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Before we dlscuss the several techniques 1nvolved A111 recombmant DNA technology, we

must first learriA about the d1fferent tools used 1n this process

7312511111 {:1me Tools ball 111 Rtat’tmhlllulttll DNA Technology _ . _ _ Molecular blolog1sts have
developed different technologles and tools that allow them to study and mampulate DNA molecules The
processes that w1ll be dlscussed here are gel “

electrophoresis, DNA spl1c1ng, and polymerase chain reactron A , A’ '

' Gel Electrophores1s 1 A _ _ A A A A Gel electrophoresrs 1s a method used to separate DNA fragments
based on their size. In '

this method, a mixture of DNA fragments is placed at one end of a pOrous gel, and an electric H .'
voltage 1s applied to the gel The negatively charged DNA molecules move toward the poSAitivei 1.

' end of the gel The smaller the DNA fragments, the faster they move Thls lS important for
characterrzmg DNA fragments fingerprlnting, comparmg the genomes of d1fferent organisms, 1

and locating and 1dent1fy1ng one particular gene out of the m1ll1ons of genes in an 1nd1v1dual As .
Agenome._ " ' ” ‘ ‘

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Polymerase Chain React10n(PCR) ._ ,. , ... 3 .. ..

The goal of PCR 1S to ampllfy specuic DNA sequences Thls IS Important in detecting; diseases or
mfectlous agents To make copies of a p1ece of DNA DNA 1s heated to separate its two strands and then
cooled to allow the primers to b1nd to the smgle stranded DNA The '
primers are short DNA strands that provide a place for the DNA polymerase to start working . . As the
polymerase starts workmg, new strands of the separated DNA are formed Continuous if heating and
cooling allow lurther separation of; DNA and formation of new DNA Strands, " 'r‘espectiVely, creatmg
milllons of copies of the DNA segments F1gure 5 3 shows how PCR can '

create many copies or“ DNA strands


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