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Taurus constellation

Taurus constellation Taurus constellation Taurus constellation has been known since the
has been known since the has been known since the has been known since the Early Bronze Age. The term
Early Bronze Age. The term Early Bronze Age. The term Early Bronze Age. The term Taurus means “bull” in Latin
Taurus means “bull” in Latin Taurus means “bull” in Latin Taurus means “bull” in Latin and ranks as 17th place in size
and ranks as 17th place in size and ranks as 17th place in size and ranks as 17th place in size among the 88 constellations
among the 88 constellations among the 88 constellations among the 88 constellations in the night sky. Taurus lies
in the night sky. Taurus lies in the night sky. Taurus lies in the night sky. Taurus lies immediately at north-west of
immediately at north-west of immediately at north-west of immediately at north-west of Orion constellation.
Orion constellation. Orion constellation. Orion constellation.

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