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Return to Me Act 1 (Stage is dark, Spotlight up on Narrator as she enters SL between Matteniah’s and Iddo’s home, following her as she walks picking flowers, stops picking flowers at CS when she notices audience) Welcome all to this time together. I am so pleased you have come. I am going to tell you a story. A story very personal to me. This story is of an epic journey. It is of a people who witnessed God’s miraculous power and of course there is a love story...or two. But most important, it is a story of faith. You know we all come to faith differently. Faith in God is not found in a bubble. Faith is found as we navigate this messy world with its many cultures, trials, and forces that work against faith. Sometimes by sheer stubbornness we stay on the faith journey, but for others faith is a gift. The people in this story are my people...your question is are they your people too? What part of this story is your story? Sit back and enjoy the adventure. The adventure of a lifetime...a lifetime with the Almighty One. (Lights Down, Narrator; Lights up SR top of school balcony. Iddo starts singing, setting the stage for what is about to happen). Introduction - song -Iddo It’s 536 B.C. Belshazzar the king is in great need Daniel is who he will call For the handwriting’s on the wall The news isn’t good, the Persians are coming And Babylon’s kingdom will fall. (chorus-Jewish sing chorus with Iddo) God always keeps his promises ‘The prophecy can’t be denied After seventy years things are changing ‘The temple’s rebuilding is nigh (Verse- Iddo only) God’s people have lived in exile Far, far away from their home Judah was conquered, the people enslaved Jerusalem’s temple is gone. It’s finally time to go back to Judah God would be leading them home. (chorus-Jewish sing chorus with Iddo) God always keeps his promises The prophecy can’t be denied After seventy years things are changing The temple’s rebuilding is nigh (Lights fade- All ensemble exit and head to back of house for parade scene) (Lights up SL as Yael comes running over to Zechi’s house yelling excitedly Zechi is up on rooftop) Yael: Zechariah! Where are you? (looking up at Zechi on rooftop) Can you believe what has happened? Zechi: (He looks down at her from his rooftop) What has happened? Yael: The Babylonians have been defeated by the Persians! King Cyrus is throwing a celebration! Zechi: —_ looking down at Yael) YES! See I told you God does keep his promises! (Zechi begins down the stairs) I just didn’t think it would be in my lifetime! Yael: The procession is coming down main street now!! Zechi: Wanna go see it? (they take off running together through the crowd of parading people, Lights up as the parade enters with lots of pomp and circumstance. Z&Y sneaks to the top of the assembly house Ensemble freeze during verses. 7 Diana and Berkiah are in their home from back of house. 1 Parade begins to enter Making way to CS. Ma sew overlooking the canal SR. As the parade passes by the assembly house, music becomes muffled and the crowd becomes quiet but still pretending to be celebrating.) Zechi: Oh, look Yael! There he is!!! Yael: Who? . Oh, Zechariah, I don’t get it. What is so exciting about a change of kings. One king or the next, we are still slaves. But...Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Wow!!! Look at all the colors, all the sparkle, and... those must be all his magiciansll!... There must be 100s of { them! Magnificent!!!!! Zechi: Really? That is what you see? All the colors and Magicians? (Laughing) are such a girl! Yael: Well ...duh! Zechi, I am a girl!... and if you can’t see that... No wonder you can’t see the true beauty of a parade. Aw, come on... Tell me Zechi: fin a trance, talking but not to Yael) I see the hand of God! Prophesying that a King Cyrus would let all the exiles from Jerusalem return to their land. (realizing Yael is standing quietly and looking at him weirdly) Wow! We are going home! Yael: But this is our home! Zechi, I don’t want to leave Babylon! Zechi: Our people have waited for this time! As God’s chosen people we have to rebuild God’s temple. (Pausing, Zehi Looks back down at the parade) You are right! The vibrant colors and clothes are stunning: (Yael pushes Z and they start giggling and head down from the roof top? While Babyton people are enticing others at the market Place. As Zechi and Yael head back home. They encounter a gambler who begins to entice Zechi, handing him dice and encouraging him to roll them.) Zechi: (Takes the dice and looks at them) I don’t understand what he wants? Yael: Oh Zechi! (Yael takes the dice and gives them back to the gambler and pulls Zeki in a different direction) You are so naive. You better stick close to me, I will protect you. (Other enticements along the way as they come up the aisles in the nce. Parthia is among them; Yael runs to see what Parthia has and Zeki pulls her back and shakes his head no. This is a back and forth of Yael and Zechi pulling each other out of the harm’s way. ‘Having fun along the way. They finally end up at home and they stand in respective doorways.) Zechi: It is nearly time for Sabbath we had better get ready. Are you joining us tonight? Yael: No, my mother is still very sick. See you later? (Goes to enter house, step back hurriedly) Zechi? (a tone of anticipation and fondness)! love our walks to the canal! If we move to Jerusalem will there still be a canal? Zechi: (shrugging and grinning) don’t know, but I promise we will always go on walks! (Yael turns to go in and Zechi calls her) Yael! I know going home is scary but you know I will always keep you safe, right? Yael: Yeah, I do! Zechi: Yael! You will always be my best friend! Yael: And you mine! (smiling and they both enter their own homes). (In Iddo’s & Dinah’s courtyard. Lights up on Dinah preparing to take the Sabbath meal to Mattaniah’s family. Dinah carries a pot over to Mattantah’s home. Lights down CS, Lights up on SL. Dinah calls to Yael and Yael opens the door - farther inside are Miriam lying down and Parthia is next to her conducting a ritual) Parade ensemble exits the house through the audience. .-Miriam, I brought Dinah: something for your Sabbath meal. (—_i/7 Yoel: aT Dinah: (Placing food on the table as she asks Yael) Who ig that with ygur mother? t Yael: Parthia - she is here to read Mami oe ‘ read yours? She is always right! Dinah: I’m not sure that is such a good idea. LL (Dinah Nods hello towards Parthia, otherwise ignores her presence. Speaks to Mirtam) ——SE—— Miriam: Dear Dinah, you're always so good to us. But # Where Ls gad MENS, (Awkward silence from Dinah - Yael enters with cups of water and passes them around.) Woura ike TO SSK Somehrircy of Mirie ie seer? Dinah: Thank you...But no - my husband, Iddo, became angry when I asked your last astrologer for signs ..he is forbidden and (hushed secret whisper) pagan. (clears throat. Smiles and nods at Parthia giving her a false nod of acknowledgment) Miriam: Well, he doesn’t have to know. Give Parthia your cup. . (inah gives her the cup, not realizing what she is going ta do* Parthia drops a pinch of herbs in, stirs it around, and looks intently into the cup) ” Parthia: I see a great tearing in your life, something very precious to you will be ripped away and... Dinah: Stop!" I don’t want to hear , Miriam have a blessed in on you tomorrow, (Dinah exits house abruptly. Goes directly to her home through front door. Parthia watches Dinah leave with contempt and turns to speak to Yael) Parthia: Come with me, little one. I brought the charts as I have promised! Let’s begin your studies so you can learn to read tite stars. (Yael walks over to Parthia as the lights go down on the scene.) (Lights up CS on Iddo’s house. Family puts food and candles on the table and then gathers around the table talking excitedly. Dinah Enters home at the front door and takes her place. Iddo enters. AU chatter ceases. * (Queengqanseene Dinah rises and begins the Sabbath meal with the prayer of shema.) Dinah: Hear Oh Israel... (waving her hands over the lit candles us is tradition and then begins to serve her family) Iddo: fy sons, Berekiah and Hoshea, we must start planning for our journey back to Jerusalem! (reaching for Zechi to sit on his knee) You will be 12 soon, ‘wiksionsdsimim take on a man’s role same. We have so much to do! (sends Zechi back to his seat) This is a glorious time to be alive. (Others are looking doubtful and shaking their heads, mumbling quietly, Hoshea elbows Berekiah to speak on their behalf) Berekiah: Abbal?! Wecheverrreverrtreardt-iing-Coice Iddo: Zechi: Hoshea: we-casmedeort=Don't you think all this “returning to Jerusalem” doqpeensetere crazy talk! He promised that we would be as suumskews as the stars in the heavens... (muttering with a joking smile on his face) It must be a pretty dark sky if we're the only stars that are left. (Hoshea and Berekiah laugh. A harsh look and loud clearing the throat from Iddo quteten them. Iddo smiles and nods to Zecht to continue. Zechi points another finger to note the third promise) Zechi: Hoshea: He promised that through us all the nations of the earth would be blessed... flouder) That's funny, as I recall...All nations hate us. We sure are blessing a lot of people. (everyone is nodding in agreeance) Zechi Stands up at table, holding up a Pointer finger and ticks off each points as he says them. Iddo is getting irritated at the disrespect of his sons and this starting to show in his actions. Zechi: a - : Iddo: Hoshea: Iddo: (the brothers look at each other, not understanding the anger Iddo is *fes! We were created to live with God, in His dwelling place on earth. (the next line is directed to Iddo’s sons) Which is His temple in Jerusalem! ‘That is why it is so important for us to return and to rebuild it. Without it, our sins will continue to separate us from Him. But does it have to be in Jerusalem? What did Ijust say? Of course, it does! Do you think He would dwell among us here, alongside these pagan idols and pagan temples? exhibiting. Hoshea elbows Berekiah and nods toward Iddo) Berekiah: Iddo: Berekiah: Iddo: Abba you know Hoshea and I, started this business of transporting... for the family. We are doing very well these days and well... and it's just not a good time to move to Jerusalem. Bah! You won't need to run a business when we return to Jerusalem! YOU were born to be priests, We were born to be priests and priests we will be! Just like all our fathers before us! Oh Abba. You are faithful to these old tales. But | I fear, as all the times before, this too is just a rumor and once again you will be disappointed. Why, (Pause) not..just wait and see what the new King Cyrus declares and then our future will be clear! (raising his cup) You will see...very soon. God will return His people to Jerusalem! (All raise their cups and drink, Visitor comes to door in need for a wife) Sea ae EEC Dinah slaps Hoshea’s upside the head...Then returns to the loving disposition and with a smile she speaks Iddo stands with hands 0 table speaking load and pronunciating underlined words to his son's. ‘Almost yelling with controlled rage at the attitude of his sons. Iddo brings anger back into check and grows excited trying to ignite excitement in Berekiah. Dinah: (Dinah puts on a cloak, head covering and gathers her things as she ts talking) don’t wait for the end of Sabbath! (chuckting at her humor) foal o: Souepeney-Prechouls TMNT Er tytotna- te pom One es Setrses-eeredbonopccleing- tor Hoste Beene). BOYS, CONT Biye your IAUTeT TOO Tare Ot er tines Bet do keep hie in'the land of reality while I am gone, (all Laugh at Dinah’s last sentence as she heads out.) (‘Lights are lowered to change to night and Iddo steps outside the house - watching and waiting for Dinah to return whistling the chorus to family business and randomly talking to God as the rest of the men leave through USC. Women clean off table and exits USC with all dishes. Iddo goes inside home. Dinah enters SL, enters home taking off her headscarf. She is excited but tired. Iddo greets her with a hug.) Iddo: Dinah: Iddo: Dinah: Any problems? Thankfully all was good...mother and child. I love being a midwife! There is nothing more miraculous than the birth of another one of God’s children! Whew! It is work for the mother and me ~ (Pausing and chuckling) I guess that’s why it’s called labor! (she continues laughing at her own joke) Dinah, I am sorry about earlier! Forgive me for upsetting dinner. Do you agree with our sons? Shewkdwe-kemestheissequest torstey here orto tena tey-reternswith Ts? ; : Iddo.. acco dexusalem; this is the only home we've ever known. : Childeon-Ounfemiszmemazias aseheve! And as much as what you love Jerusalem, we love Babylon. Our sons were only asking you to see 10 Anis what yeu have now, in this place. Whretthey hevel—kdde-thie-hesrahraye-beeryourdrensty amddemanding.them to follauyoumdroenrem ae mnaidioretionr for thelr Teeny TINS Iddo: - Butthisisrtsomcone’s-werldiz-deeamst This is about God’s promise and our obedience. He said as long as the sun and moon remain, Israel will remain. We must put our trust in that promise! Dinah: Maybe so but, last I looked the sun rises above Babylon too! Be-yorrrrorseethmrGod has shown-fever-er-ustreres-tnrtappy here witir— hoes Jade: see : i . vttowing His oe ant — ane rd thenrourofconvenience, self gain orfear——— (Dinah walks away from Iddo and stands hugging herself) Jddo:_——What?-whet do you think? (Lights down on Iddo & Dinah. Lights up on Parthia SL. Mysticat sounding music is playing as she speaks) "1 Parthia: I see a great tearing in your life... (lights down on Parthia) (Lights up CS on Iddo, Dinah, And Zechi) Narrator:[JNow you have met the four main people of our story. Four people I love dearly! You can’t help but enjoy Yael, she is so full of life and energy. She has practically raised herself since her mother has been ill her whole life. And then there is Zechariah, who even at this young age, is deeply aware of God’s workings in the world. Iddo, whose life as he knew it was destroyed at a very young age. He lived through the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and made the grueling journey on foot as a child to the pagan city of Babylon. But now you hear him embracing the journey home. And then we have our precious Dinah. She marries Iddo because of his great faith. Her life is full. Two sons and daughters-in-law and many grandchildren already. She thrives in this little Jewish community as a midwife and is somewhat unaware of the Babylonian influences all around her. Why would she want to go to Jerusalem? Babylon is predictable and safe! But, soon all of their lives will be turned upside down. I often wonder, would I have left the “comforts” of Babylon and gone on this epic journey? (Lights up CS-Dinah in home tidying upjas Iddo and Zechi hurriedly passing through home, leaving for morning prayers) Iddo: Come Zechariah we don't want to be late. Dinah: Heading off for morning prayers as usual? Iddo: Yes and it will be an exciting discussion today with all the changes herer (lddo joins with other priests coming from many directions, Iddo starts the prayer and then fades to no sound, only movement of him and other priest) Iddo: “O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love..... 12 (Kids are playing CS. Zechi sneaks away from the prayers and goes to play with the children in the street. Berekiah comes in SR passing in front of the assembly hall looking for Zechariah. Friendly | nodding at the men who are scattering after their prayers, heading off stage at different exits. Berekiah finds Zechi among the children playing and goes to him. Meanwhile iddo is putting things up after | Prayers and getting ready to leave, he begins to search for Zechi around the middle of Berekiah’s first verse.) Berekiah: Oh, there you are Zechariah, I want you to come with me to work today. @fusic begins and the market place comes alive. Berekiah shows Zechi merchandise and the procession of wealthy goods is all satsea eM Berekiah Zechi, it is time to learn the business (proudly) Ge atowa You're twelve years old and almost likeaman =| h-: . to Peore ‘The days are getting longer 5 Rep opin 's And I'm not getting younger ite ‘There'll be a good living, living in Babylon In spite of all the ups and downs I know our profits will abound These Persian women sure know how to shop. I need you here with me ‘There’s much to learn you see This business will be rising to the top. Iddo: Zechi, it is time to learn the business (matter- of-factly) Not trade or money, but the business of God ‘The scriptures we must read And prayers are all we need God’s business is what we need in Babylon With all of life’s ups and downs God will never let us down ‘The Torah’s words are calling you today Ineed you here with me There’s much to learn you see Berekiah distracted by merchants, allows Iddo to motion for Zechi, Ido begins to share his vision of the family Business) > hos bovi God will be beside us all the way 13 (Berekiah realizing that Zechi is gone, finds him with Iddo takes his hand to walk away back towards the marketplace carts) (Bridge) ( Switch keys - to A flat) Berekiah: Zechariah, he is my son and I will take him with me... Those prophets were just dreamers don’t you see? No matter what Saba thinks You and I will never be priests So put your faith in Babylon, that’s the key (to @7) Ensemble:Zechi has a choice to make He’s got to get it right He’s pulled in two directions so it seems Even though we know the answer Because we've read the book His future is just waiting in the wings (repeat line) (Lights fade on Berekiah and Zechi as they exit up the aisle-BSC. Iddo heads home. Up to his rooftop. Where he watches Yael in her courtyard. Lights up Parthia enters Yael’s courtyard and begins looking over the star charts with Yae.) Parthia: These months that you have been learning from me has shown me that you have a great gift to see the future. s eiely. I want you to be my apprentice. I will teach you everything I know about potions and spells. Dathonwitl-be-ve-proudefpon. : oe Yael: Really? Will you teach me everything? Will-ebe able to heal my Mother®6tre grows” eokerevery-caye we Parthia: I am doing everything I can fonder. But the spirit of unbelief is strong here (she points to Iddo’s house.) Bretwe will Lifeemdemake sacrifices amdmeinenstibhe {9 ~ Berekiah takes Zechi by hand and kneels down in front of him Berekiah stands and looks towards the merchant carts) » aoddas- piho hear our request (Parthia begins in a ritual as Yael mimics Parthias movements. Iddo begins to pray) (Lights up SR as Shoshanna and Dinah, and a group of ladies enter returning from the market carrying baskets of food) Shoshanna: So, I haven’t heard your plans for returning to Jerusalem. Aren't you excited? Dinah: (more subdued) Oh Shoshanna, dear cousin...We don’t even know if we are going... There has not been anything official from King Cyrus yet. Shoshanna: (Scolding disbelief tone) Dinah!?!_ The scriptures tell us we are going! Dinah: (changing the subject) Did you know the journey will take over three months? I can’t begin to imagine such a long trip, can you? Seems...impossible. Shoshanna: (Jolly attitude again) Well, I think it is exciting. My Joel was not sure he wanted to go at first, but, you know me, I convinced him! Dinah: Shoshanna, why? Shoshana: Becaiuse, this is the most important thing we could ever do. If we don't obey the Almighty One and rebuild our temple, we'll be separated from Him forever. You'll see Dina:. The announcement will come any day. (All the ladies drift away, waving to Dinah, who enters her home’s courtyard. Iddo is still on the rooftop. Zechi returns home coming up the aisle from the back of the room and is full of excitement). Zechi: Saftd, I learned so much today about our 15 business. I have never seen so much money change hands. The Babylonians respect Abba too, It was a good day. Where is Saba? Dinah: Probably up on the roof. Zechi: (Zechi climbs to the roof and joins Iddo) Saba it was such an interesting day with Abba today! So much to learn. (Zechi notices Iddo’s disappointment) But I missed my Torah studies too. Iddo: We can study Torah in the evenings so you can keep up. (iddo turns toward Yael’s house and points. Says angrily...) Tell me Zechi, who is that woman. with Yael? Zechi: That is Parthia, she is the fortune teller for Yael’s mother. i “Satz; I have been having strange dreams lately... about Yael hiding in a big basket. Aur (Zechi goes to look at what Iddo ts staring at intently. Parthia and Yael are digging a hole and burying something) What are they doing? Iddo: Burying an idol at the door of the house. This is very bad, Zechariah. After dinner I must talk with Mattaniah and warn him about what his daughter is getting involved in. (lights fade on rooftop, Parthia and Enter home. Matteniah enters his home USR through back door as Dinah enters from houses front door. Parthia is standing over Miriam oddly and steps over to a table to mix potions when others enter) Dinah Misiers-Lhere-broughtyorrsome-freshinait, Miriam: very sick and weak) Mattaniah, are you here? (Miriam grabs matteniah’s hand and looking at him, then around at the others) Piette fessmryteve-Herkere: Miriam: (Miriam reaches for Dinah, and Dinah's Takes Miriam’s hand) Dinah, you're here. I have...something to ask you. Dinah: Miriam, yes my dear friend, anything! Miriam: Dinah, promise me you'll take care of my Yael. ) aS your very own daughter... Yael: Mama, Stop! Don’t talk that way! (frightened and angry) Miriam: (looks at Mattaniah, then back to Dinabj-ehewd-be— Promise me you'll teach herbimektAnd find a worthy husband...Promise mel! Dinah: Of course,-Misiom=hiiwier== ‘Mx 7 Stories youwould tell us gboubthe standing —, ctoncol_Mecee-ene-dookun®—Shre-necdts HITT eve. (looks at Yael and smiles) Yael: | Mama, no! You won't die! I have prayed to my stars aschthayallsay you will be healed! (Bveryone is crying, understanding that Miriam is dying) Miriam: ‘Phey-ere-nrong- my sweet Vael-buttockry ‘ 7 eek 2 : (looks at Mattaniah) My-asbarnt... I'm so tired... ... ’'m not afraid... (Miriam smites weakly and breathes her last) Yael: (screaming) Mama! No, please don’t leave me! 7 (Fael ts crying, laying on her mother Pathia pulls her up and guides her out to the courtyard. There is a moment of silence on stage as Dinah covers Miriam with a sheet, reaches to comforts Matteniah, then steps to the window it is at this time we see the exchange of Yael and Parthia) Yael: (to Parthia in a confused state) You said she wouldn't die! Parthia: (Parthia holds Yael and comforts her) “Belicuemelitileone, I did everything I could, butthe-spirit Uf Uinbeliel Was JUST too strony. — (Parthia holds Yael by the shoulders in order to see her eye to eyqlue-bessiuaiting to talk to yourfather, thetime tras tome. Twi Mot walt arty fOrpere Yael, you have the gift efdeep-spiritrratinstgnt - - I will arrange for you come and live with ine, Yorrwithbemy-deughteremntMiteaciryor everything Hernow-fogettrer we wilt Diner 2 Me, A DEMET Tore tira yor cont ever Mra! Dinah: (Dinah speaks through the courtyard window) You need to leave here right now! You have no business making promises you can’t keep! (Dinah Exits house through USL back door) Parthia: Quick, I have something for you. (Yael kneels beside Parthia as she slips a necklace around Yaer’s head). It’s the moonstone amulet I promised you, Wearitatalltimes. It will protect you. (Dinah enters courtyard and Parthia address Dinah) ; i F é : aith-me-jpiscee-hen-hand-on-Heets hem Dinah: She isn’t yours. (Dinah pushes Parthia’s hand away and help Yael stand up as she is talking) Yael is Jewish. She belongs with us. How dare you fill her head with crazy ideas when you just heard her mother last request. (looking at Yael) Pad : R i yar (Dinah takes Yael into her home and they exit USC back door of Iddo’s home. All lights fade except for spotlight on Parthial) Tmust have Yael Tl whisk her away Me and the stars Will show her the way I must have an apprentice To help me get by The stars could explain Why her mom had to die (Chorus) If she'll live with me Till give her rest Me and the stars Weill do the rest Master and apprentice Forever will be Yael just has to believe In the stars and me ‘The stars they have told me That it would be so That Yael, she would be mine And be mine alone I look to the stars And what do I see ‘The future belongs To the stars and me (Chorus - repeat last-2 lines) (lights down on Parthia, who exists SL. Lights up on assembly hall where men are having their morning prayers. Drums are heard) —Pre- set in hose (Drums sounding) Announcement read from the assembly house over the yeshiva school. Many Jewish men there too. Women and children , ; are drawn in by the sound of the drums) Persian banner bearer: order of Cyrus,/All Jews may return to their homeland in Canaan and repopulate the hills and cities including Jerusalem. You are to rebuild the temple to the God of heaven. All objects taken from that temple by King Nebuchadnezzar will be returned to you. The entire journey is to be paid for from the royal treasury. Persian guards will go with you for protections and to act as guides for your journey. (quietly be over excited excitement among ‘everyone, hugging and happy tears, very lttle sound as the song begins by the crowd but a low muffle of happiness) Iddo: (chorus) Today is a day of glorious news Ail Sagu's A proclamation from the Persian king. Rebuilding God's Temple in Jerusalem His people to Judah returning ‘The prophet Isaiah had said this would be Over one-hundred years ago Even King Cyrus was mentioned by name In scripture all scholars would know We're going home (home, home) - to Jerusalem (home, home) Our time has come (home, home) - Our new lives begun (This part needs to be 4-part harmony with lots of voices and choro) (chorus) And yet, there are some who will choose not to go For whom Babylon was their home It was a long journey over difficult land And life was too good to let go (end with second singing of “our new lives begun” to resolve melody) 20 (Great joyous celebration. Dancing and crying in the streets. Dinah overwhelmed and sits down shaking her head) (Lights up on Yael and Zechi run off to canal together to SR) Zechi: I haven’t had a chance to talk with you in so Long —long—there-bas_ been so much happening Yael: Zechi: Yael: Zechi: Yael: Zechi: —eroumttrere-—feer+-belteveseucman_has been Have come of THIS jourey-with-we- How are you? All right, I guess. Abba is not himself...he’s so quiet, and the house feels so empty. I Don’t know what I would do without Parthia. She visits me every day and we talk about stars and potions and many other things too. Yael! I wish you wouldn’t even be around her. All those things she is teaching you are not true and they are against our laws. Are you saying my mother was wrong? Because, my mother believed them, and I believe them too! Besides...YOUR GOD let her die! Look, I don’t want to argue. I just care about you. (sighs) You're right! I don’t want to argue either. So tell me, what is new with you? Saba Iddo is arranging everything for our trip to Jerusalem, Abba and Uncle Hoshea have decided to come later. Of course, Saba and Safta are heartbroken leaving some of our family behind... (Yael interrupts Zecht’s rambling) Yael: Zechi! | asked about you! Zechi: Yael: Zechi: Yael: Yael: Zechi: Yael: Zechi: Yael: Zechi: Yael: Zechi: Yael: 21 I will be 12 soon! I'l be able to read the scripture passage in the assembly hall for the first time! And I will be old enough to make my own decision about going to Jerusalem. So. What are you going to do? Haven't decided! What about your family? Can you keep a secret? Sure. Pinky promise? (Zechi nods head yes) 1 am NOT going. Yael, you have to go! No, I don’t! Parthia says that I am strong enough to make my own decisions... Your Abba will never let you! That’s the secret! I am not going to tell him! I will sneak away and hide and Abba won’t even know until he is a full day away. You will break your Father’s heart! Your mother is gone and now you want to leave him too? I don't know if I can keep this secret. You have too! You pinky promised. You can’t break your promise. I trusted you, Zechi! I can’t look out for you if you are here and I am there? (Zecht shaking his head) Sometimes you make my life so hard! (throws up hands and smiles at her) But you can count on me. Zechi you are the best! (Yael gives Zechi a hug) My best friend! Come on, we need to head home. Zechi: Wait! This may be our last time to be at this canal looking over Babylon. I will miss you, Yael. Yael: Yep (punching Zechi in the arm and running off) So you'd better stay here too! (Lights down) Lights up on Narrator Narrator: So, what do you think about Yael now? She has experienced such tragedy. Her grief is quite powerful and has led her on a path, which will lead to certain destruction. And what about Zechariah? What a decision for a twelve-year-old to make. When God speaks to him, will he be able to hear God’s voice? He is listening. Even Iddo and Dinah are not sharing the same journey now. Yes, there is a great tearing coming in Dinah’s life. But trust me...God is not done with any of these people yet. Zechariah has spent much time in prayer over his decision to stay or leave. As we return to our story Zechariah is sharing the reading from the holy scrolls with the whole assembly for the first time. A true coming of age moment in this young man’s life... (Zechi climbs the steps with his prayer shawl on at the assembly hall and looks out over the people. Spotlight on Zechi) Zechi: The reading today is from the Genesis scroll. The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household, and... (God’s voice is heard speaking directly to Zechi at this timej” and go to the land I will show you.” (All freeze - lights change to blue?) Lights up on the narrator who is now beside the assembly hail. 23 NAEFAEGE: And just like that, Zechariah knew what God was calling him to do. To leave his family and go to Jerusalem, to the land promised to Abraham’s offspring. But God isn’t just talking to Zechariah...others have decisions to make also. Preparations for departure are complete. The journey is imminent. Today Dinah is leaving her home of many years, where she has raised her children and is now full of grandchildren. Has her full life gotten in the way of her faith journey? (Lights down on Narrator SR and pink lights up on Iddo’s home signifying morning CS with Iddo and Dinah. Rooster crows. Dinah combing out her hair. Iddo pulled on his wrap talking with Dinah.) Iddo: What are you thinking about, Dinah? ie toe Redan Ob 20 . Dinah: _ I feel like I'm in the middle of Noah’s ark with 9 (© °° all these animals around ~theremstbe Blomt ot ce for whee ~ 20 Iddo: _It will get easier. Iavish you_could have-been with me yesterdeptosee al Mat gold and trensurercounted outevenc single itenrto Price" Sheekbeascer-morethan-5000-utictes-fortis-te- take-hemetoJeusalem. Can you believe that Prince Sheshbazar, King David’s descendant will be leading us home! 24 athaks Not Nog heme Dinah: Home2_to.lemisalem? todaten? Iddo: —_I was very disappointed there will be only 42,000 of us returning. Dinratr———42;,0007 That seems like too May te-trevel ldde-——Fhrevaraverr has peer civicett ite strraticr apart, Dinah: (stares despondently) Oh... (Wagons gathering Far SR-all lights up. Everyone is running around to make sure that everything is in place for the journey home.) Iddo: The caravan is assembling over on the main street. Phravetoartertel-efousthinge-but look mrournbamdbmake surewe-eehrt forget —amathing— fin the street, donkey carts going all different directions, children running around with moms chasing them. Different people can say things like.) wharttr “It is time to get in line”. Ghild-#i: I have never been outside the city gates! What will we see Abba?” —FatherefGhild4H+ I do not really know...maybe nothing but sand.” Bomele#1: Have you seen my goat? ———Wrate #27 Are we there yet? (General chaos. This will all be arranged with the ensemble that will {fill in several gaps throughout the play. The “elders and families” will already be lined up behind curtain stage right with their wagons and donkeys...etc.) 25 Shoshanna: (with great excitement) Dinah, today is the day! We are really going! Can you believe it? I didn't think I would see this day. I am so ready! Come Joel, let us take our place in the caravan! Zechi: Abba, you will come later, right? Berekiah: Yes, Son. (TearfutlyJAs soon as we can. (@veryone begins to load up by picking up bundles. Matteniah running in from the side yelling) Mattaniah: Has anyone seen Yael? She helped me load up this morning and said she was going to go sleep in the wagon. But she isn’t there, (Zechi goes to sneak away, until Matteniah calls him) Zechariah, Do you know where she is? Zechi: (looking very guilty and backing away) I promised not to tell. I cannot break a promise. Iddo: _If it is a matter of life and death, it is all right to tell. Dinah: (stepping forward) Matteniah, What about that seer, Parthia? She wanted Yael to live with her. Have you gone there? (@fattaniah turns to go to leave when Zechi runs up to give him information). Zechi: Thad a dream, ... a dream...that Yael was hidden in a big basket! Look for her in a basket. (Chaos takes over again: Extras chatter) Femeie#t: How long will this journey take? “Matesttr Will we sleep in Jerusalem tonight? (Lights pan down, spotlight on Zechi who is standing alone amongst the chaos.) 26 Zechi: Oh, Almighty One, look at our ease? Canewe Wer AS AAV MM TNT PAMMICS torn-epest. anythin And Yael, she is going to hate me is miserable. I'm scared! |- i Iwenttotoist you. Thetyeuuil dkeep-your-premises. Please show me how to do this! (lddo makes his way to Zechi and begins clapping leading by example into the Hava Nagila. Prince Sheshbazaar and others head to places.) SRM tikes thir dayee Gres mp oot (Mattaniah is seen dragging Yael to his wagon. She is glaring at oleyer Son9 So Zechi. As Hava Nagila winds down the wagons start moving around 4oP of Pottor the room. Babylon set changes to desert as the journey begins. ne ‘ As the wagons trevel around the room on the overhead pictures and rat och, Babylon, Euphrates, deserts are being shown to symbolize the passing of time. Tent camping scenes to show passing of time. While this is happening, the stage is continued to be emptied. We will need .30€} Light, €2it music to play as the slides are changing and the wagons are rolling. to \acr of st49C As the music stops the main characters are setting up camp in the sand CS. Stage becomes emptied or covered with black fabric. Anything left to be taken off can be finished during scene 8) [ses 3 (Lights up on CS the rest of the characters and the sun is starting to set, and mains are gathered around a campfire.) (Yael laying on ground, arms folded behind her head looking up at the stars, Zecht comes and sits by her) Yael: Okay, don’t say “I told you so” but I'm actually kind of liking this journey. I can see so many more stars. Zechi: I knew you would! And you will get use to our new life in Jerusalem too. Yael: Just to let you know, I will never get used to all this grit in my clothes from the sandstorms and camels spitting on me every chance they get! Dinah: Iddo: Dinah: Iddo: a Iddo, is this the way it will be in Jerusalem? I haven't seen anything green in weeks. The wind blows, the sun scorches, 4##hwe-heve-e—= sviewroraniver, or atleast compte of pam ress our courtyard? So many questions? My love, there will be sights you have never seen before! —feereictr’t You have become more and more long winded ” as we've traveled. Buipoweetokineso sevchyoungerthesedays and you've lost that stoop. r what is happening to you? (Smiles and winks)1 am nearly home! Shoshanna: Tell us sese about the story of Abraham and Iddo: his wife Sarah, who went everywhere with him. (She reaches for Joel’s hand, and looks lovingly into Joel’s eyes, and then leans over to Dinah) YOU know, the man may be the head of the household, but us women are the neck, and the neck turns the head! (she laughs merrily) Zechariah, de-youtmewwhythe Almighty One-thooserte také us through the desert® nS to learn to trust and depend on Him for Zechi: Iddo: Yael: 28 awhetsve-need-endrrotrety-orronrewnscit ssuilicionay. This desert will definitely do that! aWe-cseia-Betiretron-erd just over that hill is Jerusalem. Tomorrow we see the temple mount! (Yael speaks to Zechi) This is exactly what I meant by you are not fun anymore. Talking, talking, talking! Boring, boring, boring! (Yael gets up to run away from the storytelling. Her Abba stops her.) Mattaniah: You can’t go running off by yourself anymore. Yael: Zechi: There are many men who would steal a beautiful young girl like you and sell you into a rich man’s harem. But Abbal I won't go far, just over there. (grabbing his bow and arrows) | will go with her. (Spotlight follows them.) Yael: Zechi: Yael: Zechi: How did you know I would be hiding in that big basket at Parthia’s? [had a dream. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. I dreamt I saw Parthia hiding you in a storage basket... You have dreams that foretell the future? Why didn't you tell me!?! I knew you were different from all the other boys. You know the gods speak to people in dreams! Don‘ say gods, Yael. There’s only one God. You need to forget all that pagan stuff from Babylon. Anyway, why do you want to know the future so badly? Yael: Zechi: Yael: 23 Because everything in my life keeps changing- first my mother died, now my father is taking me hundreds of miles away from my home. The future is like a huge, deep hole in the road up ahead, but the stars! The stars can tell me how to get around it. We're supposed to trust the Almighty One, Yael. Abraham didn’t know what was ahead of Him either, but he had faith--- ‘That's the God of your family. My mother believed in the moon goddess. I wear the moon goddess’ image all the time (shows Zechi her necklace). You follow your family’s beliefs, and I will follow mine. Now...(smiting and teasing) tell me more about these dreams and visions! 30 tr el Dinah: Well tomorrow .... We see Jerusalem. (Lights down. Everything ts barren on stage.) [Soci A ei Narrator: After months of traveling through the seemingly endless wilderness, Zechariah and the first group of the 42,000 reached the snow-capped peaks of the Mount Herman range and the countryside had turned greener. They are finally about to catch their first glimpse of Jerusalem. Can you imagine the anticipation? The yearning in their hearts, their souls, and probably even in their feet! (show the travelers looking up -use the projector to show what Jerusalem looked like - a wasteland. What they saw were piles of rocks and rubble, overgrown with weeds, no signs of life) Zechi: Are you sure this is the right place? Maybe Jerusalem is on the other side of that hill? Iddo: No, son, that’s it...that’s Jerusalem...well, what's left of it. But, that’s why we are here! Yael: It doesn’t even look like'a city! No temples, no buildings, no color, and no shopping! Zechi: Where was the temple? Iddo: (pointing toward the mount) Up there...on Mount Moriah. And that is where we will rebuild it. Dinah: —(despondentiy) It will take a lifetime to rebuild! Where will we live? Iddo: We will camp! 31 Dinah: Camp? What have we been doing for the last 3 months? Really appealing! I need a bath and a real bed! (saying exasperatingly, almost whining) Mattaniah: Our families are vulnerable living in tents here. We should start building homes higher up on the ridge right away. Iddo: No, the temple must come first! We will have people working on the temple primarily, others working on our houses and getting water to our homes, and others...may have to be on guard duty. And Zechariah, you have the most important job of all...studying the Torah! Zechi: Ah Man! (kicking the dirt) more studying? The Torah? I could have done that in Babylon. (mumbling and gesturing around him) And there's so much fun work to do....! (stomps the ground in unfairness) (Looking SR Iddo announces visitors) Iddo: Joel! Mattaniah! Look! We have company! There is a group of men coming from the East....Hmm. a really Big group (concerned tone) ... maybe they are coming to greet us? (more confident tone trying to ease peoples worries) (everyone joins Joel and Mattaniah who are putting on their cloaks and several men from the camp, including Prince Sheshbazzar and Prince Zerubbabel move SR to meet the large group of Samaritans.) Zechi: What could they want, Saba? Iddo: l imagine they’ve come to see what the new caravan of foreign people, who just invaded their hills are doing here. Zechi: Are they Jews like us? 32 Iddo: Some of them might be. The Babylonians left the very poorest of our people behind and carried away all our leaders, craftsmen, scholars and priests. Sheshbazzar: We've come in peace (holding up his hands) I’m Sheshbazzar (speaking) Ensemble: We're sons of Abraham and we've come from afar We're here to stay Take back our land The city here, Jerusalem, ours to command Samaritan leader: You have no right! Sam #1 This is our land! Sam #2 We've been here for generations and we stand! Sam #1 You'd best go home Sam #2 We'll help you pack All Samaritans: ‘Take your caravans and leave and don’t come back! Sheshbazzar: We can’t do that (speaking) Jew #1: We've come all this way Jew #2: We have permission from the king not to delay Jew Ensemble: You check it out What we say is true Samaritan leader: We will fight to make our land empty of Jews (Spoken) Samaritans Ensemble: (Chanting above line as they exit SR) 33 (Women adjusting to Jerusalem-unpacking) Narrator: Have you ever had life change in a way that you knew the world would never be the same? Oh I have been there and done that. Remember how these people looked with longing and anticipation toward Jerusalem? From the highest high to the lowest low..the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual journey of your world gone awry is shattering. I am quite confident that every one of the 42,000 asked the question, “What have I done?” as they gazed over the ruins and desolation of Jerusalem. Over the next six months they will struggle to establish a new normal. Some will become bitter and resentful, others will be so stubborn that they will damage all their relationships, and a few will assimilate into the culture of the Samaritans. How will anyone find joy in this difficult journey? (Dinah, Shoshanna and other women are at the spring) Dinah: (without enthusiasm) Iddo says, this is where we will build our houses. I asked him, Here?! You must be joking! (she chokes this out - depressed but laughing) Shoshanna: Once we clear away these stones and repair the won’t be so bad...why, it will be just like back home in Babylon. (more convincing herself than Dinah) Woman #1: Eventually, we can build a wooden roof over the rooms and channel water into the cistern when it rains. Then it will be just like our house in Babylon. Shoshanna: Isn’t the view beautiful? Think what it will look like in the Spring. It will be just like Babylon. Dinah: 34 Oh, my friends! This place will never be like Babylon! (Looks up and smiles to her friends and chuckles as she thinks of their despair) Forgive me....1 alternate between sitting in a puddle of tears to hysterical laughter at the condition of our lives now! (more serious and directed to Shoshanna) Don't you ever get discouraged? Don’t you ever want to go back? Shoshanna: Across that desert of sand?! Nope!!! But I would like to at least have a cow. (grins) Woman #2: Or a well! Maybe one that did not require armed guards on the walk to protect us from the Samaritans. Shoshanna: Things will get better, Dinah! Just have a Dinah: little faith. I just...I don’t know if I will be able to live here! I miss everything about Babylon, especially my family. I miss delivering babies... Shoshanna: The babies will come, you'll see! And so will our families. Let’s just be happy because (Dinah cuts her off) Dinah: I know...we’re in Jerusalem now. (lead-in - 4 chord progressions) You're in Jerusalem now And we don’t even have a cow The neighbors are snootie They think we have cooties! Yep, you're in Jerusalem now. (2 chord progressions) In Babylon, we had four walls With Hanging Gardens and waterfalls There’s dust everywhere And lice in my hair, Yep, you're in Jerusalem now. (2 chord progressions) (begin walking toward the spring and Samaritan women block them) (chorus) It’s a really long walk to the spring ‘The Samaritans, they bring rocks to fling They always block our way Tell us to stay away Yep, you're in Jerusalem now. Jewish woman Ad libs: Canaan, The Promised Land (Lights down on CS and up on narrator) (Jewish men frozen building the temple) Narratér: While the women are figuring out life without ...much of anything...what will they eat, where to get water, where to sleep, how to get a roof over their heads...the men are ...what are the men doing? (Lights up on assembly hall-temple mount) (Scene opens with the Jewish men singing “Building the Temple” - ‘The men are stthouetted building the temple, women are bringing water to the men. Jugs are being passed from working man to man, each stopping to drink from the jug before passing in on. Woman are coming and sing the chorus) (chorus) Ensemble: And we're building the temple Building the temple Building the temple for our God. We work hard every day Bass Man: Except for Saturday! 36 The altar must be first The storehouses are next We need to build new pens For lambs, and rams, and hens Ensemble Men: Come back our Holy One Return to us (chorus) Ensemble: And we're building the temple Building the temple Building the temple for our God. We work hard every day Bass Man: Except for Saturday! (Lights up on a tent with table and storage boxes, and all men are gathered around) (iddo looking towards the mount rubbing his beard in deep thought) Iddo: This can't be right. How could the temple mount have trees growing on it? I don’t remember any trees. Joel: {Opening the maps and rolling them out on the table) Nearly fifty years have passed since the temple was destroyed. That’s plenty of time for saplings to sprout and grow into trees. Mattaniah: It’s going to take a tremendous amount of work to clear this plateau. (opening bundles =7nt from King Cyrus and unpacking them. Zechi holds up a large head covering and overlarge priest gown) Joel: There is enough gold and silver to equal hundreds of years of wages and over one hundred linen garments for the priests to wear. (@fattaniah holding up garments and putting them up against himself. Lots of gold candlesticks seen..etc) Zechi: Hey, I'm gonna look cool (Begins acting like a priest giving blessings, everyone laughs at the look of the over large gown and hat that is over his eyes) 37 Joel: You will look like a true Priest my little one! But today I believe you are in over your head! (as he takes the robe and folds it back properly. All laugh) Iddo: And finally,(he opens a box and pulls out the shofar.) Zechi: Is that the shofar? (whispers the word shofar like it is holy as he is taking off the hat) Joel: Who will play it? Iddo: ‘The high priest says because my ancestors held this honor, it will fall to me and my descendants. Zechariah, it will be yours to play someday too. Zechi: | Can you teach me? (Mattaniah leaves temple mount and heads down to main stage area) Iddo: J remember hearing the magnificent sound. tte —thketrsommbfrenrenrottrerwortt. It is like the voice of God calling (looking wistfully off in the distance-eyes tearing up)| remember my Father talking about how to hold your lips (laughing and smiling with Zech). daidbeleverpleyathniion Zechi: Can I hold it? (Iddo Hands the Shofar with great care} Iddo: Certainly! Do you remember where the tradition of the ram’s horn comes from? Zechi: —lixeminde-we-thet God is our provider. Ht ottsaac— Iddo: Very good! And do you remember what the sound of the shofar symbolizes? Zechi: God's salvation. AbretenTtott tts-sorrtimaGod= i isa The ram that took Isaac’s place z was captured by its this one, Iddo: And now it is time for a little practice...over there! (Zechi blows and blows with no sound...face turning red All laugh) 38 Iddo: _It is a good thing there is 6 months until Passover! Now let us head to morning prayers. (AIL lights up-everyone but Iddo leaves the temple mount. Mattaniah has already left the temple mount and is nearing the camp. Iddo yells this over the banister from the temple mount.) Ido: Mattaniah, we are ready for morning prayers. Mattaniah: Go on without me. I have plans. I'm heading over to the Samaritan village. Seta Darsinresete-yorrtranretere? Mattaniah: I found a piece of land there that I would like tO femmpendLve-decidedtotelktetheuillags dldess-about buyingiiicomihetie Iddo: We already have been given this land by the Holy One. Vouwoffering-to-puscheaseiiceten ektersDefore-svek-rtictisione. MectteeriedantbettenrtetetsTEJPORE Of the homes NOW WMEPE DIAN is irnbieooustyarduith Yael) Yael: Where are you going Abba? May I come with you? Dinah: Are you sure it’s safc femhemtoganaatthcs Saniasitans-Metianiah? The pagans often choose wives as young as Yaell Yael: {angrily towards Dinah) I'm not afraid! (lovingly to Mattaniah) Please, Abba. I'll stay right next to you and do everything you say! Mattaniah: Maybe having you with me will make me seem Jess threateninggfiney turn to watk away) Dinah: He doesn’t know ber very well, does he? 39 (SL has been loosely transformed into the Samaritan village, a group of Samaritan men stand a line as a barrier in front of the village. Matteniah approaches the men and pretends to talk with men) Steet Loolk- father eee —mryrage! Si i : i yo —tebed-oursillageleades— (Barricade part and allow passage and disperse. Women working, grinding grain, or weaving. Leyla, looking sickly is sitting working with a ball of yarn. Rafi sitting beside her. Mattaniah begins to exit and Yael tugs on Mattaniah’s cloak pointing at the young girl and pleads with facial expression. Mattaniah smiles and nods yes and then exits to talk with Zabad. Yael walks over to the young girl and stands next to her as Leyla is talking) Leyla: (yarn rolling out of her hands) Oh, I can’t do this! It’s too hard! (Leyla speaking to Yaey) Hey! Would you get that for me? Yael: Sure. (handing Leyla the batt of yarn) Hi! I’m Yael by the way. Rafi: Thanks! What kind of a name is that? Yael: It’s Hebrew. What’s your name? Leyla: Leyla! And this here is my brother, Rafi. Hden‘- believe Lhave-cver-seonyourbefere? Did you come with that big caravan everyone is talking about? Yael: Yes, but I used to live in Babylon (very prideful). Leyla: Babylon!?! EEK!!! Lroehwaystireamed abour ‘ell me! Are the stort PIs it paradise on earth? Yael: Rafi: Leyla: Yael: Leyla: 40 Yes, and Nothing like this placeledidn’t wantto. “cometrere= Wanna know a secret? (Leyla shakes her head yes) In Babylon I was an apprentice! Learning how to be a seer eee have the gift, you know? Il have to see that to believe it. Really? And so young! I'm 11, almost 12! Me too! Rafi is 14! (Rafi rolls his eyes, not wanting to be part of a girl's conversation, after all tt is not by choice that he has to be there) Yael: Leyla: Yael: Leyla: Yael: Do you live here with your family? Yes, that’s my Papa talking with your Papa, he has three wives with many sons, but I’m the only daughter! And where is your Mama? My Mama died when I was born. But I have my brother Rafi - who, eme-beeeseofthet just happens to be my only friend - (nudging him sideways). Stop Leyla! And I am not your friend, I'm only here because I have to be! (Leyla and Yael laugh) My mama died too, jerstbefore-we- ‘And my only best friend is a boy too! We are a lot alike! Leyla: Yael: Leyla: Yael: Leyla: Yael: Leyla: Yael: Rafi: Yael: “1 The stars must have brought us together. your-Hmewmeregoing-tcbebest-iriondel, . i i So, you believe the stars speak to us? (excited) Yes, of course. Your necklaces are special, aren’t they? Yes, they ene-emuleier<-tharenaiiirentofpeir— : - ie good luck and healing from the gods. My friend Parthia gave me this moonstonelatée— (as she pulls it from under her cloak to show Leyla) The moon goddess is very powerful. The Jewish faith dent believe in these things. That is why I have to keep it a secret that I worship her. I also have to keep my star charts a secret. I have a lot of secrets. You know how to read astrology? Who taught you? The Great Parthia, sorceress of Babylon. (As she says her Une, Yael stands straight and tall as if she is a goddess herself and then makes a bow, it is then that her attention is caught by one of the girls across the courtyard) Who is that girl? (Leyla looks in the directions but doesn’t know which woman she is talking about so Yael points her out) Leyla: That one over there! The one that is... with child? (almost as if a whispered question) Oh! That is Raisa. She is my father’s third wife. ‘They have only been married a year. 42 Yael: But she can’t be much older than us! (Mattaniah walks towards yael and motions for her time to go) Leyla: Promise to come visit again! I've never had a girl as a friend. Mattaniah: Time to go Yael. Yael: (rugs Leyia)!'ll come back when I can. We can study the stars together and I will tell you all my secrets! Mattaniah: (extends hand to hold Yael’s hand) Let’s head back to Jerusalem, my sweet one. (exit SL, Lights down) (lights up SR on Temple) (chorus) Ensemble: And we're building the temple Building the temple Building the temple for our God. We work hard every day : Except for Saturday! ‘The altar must be first The storehouses are next Stan: We need to build new pens Matteniah: For lambs, and rams, and hens Allmen: Come back our Holy One Return to us (chorus) Ensemble: And we're building the temple Building the temple Building the temple for our God. We work hard every day 43 Bass Male: Except for _ Levitet—W fe 4 seo cheerritent— Ieetor every tine WE THARE POLTESS DUM Te —tempicsemething-heppens-te-delayus, The : pa : Fa tempte- They tarass our women when they fetch What witttrepper-next2— 3 (Dinah, Yael, and a couple of other women walking with their water Jars down to the spring. Two armed guards accompany them,and seen. ‘Shoshanna is hurrying to catch up to Dinah) Shoshanna: Dinah, wait! (she catches up and they hug) I've missed you so much! Dinah: Oh, my Shoshanna, I've missed you too! I don’t know what has gotten into Iddo lately. —eey- orenbecoming.crosstomardswloclindnaie theparont-ever-sprakineteenek-sthor Shoshanna: Men! Teyeuce seem tobe doimesacciee : : o ci ir Jewish Co ~enemies, I just told Joel the other day, “We need to offer an olive branch to show them our God’s love.” iti Dinah: And what did he say? Shoshanna: (Sarcastically in a mimicking tone, with hand on hip) “Oh, Darling Shoshanna, you are so cute! But leave these matters to us men. Woman, have no idea what is needed to bring about peace and make a nation great!” Dinah: Same thing Iddo tells me! But one day they will see we too have good ideas and..... (Suddenly they hear many voices and a ruckus. Looking ahead, they see a mob of veiled Samaritan village women blocking the path to the spring.) Yael: Why don’t the guards push them out of the way? Dinah: They don’t dare. If our men even got close to those women, there would be war. (As the men got closer, the Samaritan women started pelting the + Seer Jewish woman with small rocks.) / Dinah: __Let’s go back to the city. Come on. Iddo and the other men will just have to find us another source of water. Shoshanna: No. I want these women to know that we aren’t their enemies. (shoshanna sets her water jar down and began walking forward toward the Samaritan women, hands lifted, and empty palms open) Dinah: What are you doing? Shoshanna! Wait! Shoshanna: (looking over her shoulder) Somebody has to be a peacemaker. I’m offering the olive branch. We aren't your enemies. We're wives and mothers just like you. Please, can’t we... 45 (A huge rock hits her in the side of her head and many more stones Gre thrown at her by the women, Shoshanna topples to the ground. the Samaritan women move back towards the city Dinah and the other Jewish woman rush to Shoshanna) Dinah: No! No, Shoshanna, no! (she is sobbing) Somebody help us! (lights down. Spotlight on the Narrator) hock, violence, and devastation. Our Shoshanna - cheerful, kind, and funny, was dead, There was no way to know who threw that stone, with such a crowd of women, all wearing veils. Joel, of course, blamed Iddo for his staunch decisions to avoid compromise with the Samaritans. Even Dinah’s anger over losing Shoshana grew into resentment toward her own husband Iddo. Part out of anger and part from missing her best friend, Dinah began to spend more and more time away from home. (SL, Lights with a dim spotlight on Dinah watking to Joel with a basket of food {no sound dialogue just acting} Dinah and Joel Pretending to talk and laugh) Dinah came to find herself in the company of the only one closer to Shoshanna than her... Joel. What started as quick stops to offer meals to a man in his time of grief, slowly developed into afternoon visits as the two of them shared memories of Shoshanna . Laughter during past tales recounted, gave new life to Dinah. But yet caused a great splitting in her life. (@inah exit SL and spotlight follow Joel as he walks to SR, and sits under a tree looking at the sky, thinking of the talks and smiling) Dinah looked forward to her time with Joel and after some time Joel made an acknowledgment to Dinah she couldn't have anticipated. A crossroad in the path that a young woman she was once so sure of. (Light's up on Joel SR of Iddo’s house, sitting under the tree waiting fer Dinah to arrive. Soft light up on Iddo who is on top of his home looking over the city when he sees Dinah crossing and follows her to the encounter with her and Joel. As Dinah gets closer, Joe! stands and meets her, takes the basket from her hand, sets it on the ground and hugs Dinah. Joel breaks from the hug anxious) 46 Joel: T'mleaving here, Dinah. I'm going back to Babylon. Several others have decided to return too. We're all fed up with the hardship and dan.ger of this place. (Dinah turns away from Joel) Dinah: What?! Babylon? (atmost dreamity) When are you leaving? Joel: Three days. A-easaver-is-geing-backte-the— Posci : 7 : Dinah: (Turning back towards Joel and grabbing his arm) Take me with you, Joel! Joel: You're not serious! Dinah: 1am serious! Joel: What about Iddo? Your home here? Dinah: Please! I never wanted to come tathisterrible inwith. | only came beratsetired 40, because Iddo gave me NO choice. But I don’t love him anymore. I want to go homel—Heng-+te Joel: I don’t Know Dinah... I (Dinah cutting him off) Dinah: Please Joel! Take me with you! (Dinah falls to beg as she begins to cry) Joel: (Joel pulls Dinah up and holds her in an embrace) Dinah, don’t cry. If your wish is to return to Babylon, then I will see you safely there. (Iddo Gasps loudly Joel and Dinah look up and see Iddo watching and hearing them. Iddo leaves the roof top and exits behind CS behind his house. Dinah pulls from Joels embrace) Dinah: Wait Iddo! 47 @inah leaves Joel to enter her home and search rooftop, home for Iddo. Exits back of her home CS. Lights up on Iddo at the assembly area SR. Praying and pacing) HREM cco spent the rest of the day and all night in Prayer, trying to figure out what to do next, He couldn't believe that she loved someone else. The law said that Dinah and Joel should both be stoned to death for committing adultery, but Iddo couldn’t kill Dinah...he loved her. If he forced her to stay, she would hate him even more than she already did. He would have to let her go back to Babylon, All of a sudden, Iddo begins to understand. God wanted his love, a relationship with him. Not just obedience to the law. No one could keep all 613 of the Torah’s laws perfectly. No one! Even a priest like Iddo. Iddo had tried and tried but never measured up. Ido: What do you want me to do Go? How do I make this right again? God: Forgive her! Lddo Wht : (Spotlight follows Iddo as he walks into his courtyard. Dinah is trying to start a fire. She looks frightened when she sees him) Gok: — Forgue her. Iddo: Come! (Demanding with a starch tone of voice...Dinah steps backward. Iddo changes his tone and talks soft and lovingly) Pores ao @inah sets down the kindling and goes with him. Spotlight follows them as the approach Joel) Joel: How dare you! Get out of my sight. Iddo: Joel, I beg you give me a moment, hear me out {ddo turns to speak to Dinah) Dinah, when you return to Babylon with Joel, if you're still married to me, you will be shunned, . I'm offering you a divorce. You and Joel can marry... 48 Joel: Wait! Are you mad? I never said I wanted to marry Dinah. You think that could replace my Shoshanna? You are a crazy old man! Dinah: But you said you would take me back to Babylon with you. Joel: Is that what you thought? That I was in love with you? Dinah, I will always be thankful to you. You helped me get through some pretty dark days. But my heart will always belong to Shoshanna. (pausing) If it is your wish to return to Babylon, I will keep my promise and take you safely back as your friend! But never as my wife! Forgive me, if! have given you the wrong idea! (Dinah turns and flees back to her home) (Joel turns his direction to Iddo) You are to blame for all this tragedy. Yousteele “own household! leswhathee-etewed-artnns TS someupermytomekel-andyours! I will never forgive you! (Lights down on Joe! as he turns his back on Iddo, spotlight follows Iddo as he watks solemnly back to his home and finds Dinah weeping. Joel exits. Iddo comes to her and gently places a hand on her shoulder) Iddo: I know you don't love me anymore, Dinah, but I've never stopped loving you. If you want to go back to Babylon, I'll take you there myself. (Dinah looks at Iddo for a long moment} Dinah: | Why would you do that for me? Iddo; Beeeweel've made tagsany mistakes. “for anek-terrtremd-on-cursons. | want to make things right withstlem, with you. wes the Almighty Onéauhase love is deep and wide. Everlasting; 4 doesn’t force His love on us, and I won't force mine on you. If it is your wish, I'll take you back to Babylon. Dinah: You would do that, even after I turned away from you? Iddo: Yes. Tl find out when the next caravan is leaving. (Turns to leave, stops when Dinah speaks) Dinah: What about Zechi? (through muffled crying) (lddo with back to Dinah, standing in the opposite direction with head down) Iddo: He will have to make his own decision whether or not to return. (4s taking a few steps looking back} (Iddo exits CSB) (Stage is dimmed with a soft spotlight on Dinah. Dinah is alone, slight pacing and looking to the heavens pondering whether to reach out to God) Dinah: (shaking her fist to the heavens) I have never needed you before, why should I listen now? (pause) What have I been thinking! (emotional, sobbing) Oh, | did need you! (“Sing” Oh, I need you) What have I done? (She steps forward and begins to talk with God, a light shines directly on her as the stage goes dark). Almighty One, (Sings, “Almighty one”) I don’t know how to talk with you or even where to begin. Where is this joy you have promised your people? I have searched for true joy endlessly in this life. It’s not there! I waited as I worked hard to achieve joy by my works but, it never came. And then tonight I heard you! Through your faithful servant Iddo, He showed me what you had been trying to tell me all along, I was foolish thinking that filling my days with things of this world could help me find joy. The distraction of this busy-ness almost cost me everything. Iddo is right, joy comes from you and you will provide! (Lights down) (Yael comes running through the back of the audience house, out of breath, stopping in front of the audience to take a breath. Walking out of breath she enters Iddo’s house, Dinah is inside preparing food) Yael: (talking out of breath but hurriedly) Safta Dinah! You must come quickly. To the Samaritan village. Dinah: Yael Slow down! Firstpwhatereyeudeins-ie- Safe! Yael: My friend Leyla needs you. Her father's wife, Raisa, is having‘a baby and the baby won't come. They will both die if you don’t help them. Dinah: You know nothing about birthing babies! (giggling at Yael) Who told you they will die? Yael: The stars..,.I have been with them reading the star charts. Dinah: -¥eunaxe still reading the star chaste? Oh Yael! Yael: _Notnow Safte-Dinabwe-needyorFhe-oter charts say thee ttre monramtbay—witree! Youmust sousthem. Come quickly, please! Dinah: Yael, the Samaritans are our enemies. They hate us. If 1 go and something bad happens, they will blame us. Yael: Dinah: Oh please! ddertimat. They are my friends! ie . — Thi aoe -ts-bigger-tharme and you and not ours t0—— ~arakt [Dinah looks up to the ceiling) Almighty One, is this what you desire? (tilts head and smiles as she listens for God’s voice.) Well ok then, (nods head yes and then looks at Yael with a cheerful smile) : t. Yael, you may come if you like. esides, it's time you learn to birth a baby. (Dinah and Yael leave the house. Lights down on Dinah’s house. Lights up in the village where Dinah and Yael enter the room with Raisa and her grandmother Nurnari) Dinah-—pehtspering}is- Raisa Leyla’s sister? Dineie—Her-stepmother...? Yaer——“zatbat Nas Three WIVES. Te marriec-Raisa a year Dinah: Numari: Dinah: Numari: a0 (to Numari) How long has she been in labor? Sinceehmextimr yesterday. (carries a cup of liquid for Raisa to drink) ¥eoterdayl Voushowid-hevecalledcconex—Yoy Probably knew-butitis-very-bertfor-thebrbyes Ican’t promise anything, but I'l do everything 1 can. seerrovone-tereto-biamreyou?Peryerrenrt— change-whatisusitten inthe-stars. The stars proclaim death for both mother and child. Yee of life? That you can overturn the stars my dear? (laughs) Dinah: The stars! Well, the stars certainly, didn’t come when you called for help, did they?thde- know-orre-tiatinmerespowertal..Let’s see what the Almighty One has to say about this! Raisa: Am I going to die? (moaning, ering)! don’t want to die... Numari: (Speaking sternty) Raise your head and drink. {as the cup passes in front of Dinah, she smells something awful) Dinah: What is that? (taking the drink from Numari’s hand) vate (Dinah smells the drink, ‘makes a bitter face and hands it to Yael, suhedealamhe ean sits ; : Yael, get that emrelee out of here! (Numari drops two more amulets around Raisa’s neck as Dinah examine Raisa.) Dinah: Rais», your baby is facing the wrong way. We are going to try to turn it around —Lam-sery, wbutitnillbust. Are you willing to try? tte Raisa: I don’t want to die... Dinah: Hemde-tee it is important that you do exactly as Isay. Weilltakeiionoctep-etetere. (dramatic music) flights down to a shadow, spotlight on Yael as she goes out of room to get fresh linen. Yael silently weeps and ask the almighty speaks to god) Yael: Almighty One if you are here and as powerful as Safta Dinah says please save Raisa and her baby. 53 (We can still see movement in the shadowy area of the bed. Baby crying) Dinah: You have a daughter and she has strong lungs! flights back up on the bedroom) Numari: Raisa: Dinah: Yael: (Numari takes the child from Dinah.) Give her to me; W. (Numari walks outside and out of sight) (Weakly) Where is my baby? I want to hold her. ‘The Almighty has smiled on you and your baby tonight. You both are going to be just fine! Now rest! heste-yeu-(Dinah looks around, not seeing the baby, question’s Yael) Where is the baby? (Shrugging and picking up things) Numari said she needed to take her to the courtyard. (Spotlight follows Dinah as she goes outside to the courtyard, finding Numari} Dinah: ‘There you are! Where is the baby? Baieerts— (Yael enters the courtyard and observes the events taking place) Numari: Dinah: Numari: Dinah: Numari: jer" Gerber-tire father, sewthie-chikd-serstemehe Was girbemt-thetshetenttrtrookedfoottne The child died. Youraremistaken. She was breathing fine. She was crying and.... Where is she? lotme-enemineher— It’s too latetodeanuthing lan bermBevidespntine fatherhascajsctedher= What do you mean? He: refused her. Brtrevenifhebadssstnet-beiey Was-toosecletemreriice te Pecauas Cha Cror¥ted Qoot 7 Dinah: — (pinah grabs the old woman’s shoulders) What did you do with that baby? GIRS Wertome> Numari: My-teartrts Better to let the child die. Stte Seca Dinah: You cannot let that child die! Where is she? Numari: —Lesgratefulferyourattendance of my Raism Sputyowheve-dese-whartyorrcamre-te-de- nom this is our way. Our village. You have no right to tell us what to do here. Dinah: I won't leave without that child! Tell me where you left her! (Dinah stops as she hears a whimpering noise. She looks around in the darkness and finds the baby left alone to die. It is in a basket with a blanket on top. Dinah takes her from the basket and wraps her in her own headscarf, warming her against her body and calming her frets) Don't cry little one! You are safe. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. Numari: “TOU WHPSte TIE SETS UM Mor De wrong about tits: She will die. Dinah: Not if can help it. eyoursamyoursell, our ther all life is precious to God and a blessing from Him, and He chooses who lives or dies! 55 Numari: Take “it” SEYOCMMIST ANT DE ONE DETOTe aT chearetteied no one mustsevse know dei child lived weeelic this night. Remember, this is your secret to keep! (Lights follow Dinah as she walks swiftly away with Yael behind her. lights down on Numari) Yael: Were they really going to let the baby die? Dinah: Yes. But God has rescued her through us, she will live, and the Almighty says we are to call her... Hodaya. It means “God be praised”. Yael: I just don’t understand it. According to the stars, Raisa and her baby were both supposed to die. Iread them myself. Dinah: Oh Yael! The stars have no poweskBe yore steennthet God himself created them all? <@ase #2 Gai is in control and siento once cdecides rec lan ou ltves-witt-be—These-Semenitemn ccard-ciles-papen-peeple-de-noisecie- He has a purpose for all His people! (They arrive back at home. Iddo is obviously surprised as they bring in the baby.) Iddo: Goking to hide his surprise) Well, that’s not your usual payment for midwife services or have you gone up on your prices dear? Yael: Her father rejected her because of her crippled foot. Iddo: Ah I see! (looking at Dinah) She will thrive in your hands, Dinah this is sure. (lddo exits to the courtyard) Yael: Safta, Can I hold her? Dinah: (Dinah nods and gives her the baby. Yael walks to the back of the house. Dinah follows Iddo into the courtyard) Can you ever forgive me? Iddo: already have. Dinah: —_And...can God ever forgive me? Iddo: That is the desire of his heart. THAT S-whywe- ices, SO —forgivencss. Dinah: ‘I’m so sorry. I want to make things right. With —yoLnaketheoffering formes Ido: —¥eem?rrc-well- beth-be-tree-to-startallover again. I love you, Dinah. Dinah: And I love you. detejer the-loseearasenc-endbeteckinBabylon, hefosenniator Dinah: — Iddo, we're not going back to Babylon. Iddo: What? Dinah: I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here with you, in Jerusalem. I want, no I need to continue this journey of discovering the Almighty One. Narrator: So, Dinah has new knowledge and experience with the Almighty One and it is changing her and making the desires of her heart anew. Yael also has learned about the stars and the culture around her. And now, let’s see how Yael is handling her new knowledge of her Samaritan friends... 87 (A few days later. Zechi and Yael are in the courtyard and Yael is taking care of Hodaya.) Yael: There now...go to sleep little one. (patting Hodaya’s back and rocking her) Zechi: You're very good with that baby. How-de-you watwaye-get-her-toslecp when nobody else.cana Arc-yoorcherming her — = the Samaritans were going to kill her? Because she was born with a crooked foot? Yael: (Yael nods yes slowly, then hesitantly responds) It’s true. I don’t know how anyone could killa harmless, beautiful baby. And she is such a good baby too! Never cries, except when she is hungry or wet! Zechi: Pagan people do it all the time, Yael. Hey-eves Yael: They put her outside in a basket to suffocate. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn’t been there. Zechi: —_ Lmever-wanrtett TO DETSve THOSE STONES TIT Te ——— Porak-citherYael. Is that why you haven't been back to the village to see Leyla? Yael: Maybe...Leyla’s world is more different than I thought. Iuse to think we were so much See alike.,.shoismy-beetfniend. But after thisrMeaee 27 em doLuotsec_hemdifierentiye-tirstederrt waderotene-how site Comittee TUTE Tretising dietedenrenwiret NOMTATT WES Line te-de— Zechi: ““SODATEMMMIS ISTO Stitty the Tora to teach Yael: Zechi: Yael: God. Peet all life is precious because we are made in God’s image. But vhteeebeet Baby Hodaya® She was born 4. Samaritan, deesthatmean God will notaccepte at esn’t see her as a Jew or a Samaritan! “s shous hommuch Ged-toves BaDy Hoctayei ‘Then praise be to your God Zechi who has blessed our family with this wonderful baby. Who I will chose to love no matter who she was born too! 59 15 | (Spotlight on Narrator. As the narrator is speaking...Familles are seen passing the bread...etc. Much joy. Sharing the cups) Naryator: Our exiles have been home now for nearly a year. The foundation for the temple is finished. A somewhat new normal for life has been found. But as you can see Yael was taken out of Babylon, but it is so hard to get the Babylon out of Yael. Now it is time for the first Passover in Jerusalem. The shofar blows for the first time__/ and the families gather. (Lights up on temple platform as Zechi blows the shofar. Zechi and others are watching from the watchtower and see soldiers marching up the road to Jerusalem. Zechi: Look! Soldiers! Marching up to Jerusalem! Cateh-—Leee-thenr toot rocks tke rttezerrornrere-i+ A ie? —Leoki—Leole...the’s the governor of Trans- Euphrates Province. sover. It fromretidirections—titey-meastierre-sent ing #1 got a bad feeling about this. (zechi and Caleb head down to join the others) towards the Temple. It is the delegates of the capital: everyone begins to gather at the Temple Mount to hear the news -the Samaritan delegation and governor make their way to this area too. They are seen talking with the two princes. Sheshbazaar is very old and tired, obviously discouraged.) Zechi: (speaks to Iddo) What do you suppose it’s about? Iddo: imagine they have their answer from King Cyrus about us building the temple. It must be serious if they're asking men to leave their land and crops and come to Jerusalem at this time of year. (Judah’s two princes climb onto the platform at the Temple Mount, Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel, They both look weary and sad.) Sheshbazaar: Thank you for coming. Governor Rehum of Samaria has sent a letter to King Artaxerxes in Persia, the son of King Cyrus who now reigns as a co-regent with his father. Let us listen to what it says: (lights dim here and spotlight on Governor Rehum who is SR reading/singing from a scroll. Iddo and Zechi exit) Governor Rehum: Artaxerxes noble king We think there’s something you should know ‘These Jews they've been busy Jerusalem has really grown We think you've got a little problem ‘These Jews they have a history They're just a bunch of crafty rebels Trouble with a capital T. (chorus) ; You won't get no more taxes Your treasury is dwindling We just think that you should know this And put a stop to their building. Zerubbabel: You see that Rehum said nothing in his letter about the Holy Temple, the true reason King Cyrus commissioned us to return. This will make it very difficult for them to find the original proclamation in the archives. Governor Rehum deliberately misled the king. Now here is King Artaxerxes’ reply. 61 Artaxerxes: Greetings to all my loyal subjects I did some searching and must say I think you're right about these people Revolt has always been their way (chorus) We need to collect those taxes Persia needs the money don’t you see See that you enforce this decree And bring their construction to its knees. (There is an immediate reaction as the song ends - the people all cry “NOP daa Libs: . “We've just begun’ etc. Zerubbabel: —_ (waving his hands to hush the crowds) We have been ordered to stop working by Governor Rehum, under threat of force...unfortunately, that includes work on the temple. Crowed ad libs. Crowd #1: “No” Crowd #2: “that can’t be!” it seEverart Jue Fein Crowd #3: “What does this mean?” Crowd # 4: “I can’t believe it!” sy yojee peat HO Zerubbabel: (waving his hands to hush the crowds}-3ive*, 1") 707°"! aa And since we can no longer build our®'' “ also means that new immigrants, our people from Babylon who planned to come in the next caravan will not be allowed to come. 2}Crowd: a loud wailing here of sorrow, crying, ad libs. Zerubbabel: Rehum has assured us that once we stop building, our neighbors will make peace with us 62 and the violence will end. (waves his hands to quiet the crowd as everyone starts bickering at this news). Now we all know that King Cyrus commissioned us to build the temple. Once the king’s original proclamation is found, it will confirm our right to be here and build here. I'm sending my own emissaries to Persia immediately. But be forewarned, it will take time. Crowd #1: No! We can’t stop building. > Crowd #2: No No Nol Crowd #3: “What about the feast!” crowd #4: “And our Sacrifices?” Zerubbabel: The daily sacrifices and annual feasts will continue. No one can prevent us from worshiping God as we wait. (Everyone looks shocked and hopeless - lights fade on this scene and * up on the courtyard/home of Iddo) y won't the Holy One help us? He can do mireeles!-ppimtrstarkes-her-head) Midder——THIEVE Gi gued THIS, ZECHTT tort them-we-shauld pbey-God--Gutts THe one Who 63 oo oe ' (idete-tege-ee homt-on ZEERTS SROUTAer) : the few who believe that. come. i nu to eee cetelyeiiners i : —ubortthetnew. Zechi: How long will we have to wait? Our Boutin Iddo: I suppose it depends on Kemlangittakes-eur ;00 fone . Ifyou seally want to fight for God, then find out what is in His word and speak His truth, +ilhgaut help me convince them that the temple must be rebuilt no matter who tries to stop us. (Zechi nods excitingly) Return to us, dear Lord Guide us along your path We need to know your ways.

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