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According to estimates by means of biographical data, this scientist has been estimated to sit

anywhere between 160 and 180. That would firmly place the physicist in the genius territory he is no
other than , best known for his equation E = mc2, which states that energy and mass (matter) are the
same thing, just in different forms. He is also known for his discovery of the photoelectric effect, for
which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921no other than ALBERT EINSTEIN .

Albert Einstein is often cited as one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century. His work
continues to help astronomers study everything from gravitational waves to Mercury's orbit.

Einstein, no doubting , he was a genious. There are about 1700 Albert Einstein books in library files on
him and different aspects of him.The book is mainly a biography but there are contributions from three
Nobel Prize winners on different aspects of his life and some other contributions from people in other
fields. Among those book I chose 5 of them: first choice is Albert Einstein: A Biography by Albrecht
Fölsing published in 1997. It’s comprehensive, for a start. It is a very big book — one of the biggest on
Einstein’s life. Fölsing is a physicist by training so he is able to bring clear explanations of the physics into
the life.Einstein 1905: The Standard of Greatness by John Rigden from 2005. This Albert Einstein book is
about the so-called ‘miraculous’ year.Let’s talk about your next choice of Albert Einstein books which is
the Born-Einstein Letters, 1916-1955, which was republished in 2005. This is a collection of
correspondence between Einstein and his friend, the German physicist, Max Born. Let’s move on to your
next choice of Albert Einstein book: The Einstein File by Fred Jerome, published in 2002. This is a book
on an investigation of how the FBI, led by J. Edgar Hoover, spied on Einstein for 23 years.Let’s move on
to Einstein’s political writings, that Hoover failed to read, in Einstein on Politics edited by David Rowe
and Robert Schulmann from 2007.

One of the most intriguing things about his life story is the fact that when he did his first really
significant revolutionary work in physics, he wasn’t working as a physicist was he? He was working in a
patent office and didn’t really have contact with other top physicists at the time.

Lets proceed to his popular inventions, 1. Quantum Theory of Light Einstein proposed his theory of light,
stating that all light is composed of tiny packets of energy, called photons. 2. Special Theory of Relativity.
In Einstein's studies, he began to notice inconsistencies of Newtonian mechanics in their relation to the
understanding of electromagnetism, specifically to Maxwell's equations. 3. Avogadro's Number. For
anyone that has made it through a high school chemistry class, Avogadro's number might ring a bell.4.
The Bose-Einstein Condensate In 1924, Einstein was sent a paper from physicist Satyendra Nath Bose.
This paper discussed a detailed way to think of photons of light as a gas. Einstein generalized Bose’s
theory to an ideal gas of identical atoms or molecules for which the number of particles is conserved.5.
General Theory of Relativity . In 1916, Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity. This paper
generalizes the concepts of Special Relativity and Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, describing
gravity as a property of space and time.

That are his great works that are truly remarkable and his legacy in this world. He is truly admirable , I
am a fan of Him . I always salute and honor his great books,inventions, theory and other conttribution.
For me , he is the most greatful scientist we ever had , how i can say so? . The proofs was his
contribution I listed and cited above. Now, its my turn to follow him , someday I would like to be Him ,
even I am not a scientist but I want to prove something, I want to have a legacy , a legacy that may
familiarized by everyone and can contribute in any aspects.

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