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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.




Subject Code: 3361602 Date: 16/05/2016

Subject Name: Android Application Development
Time: 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70

1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make Suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Use of programmable & Communication aids are strictly prohibited.
5. Use of only simple calculator is permitted in Mathematics.
6. English version is authentic.

Q.1 Answer the following (Any 7) 14

1 Full form: DVM, SDK
2 Full form: AVD, DDMS
3 Intent
4 Service
5 Activity
6 Emulator
7 Android Debug Bridge
8 Full form: DEX, OHA
9 Content Provider

Q.2 a Write Steps to Install Android Studio 03

a Explain Advantages of Android smartphone OS 03
b Explain the architecture of Android 04
c What is an activity life cycle ? Explain with a neat diagram 04
c Explain EditText with an example 03
C What is an Android Component ? Explain “Broadcast Receiver” 03
with an example.
d What is Linear Layout ? Explain with example 04
d What is Relative Layout ? Explain with example 04

Q.3 a Explain gettext() and settext() methods with example 04

a Explain Imagebutton and WeightSum in brief 04
b What is a toast ? Explain its usage with an example 04
b Write code to show the toast “DIT Sem-6” at the centre of screen 04
c What is Layout ? Explain frame layout in brief. 03
c What is resolution ? Explain dp, dx. 03
d What is AndroidManifest.xml ? Explain its use in Android app 03
d What is a Spinner ? Explain it with a suitable example 03

Q.4 a List all Android Components, and explain any one in detail 03
A Differentiate: Context Menu VS System Menu 03
b List different animation types and explain any one in detail 04
b What is a Splash Screen ? How will you create a splash screen 04
explain with example
c Write a Program to Create Two Checkboxes, “Android and .NET.” 07
Display the Toast message at centre of screen when user selects
appropriate checkbox. “Example: You have Selected Android,
.NET” when both are selected
Q.5 a What is Handset Menu Button ? How will you create it ? 03
b Explain Insert database operations with appropriate example 03
c Write steps to create database and insert “student_id” and 04
“student_name” using Edittext
d Write a program to input “UserName” and “Password”. Display 04
Welcome DIT6 if both correct, else display “Try Again!”.


Q.1 જવાબ આપો કોઈ પણ સાત (Any 7) 14

1 �લ ફોમર્: DVM, SDK
2 �લ ફોમર: AVD, DDMS
3 Intent
4 Service
5 Activity
6 Emulator
7 Android Debug Bridge
8 Full form: DEX, OHA
9 Content Provider

Q.2 a સ્ટ �પ્સ�Install Android Studio 03

a એડવાનતે�સ સમ�વો :Android martphone OS 03
b Android Architecture સમ�વો 04
c What is an activity life cycle ? ડાયગ્રામ સાથે સમ� 04
c EditText એક્ઝામપલ સાથે સમ�વો 03
C Android Component �ું છે ? “Broadcast Receiver” સમ�વો 03
d Linear Layout � ું છે ? સમ�વો 04

d Relative Layout �ું છે ? સમ�વો 04

Q.3 a gettext() and settext() methods સમ�વો 04

a Imagebutton and WeightSum �ૂંક મા સમ�વો 04
b toast � ું છે ? ઉપયોગ સમ�વો 04
b પ્રોગ્રામ : toast “DIT Sem-6” at the centre of screen 04

c Layout � ું છે ? frame layout સમ�વો. 03

c Resolution એટલે � ું ? dp, dx સમ�વો 03
d AndroidManifest.xml � ું કાયર્ �ું છે? Android app development 03

કાયર્ માટ� મેનીફ�સ્ટ સમ�

D Spinner � ું છે ? example સાથે સમ�વો 03

Q.4 a Android Components નાં નામ આપો તથા કોઈ પણ એક સમ�વો, 03

A તફાવત સમ�વો: Context Menu VS System Menu 03
b List different animation types and explain any one in detail 04

b Splash Screen � ું છે ? How will you create a splash screen explain 04
with example
c પ્રોગ્રામ: Create Two Checkboxes, “Android and .NET.” 07
Display the Toast message at centre of screen when user selects
appropriate checkbox. “Example: You have Selected Android,
.NET” when both are selected
Q.5 a Handset Menu Button �ું છે ? ક� વી ર�તે બનાવશો ?c 03
b Insert database operations સમ�વો 03
c સ્ટ �પ્સ લ: create database and insert “student_id” and 04
“student_name” using Edittext
d પ્રોગ્to input “UserName” and “Password”. Display Welcome 04
DIT6 if both correct, else display “Try Again!”.



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