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\ethods Involved in measuring Universiti Sains Malaysia PUSAT PENGAJIAN SAINS FIZIK voltage, current and resistance. To be acquainted with the use of ‘To become famillar with the basic m ee 3 (te ae po: boat tit i | lly : fun ary {HE fl fie iii al I Hil Pall ae Sh Hs HO “O je iia alll | The name ‘Apparatus : Theory Example: yellow violet orange-gold 4,7 and 3 zeros, or 47k, 5% Fig.3 oan \ \e ell 25 38 H ie soreen is itt no Hut 1 In this part of the experiment you will use three different methods to obtain the | resistance, (a) Using voltmeter and ammeter reading, (b) Graphical method by varying resistance and noting current, (c) Multimeter. ® 41.4 Ammeter/Voltmeter Mthod oO Using a DMM obtain the value of resistance after subtracting the lead resistance. Take this as your true value of resistance. @ Get the Of the resistor from the color code and write down the colors you observe resistor. ‘and the value of, (Setup the clrcutt shown In Fig.5 . and obtain the resistance from the Ohms law. 1.2 Grephical Method, {n this part of the experiment you will obtain the unknown resistance Ry using a piot of known against the measured current. First setup the circult as shown in fig.8 except that you do not insert the unknown reeistance Fy. Adjust the maximum ammeter reading to 10 mA. Adjust the varlable resistance to obtain a current of 10mA in the circuit. Seal ore oe), Mt 22"0 variable resctance}. You may have to adhust resistance as small one ohm. (Place @ second variable resistor in series which the first one in which you can vary (ji) Finally remove the second variable resistor you had put and replace it with the current. (wv) Make a plot of the resistance as the abscissa and current as the ordinate. From the graph and the current obtain the value of the unknown resistance. Rx 13. Mulilmeter Method (Set the muttimeter to record resistance with the muttiplier X100. (i) Connect the two leads of the multimeter and by tuming the knob adjust the value of the resistance to null. (i) Finally connect the unknown resistance to the multimeter and obtain the unknown resistance. Experiment 2: Measurements using dual trace Diaital Storage Oscilloscope In this part you will use the DSO to measure (a) DC voltage (b) Frequency of AC signal (c) The peak and IMS voltage of a sine wave. Dual Trace Oscilloscope | Fig,7 The cathode ray oscilioscope. The DSO functions the same way except for the deflection lates which are not there, however it has software to perform various functions. ‘Setting the DSO Remember oscilloscopes measure voltages not currents. Currents can be caloulated after voltage measurements, Hence scopes have a high input resistance typically 1 Ma. Before you start make sure that you use the probe that does not attenuets the signal from ‘the source to the DSO. Tum the scope on. Then go through the sequence: Default setup — CH 1 — Probe + Attenuation, set It to 1X. Again press CH1. Set the amplification to 1.00V which ‘means 1 volts per division, by tuming the lowest knob. Set the coupling to ground and move the ‘Ground as shown by left arrow on the screen to the second but last horizontal line by turing the ‘small knob. This Is your zero. Do the same for CH2 (start by pressing CH2). Prese Trig menu and ‘set the source to CH2 this will help In making your trace stationary when using CH2, However. ‘since you are not using CH1 you press CH1 switch twice and the CH1 display goes away. Turn ‘otf the scope. Tur it on again and try to repeat the steps from the beginning. This will give you ‘some practice to set the DSO. ‘2.1 Measurement of DC voltage Pros CH2 so that CH2 Ie on the soreen set the coupling to DC. Set up the circuit as shown In dlagram 1. Take out the votmater from the olrcult. (I) Find the voltage across the resietor by Connecting the inputs of CH2 across the resistor. (ll) Record the current (i) Obtain the value of resistance, Press coupling switch and set ito AC coupling. Repeat the voltage measurement. 2. Explain the difference when the coupling is changed. 2.2 Frequency Megsurement, ‘Tum the seaidlv switch until you set it to 1.00 ms which means 1 milisecond per division in the horizontal direction. This wil allow you to see many peaks of 1 kHz on the scope. Next put your ‘Ground position to the centerline after setting coupling to ground. Set the coupling to AX. Get a signal of 1 kHz sine wave from the signal generator and put it on the Input of the scope in CH2. Obtain the frequency in three ways and Ist the result. These are (I) from the signal generator dial () counting the number of peaks (ii) fom the measurement taken by the DSO software. For the last one press measure then press source to get CH2. Next rotata the big knob in top left position to get the freq on the screen. Note the frequency value on the screen. List results from the three measurements. ‘Coupling: Press CH2 and change coupling from AC to DC and explain your observation. ‘Triggering: Press trig menu. Note the source setting Is at CH2. Now slowly tun the knob on the top of trig menu switch. This wi move an arrow up and down. (7) Move the arrow above the peak (of the signal and explain whet you obaerve, Move the arrow back so that it Nes under the peak as before. (ll) Next press source to change the triggering source It to CH1 again explain what ‘happens to the trace. (ii) Finally set the source to ext and again explain your observation, 2.3 Measurement of AC Voltages {In this part you will make a plot between the peak voltage and the RMS voltage of the eine wave. To start make sure your tig source is set to GH2. Also set the Volts/dv to fine. Connect the ‘multimeter to the output of the signal generator to record the RMS Voltage as in Fig. 8. Press ‘measure and then press to get max. Set the max value to 10 by Inoreaiing signal strength from the signal generator. This means that the peak voltage Is now 40 V. Before making the ‘measurements from the trace set the DSO such that @ sine wave appears as a vertical line on the scope. This Is possible if the two horizontal plates are connected together as in figure 8. To do this press display switch and then press format switch to get XY on the screen. Now your scope will display the signal such that the component of dlsplayed signal Is on CH1 Input and the ‘component of the displayed signal is the signal on CH2, Make sure the signal on CHt is ground by setting the coupling to ground for CH1. Input the sine wave from the signal generator to CH2 ‘and obsarve the sine wave on the scope. This should look lke a line as in figure 8. Signal generator Figure 8 "Next from the oscilloscope trace obtain the peak voltage. This will be half the line length. Note the value. Finally record the multimeter reading. The multimeter reading is the value of the RMS ‘Voltage of the sine wave, Repeat this for the following voltages; 2, 9, 4, 6 8, 7, 8 and 9 volts, Make a three column table with the first column giving max valuee, the second column displaying the observation from line length and the third the RMS. value, Plot the psek voltage from DSO ‘software on the x axis and corresponding RMS value from the multimeter on the y axis. Get the Slope of the straight line and compare this value with the theoretical value to obtalrt the Percentage error. Are values in column one more accurate than those in column two? What Is MS for a square wave?

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