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NOME DO CANDIDATO: ________________________________ No. de inscrição:_____

Part I – READING COMPREHENSION – Read the following text and answer questions 1 to 10.


The UK Film Council is a  We give access to films and cinemas for people with
government agency for visual and auditory disabilities;
film production in the UK. 20  We invest millions in cinemas and in UK film festivals
It guarantees the with money from the National Lottery;
5 economic, cultural and  We have First Light and Mediabox, agencies for
educational aspects of young people of 5-18 years old. These institutions
film in the UK and in different countries. Here is what teach about filmmaking and stimulate the production
we do: 25 of creative films or documentaries;
 We give all communities access to public money for  We also have Filmclub, an after-school club. This
10 film production – this includes rural and remote club gives children free access to the best of world
communities; cinema;
 We support the distribution of British films in the  We conduct research projects, for example, the first
UK and around the world; 30 research about the cultural impact of British films;
 We stimulate creativity, film culture and education In short, we make the cinema an excellent
15 through our Regional Investment Fund for England; experience for millions of people.
 We give technical assistance during the production Adapted from:
of films;


1. The main idea of the text above is to:
a) say how the UK Film Council works. c) contrast British films with international films.
b) expose their film production for the next years. d) make British films interesting for young people.
2. The text above says that the UK Film Council DOES NOT:
a) incentivize the distribution and production of British films around the world.
b) help people with physical problems have access to films and cinema.
c) prepare and train actors and actresses for the films.
d) invest public and lottery money in British films.
3. Choose the CORRECT alternative according to the text.
a) First Light teaches about film production. c) First Light is only for children.
b) Children go to Filmclub before their school classes. d) Mediabox is only for adults.
4. Choose the INCORRECT alternative according to the text.
a) The UK Film Council works in urban and rural areas. c) British films have no cultural impact.
b) The UK Film Council works with children and adults. d) The UK Film Council also works with teenagers.
5. The pronoun ‘it’ (line 4) refers to:
a) government b) the UK Film Council c) film production d) the UK
6. The word ‘our’ (line 15) refers to:
a) creativity, film culture and education c) the UK Film Council
b) Regional Investment Fund for England d) the UK and different countries
7. The word ‘remote’ (line 10) means:
a) distant b) poor c) small d) precarious
8. The word ‘support’ (line 12) means:
a) tolerate b) avoid c) encourage d) carry
9. The word ‘and’ (line 5) states in the sentence the idea of:
a) contrast b) addition c) consequence d) condition

________________________________________________Teste de Nível S2 11.1________________________________________________

10. In the text, the phrase ‘around the world’ (line 13) means:
a) in every part of the globe. c) the name of a film.
b) the name of a book by Jules Vernes. d) a full rotation.
For questions 11 to 20, choose the option that CORRECTLY completes the sentences. (X = no word)
11. I am a very healthy person because I don’t drink coffee ______ smoke cigarettes.
a) before b) also c) but d) or
12. _____ is my cousin. ______ name is Isadora.
a) She / His b) Her / She’s c) She / Her d) Her / Her
13. I need to buy _______ food, the only problem is that I have _______ money at all.
a) some / any b) some / some c) some / no d) any / any
14. I like eating turkey ______ Sundays.
a) at b) in c) on d) X
15. ______ Catherine and Rodrigo cinema fans?
a) Does b) Do c) Is d) Are
16. There ________ some buildings near my neighbourhood.
a) have b) has c) are d) is
17. He is from Thailand. He is ____________.
a) Thailandish b) Thai c) Thailandian d) Thailandese
18. A: ________ is it? B: It’s Richard.
a) Who b) What c) How d) Where
19. At 7 o’clock, ____________ the dinner. At 7:15, ____________ TV.
a) he makes / he watches b) we take / we wake up c) she go / she finish d) they sleeps / they wakes up
20. A: Would you like to drink some tea? B: _____________________.
a) Yes, I drink tea b) No, thanks c) Yes, I do d) Yes, I like
For questions 21 to 25, choose the INCORRECT option.
21. a) Her children’s books are on the desk. c) My mother’s car is a Ferrari.
b) The film’s end is not interesting. d) My sisters’ toys are very old.
22. a) That woman is rich. c) This men need some water.
b) Those books belong to me. d) These girls are cute.
23. a) How old do you have? c) Who do you work for?
b) What’s your surname? d) Is he a builder?
24. a) I speak english fluently. c) She has classes on Saturdays.
b) My parents come from Brazil. d) They live in Europe.
25. a) I have two black cars. c) He is handsome.
b) We are mexicans. d) She is a secretary.
For questions 26 to 30, choose the option which has the same meaning and idea as the sentences in italics.
26. After we go to the cinema, we drink a Coke.
a) We drink a Coke because we go the cinema. c) We drink a Coke when the cinema finishes.
b) We drink a Coke before we go to the cinema. d) We drink a Coke. Then, we go to the cinema.
27. He is handsome.
a) He has ugly hands. b) He is good-looking. c) He is ugly. d) He has big hands.
28. Would you like a double room?
a) Do you like a double room? c) Do you want a double room?
b) Do you like it here? d) What would you like?
29. It’s ten after five.
a) It’s five ten. b) It’s four fifty. c) It’s ten-oh-five. d) It’s nine fifty-five.

________________________________________________Teste de Nível S2 11.1________________________________________________

30. My sister needs a new watch, because her watch is very old.
a) My sister needs her old watch. c) My sister never watches her old TV.
b) My sister’s watch is old. She needs a new watch. d) My sister needs a watch because she’s old.
Answer questions 31 to 40 according to the instructions.
31. Choose the option where all words are CORRECTLY spelled.
a) twelve / aunt / thirteen c) Tuesday / Scotish / wallet
b) restaurant / television / Thusday d) Wenesday / cigarettes / early
32. Choose the option where the nouns have the CORRECT singular – plural form, respectively.
a) child – children / baby – babies c) tooth – toothes / watch – watches
b) man – mans / car – cars d) toy – toies / game – games
33. Choose the INCORRECT definition.
a) My mother’s brother is my uncle. c) My father’s mother is my grandmother.
b) My sister’s daughter is my niece. d) My mother’s cousin is my nephew.
34. Choose the option where all the words are in the same vocabulary group.
a) yellow / grey / thousand c) weak / beautiful / slim
b) engineer / wallet / teacher d) fifteen / twenty-three / post office
35. Choose the option with the CORRECT definition.
a) Match – A paper container for a letter. c) Stamp – A large animal. It lives in cold places.
b) Purse – Women use this object as make-up. d) Tissue – You use this paper when you clean things.
36. Choose the option where the underlined vowels have the same pronunciation as the vowels in the word ‘club’.
a) book b) usually c) put d) bus
37. Choose the option where the underlined consonants have the same pronunciation as in ‘garage’.
a) hungry b) golf c) unusual d) sing
38. Choose the option where the letters ‘s’/‘es’ at the end of the verb are pronounced as in ‘does’.
a) watches b) lands c) thinks d) stops
39. Choose the option that completes the sentence “My uncle’s son is my _____”.
a) grandson b) nephew c) cousin d) brother-in-law
40. Choose the option where the verb is INCORRECT in the sentence.
a) Maria never makes her homework. c) She sleeps for two hours.
b) When she finishes school, she goes home. d) Then she goes to the gym.
For questions 41 to 50, fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s) and mark the CORRECT alternative.
(Note: X= no word)
My grandparents live in Guanacés. ______41 live in a small town ______42 the ocean. There is a beautiful beach
about half a mile from ______43 house. There aren’t ______44 restaurants, ______45 there is a department store
and a cinema. There ______46 a lot to do there at night, but I still love going to visit ______.47 My grandmother is
______48 funny, I think she could work in a circus. My grandfather is ______49 farmer. He loves working with
animals and plants. When ______50 weather is nice, we eat outside in the backyard.

41. a) Them b) He c) They d) Him

42. a) near b) next c) distant d) close
43. a) their b) us c) them d) him
44. a) a b) no c) some d) any
45. a) because b) also c) but d) after
46. a) have b) has c) isn’t d) aren’t
47. a) they b) them c) their d) theirs
48. a) very b) very not c) quite not d) no
49. a) X b) old c) an d) a
50. a) the b) a c) an d) X

________________________________________________Teste de Nível S2 11.1________________________________________________

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