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ePortfolio Signature Assignment: Lifelong Wellness Reflection

1. Of the information presented in class and/or as a result of fitness assessments, tracking

progress through exercise logs, goals, and/or other content, what is the largest “take-away”
that you have gained from participation in this class? Why? Use specific examples and
references to course content.

The largest takeaway I have gained from participation in this class has been from goal setting.
Throughout the course, we set many goals directed towards improving multiple aspects of our
physical well being. On top of goal setting, my dedication towards physical fitness has improved
greatly. It has pushed me to keep consistent workouts throughout the week. This course has been
used similarly to a reminder to go out and be active by having to track my weekly exercises.
Furthermore, it has kept me in shape and has given me a better mindset.

2. How do you plan to apply the new knowledge you have gained as a result of class
participation in your life’s journey? Why? Be specific in your future plans and why you
choose to implement them. Reflect on what you thought about Fitness and Lifelong
Wellness before you took this course and how you think about it now that you have
completed the course. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed? Why?
What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you
approach what influenced you differently in the future?

Of course I wish to apply everything I have learned to keep myself active and healthy even after
this semester. It is always important to stay active and eat a healthy diet. My future plans include
getting a fitness journal and every Sunday night I will reflect on my overall week. I will reflect
on my mood, how my body feels physically, and what exercises I did throughout the week. This
will help me reflect on the past week and motivate me for the future week. When I reflect on
what I thought about Fitness and Lifelong Wellness before I took this class, it was much less of
what I know now. When reflecting on the 2-Day Nutrition Analysis where we had to track our
caloric intake, my understanding of diet and caloric intake has now changed. Many times when
we eat, we don’t check what is in the food or how many calories it has. This is why the average
person eats more calories than they should in one day. This class has taught me to be wary of
what is in food, what is healthy and some better alternatives. I have now incorporated non-fat, or
less-fat, foods into my diet. I have also been more aware of the Nutrition Facts labels as I read
them more.

3. In what ways does the knowledge and information gained (and applied) as a result of this
course relate or add to other courses you have taken or intend to take in the future? i.e.
other fitness courses, health courses, or any other meaningful connections that can be made
to specific courses. …and WHY? Make specific references to your work in this class and in
other courses. How did what you learned in other courses enhance what you learned in
Fitness for Life, and vice versa?
Throughout this class I have learned a lot about goal-setting, setting up schedules, and adapting
things to myself such as workouts or diets. At the beginning of each semester, I set up one goal I
have for myself for that specific class and write it in that class’ notebook. I also make myself a
schedule with all of that course’s assignments and due dates. Overtime, I will highlight the
assignments I have completed. This helps motivate me by showing myself I can accomplish my
goals and helps me do better in a way. Another thing I have learned a lot about in this class is
time management. This can be applied to all my other classes because time management is very
important, especially when it comes to college and work. The first few weeks of this class were
difficult because I had to find that time to incorporate working out during my busy weeks. I was
able to do it through hard work, dedication and lots of time management. This can also be
flipped because I have to manage all my classes at once, while still being a daughter, sister,
girlfriend and employee. Overall these things can be used in all types of classes and not just
physical fitness.

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