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Answer the following:

1. Describe population, resource and population model.

❖ A population is defined as a group of living individuals of the same species Within a given
environment, and interbreeding. Sometimes, members of a community rely on different
environmental constraints and are subject to the same capital, and it relies on the availability of
other members to be able to proceed over time.
❖ A natural resource is something which can be used by people and is found in nature. Sun, air,
water, plants, animals, soil, stone, minerals, and fossil fuels are the Earth's natural resources.
❖ Ecology of the population, the study of processes influencing the distribution and abundance of
populations of animals and plants. A population is a subset of individuals of one species which
occupies a specific geographical area and interbreeds in species that reproduce sexually. For some
animals, the geographic borders of a population are easy to determine, but more complicated for

2. Discuss the factors that may affect population growth.

❖ Fertility rates (the number of children per adult) (fatality rates) decide population development. In
exchange, birth rates and death rates are determined by a mix of variables. Economic growth and
economic development have also contributed to a decrease in population growth, but there are no
hard and fast rules and other variables that can play an important role, such as the availability of
family planning, societal expectations and government involvement.

3. Make a list of things that you can do to help control the population explosion.

❖ The things I can do to help the population explosion are using contraceptives like condoms (male
and female), pills (for female), etc. Also, I will educate my younger generation, raise awareness
about overpopulation on social media.

4. Describe briefly the characteristic features of the four spheres of the earth.

❖ It is possible to position everything in the framework of the Earth in one of four major
subsystems: ground, water, living beings, or air. Specifically, the "spheres." (land), "lithosphere"
(water), "hydrosphere" (living things), and "biosphere" are the four subsystems called
"atmosphere" (air).
5. Explain the different factors that contribute to environmental impact affecting human

❖ In several ways, humans influence the physical environment: overpopulation, waste, fossil fuel
burning, and deforestation. Climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water
have been exacerbated by changes like these. Such negative effects can affect human actions and
can cause mass migrations or clean water wars.

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