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Capacitors are electric devices which store electrical charges or energy in an electric

field. When a capacitor is connected with a source of potential difference ‘V’ then
charge stored by capacitor at any time is directly proportional to V,
i.e., q  V
or, q = CV
where C is a constant of geometry and known as capacitance of
capacitor. Its SI unit is coulomb per volt or Farad. Gaussian surface

Types of Capacitor
+q + –
i. Parallel Plate Capacitor + –
A+ E – –q
Consider two parallel plates of area A, and + –
stored charge +q and –q separated by a + –
distance d.
To find the electric field in between the plates let us construct a Gaussian surface of
area A in between the plates. As shown in figure.
Now, applying Gauss law

Electric potential between the plates is (V) = E x d

Hence, Capacitance (C) =q/V

Which is the capacitance of parallel plate capacitor and depends on plate area and
separation of plates only (geometry only).
Spherical Capacitor

(i) An isolated sphere

Consider an isolated single sphere of radius R having +
total charge +q as shown in figure.

We have electric potential at the surface of sphere is , + +q



Now ,Capacitance of sphere is ( C ) = q/V

Required expression for capacitance of an isolated single sphere

which depends only on radius of sphere.
(ii) Concentric sphere
Gaussian sphere
Consider two concentric sphere of radii a _
and b having charges +q and –q. to find _
the electric field between the spheres let +
+ _
us construct a Gaussian sphere of radius r
in between the two sphere. -q
We have from Gauss law , + +q
r O
b _
_ +


Now ,electric potential between the sphere is


Now ,Capacitance of sphere is ( C ) = q/V

Gaussian cylinder
Cylindrical Capacitor
Consider two co-axial cylinder of radii a and b,
length l have charges +q and –q. To find the electric
r a
field between the cylinder let us construct a -
Gaussian cylinder of radius r in between two
cylinders. + -
We have from Gauss law, +q
l + -
+ -
Now ,electric potential between the sphere is +
Therefore Capacitance is (C ) = q/ V
Energy stored by Capacitor ( Energy stored in an electric field )

Consider a capacitor is connected with a battery of potential C

difference V. dq be the small charge stored in capacitor.

We know, small work done by the source on storing small charge

dw = V.dq

= (q/C).dq …….(i)

And the total work done or energy stored by the capacitor is

Energy density in electric field (uE )

Energy stored per unit volume is called energy density.

For parallel plate capacitor


Where E=V/d is electric field

uE  E2
Charging and Discharging of Capacitor
Consider a capacitor, resistor and ameter are connected
in series with a source of emf E as shown in figure.

Charging of Capacitor R
When switch x is closed then capacitor starts to charge y C
through the source. Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law
E = VC + VR ………….(i)
or, E= q/C +IR

Where q0 = EC is maximum charge store by capacitor

τ = CR is called capacitive time constant
Integrate equation (ii) from limit 0 to q for charge and 0 to t for time

This is the required expression for magnitude of charge at any time t

At time t=τ equation (iii) becomes

q = q0 (1- e-1 ) = 0.63q0 = 63% of q0


hence the capacitive time constant () of
the circuit is defined as time taken to reach 0.63q0
the charge in capacitor to 63% of maximum

τ t
To find the current in circuit differentiate above equation (iii) with respect to time,

Where q0 = EC is maximum charge

τ = CR is capacitive time constant

I0 = E/R is maximum current

By using equation (v) we can measure the

capacitance of capacitor.
Discharging of Capacitor

When switch y is closed after full charge then

capacitor discharge through resistor. Again x R
applying Kirchhoff’s voltage rule, y C

VC + VR =0……(i)

or, q/C +IR =0

Integrate equation (ii) from limit q0 to q for charge and 0 to t for time
This is the magnitude of charge at any
time t during discharging.

At time t=τ equation (iii) becomes

q = q0 e-1 = 0.37q0 = 37% of q0

Hence the capacitive time constant () of 0.37q0

the circuit can also be defined as time
taken to reduce the charge in capacitor to
37% of maximum value.
τ t
Capacitor With Dielectric
Capacitance of a capacitor can be increased by inserting a dielectric
medium in between the two plates of capacitor by a factor equal to the
dielectric constant of the medium.
Capacitance with dielectric (C) = k C
Where k is a dielectric constant and C is a capacitance without dielectric

Consider a dielectric slab is inserted between the

plates of a parallel plate capacitor having charges Gaussian surface
+q and –q. Induced charges -q and +q are
observed at lower surface and upper surface of the + + + + + + +q
dielectric. To find the electric field between the
- - - - - - - -q’
plates of capacitor let us construct a Gaussian
surface enclosing the upper plate of capacitor as
shown in figure. + + + + + + +q’
- - - - - - - -q

Now, applying Gauss law

Where P= q/A is called polarization vector

and D = q’/A is called displacement vector

1. If a parallel plate capacitor with plates area A and separation of plates x is to be
designed to operate in an environment of fluctuating temperature, prove that the rate of
change of capacitance with temperature T is given by;

We know,
capacitance of parallel plate capacitor is

Differentiating with respect to T,

2. A parallel plate air filled capacitor having area 42cm2 and spacing of 1.3mm is charged to
a potential difference of 625V. Find (a) the capacitance (b) magnitude of charge (c) the
stored energy (d) the electric field between the plates (e) the energy density.


(b) Q =CV



(28.6pF, 17.9nC, 5.59μ J, 482kV/m,1.02J/m3 )

3. Calculate the magnitude of electric field to balance the weight of an electron IOE

We have,
Electric force on en electron e

Eq = mg

E= 5.68710-11 N/C
4. A parallel plate capacitor is filled with two dielectric having dielectric constants k1
IOE and k2 equally in the way as shown in figure (a) and (b) . Prove that the capacitance
is given by

+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +
k1 k2 k1
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
We have, capacitance in dielectric k1 and k2 are

The equivalent capacitance for parallel

combination is C =C1 + C2
5. A cylindrical capacitor has radii a and b. Show that half the stored electric potential
energy lies within a cylinder of radius IOE
We know the capacitance of cylindrical capacitor
of radii a and b is

And the energy stored is

Again ,capacitance of cylindrical capacitor of radii a and


And the energy stored is

Hence half of the stored energy lies within the cylinder of radius
6. A long cylindrical conductor has length 1m and is surrounded by a co-axial cylindrical
conducting shell with inner radius double that of long cylindrical conductor. Calculate
the capacitance for this capacitor assuming that there is vacuum in space between
cylinders IOE


7. A 13.5pF parallel plate capacitor has potential difference 12.5V across its plates.
The charging battery is now disconnected and a porcelain slab (k = 6.5) is slipped
between the plates. What is the energy stored before and after the slab is
introduced? IOE

+ + + + + +
We have energy stored without dielectric

k= 6.5

- - - - - - -
Again , energy stored with dielectric

Ans: 1055pJ, 162pJ

8. Prove that the capacitance of a concentric spherical capacitor of radii
a& b is If outer plate is changed positively and inner sphere is earthed.

We know the capacitance of an isolated sphere

C1 = 4πε0b …….(i) + b +
And the capacitance of concentric sphere is


For parallel combination, equivalent capacitance is
C= C1 + C2 +
9. Solve the differential equation to find the charge stored in capacitor

integrating factor (I.F.) A
10. The parallel plates in a capacitor with a plate area of 8.5cm2 and an air filled separation of
3mm are charged by a 6V battery. They are then disconnected from battery and pulled
apart to a separation of 8mm. Neglecting fringing, find (a) potential difference between the
plates, (b) initial stored energy (c) final stored energy (d) work required to separate the
plates. IOE Ans: (a) 16v, (b) 45.1pJ (c) 120pJ (d) 75pJ

(a) We know, from the conservation of charge(q), C1V1 = C2V2

(b) Initial energy stored

(c) final energy stored

(d) Work done (W) = E2 –E1

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