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Name : Agustina Arni Estasari Kinasih (Ages)

NPM : 201823002

Topic : Having Breakfast

Nurse : “Good Morning, Grandma. My name is nurse Ages and I’ll be looking after you for this
Patient : “Good Morning, Nurse Ages.”

Nurse : “How are you felling today, grandma?”.

Patient : “I’m felling good, nurse. My fever has gone, But I’m a bit weak.”

Nurse : “Do you feel nausea, grandma?”.

Patient : “Yes, I feel nausea, Nurse.”

Nurse : “Grandma, I brought some medicine to relieve feel nausea. But before take medicine,
grandma must breakfast first.”

Patient : “Okay, nurse, But I feel limp. Can you help me to having breakfast ?.”

Nurse :” Let me to help you.”

Patient : “Okay, Nurse.”

Nurse : “Do you have any other movement problems ?.”

Patient : “No, I don’t have, Nurse.”

Nurse : “Okay, grandma. Please follow my instruction.”

Patient : “Okay, Nurse”

Nurse : “Grandma, Let me help you to change your position.”

Patient : “Okay, Nurse”

Nurse : “Now, I want to elevate the head of your bed”

Patient : “okay, Nurse and please do it”

Nurse :”Is it comfortable, grandma ?.”

Patient : “Not yet, nurse. I feel uncomfortable with the position.”

Nurse :” Okay, Now I want to elevate the head of your bed to make you more comfortable. Is it
comfortable, grandma ?.”

Patient : “Yes ,Nurse. Now I feel comfortable.”

Nurse : “Now, open your mouth ,grandma.

Haakk…your food is coming, yummy.”

(…………………………Nurse having breakfast for grandma………………………….….)

A few minutes later

Nurse : “Done. Breakfast is finished, grandma.

Now, take medicine, grandma”.

(………………………………… nurse take medicine for grandma…………………………..)

Nurse : “Done . Grandma already to take medicine.”

Patient : “Oh, thank you, Nurse for your help.”

Nurse : “Your welcome, grandma.

Now, let me help you to change your position, so you can rest and get better soon.”

Patient : “Okay, Nurse.”

Nurse : “Now, I want to lower the head of your bed. Is it comfortable, grandma ?.”

Patient :” Already. I feel comfortable, Nurse.”

Nurse : “Please lie flat on your back and have a good rest, grandma.”

Patient : “Okay, Thanks a lot, nurse.”

Nurse : “Your welcome, grandma.”

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