not be afraid but let your hands be strong.
(Zechariah 8:12-13)

Zechi: Where have I heard that

(talking to himself)  Change lines to…
before?  I just can’t think of which prophet
spoke that?  (shaking his head, lights back to Let us completely
normal! We see Zechi enter the congregational setting
obey the Lord our
God as He gives us
and speaks to the congreation) confidence to
rebuild His temple!
Zechi: God, hear our cries today! Deliver us from this
Famine. I pray our hands be strong. Our ears
open to the words of your prophets you send to
guide us this day. our footsteps
along the path you have for us!
(Zechi dismisses the service.)

(Suddenly, Haggai steps forward from the crowd. He is wearing

simple robes.  Yellow spotlight on Haggai)

Haggai: Hear, my people of the Almighty One!  Listen,

Zerubbabel and Jeshua.  The Lord Almighty
has something to say.  (everyone is instantly
quiet and still) Why do you keep saying that the
time hasn’t come for the Lord’s house to be
built? Is it time for you to be living in your
paneled houses, while His house remains a
ruin? (Haggai 1:3,4)

(we see Zechi visibly react to these words - as if it’s what he is

thinking too)

Haggai: Now this is what the Lord Almighty says, 

“Go up into the mountains and bring down
timber and build my house, So that I may take
pleasure in it and be honored. My house has
remained a ruin, while each of you is busy with
his own house. Therefore, because of you the
heavens have withheld their dew and the earth
its crops.I called for drought on the fields and
the mountains. (Haggai 1:7)

(SFX thunder boom)

Haggai: “I will shake all nations. I will fill this house

with glory And in this place, I will grant peace
(Haggai 2:4-9) (Haggai turns and walks away
through the crowd - lights back to normal.
Various responses from the people ad lib’s such
as - “who was that man?”  “I’ve never seen him
before” “Sounded like a prophecy to me”, etc. 
Zechi runs after Haggai.)
Zechi: Wait, we want to hear more.  Would you
please come back and speak with us and with
our leaders.
(Haggai nods yes. And Zechi leads him to Prince Zerubbabel’s

Prince Zerubbabel: What is your name?

Haggai: Haggai

Zerubbabel: You spoke God’s word to us today, Haggai.

Haggai: Yes, my lord.  He told me to say, “I am with

you” (1:13)

Jeshua: You are a prophet.  

Zechi: (shouting - he can no longer contain himself) We need

to do what the Holy One said!  Our

fathers didn’t listen to their prophets. Will we

follow the same mistake? We must listen to
Haggai!  The Holy One has been waiting for us
to get desperate enough to seek Him - and
today in our prayers we asked for his
deliverance.  God has answered us through
Haggai, his messenger.

Zerubbabel: You say that God wants us to resume

building the temple? I haven’t received word
from Persia that the sanction has been lifted.

Haggai: You don’t need the Persian king’s sanction.

You have the Almighty One’s sanction.  “I am
with you.”  That’s what he is telling you. All
you have to do is obey!
Jakin: But what if it brings renewed attacks by our

Zechi: We can’t live in fear!

(everyone begins arguing at once - Zerubbabel holds up his
hand in silence)

Zerubbabel: Listen, I’m allowed to govern Judah and

Jerusalem, but I am still under Persian
authority.  All building projects require their
approval.  If we resume building without it,
they could interpret our actions as a rebellion. 
I don’t want to risk another invasion and exile.

Haggai: And if we don’t obey, the drought will

continue.  We’ll slowly starve to death.  Shall
we submit to Persian authority and die or to
God’s authority and live?

Zechi: All of the

(talking to the people in the crowd)
leaders who made us stop construction are
dead now.  God is telling us to rebuild and He’s
promising to be with us.  (lifting his voice to

rally them) What more do we need? Let our


enemies try to stop us!  “It’s not by might nor

by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord
Almighty (Zechi 4:6). (cries of agreeance are
heard throughout the crowd!)

Zerubbabel: I need some time to think about this.

(becoming overwhelmed)

Zechi: Do you believe the Holy One has spoken

through Haggai today, my Lord?  We came
together here to pray about the drought -was
that not your request? Do you believe this was
God’s answer to us or not, my Lord?

(crowd becomes high spirited, and questions Zerubbabel's faith)

Zerubbabel: Yes.  The Holy One spoke through Haggai

today...And I admit that I’m afraid to disobey
Him - but I’m also afraid of the consequences if
we do obey Him. 

Haggai: Why not trust God, my Lord- who brought us

out of captivity in Babylon by His mighty hand
and gave the order to resume building?  Our
enemies will send a report to the emperor
telling him what we’re doing...but we all know
the slow movements of justice, let them be the
ones to wait.  Meanwhile, we’ll keep building -
and we will be smarter than our enemies this

Iddo: Put me in charge of it.  I’ve been waiting for

this day for nearly twenty years.

(several priests start arguing against the idea, but most of the
people are siding with Haggai - arguments grow louder and louder)

Zerubbabel: Enough!  The decision is mine alone to

make, for it is I who will bear the responsibility
for it.  Your arguments for and against won’t
sway me.  I need to discern the word of the

Lord for myself.  And today I believe that I have

heard from Him...It IS time to rebuild the
(a great cheer from the people goes up)

Zechi: (following Haggai)  Wait, may I speak with you?  

(Haggai indicates assent and they step to the side -
CS) I have some questions that only a prophet of
the Almighty can answer.
(Haggai nods his head yes to suggest Zechi continue) 
When I was a boy in Babylon, I felt the Holy
One’s presence in a powerful way.  That is why
I chose to leave my abba and mama and come
here to help rebuild the temple. I have this
unfulfilled desire to be able to worship in his
presence again and again.  I know that
whenever I open the pages of scripture, He is
there. But….(stops to think)

Haggai: My son, what is it you want to know?

Zechi: When I’m ministering as a priest, especially

then, I hear his voice, clearly and forcefully.
”Thus saith the Lord” (saying in a deep tone)
It’s like I’m hearing scripture verses that I’ve
memorized... but...the words I hear aren’t
found anywhere!  I’ve searched all the prophets
and writings to no avail.  I’m beginning to think
I am losing my mind.  And this overwhelming
feeling of urgency to rebuild the temple! To tell
others we need to return to God by obeying him
and seeking him with all our heart and soul
and mind. It’s crazy…..

Haggai: My Son, God is calling you to be his prophet.

Do you not see that our messages have a
connection. You are hearing the same
message from God that I am.  The Holy One
wants to speak through you too! Now allow his
words to flow through you.

Zechi: Me?  Am I old enough? 

Haggai: Do not be afraid! Be faithful to His message

If the Almighty wants to speak through you
How can you keep silent?

Zechi: I think God is saying...Return to Me

(There is a long introduction to this song. Time it so this song starts

as Zechi and Haggai are talking and then go straight into singing.)

Song -Return to Me
When the world is too hard to please
When contentment is too hard to find
When the narrow way is an uphill climb
It’s time to return to me.  

When your heart is breaking inside

When strength is too hard to find
When the world you know fills you with lies
It’s time to return to me.

Return to me
And I’ll never leave you
Return to me
A best friend I’ll be
In joy or in pain
In loss or in gain
In whatever this life puts you through
Return to me
And I’ll return to you

Any road that you choose to travel 
I’ll be there each step that you take 
I will give you hope for tomorrow
I will give you strength for the day

Chorus (Modulate Key)

 Return to me 3x at the end of the chorus

(Men head to temple mount)

(Pause - everyone looks around and listens - here sound will be
ready to replay the music a second time as crowd ad libs)

Crowd #1: “Do you hear it?” 

Crowd #2: “It’s gone!” 
Crowd #3: “The desert winds!” 
Crowd #4 “Hallelujah!”
Crowd #5 “Praise the Almighty One!”
Crowd #6 “The drought is over!”
(resume music, ensemble cheer and keep working as we hear the
rain get louder and louder.  Lights down with spotlight on Zechi)

Zechi: All these years I wondered why you have been

silent...why you stopped speaking to me. haven’t been silent; you simply have
not changed your mind.  You told me to leave
Babylon and to rebuild your temple...those
instructions never changed. You are the God of
the impossible!  

All: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.  His

love endures forever.

Scene 10
(we see lots of activity at the temple site - young boys are pulling
weeds, cleaning up the area, Iddo is directing everyone, carts of
rocks and timbers are being brought in.)

Song: Building the Temple

(chorus) And we’re building the temple
Building the temple
Building the temple for our God.
We work hard every day
Except for Saturday!

(Verse) First we need some wood

building stones are good
We must repair the crane
Clearing weeds is a pain
Come back our Holy One
Return to us

Scene 11
The courtyard of the temple.  The priests including Zechi, Iddo, and
the prophet Haggai are standing together.  

Zerubbabel: We’ve heard the word of the Lord through

two of His prophets.  I believe that God’s
word is to be exalted above all men. The
decision has been made; it will not change. For,
I will not be swayed!

Haggai: This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Now give

careful thought to this and consider
how things were before you began rebuilding
the Lord’s temple...I struck all the work of your
hands with blight, mildew, and hail yet you did
not turn to me.  But, from this day
on give careful thought to the day when the
foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid. From
this day on I will bless you.”

Iddo: (quietly to Zechi) This must be a warning to us to

not quit again.

Zechi: He must have heard about our meeting with

the village leaders, who are still fearful to obey
God. Saba! I fear we unwanted company!
(Pointing to the arriving caravan)

(Entering the area is a delegation from the Trans-Euphrates

Province with standards from Persia - along with some Persian
soldiers. Trumpets are sounded, drum roll as the soldier announces
the presences of Tattenai.)

Soldier: Trans-Euphrates Province, Tattenai, a delegate

of the Emperor Darius!

Iddo: Well, they didn’t wait very long to show up.

Tattenai: (stepping forward to address Zerubbabel)  Are you

the official in charge?

Zerubbabel: Yes, I’m Zerubbabel, Governor of Judea and


Tattenai: I have recently learned of a large-scale

construction project taking place here.  Since I
was not informed of any building permits being
issued, I decided to come and see for
myself.  This is definitely no ordinary structure.
(looking up and around in surprise)

Zerubbabel: That’s right.  We are rebuilding the temple

that King Solomon built here many years ago.  A temple
to the one God whom we serve.

Tattenai: I see.  Well, on behalf of Emperor Darius, I

demand to know who authorized you to rebuild
this temple and restore this structure?

Zerubbabel: The God of heaven and earth did.  We are

His servants.

Tattenai: God did?!

(scornful tone, laughing, looking at his entourage, and they start
laughing too)

Zerubbabel: Yes.  King Cyrus issued a decree in the first

year of his reign permitting us to rebuild this
house of God.  

Tattenai: King Cyrus is dead.  Darius is king now.

he turns to walk away,
Zerubbabel: So, we have heard. slyly

Tattenai: You need authorization from King Darius. And

I’ll need the names of all the men who are
constructing this building.

Zerubbabel: My name is Zerubbabel.  Should I spell it

out for you?

Iddo: And my name is Iddo

Jeshua: I’m Jeshua, high priest of the Almighty One.


(One by one, all of the men begin telling the secretary their names
with many shouting their names - the secretary is flustered and
frustrated and starts nervously dropping his parchments and quills
- the soldiers all go to help him - it is a comical scene)
Tattenai frustrated holds
up his hands
Tattenai: Wait.  Don’t talk all at once!  My secretary can’t
record all these names!

Zerubbabel: He’s going to need many hours and dozens

of scrolls to record all of our names.  More
than 42,000 of us returned to our land from
Babylon, and our population has grown even
larger over the last 16 years. We the people of
the Almighty One, are building this temple
together, as one man!
(Tattenai indicates with his hand for his secretary to stop.)  

Tattenai: Well, then...(trying to walk through the group of

people but unable to) let my men through they
will need to inspect the project as part of my

Jeshua: They will have to do it from a

(stepping forward) 
distance...this is a holy site.

Tattenai: (angered) I’ll
have you know I am the great
Tattenai, Governor of…
pauses talking, moving in different directions but seeing that he is
surrounded by all directions,
(states shakily)
I’ll be sending a report to King Darius
immediately.  handng a declaration to
(recomposing some bravery sticks out chest and lifts nose towards halt construction
the sky, trying not to look like he is accepting defeat )
In the meantime, all construction must halt
until you receive official authorization.

Zerubbabel: (shaking his head)  With all due respect,

Governor Tattenai, we intend to continue
working. (Handing the declaration back) We already
have authorization from King Cyrus and more
importantly, from God.  We will obey Him.

(the crowd of Jewish men and women nearby cheer and hold up
their fists.  The governor and his entourage practically trip over
themselves trying to get away.  Lights down)

Scene 12

  (Lights up Inside Yael and Zechi’s home - Yael is picking up the

main room when Hodaya peeks in)

Yael: Hodaya. Please come in! We haven’t had time

to talk with all that has been going on at the

Hodaya: Can I ask you something, Yael?

Yael: Sure. Hodaya, what’s wrong?

Hodaya: I want to know the truth about who I am...

who my parents are and how I came to be here?

Yael: Hodaya, (closing her eyes for a moment and rubbing

her neck after a tiring day)   haven’t we told you
countless times how much we love you?  That
you belong with us?

Hodaya: Yes, but this time I need to know the

truth.  It’s important. (she pauses, then looks
overjoyed saying the next line with shyness and yet
Because I’m in love with Aaron, son of Besai. 
And he loves me.

Yael: (obviously surprised) But you’re only sixteen, and

Aaron, he’s…?

Hodaya: Eighteen.  He thinks I’m pretty, and he

doesn’t even crooked

Yael: Hodaya, you are beautiful and none of us

care about your foot.  Besides, we all have
things about us that aren’t perfect.

Hodaya: I know but, .I don’t look like any of you.

Yael: My daughters don’t look like me either, and –

Hodaya: That’s not what I mean! (raising her voice and
then lowering it with the following line) I know who I
DO look like, and I want to know the truth.

Yael: Will Hodaya. Who do you think you look like?

Hodaya: Remember that night when Iddo was

stabbed? The man who did it..I saw his face
and I looked just like him! We have the same
hair, eyes, so many similarities, (Yael is at a loss
for words)  Yael, am I a Samaritan?

Yael: None of
(getting a little upset over the questions)
this matter. Besides, why are you so
concerned about who you look like all of a

Hodaya: Because the man who died that night was

Rafi, the man you wanted to marry before
Zechi! And He was a Samaritan! Wasn’t
he? (Yael nods head slowly) If I’m related to him,
that means I am a Samaritan too! Right? Oh,
don’t you see, if you couldn’t marry Rafi
because he wasn’t Jewish, then Aaron would
not be allowed to marry me because I too am
not Jewish! Oh, this cannot be!

Yael: Hodaya, you were adopted because God made

it so. Iddo and Dinah love you so much.

Hodaya: I know they love me; I’m not questioning that.

I’m asking to know the truth about my birth
parents, and why I was adopted. My future
depends on the truth.

Yael: Oh Hodaya! The truth is dangerous, and we

have spent our lives protecting you from things
you can’t understand!

Hodaya: (struggling to her feet)  I

don’t want your Hodaya goes to put on her
protection! And if you are too afraid to tell me cloak to leave.
then I will find another way. I will walk down to
that Samaritan village and ask them why I look
like Rafi! I will ask questions until I find out
who I am!
Yael cry “No” stops her.
Yael: No!  Hodaya!  You can never ever do that!  You
don’t understand the danger you would put yourself in.
The danger we all would be in. You can never go to that
village or tell anyone about your theories of Rafi, or….
what I am about to tell you,... Promise and I’ll tell you the
truth. (Hodaya nods yes with tears in her eyes) Come. Sit. You
are right! It is time you know how you came to be Jewish!
(Hodaya sits next to Yael - lights fade to a soft spotlight as Yael

Song -Always Be A Child

I was there, when you drew the breath of life

And I could hear your voice
The first time that you cried
And though you couldn't see Me

I was very near

And there's something now
That I want you to hear

You will always be a child in My eyes

And when you need some love
My arms are open wide
And even when you're growing old

I hope you realize

You will always be a child
In My eyes

Hodaya: My people refused me! All because they didn’t

want a baby with a crooked foot? And, They let
my mother think I died! How cruel. She must
have been so sad!

Yael: Everyone thought you would die that night!

Not, Safta Dinah. She said she would

make sure you lived if it was the last thing she

ever did.  And so...we brought you home!
Immediately we all fell in love with you (small
chuckle) and that is how you came to be Jewish!
And we have never regretted bringing you home.

Hodaya: So, I am Samaritan. That means I’m not worthy

to marry Aaron!

Yael: What? Why would you think that? Of course,

you can marry...

(Dinah, Iddo and Zechi enter the room, hearing the last part of the

Iddo: What’s this?  Who’s getting married?

Dinah: Iddo, my love sometimes you are like a camel

with his head stuck in the sand, … she’s
talking about Aaron dear. 

Yael: You knew?

Dinah: I may be old, but I know when love is in the air.

(she smiles at her jokes again)

Hodaya: But is it allowed Safta?  I

(she asks miserably)
know I’m a Samaritan, which means I’m
one of your enemies.  

Yael: Hodaya you aren’t our enemy!  You’re one of

us!  Tell her, Zechi!

Hodaya: (speaking to Zechi)

I too know stories from the
Torah!  When Israel came into this
land, the Holy One told them to kill every man,
woman, and child.  He said not to marry
anyone who wasn’t Jewish.

Iddo: Hodaya, look at me.  The Holy One told us to

totally destroy those nations for the same
reason He allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed
and the same reason why the Jewish people

were taken into exile. We had all become

corrupt, worshiping false gods and doing
immoral things. has ALWAYS been
God’s plan to bless all the people on earth
through our nation, the Israelite nation!  

Zechi: He made that promise to Abraham and

repeated it to Isaac and Jacob.  

Iddo: The Holy One loves all people, not just the sons
of Abraham.   

Zechi: And as far as now... the reason we cannot let

the Samaritans help with the building of the
temple is because they still practice a mixture
of religions.  But anyone, and everyone
who turns wholeheartedly to God is always
welcome to worship with us.  

Hodaya: So, does that’ll let me marry Aaron?

Iddo: Yes, my dear girl!

Dinah: But not for another year or two.  You’re still

much too young.
(Everyone laughed and hugs Hodaya.)

Scene 13
(the following scene will use projector and hear the voice of God)

(Night in Zechi’s home.  He wakes up and puts on his outer robe

and sandals, walking into the courtyard.  Here he sees a man,
dressed in white, and walks towards him.  Here we will use sound
effects of horses galloping and neighing, leaves rustling, and wind
with green or yellow lighting.  Create a projection of many still
pictures of these images from Zechi and have them flipping one
after another quickly to represent the vision.

Zechi: Oh Lord, I am restless tonight. Will we finish

the temple? I so desperately want to dwell
where you dwell. (pausing and looking up as
the screens begin to show visions) What...what

(Projected on screens-completed temple, signs of great prosperity. If

the screens are able to show different projections, we will have
scripture on one screen and “visions” on the other)

Voice of God/angel: “I will return to Jerusalem with

mercy, and there my house will be rebuilt.  My towns will
again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again
comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem.”(Zechariah 2)

(Here Zechi looks up to see people pouring back into Jerusalem)

Angel: “The scattered Judah will continue their return to


(screen shows a man measuring a foundation)

Angel/Voice of God: Once again men and women of ripe

old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem and boys and
girls will be playing there. (8:4,5) And I myself will be a
wall of fire around it,” declares the Lord, “and I will be its
glory within.”

(Zechi lifts his hands to heaven.  Sound effect, lighting shift.)

(Screen changes to several scenes of people from many lands
coming to Jerusalem)
(Sound effect, lighting shift.)

Angel: Shout and be glad, O daughter of Zion. 

For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the
Lord.  “Many nations will be joined with the Lord on that
day and will become my people.  I will live among you and
you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. 
Be still before the Lord, ALL mankind, because he has
roused himself from his holy dwelling.” (Zechariah 2:10-13)

(Zechi sinks to the ground overcome with emotion, closing his eyes. 
Lights shift again.  When he opens his eyes the screen changes to
the High Priest dressed in his robes) 

Angel:  Listen, Jeshua and you other priests - you are

symbolic of things to come:  I am going to bring my
servant, the Branch.  And I will remove the sin of this
land in a single day.” (Zechariah 3:8,9)

(Here we see an image of Christ on the screen - all lights are off
except Jesus on the screen and we hear horses and chariots and
wind fading away- then spotlight back on Zechi, lying on the
ground and everyone else is gone - regular spotlights.  Enter Iddo,
coming to shake Zechi’s shoulder, waking him up.)

Iddo: Zechariah...Zechariah...are you all right?  Why

Are you sleeping out here in the cold?

Zechi: I wanted to pray, but...Oh Saba! (excited) The

Holy One showed me things...visions...God
reassured me that we will finish building His
temple.  Zerubbabel will lay the capstone
himself.  Our enemies can’t stop us.  The Lord
Almighty said, “Not by might nor by power, but
by my Spirit.”  I need to tell Jeshua and the
others that the sins of the past are
gone - washed away! 

Iddo: Praise God. 

(The women slowly join them in the courtyard with the children. 
Zechi smiles at his family.)

Zechi: The Lord promises that many nations will be

joined with Him.  They will become His people. 
You are His, Hodaya.  You belong to Him!

Yael: Zechariah...What?...How?

Zechi: The Holy One opened eternity and showed me

visions to encourage us, Yael.  We shouldn’t be
disappointed if the work we do seems small in
our eyes.  The future will be so much more
than this temple we’re building.  The Holy One
is coming!  He is coming and will live among
us and in us!
(fade out lights)

Scene 14

At the temple site - carpenters and workers are working on the

temple.  Iddo is busy at work, and Zechi and Caleb arrive to get
him for Hodaya’s wedding.

Iddo: I know, I know.  I’m late.  And I’m in trouble,

aren’t I?

Zechi: (grinning) Don’t ask me, I’m just the

messenger.  Safta sent me to tell you that you
will still be building the temple tomorrow and
the next day, but this is the only day that
Hodaya will ever get married.  

Iddo: There’s still plenty of time. (Zechi gives him a look)

Caleb: We are under strict orders not to come home

without you.

(They walk down from the building site and see men coming toward
the city.)

Iddo: That’s not something you see every day.

Caleb: Hey, those are the banners of the Samaritan

governor.  Maybe he finally received a
response from the Persian emperor.  How do
they always know to come when we are having
a day of celebration?

Zechi: It’s been nearly eight months since Tattenai

sent his letter to Persia.

Iddo: I’ve been fearing this day.  And it’s not a good
sign that the governor himself is
bringing the news.  If the Persian king ruled
against us, Tattenai probably came in person
to gloat. Almighty One, remove my fear and
keep my knees strong. ...Ah look, Tattenai is
not with them. Lord be praised!

(Several other men and Prince Zerubbabel walk out to meet the
governor as they take center stage.  Tattenai is NOT in the group

arriving, but his secretary. Position flags/banners behind the


Secretary: In response to Governor Tattenai’s letter,

King Darius ordered that the archives
stored in the treasury in Babylon be
searched.  In them, a scroll was found
from the first year of King Cyrus
concerning the temple of God in
Jerusalem. King Cyrus’ proclamation
“Let the temple be rebuilt as a place to present sacrifices. 
It is to be ninety feet high and ninety feet wide, with three
courses of large stones and one of imbers.  The costs are
to be paid by the royal treasury.  Also, the gold and silver
articles carried to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar are to
be returned.”  After finding the original proclamation,
King Darius then took the matter under consideration
and sent this memorandum to Governor Tattenai. 
(Ezra 6:3-12) (put these words up on the screen in archaic looking
script on a scroll type document)“
Now then, Tattenai, governor of Trans-
Euphrates, you and your fellow provincial
officers stay away from there.  Do not interfere
with the work on God’s temple.”
(A great shout begins among all the Israelites, along with cheering
and hugging one another.)  

Secretary: Moreover, the expenses of these men are

to be paid out of the royal treasury.
(big cheer)
Whatever is needed for their offerings to
the God of heaven must be given to them
daily, without fail, so they may offer
sacrifices and pray for the well-being of
the king and his sons.
(big cheer)
Moreover, if anyone changes this edict, a
beam is to be pulled from his house and

he is to be impaled on it, and his house is

to be made a pile of rubble.
(big cheer)

May God overthrow any king or people

who lifts a hand to change this decree or
to destroy this temple in Jerusalem.
(big cheer, the delegation from Samaria departs.)

Zerubbabel: Spread the news!  Tell everyone in the city

and in all the villages and towns!
(walking to the front of the group and speaking with authority) 
Zechi: This is what the Lord
Almighty says, “I am burning with jealousy for
Jerusalem!  I will return to her and dwell
in Jerusalem, and the mountain of the Lord will
be called the Holy Mountain.  The city
streets will be filled with children playing and I
will save my people and bring them back
here from exile.  They will be my people and I
will be faithful and righteous to them as their
God.” (Zechi 8:2,3)

(Iddo grabs Zechi’s arm, so proud of him.  Another great cheer goes
up among the men, and they all exit the scene as Iddo, and Zechi
walk to their home. Wedding song plays as Hodaya marries. Little
girls run through with ribbons. Veils are placed around Hodaya.
Narrator does epilogue during the Wedding song).

(Three years have passed, and the temple is finished)
Narrator: The temple was finished! Can you believe it?
19 long years of waiting, but once they decided, it only
took them 3 years to build it! This story was such a long
time ago, now! Tell me, do you see that you also have
been rescued by the Almighty One? That daily He molds
and shapes your life. And more importantly, He
desperately seeks to dwell among His people. No matter
who you are, where you have come from, or what you
have done, He is your God if you accept Him! I certainly
did! I might be a Samaritan and have a limp, but this is
my family. I’m so glad you could stay and hear my
story...your story...our story, because this is who God i.s.
(Older Hodaya pulls out her cane and limps over to her family as
everyone takes his place)

(Shofar blows) 

(We see the Levite priests take their places along with the High
Priest resplendent in his ephod, breastplate, and robe.  Prince
Zerubbabel arrives with a procession, banners, and announced by a
fanfare of shofars.)

High Priest: Give thanks to the Lord for He is

good.  His love endures forever!

All Cast Repeats Give thanks to the Lord for He is

good.  His love endures forever!

Zechi: “Shout and be glad, O Daughter

(steps forward) 
of Zion.  For I am coming, and I will live among
you,” declares the Lord.  “Many nations will be
joined with the Lord in that day and will
become my people.  I will live among you and in
you, and you will know that the Lord Almighty
has sent me to you…”

(to the audience - begins - and after first line, the entire cast speaks
the blessing to the audience) 

High Priest: The Lord bless you and keep you

Everyone: The Lord make His face shine upon you

and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His
face toward you and give you peace.

Song: Return to Me - reprise

(bridge and chorus - with key change) - All cast on stage for song. 
Song will serve as curtain call - principals will step forward during
the bridge and bow.  Show will end with the song.)

Curtain call

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