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Chevron Brace with Both Braces in Compression Channels Warped During Galvanizing
I am designing the gusset for a chevron brace connection Several channels we are using on a current project have
with both braces in compression. The Whitmore sections warped significantly during galvanizing. It has been sug-
of the individual braces overlap. How should this condi- gested that the channels may have been a poor choice for
tion be treated? these members. Is there are validity to this suggestion?

The condition with both braces in compression is addressed Yes. ASTM A384: Standard Practice for Safeguarding Against
in the Example 5.9 of AISC Design Guide 29: Vertical Bracing Warpage and Distortion During Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Steel
Connections—Analysis and Design (a free download for members Assemblies recommends the use of symmetrical shapes and
at, though the Whitmore sections in the singles out channels as a member type that typically requires
example do not overlap. It should be noted that a few different straightening after galvanizing. The April 2004 article “Galva-
approaches are proposed for checking the stability of the gus- nizing Tips” (available at reinforces
set. Each is only a model considered to be reasonable by the this point and provides other useful tips related to galvanizing.
authors. In your case, you must determine a reasonable model In addition, the American Galvanizers’ Association sug-
based on your own engineering judgment. gests a collaborative effort should be used to achieve the best
I imagine there could be many approaches one could take. results: “The design of parts to be hot-dip galvanized is the
You could simply ignore the portion of the Whitmore section responsibility of the design engineer and the architect; how-
that overlaps. You could perform some type of stress interac- ever, when there is a part that has an asymmetric design the
tion check. You could run a fine-element analysis. Personally, galvanizer should let his customer know the part is very likely
I would likely be okay with the overlap in many instances for to distort during the galvanizing process.”
a few reasons. First, when we check the Whitmore section, we Larry S. Muir, PE
assume an even stress distribution along the Whitmore section
area which is established using the 30° angle. This was found Removal of Shim Stacks
to give a good prediction of the peak stresses measured from For base plates that are shimmed and grouted, does AISC
aluminum joint testing performed by Whitmore [Whitmore, consider it necessary to remove the shim plates and pack
R.E. (1952), “Experimental Investigation of Stresses in Gusset grout in the voids left by the shims?
Plates,” Bulletin No. 16, Civil Engineering, The University
of Tennessee Engineering Experiment Station, Knoxville, No, AISC standards do not require removal of the shim
TN.]. Stress trajectories were plotted from the test data, and stacks. Leaving the shims in place under the base plate is
they vary greatly along the Whitmore section. The stresses common practice.
were lower near the ends of the Whitmore section where the Ideally, column bases should be grouted as soon as possible
overlap occurs in your situation, although connection con- in construction when the axial load to the column is only a small
figurations could impact the stress distributions. Also, with the fraction of what the total anticipated final load could be. Done
braces both being in compression, I imagine the stress level properly, the base plates should be grouted before any concrete
will be quite a bit lower than the yield strength of the plate. is cast for the elevated floors when the only load delivered to
Carlo Lini, PE shim stacks is the weight of the bare steel frame and some con-
struction live loads. As additional load is added to the column,
NDT and Special Inspection Waivers the grout will then distribute the load to the foundation.
Please confirm that when third party special inspections Axial compressive forces from the column can be assumed
are waived by the authority having jurisdiction over the to be evenly distributed as bearing forces on the shims and
project, the NDT requirements in Chapter N of the Spec- non-shrink grout. Even if the shims were to start out taking the
ification are also waived. majority of the load, the assembly will deform in a self-limiting
manner through localized yielding of the steel as the force-
This is not correct. Section N7 clarifies the intent, stating: distribution model assumed in sizing the base plate is attained.
“Quality assurance (QA) inspections, except nondestructive Susan Burmeister, PE
testing (NDT), may be waived when the work is performed in a
fabricating shop or by an erector approved by the authority hav-
ing jurisdiction (AHJ) to perform the work without QA.” NDT
must be performed even when the QA inspections are waived.
Larry S. Muir, PE
steel interchange
A More Efficient Approach to Uplift Demand-Critical Welds on Seismic Projects
I have designed a 30-ft-long W14×22 roof beam to resist Must all welds on a seismic project meet AWS D1.8,
gravity loads. However, when we check the beam for making them all demand-critical welds?
wind uplift, bottom flange bracing is required at the mid-
span. The W14×22 seems like a reasonable size for this No. Your question indicates quite a bit of confusion about
application, and I have seen it called out on other similar the requirements and the terms used in AISC 341: Seismic
projects without bottom flange bracing. Is there a method Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings. I will try to clarify the
that might permit me to omit the bracing? requirements for you.
First, seismic effects must be considered for all projects. By
Based on the scenario you have described, bracing of the bot- seismic project, I assume you mean a project that must meet
tom flange might be needed. I have personally used bottom- the Seismic Provisions.
flange bracing on numerous projects where the wind uplift The Seismic Provisions make several references to AWS
pressures exceed the roof dead loads. In my experience, this is D1.8. Each of these applies only to welds within the seismic
not an uncommon practice. force resisting system (SFRS). For example, Section A3.4a
However, you may be able to calculate enough extra capac- states: “All welds used in members and connections in the
ity for your beam if you take a closer look at the value of Cb used SFRS shall be made with filler metals meeting the require-
in your analysis. The Commentary to Section F1 of the AISC ments specified in clause 6.3 of Structural Welding Code—Seis-
Specification provides some additional formulas that can be used mic Supplement (AWS D1.8/D1.8M).” Welds outside the SFRS
to calculate Cb for a roof beam subject to uplift loads, as shown in need not satisfy AWS D1.8.
Figure C-F1.5. This may increase the available strength enough Additionally, welds required to satisfy AWS D1.8 are not
to eliminate the need for bottom flange bracing. It is certainly necessarily demand-critical welds. Demand-critical welds are
worth investigating, especially for repetitive beam conditions. a subset of the welds addressed in AWS D1.8. This is can be
Susan Burmeister, PE seen in the User Note that accompanies Section A3.4a, which
states: “AWS D1.8/D1.8M subclauses 6.3.5, 6.3.6, 6.3.7 and
Cambering Plate Girders and Heavy Beams 6.3.8 apply only to demand-critical welds.”
Can very large and very long beams, such as a 56-ft- It should be noted that per Section A4, the engineer is
long W40×593, be cambered? Likewise, can a 56-ft-long, responsible for identifying the welds subject to requirements
50-in.-deep plate girder be cambered? beyond those in AWS D1.1 through “Designation of the
SFRS,” “Identification of the members and connections that
Many fabrication shops have the capability to camber typical are part of the SFRS” and providing the “Locations of demand
floor beams using a cold-bending operation (cold cambering). critical welds.”
If the machine capacity is exceeded, heat can be applied to the Larry S. Muir, PE
member to reduce the yield stress. Because many bender-roller
companies have specialized, high-capacity equipment, it is often
more economical for the fabricator to sublet the cambering of
large beams. However, it is doubtful that a 56-ft-long W40×593
could be cambered by cold-bending or heat-assisted bending.
Another potential option is heat curving, which is a bend-
ing process that relies only on the application of heat in The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
specific patterns to induce curvature. This method is used pri- Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
marily used by fabricators for cambering and curving to very
large radii and for repairing damaged members. You should
contact a fabricator to get their advice on this method. Larry Muir is director of technical assistance and Carlo Lini is staff engineer—technical
assistance, both with AISC. Susan Burmeister and Bo Dowswell are consultants to AISC.
Generally, plate girders cannot be efficiently cold-bent about
the strong axis due to the high depth-to-thickness ratio of the
Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
web. In most cases, cold bending would cause local web buckling information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
during the bending operation. The welding of the section also suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
would be a challenge, since curving means plastic deformation The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
and shear in the welds probably much greater than the design recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
anticipated for loads in service. It’s likely too that plate girders licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
principles to a particular structure.
would usually exceed the capacity of the available cambering
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
machine. Fortunately, there is another way. Plate girders are often forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
cambered by cutting the web to the desired curvature, and then have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
welding the flanges in place. This may be the best option. 866.ASK.AISC •
Bo Dowswell, PE, PhD

If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?” about something
related to structural steel design or construction,
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you!
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Headed Stud Anchor Diameter for Developing Flexural Strength of Spliced

Composite Beams Wide-Flange Members
What should be taken into account for selecting headed Specification Section J6 has always vexed me because it
stud anchor diameter for composite steel beams? Are there seems impossible to satisfy the requirement for groove-
any limitations on using ¾-in.- or ½-in.-diameter studs welded splices. By my calculation, for a W36×160 the
welded through metal deck to create composite action? weld-access hole reduces the flexural strength of the
member to less than 70% of the flexural strength of the
There are some considerations in selecting headed stud member without the weld access hole. My calculation is
anchor (stud) diameter and a few limitations that are indepen- based on the moment being resisted only by the flanges,
dent of diameter. which are governed by yielding on the area of the flange.
Size selection: Per the AISC Specification (a free download The shear strength is likewise reduced due to the pres-
at Section I3.2c (1)(2), studs ence of the weld access hole to 85% to 90% of the shear
shall be ¾-in. or less in diameter. Also, per Section I8.1, the strength of the member. How does the spec intend for
diameter of the stud shall not be greater than 2.5 times the the designer to "develop the strength" of the shape?
thickness of the beam flange unless the stud is welded directly
over the beam web. Per Section A3.6, headed studs shall con- Relative to the flexural strength, the situation is similar to
form to AWS D1.1, which only addresses studs ½-in. in diam- directly welded beam-to-column moment connections. The
eter and larger, which therefore defines the lower size limit. argument is sometimes made that one cannot develop the
Those are the specific code provisions pertaining to diameter strength of the beam by connecting only the flanges while
limitations. Beyond that, it becomes an engineering assess- at the same time reducing the overall area by including weld
ment by you as to what is the more economical or practical access holes. An explanation is provided in the May 2012 arti-
solution to transfer the shear for your specific beam. cle “Developing Mp” (available at
The cross-sectional area of a ¾-in. diameter stud is more Though I am not aware of a document that addresses shear
than double the area of a ½-in. diameter stud. Since stud shear in this manner, a similar argument could be made. In fact, I
capacity is directly proportional to stud cross-sectional area, you suspect you make a similar assumption all of the time without
will need more than double the quantity of ½-in. diameter studs giving it a second thought. It is not common for engineers to
to provide the same strength as ¾-in. diameter studs. You could perform a yielding check on an uncoped beam with a bolted
confirm with a local steel fabricator or erector in your area, but connection. Even a net area check is not typically considered
I would expect that the labor cost of installing a larger quantity necessary, since the flanges will tend to prevent such a failure.
of smaller-diameter studs would exceed any cost benefit associ- The only check commonly made is gross shear (yielding)
ated with using smaller-diameter studs unless you have a floor based on the full area of the web. Regardless of the size of the
system that uses small beams and doesn't demand very much in weld access holes, they certainly remove less area than a full
the way of shear transfer between the steel and concrete. depth bolted connection.
With respect to welding through deck, ICC-ES report It is also important to note Specification Section J6 is not
ESR-1094 provides some good information. This may not be requiring the connection to develop the actual strength of the
the only report available. Section 4.1 provides some guidelines member or the expected strength of the member (as we might
for when studs can be welded through two layers of deck- in seismic design) but rather the “nominal strength of the
ing versus only one layer. This report does not distinguish smaller spliced section.”
between various stud diameters in defining the limitations on The case of the expected strength is an interesting one.
welding through deck. The welded unreinforced flange-welded web moment con-
Studs should not be welded through coated sheet metal nection in AISC 358 Prequalified Connections for Special and
other than typical steel decking. Welding through other mate- Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications (a free
rials, such as galvanized architectural flashing materials and download for members at has been
even paint on the beam flange, can introduce contaminants shown through physical tests not only to develop the nomi-
into the weld that could affect the weld performance. Standard nal strength of the beam but also to develop the actual beam
structural composite decks have controls in place to limit the strength and force hinging of the beam outside the connec-
potential of contaminants from the coatings. tion. This is accomplished even with the larger weld access
Susan Burmeister, PE holes required in AWS D1.8.
Larry S. Muir, PE


steel interchange
Tributary Length for Prying Action wise, adding a requirement to remove backing with comments
The article “A Slightly Longer Look at Prying” (an online during shop drawing approval or by RFI response may repre-
supplement to the July 2016 article “A Quick Look at Pry- sent a change to the contract. Section 4.4.3 and 9.3 of the AISC
ing,” available at states that the effec- Code of Standard Practice (a free download from
tive width, p, for prying action can be conservatively taken as specifications) addresses revisions to the contract documents.
3.5b but cannot exceed the spacing between the bolts. This Carlo Lini, PE
conflicts with Part 9 of the Manual, which indicates that p is
limited to twice b. Can the effective width exceed 2 times b? Short-Headed Stud Anchors
Chapter I of the AISC Specification requires that “stud shear
Yes. The statement in the article is based on the upcoming connectors, after installation, shall extend not less than 1½
15th Edition Manual, which will revise the default effective in. above the top of the steel deck.” I have an existing building
width from p = 2b to p = 3.5b. The new default value is based and the original design documents indicate the shear studs
on guidance provided by the South African Institute of Steel extend only 1 in. above the steel deck. When calculating the
Construction that was evaluated by the AISC Manual Commit- composite strength of this member, is there a reduction fac-
tee and deemed to be adequate. The new assumed distribution tor that can be used to account for shorter stud?
angle is 60°, which is conservative but not as conservative as the
assumed 45° angle used in the 14th Edition Manual. AISC does not have sufficient information to make a recom-
It should be noted that the 2p limit was not intended to be a mendation about the performance of composite flexural members
requirement. Even though it is not stated, it was only a recom- when the stud projection above the deck flutes is less than 1½ in.
mendation. The recommendation was established because it was Therefore, the Specification does not provide a reduction factor
brought to the attention of the Manual Committee that there for use with the current equations. You would have to use your
was a wide range of assumed tributary lengths being used in own engineering judgment. The parameter limitations noted in
practice. It was felt that the Manual should provide guidance. As current Section I3.2c were established to ensure beam designs
is often the case when engineers are forced to provide guidance, are performed within the margins of the available research data,
the first pass was conservative. Given the lack of data available largely summarized in the first quarter 1977 Engineering Journal
at the time, the committee felt that the 2b guidance was a safe article “Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck” (available for
lower bound. With a closer look at the South African Institute free to AISC members at
of Steel Construction data the 3.5b limit was adopted. Note that Provisions for composite members with formed steel deck
the Manual also allows that a larger tributary length may be jus- did not appear in the AISC Specification until 1978. At that
tified based upon testing or rational analysis. time, the Specification required the same 1½ in. projection per
Carlo Lini, PE the research in the above-mentioned article. However, Sec-
tion 1.11.6 stated: “When composite construction does not
Fatigue and Removal of Backing for Fatigue conform to the requirements of Sects. 1.11.1 through 1.11.5,
We have received shop drawings for a steel structure with allowable load per shear connector must be established by a
moment frame connections using complete joint penetration suitable test program.” This may have permitted a designer to
groove welds. It is not a high-seismic project but we do have use a shorter stud projection if they had access to some other
fatigue design considerations. The contractor has indicated on test data in order to establish their shear connector strength.
the shop drawings that backing bars will be used. We requested Susan Burmeister, PE
that the backing be removed in our review comments. The
contractor is asserting that this is an unusual requirement and
is treating this as a change in the contract. We believe that since The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
the structure is subjected to fatigue, the contractor should be capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
required to remove the backing at no additional cost. How is
this situation treated in AISC documents?
Larry Muir is director of technical assistance and Carlo Lini is staff engineer—technical
assistance, both with AISC. Susan Burmeister is a consultant to AISC.
This situation is not directly addressed by any AISC docu-
ment. However, it is addressed in AWS D1.1, which is adopted Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
by reference in Section J2 of the Specification. information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
Clause 2.17.2 of AWS D1.1 addresses backing and directly
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
addresses the removal of backing, which often can generally be position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
left in place. The treatment of backing is tied to fatigue consid- recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
erations as you indicate. Clause requires the engineer principles to a particular structure.
to provide the fatigue stress category in the contract drawings. If If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
you provide the applicable fatigue stress category in the contract forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
documents and AWS D1.1 Clause 2.17.2 requires removal for have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:

that fatigue stress category, backing removal is required. Other- 866.ASK.AISC •

If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?” about something
related to structural steel design or construction,
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you!
Send your questions or comments to interchange
Composite Beams thickness of 2 in. everywhere, regardless of whether or not the
A project on which we are installing shear studs specifies final floor is level, then I would be inclined to say two different
a composite steel system comprised of 2 in. concrete over stud lengths are not necessary. However, if the design specifies
3 in. metal deck. Headed anchor studs, ¾ in. in diameter, a level floor finish then it is possible that if beam cambers do
are specified and noted to be a minimum of 1.5 in. above not come out, you could have exposed studs and that extra 3⁄16
the deck and ½ in. below the top of the concrete. In an in. of stud length could become very important.
ideal situation, this can theoretically be achieved with 47⁄8- Susan Burmeister, PE
in. studs that achieve 4½ in. of finished length. However,
this only occurs where studs are installed through metal Web Compactness for Singly
deck and 3⁄8-in. burn-through is theoretically achieved. At Symmetric I-Sections
girders parallel to deck direction where the stud attaches I am designing a singly symmetric I-shaped member
directly to the girder flange, the theoretical burn-through in flexure. The plastic neutral axis for this section falls
is 3⁄16 in. and thus the finished length is 411⁄16 in. Both con- within the compression flange resulting in a negative
ditions run a high risk of being exposed when typical fab- value for hp/2. How can I determine whether the web is
rication tolerances are considered (crown-up fabrication) compact, non-compact or slender? Note that if the web is
even if there is no camber required. Section I3.2c of the not compact, then Section F4 of the Specification applies
AISC Specification has the following requirements: 2 in. and since λp is equal to λr the denominators in Equations
minimum slab over deck, 1.5 in. minimum length above F4-9b and F4-16b become zero—again resulting in a
metal deck and ½ in. minimum of concrete cover to sur- result that is difficult to interpret.
face. Are there permitted deviations to this rule? Are two
different stud lengths required in this situation? Table B4.1b of the AISC Specification applies to compression
elements of members subject to flexure. If hp/2 is within the
The system you have described satisfies the requirements of the flange, then, under a plastic stress distribution, the web is in
AISC Specification but, as you’ve noted, does not allow much tension and therefore doesn’t need to be classified. If hc /2 is not
room for tolerance. The specific provision in Section I3.2c(1)(2) within the flange, then, under elastic stress, some portion of the
states: “Steel headed stud anchors, after installation, shall extend web will be subjected to a linearly varying compression load.
not less than 1½ in. above the top of the steel deck and there In such a case, the magnitude of the compression stress will be
shall be at least ½ in. of specified concrete cover above the top relatively small when the section is elastic. As more and more of
of the steel headed stud anchors.” There are a couple of nuances the section is strained beyond the elastic limit, the length of web
within the wording here that are worth pointing out. in compression will decrease. Both of these trends tend to indi-
First and foremost, the 1½ in. minimum stud projection cate that the stability of the web will not be a concern.
above the deck is structurally more important to the perfor- There are several possible approaches. First, the limits
mance of the system than the ½ in. clear cover over the top. could be calculated based on Case 15, the doubly symmetric
Purely from a strength perspective, the concrete cover over the case, with the length of the web, h, assumed to be hc. I believe
top of the stud provides no recognized additional capacity. In this would be a conservative approach. The coefficient of λr is
the above referenced language, the phrase “specified concrete the same for the doubly symmetric and singly symmetric cases.
cover” was carefully chosen and deliberated over within the Now consider the calculation of λp. If the equation for Case 16
technical committee that maintains this section of the Specifica- is applied to a doubly symmetric I-shape hc /hp is 1.0. A reason-
tion. The intent is to ensure that designers specify a minimum able value for the shape factor of a rolled wide flange is 1.12.
of ½ in. concrete coverage to account for some of the field This value produces a coefficient of 3.77—pretty close to the
inaccuracies, but it was recognized that the in the final, as-built coefficient for Case 15, 3.76. So Case 16 produces about the
condition, the coverage could be less. The Commentary to this same result as Case 15 assuming the same parameters.
section of the Specification discusses ways an engineer can miti- There are two ratios that determine the value of λr for Case
gate the potential for exposed studs in their slab system which 16. The first is hc /hp. For a case like yours, with the larger flange
are obviously more critical in a thin-slab system. in compression this ratio will always be greater than one. A
So, to answer your first question, it is acceptable to negative value for hp does not make sense physically relative
encroach into the ½ in. cover if necessary, but the 1½ in. mini- to checking the stability of the web. However, as hp approaches
mum stud projection should be maintained. zero, it can be seen that the value for hc /hp becomes very large.
As to whether or not two different stud lengths are This again tends to indicate that buckling of the web becomes
required, I think that is a question that should be posed to less and less of a concern. The other factor is related to the
the engineer of record. If the design specifies a uniform slab shape factor, Zx/Sx, which is obviously in the same proportion


steel interchange
as Mp/My. Up to a shape factor of about 2 the denominator will The reason for the different designations may not be
be less than one, tending to increase the coefficient. Beyond immediately clear, since both would seem to discourage the
this shape factor, the coefficient will begin to decrease. Why use of the coating with the fasteners listed. However, the
should this be? The greater the shape factor, the more inelastic Annex also states:
deformation will be required to fully yield the section. In other “Coatings listed in this Annex for 150 ksi/1040 MPa
words, the demand becomes greater and greater. Also, at a shape bolts have been qualified and approved where indicated
factor of about 2, the shape is likely moving from a singly sym- for use with 150 ksi/1040 MPa strength bolts. For
metric I-shape to something approaching a tee. It is interesting use on 150 ksi/1040 MPa bolts, other coatings must
to note that there is no case addressing the web of a tee with the be qualified in accordance with IFI 144. Hydrogen
flange in compression. To me, this is another indication that at embrittlement testing required by IFI 144 shall be per-
this extreme the stability of the web is not a concern. formed in accordance with F1940 for internal hydrogen
This condition will be addressed in the Commentary to the embrittlement and F2660 for environmental hydrogen
2016 Specification. The following statement has been added: embrittlement.”
“In extreme cases where the plastic neutral axis is located in A footnote to the table in the Annex states:
the compression flange, hp = 0 and the web is considered to be “Other metallic and nonmetallic coatings may be used
compact.” This corresponds to the logic above. on 120 ksi/830 MPa minimum tensile fasteners upon
If the web is compact, then Section F3, not Section F4, agreement between the purchaser and user. Perfor-
applies and a zero will not appear in the denominator. mance requirements shall be specified by the purchaser
I believe it is always appropriate (necessary!) to exercise and agreed to in writing. Coatings for 150 ksi/1040
engineering judgment. It is especially critical to do so when MPa bolts must be qualified. See A1.1.”
addressing conditions at the fringes of those considered in the So the requirements for F1852 and F2280 are different. The
Specification. It seems there are two different extremes that can standard does not prohibit any coating to be used with F1852
cause the plastic neutral axis to be located in the compression “upon agreement between the purchaser and user” with “per-
flange. One would be where the compression flange is very formance requirements…specified by the purchaser and agreed
clearly compact—i.e., it is very thick and relatively narrow. to in writing.” For F2280, coatings must be must be qualified.
In such a case, it would seem the assumption that the web is The difference seems to involve hydrogen embrittlement.
compact is uncontroversial. At the other extreme, where the Galvanizing of A490 bolts (150 ksi) has been prohibited for some
compression flange is very thin but very wide, I would be hesi- time. This is because the process can lead to hydrogen embrittle-
tant to treat the condition using Case 16. The distribution of ment, which can lead to failure of the bolt and is therefore a
stress typically assumed when calculating hc and hp might not safety concern. The same concerns do not exist for 120 ksi bolts.
be appropriate when the effective flange consists of a very thin I take “not approved” as meaning that this combination
but very wide element. has not been explicitly considered, but there is no reason to
Larry S. Muir, PE believe there is an inherent safety concern. Therefore, if you
are going to do it you are on your own, relying on your own
Not Qualified vs. Not Approved judgment and knowledge.
in ASTM F3125 I take “not qualified” as meaning that there are known safety
The new ASTM F3125, which consolidates the previous concerns with this combination, and it should not be used.
ASTM A325, A490, F1852 and F2280 standards, indicates Larry S. Muir, PE
in Table A1.1 that F1136 coatings are not approved for use
with twist-off bolts (Grades F1852 and F2280). It is my
The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
understanding that this indicates that these coatings are Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
prohibited for use with twist-off tension-control bolts. Some capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at

vendors state that these bolt-coating combinations are not

prohibited. What is the intent? Larry Muir is director of technical assistance at AISC. Susan Burmeister is a consultant to AISC.

You are referring to an ASTM standard. Therefore ASTM

Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
would be the appropriate source for an interpretation. I will, information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
however, provide my own opinion. suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.

F3125 provides two different descriptions: not approved The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
and not qualified. These terms are defined in the standard: recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
➤ “Not qualified” in Table A1.1 means that a particular licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
principles to a particular structure.
coating has not been qualified and accepted by ASTM
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
committee F16 for use on 150 ksi/1040 MPa bolts. forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
➤ “Not approved” in Table A1.1 means that a particular coat- have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:

ing was not approved for a particular bolt style or grade in 866.ASK.AISC •
the individual standard prior to combination into F3125.
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Eccentricity at Axially Loaded As you stated, the bottom row of bolts on the right side
Beam-End Connections of the connection should be neglected relative to the transfer
of the axial load. However, all of the bolts will participate in
transferring shear.
Other approaches are possible and contract-specific
requirements could be imposed, but the comments above
reflect what I understand to be common practice.
Bo Dowswell, PE, PhD

Cambering of Cantilevered Beam Framing

Continuously Over Column
I have a beam framing con-
tinuously over a column simi-
lar to the condition shown in
Figure 2-2a of the 14th Edi-
Figure 1
tion AISC Manual (available
see Figure 2. In my case, the
Shop-welded, field-bolted beam-to-beam double-angle right-hand side of the beam
connections must transfer both axial and shear end reac- cantilevers 17 ft beyond the
tions. In Figure 1 the beams are non-composite and the column, and the left-hand side
entire axial force must be transferred through the con- is a 10-ft back span. The beam
nections. The connections will be designed assuming that is a W18 and the column an
only the top three rows of bolts, which are common to HSS4×4. I wish to put a cam-
both connections, will transfer the axial force. ber in the cantilevered section
Does the eccentricity of the axial load from the beam such that its end will be 3/4 in.
centerline to the centerline of the bolt group need to higher than the elevation at the supported when erected.
be considered in the design of the connection? Does an I am aware that there are issues with providing camber
eccentricity need to be considered when evaluating the for cantilevered or moment-connected beams. However,
coped section? is it feasible to camber a cantilevered beam framing con-
tinuously over a column?
Axially loaded double-angle connections are typically designed
without considering an eccentric moment. The rotational No. It is generally not feasible to camber a cantilevered beam
stiffness of the connections is typically much lower than the framing continuously over a column.
stiffness of the beam. Therefore, the beam will carry almost When designers call for a simply supported steel beam to be
all of the moment due to the eccentricity, and it is common cambered, the steel fabricator applies a load or heat to the beam
to assume that the beam resists the entire moment. It is also a to introduce a permanent deformation in a roughly parabolic
good idea to use the maximum number of bolt rows that will shape with the apex at mid-span. But based on the geometry
fit into the web when resisting axial end reactions, as this will you’ve described, this “conventional” method of introducing
tend to minimize whatever eccentricity does exist. camber into a member does not seem like it would be appropri-
Because floor systems are usually modeled with the beam ate for your condition. Additionally, since your member is only
elements at the same elevation, the eccentricity between the 27 ft long, it may not be a candidate for cambering depending
axial load and the beam centroid is often neglected. on the fabricator's cambering method or equipment. Typically,
I would analyze the coped section assuming an eccentricity it is not recommended to camber members less than about 30
relative to the axial load equal to the distance between the cen- ft long because most cambering equipment is not configured to
troid of the bolt group and the centroid of the coped section. For accommodate shorter members.
axial loads in tension, the resulting moment opposes the moment In general, when engineers do specify camber for a canti-
caused by a downward vertical beam shear. I would also locate levered beam, it is provided in a manner that is different than
the bolt-group centroid as close to the beam centroid as practi- the way we typically think of camber being introduced into a
cal, typically using the maximum number of bolt rows that will fit simply supported steel beam. The beam itself usually remains
into the web. In practice, the small eccentricity that might exist is a straight element, and the beam is fabricated so the erec-
sometimes neglected based on engineering judgment. tor can simply install the beam so that the tip of the beam is
steel interchange
higher than the beam elevation at the connection by the speci- installation, either the shop or erection drawings. Indicating that
fied amount. Since the beam isn’t being bent, you do not have the joints are slip-critical is sufficient to ensure pretensioning.
the same physical constraints on how long a member needs to Carlo Lini, PE
be before it can be “cambered.”
An alternative solution might be to bevel cut and splice Average Versus Peak Shear Stress
the member after it passes over the column, which will cre- When applying Chapter G of the Specification to wide-
ate a change in slope at the cantilevered portion to provide flange beams, 0.6Fy is the shear yielding stress, and Aw is
a specified top elevation at the cantilever tip. However, this the area of the web. Some textbooks appear to indicate
is not an inexpensive approach and it should be weighed that a uniform distribution of shear stress can be assumed
against increasing member sizes or using other methods to because the maximum web shear stress does not differ
mitigate the effect of the anticipated deflection at the tip of much from the average web shear stress.
the cantilever. An alternative that some fabricators prefer is to However, for a rectangular plate the ratio of peak to
make a V-shaped cut in the member, leaving one flange intact average stress is 1.5, which does not seem insignificant.
and then bending and welding the member into the kinked Should the peak stress be used when designing rectangu-
geometry. If you choose to kink the beam, I would suggest you lar plates to resist shear?
consider annotating your drawings and labeling the elevation
difference as something other than “camber.” You are correct that the difference between the average shear
You might also consider splitting the beam and running stress and the maximum shear stress in a wide-flange section is
the column through the joint. This is typically the better relatively small with τpeak /τaverage equal to about 1.15. However,
option for wide-flange columns, but is also a possibility for this is not the reason the Specification is based on the average
your HSS column, and in fact may be the most economical stress. The stresses above assume an elastic distribution of
solution. If you choose this option, note that the 2016 AISC stress, which does not represent the true failure condition of
Code of Standard Practice (ANSI/AISC 303-16, available at the element. Instead, the Specification is based on an inelastic contains new treatment of distribution of stress, which will be uniform.
preset requirements at the ends of cantilevers that will help A similar situation exists related to flexure. If an elastic
you with your goal; see Section 3.1. distribution were used in the Specification for flexure, beam
Susan Burmeister, PE strength would be based on Sx. It is not. It is based on Zx. The
lower-bound ratio Zx/Sx for rolled wide-flange beams is about
Slip-Critical “Bolts” 1.11, though it varies somewhat among the shapes.
What are the differences between slip-critical Class A Section J4.2 addresses shear in connecting elements, which
bolts and slip-critical Class B bolts, and how should they are often rectangular sections, and bases the strength on the
be indicated in shop and erection drawings? gross area—the average stress. For example, when we check a
double coped beam, leaving what is essentially a rectangular
There is no such thing as a slip-critical bolt, a Class A bolt, a “narrow beam,” we base the strength on the average stress,
Class B bolt or a bearing bolt. The same bolt can be used in not because we feel that 1.5 is close enough to 1.0 but rather
slip-critical joints with either Class A or Class B faying sur- because we are recognizing the inelastic redistribution of stress.
faces. In fact, the same bolt can be used with either slip-critical Larry Muir, PE
or bearing-type joints. The difference between a slip-critical
joint and a bearing-type joint is that a slip-critical joint resists
movement of the plies through friction, and a bearing-type The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
joint resists movement between the plies through bolt shear capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
and bearing at the plies. The Class A and B designations refer
to the surface preparation required.
Larry Muir is director of technical assistance and Carlo Lini is staff engineer—technical
Section J3.8 of the AISC Specification for Structural Steel assistance, both with AISC. Susan Burmeister and Bo Dowswell are consultants to AISC.
Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360-16, available at
specifications) defines Class A surfaces as “unpainted clean mill Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
scale steel surfaces or surfaces with Class A coatings on blast- information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
cleaned steel or hot-dip galvanized and roughened surfaces” and
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
Class B surfaces as “unpainted blast-cleaned steel surfaces or position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
surfaces with Class B coatings on blast-cleaned steel.” recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
The detailer must properly indicate on the shop drawings principles to a particular structure.
the required surface preparation at the slip-critical joints, as If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
this affects the strength of these joints. forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
Slip-critical joints also need to be pretensioned, and this must have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:

be conveyed in some manner in the documents related to the bolt 866.ASK.AISC •

APRIL 2017

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