Final Draft 2

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Rhetoric and

Composition The Daily Rhetoric Will


A world without JAWS?

For many, sharks are shark and ray

nothing more than a populations.
nuisance at the beach, or The two forms of
the product of assessment they used
entertainment during were the Living Planet
Discovery's “Shark Index and the Red List
week”. What many Index. These
people don't realize in the assessments contain
immense role they play in index within their titles
the environment and because they address a
marine life. Sharks are wide array of shark and
popular for many things ray species. This enables
like movies, pop culture, researchers to account
and food delicacies. This for almost all
popularity has Elasmobranchs: sharks
unfortunately come at a and rays.
price for many shark The assessments used
species. The volatile were very effective in
reproduction rate and low providing us with new
population makes sharks information on shark
and rays particularly population. What they
susceptible to risk of revealed however, is that What they revealed
extinction. And now we the future for shark and however, is that the future
are finally seeing the ray populations is for shark and ray
detrimental effects of abysmal unless we take populations is abysmal
shark’s popularity. immediate action. These unless we take immediate published findings are action. These findings are
an article in January of demonstrated in the demonstrated in the
2021 that outlines just article when they state article when they state
how serious this steady “We find that, since 1970, “We find that, since 1970,
decline of shark and ray the global abundance of the global abundance of
population could be called oceanic sharks and rays oceanic sharks and rays
“Half a century of global has declined by 71% has declined by 71%
decline in sharks and owing to an 18-fold owing to an 18-fold
rays”. The many increase in relative increase in relative fishing
contributors to this study fishing pressure” (Nature, pressure” (Nature, 3). 71%
use advanced methods of 3). 71% percent is quite a percent is quite a
assessment to provide shocking number at first shocking number at first
never before seen glance. However, the glance. However, the
statistics on reasons for how it got to reasons for how it got to
this point are befitting. this point are befitting.
What can be done?

Immediate legislative action is the only effective solution

The factors that have led to this steady decline issues surrounding sharks and rays.
in shark and ray population is unsurprisingly Legislation has been attempted but it is not
attributed to human intervention. Particularly currently being implemented effectively. The United
commercial fishing of sharks and rays. With the Nations launched an initiative called “The Decade
increased use of longlines and seine nets, the of Biodiversity” but its ideals were not efficient in
fishing of sharks has become drastically more combating the rapid decline in shark and ray
efficient in recent decades. Researchers can point species. It is unknown how detrimental the effects
to this evidence confidently because it has the that certain shark species going extinct would
most correlation to shark and ray populations. have. However, the effects would be extremely
There is really no evidence suggesting that any negative for biodiversity and would permanently
factor, other than human intervention, is at play. affect the food chain and marine life. Researchers
Many shark species are at the top of the food acknowledge the economics platform built around
chain and would have no other threat besides shark and ray fishing and encourage policymakers
humans to their lineage. With the help of to make changes now so that these industries can
researchers like this, people are becoming more remain, only regulated.
aware of these

Work Cited
Pacoureau, Nathan, et al. “Half a Century of Global Decline in Oceanic Sharks and Rays.” Nature, vol. 589, no. 7843,

2021, pp. 567–571., doi:10.1038/s41586-020-03173-9.

Readability test:
The readability calculator detected that someone reading my article would need about 12-13 years of education in
order to understand it fully on the first time reading. I interpreted this as either a senior in high school or a freshman at
college. This seems like a good demographic seeing as most people reading a newspaper article at least have a highschool
diploma. However, the calculator did suggest quite a few sentences that were a bit too wordy and complicated. I plan on
reworking parts of my article in order to make it more digestible for the average reader. The topic I chose to discuss is rather
complex so it is sometimes difficult to bridge the gap between reader and scholarly article.

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