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Quarter 4 – Module 13
Getting to Know MS Excel

Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 4 - Module 13

First Edition, 2020

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Published by Busco Academy MPC – Division of Bukidnon

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Lesson The Spreadsheet Program

What I Need to Know

My beloved students, in the eighth module you will learn about MS Excel
2007edia. Now this week let’s continue.Are you ready?
What you need to know?
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
a. Define electronic spreadsheet operationally
b. Identify the parts of the MS Excel User Interface
c. Differentiate worksheet and workbook
d. Explain the sources of videos and pictures

General Instruction
How will you learn?
Read and understand the context about MS excel 2007.
Follow instruction in every activities and assessment given.
Answer every activities and assessment. Answer in a whole sheet of paper
Pre-Test and Post-test will be recorded
What I Know
Now, let’s go! Let’s try to answer the pre-test and take note of the questions that you
find hard to answer. Are you ready?

Pre-Test. Instruction. Write the correct answers on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is very fast and easy to use most especially in data presentation in tabular form?
a. MS Word c. Powerpoint
b. MS Excel d. none of the above
2. Which of the following software program that tabulates data and information into rows and comlumns?
a. Word Processor c. Electronic Spreadsheet
b. Powerpoint d.Microsoft Office
3. Which of the following create new presentation file?
a.New c. Save
b. Open d. Print
4. Which of the following save a new presentation file?
a.New c. Save As
b. Open d. Print
5. Which of the following button print the presentation file?
a. New c. Save As
b. Open d. Print
6. Which tab is used to switch between sheets?
a. Control Toolbox c. Sheet tab
b. Buttons d. Title bar
7. Which components of the ribbon have several tabs that become active dependin upon what you have
a. Groups c. Gallery
b. Buttons d. Tab
8. Which components of the ribbon break a task into subtasks?
a. Groups c. Gallery
b.Buttons d. Tab
9. Which components of the ribbon carry out command or display menu of commands?
a. Groups c. Gallery
b.Buttons d. Tab
10. Which components of the ribbon contains thumbnail previews that show you how a particular slide
object will look when formatted?
a. Groups c. Gallery
b.Buttons d. Tab

What’s in

Before we go deeply to our lessons today, let’s try to answer again the activity below. Provide
separate sheet of paper for your answers (1 whole paper).

Write the correct answers on your answer sheet.

1. Which one is not a characteristic of multimedia system?

a. integrated c.Active
b. computer controlled d. none of the above
2. Which of the following is not a common type of video camera?
a. Professional c. Camcorder
b. Recorder d.Digital
3. Which of the following is a type of a lossy image format?
b. PNG d. BMP
4. Which multimedia is used to create and produce computer base training?
a. Entertainment c. Medicine
b. Business d. Education
5. Which multimedia is used to to train future doctors?
a. Entertainment c. Medicine
b. Business d. Education

What I need to know

It is a software program
that tabulated data and
information into rows and
columns. It is a spreadsheet
because numerical
computations and formula can
be embedded on the data
shhet itself.

MS-Excel is the
electronic spreadsheet that
used in data tabulation. It is
very fast and easy to use most
especially in data presentation
in tabular form.

Since MS EXCEL is a
Microsoft product, starting it
up is almost similar to the
procedure in opening other
MS application.

Launching the Ms-
1. Click on START.
2. Go to
3. Select Microsoft
4. Click MS-Excel
Application Icon


Now try to answer to determine the extent of what you know about the topics discussed. Start

The New User Interface of MS EXCEL 2007

The new user interface (IU), officially known as Fluent User Interface. This kind of interface was
implemented only in the core Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access.

Instruction. Label the MS Excel Interface according to its corresponding number. Just draw an arrow and
write the number. 2 points each


MS Excel User Interface (Parts)

1. Title bar (Example)

2. Control Toollbox

3. Menu Bar

4. Standard Toolbar

5. Formatting Toolbar

6. Name Box

7.Formula Bar

8. Column Guide

9.Row Guide

10. Worksheet

11. Scroll bar

12. Sheet Tab

13. Task Pane

14. Status Bar


Salanda, Cherry, V, Pastor, Francisco Nico, V., Sabado, Marie Paz Claire, M., Dismaya, Anthony
M., Bright HousePublishing.


Work hard, dream

big and never ever
give up students.

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