MR Artifacts - Jackson

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MR Artifacts - E.F.


Common MR Artifacts and

Techniques to Minimize Them
Edward F. Jackson, PhD
Department of Imaging Physics

MDACC MR Research

• Review of the basics of MR imaging
• Review of the basic properties of k-space
• Motion induced artifacts
• Metal object artifacts
• Aliasing and N/2 artifacts
• Chemical shift artifacts
• Truncation artifacts
• System/environment related artifacts
– Geometric distortions
– RF coil problems
– Radiofrequency interference
– Receiver/array processor/memory problems – “spike noise”
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Basic ingredients:
– Non-zero magnetic moment nuclei Nuclear
– Static magnetic field, Bo Magnetic
– Radiofrequency field, B1 Resonance
– Magnetic field gradients, Gx,y,z

MDACC MR Research

Slice Selection
– Gradient along z-axis modifies B0 to produce a range of Larmor
frequencies which vary with position.
– Max amplitudes ~ 10-60 mT/m

ω0 = γ ⋅ B0
ω z = γ ⋅ ( B0 + zGz )
ω -z ω0 ωz
∆z =
γ Gz

MDACC MR Research Image compliments of Carl Keener, PhD

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Frequency Encoding
To encode the spatial information in the x-axis, another gradient (Gx) is used:

ω -x ωx

ωx = γ (Bo+ x Gx) <== one-to-one correspondence between frequency and position

MDACC MR Research Image compliments of Carl Keener, PhD

Phase Encoding

To encode the spatial information in the y-axis, a 3rd gradient (Gy) is used

ωt - φy


ωt + φy

MDACC MR Research Image compliments of Carl Keener, PhD

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Spin Echo Imaging Sequence

900 1800 900 1800


2nd echo
1st echo

Reconstructing the Image

– image has been phase-encoded – image has been frequency-

in the one direction encoded in other dimension
• gradient applied before • gradient applied during
frequency-encoding & sampling

MDACC MR Research Image compliments of Carl Keener, PhD

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Image Formation
∞ ∞ − i 2π ( k x x + k y y )
F (k x , k y ) = ∫ ∫ ρ ( x, y ) e dx dy
−∞ −∞

kr = γ ∫ Gr (t ) dt

|2D FFT|
Re[s(t,n)] Im[s(t,n)]


MDACC MR Research

k-space properties

• Center
– maximum signal strength
– low-frequency information

• Periphery ∆ kx
– minimum signal strength
– high-frequency data (edges)

∆ ky

spatial frequency (cm-1)

MDACC MR Research Image compliments of Carl Keener, PhD

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

k-space properties

All 256x256 Central 64x64 Central 192x192 Outer 64x64

MDACC MR Research

k-space properties

No Spike Spike at (135, 135) Spike at (135, 185)

Effect of a single noise spike at varying locations in k-space. As there is no time-frequency
localization property of the Fourier transform, each point in one domain contributes to all
points in the transform domain. (Basis functions have infinite support.)
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

SNR Equation
In general, the SNR equation in MRI is given by
⎧ 1 ⎫
SNR ∝ ⎨ ρ1H δ υ δ φ δ s Nυ Nφ N ave B0 ⎬ f
⎩ BW ⎭

ρ1H is the proton density
δυ δφ δs is the voxel volume (δs is the slice thickness)
Nυ is the number of frequency-encoded points
Nφ is the number of phase-encoding steps
Nave is the number of averages (NEX, NSA, etc.)
BW is the sampling bandwidth
Bo is the static field strength
f is a variable that depends on sequence, TE, TR, coil, etc.
MDACC MR Research

SNR, Acquisition Time, and Resolution

Defining δx as FOVx/Nx, the SNR equation can be rewritten as:

SNR ∝ ρ1H δs N ave B0 f
Nυ N φ BW

In addition to this expression for SNR, we should consider the equations for
resolution and scan time:

Tscan = TR Nave Nφ Í Acquisition time (ideal multislice imaging)

δυ = FOVυ / Nυ Í Resolution in the frequency-encoding direction

δφ = FOVφ / Nφ Í Resolution in in the phase-encoding direction

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

MRI Artifacts
Most common artifacts
– Motion-induced (blood flow, respiration, etc) artifacts
– Aliasing or “wrap-around” artifact
– Metal object artifacts
– Chemical shift artifacts
– Truncation artifacts
– System-related artifacts
• Distortions (gradient and static field inhomogeneities)
• RF coil problems and radiofrequency interference
• Receiver/memory/array processor problems

MDACC MR Research

Motion Artifacts

• Stationary objects with applied gradient => linear phase

accrual, corrected by refocusing pulses
• Moving objects with applied gradient => nonlinear phase
accrual, not corrected by refocusing pulses (typically)
• Most common motion artifacts:
– Respiratory
– Blood flow (especially pulsatile)

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Motion Artifacts

Left: No correction
Right: Multiple NEX averaging

Blood Flow
Left: No correction
Right: Superior SAT pulse

MDACC MR Research

Respiratory Artifacts
• Breath hold acquisitions
– Not appropriate for all sequences or for all patients.
• Multiple averages (NEX, NAV, NSA, etc.)
– Requires significant scan time!
• Respiratory compensation techniques
– Use respiratory trace information to order the phase encoding steps thereby
minimizing phase artifacts (ghosting). (Loose some control on scan timing,
doesn’t work particularly well if breathing is irregular.)
• Respiratory triggering techniques
– Acquire data only during consistent portions of the respiratory cycle. (Same
general negatives as above.)
• Navigator echo techniques
– Use rapid navigator techniques to track motion to correct phase ghosting errors.
(Not available on all scanners or for all sequences on a given scanner.)
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Spin Echo Imaging Sequence

900 1800 900 1800


2nd echo
1st echo

Flow Effects



v2 > v1
Stationary spins

Ref: GE Signa Applications Guide, Vol 3 MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Flow Compensation

Ref: GE Signa Applications Guide, Vol 3

MDACC MR Research

Spatial Saturation

Blood Flow

90o Sat 90o-180o

Pulse SE Pulses

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Spatial Saturation

(A) No Sat Pulse

(B) Inferior Sat Pulse
(C) Superior Sat Pulse
(D) Inferior and Superior
Sat Pulses

Ref: GE Signa Applications Guide, Vol 1

MDACC MR Research

Motion Artifacts

Uncontrolled Coughing Swallowing

Left: Motion artifact corrupted
Right: Motion artifact eliminated
using anterior SAT pulse
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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Motion Artifacts

Peristaltic Motion
Left: No correction Right: Glucagon injection
MDACC MR Research

Aliasing or “Wrap-Around” Artifacts

Aliased to lower

Aliased to higher

-fmax f0 fmax

Aliased image

f aliased = f true − 2 f Nyquist

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Aliasing or “Wrap-Around” Artifacts

Left: No correction Right: “No Phase Wrap”

MDACC MR Research

Aliasing Artifacts

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Aliasing Artifacts
• Possible solutions:
– Use larger FOV (disadvantage: loss of spatial resolution)
– Use surface coil (disadvantage: possible anatomic scan range
limitations unless appropriate phased array is available)
– Use oversampling or “no phase wrap” options
• Increases FOV by 2x, but only displays the original FOV
• Increases phase encode matrix by 2x to keep same resolution
• Uses partial Fourier reconstruction (homodyne) to keep scan
time approximately the same
• SNR remains unchanged given the 3 steps above

MDACC MR Research

Metal Object Artifacts

Metallic objects can cause distortions of the static and gradient

fields, RF fields, or both
– Ferromagnetic objects - distort Bo and B1 fields
– Non-ferromagnetic metal objects - distort B1 fields

Typical effects are “signal voids” and/or geometric distortions.

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Metal Object Artifacts


MDACC MR Research

Metal Object Artifacts

Effect of Metal on FatSat Effect of Small Letter “c” Tattoo on Upper Arm
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Metal Object Artifacts

3.0T 1.5T
metal prosthetic

BW=125 kHz BW=50kHz

As susceptibility and “metal” artifacts are more significant at 3.0T field strengths, the receiver
bandwidth is typically much higher than at 1.5T or below. The inherent gain in signal to noise
ratio at 3.0T makes such a choice possible without loss of image quality.
MDACC MR Research Images compliments of R. Jason Stafford, Ph.D.

Metal Object Artifacts

1 mm x 3 mm metal shaving
missed on axial CT
Effect of braces, including “out of
slice” contamination artifact (arrow)
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Out of Slice Contamination Artifact

“Out of slice”
contamination artifact
from thick sections (10
mm) using a coil with a
large active volume.
Sidelobes of slice-
selective pulse give rise
to artifact which
“marches” in the
frequency encoding
direction by a fixed
amount each image.

MDACC MR Research

“Annefact” Artifact

Due to anatomy within the

active volume of the coil, but
outside the FOV. Signal from
such regions give rise to
“ghosts” in the phase encoding
direction. (Keep the active coil
region matched as closely to the
anatomy being imaged as
More of a problem in sagittal
spine imaging, particularly T-
and L-spine areas.

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Chemical Shift Artifacts

• Water and fat don’t resonate at the same frequency
• Larmor equation: ν = γ (B0 + Gx x)
• Difference in frequency translates to a difference in position
(both in-plane and slice location)
• Magnitude of in-plane shift of fat and water pixels:
∆ν ∆ν • FOV
δ = =
γ G BW

• Dominant acquisition parameters that affect shift: FOV and

MDACC MR Research

Chemical Shift Artifacts

The magnitude of the in-plane chemical shift-induced

spatial errors are:
– Directly proportional to Bo

– Inversely proportional to the amplitude of the frequency-

encoding gradient field (Gν)

– Inversely proportional to the sampling bandwidth, since

decreasing BW results in decreasing Gν (for the same FOV)

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Chemical Shift Artifact

First Echo: TE/TR=30/3000ms Second Echo: TE/TR=100/3000ms

BW = ±15.6 kHz BW = ±3.9 kHz
MDACC MR Research

Chemical Shift Artifact

Localizer, 48 cm FOV SSFSE, 32 cm FOV

BW = ±31.3 kHz Î 1.7 mm shift BW = ±62.5 kHz Î 0.6 mm

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Chemical Shift Artifacts

To minimize chemical shift artifacts:
– Work at lower field strengths (not a practical solution!)

– Use the smallest possible FOV (tradeoff: SNR)

– Increase the receiver bandwidth (tradeoff: SNR)

– Use fat suppression techniques to eliminate signal from fat (not

always possible or practical).

Bullets 1-3 are also applicable to minimize susceptibility

MDACC MR Research

Truncation Artifacts

• Occur at high contrast edges.

• Due to Gibb’s phenomenon.
• Also known as “ringing” artifact.
• Minimized by increasing matrix size.

Actual intensity profile Measured intensity profile

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Truncation Artifacts

256x128 matrix 256x256 matrix

MDACC MR Research

Truncation Artifacts

256x128 matrix 256x192 matrix

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Truncation Artifacts

256x128 matrix 256x256 matrix

MDACC MR Research

Truncation Artifacts

To minimize truncation artifacts:

– Increase the matrix size (tradeoff: SNR)

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Fast Spin Echo Specific Artifacts

• Fast spin echo (FSE) imaging techniques are used to
dramatically reduce the scan time, particularly for T2-
weighted imaging.
• One price of the increased acquisition rate, however, is the
potential effect of T2-blurring.
• For conventional SE and gradient echo techniques, the point
spread function is independent of T2. This is not the case for
FSE where there is no well-defined value for TE.
• To understand the T2-blurring phenomenon, a brief review of
the FSE sequence is helpful.
MDACC MR Research

Multi-Echo Spin-Echo Imaging

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Fast Spin Echo Imaging

– In the FSE sequence, unlike the multi-echo SE sequence,

each of the ETL echoes is uniquely phase-encoded.
– Result: We can fill k-space in 1/ETL of the time normally
required. This is very advantageous for T2-weighted
– Example: If a conventional multi-echo SE sequence
requires 10 min to acquire a set of images, an FSE sequence
with comparable weighting and an ETL of 10 might require
only 1 min.
MDACC MR Research

Fast Spin-Echo Imaging

MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Fast Spin Echo - Advantages

• 1) Speed
Can acquire faster image sets, or improve the SNR or
resolution of a given image in the same amount of time (or
less) required for multi-echo SE imaging.

• 2) Decreased susceptibility artifacts

Dramatically less artifacts at interfaces such as tissue/air or
tissue/bone in T2-weighted images as compared to GRE.
(Even less susceptibility artifacts than obtained with SE
MDACC MR Research

Fast Spin Echo - Disadvantages

• 1) Increased specific absorption rate (SAR)

The use of multiple 180o pulses in rapid succession deposits
significant RF energy into the patient and may actually limit the
speed advantage of the FSE sequence. (A 180o pulse contains 4x
the energy of a 90o pulse.)

• 2) Less susceptibility-dependent contrast

The decreased susceptibility artifacts come at some price. In FSE
images, contrast due to substances such as iron is less than that
obtained with comparable SE sequences. Therefore, iron-
containing structures are not as well-visualized (nor is paramagnetic
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Fast Spin Echo - Disadvantages

• 3) “T2-blurring”
• Increased blurring can occur in the phase-encoding
direction when using short TEeff values and/or long
• The effect is more evident for tissues with short T2
• 4) Fat is brighter than on a comparable SE sequence

MDACC MR Research


T2 Decay

Signal Intensity (%)


T2 = 300 ms


0 T2 = 60 ms
0 50 100 150 200
Time (ms)

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson


Vertical Profile (freq encoding)

Horizontal Profile (phase)

X. Joe Zhou, PhD

MDACC MR Research


ETL = 2 ETL = 4 ETL = 16

T2 decreases as the tube # increases from 1-11

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson


• The T2-blurring effect can be decreased by:

– increasing the number of phase-encoding steps, and/or
– decreasing the ETL.
– Both of these options, however, come at a price (time).

• The effect can also be decreased by decreasing

the echo spacing (time between consecutive 180o

MDACC MR Research

System Related Artifacts

• Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity

– Static Field
– Gradient Fields

• RF Coil Problems
• RF Interference Artifacts
• RF Receiver / Array Processor / Memory Problems

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Distortion Artifacts

Magnetic field inhomogeneities result in geometric distortion

of the image. (Frequency and phase related to position.)
Magnitude of distortion depends on gradient amplitude.

0.2 T Magnet
Left: BW = 32 kHz
Right: BW = 8 kHz

MDACC MR Research

Chemical Saturation
90o saturation pulses applied at frequencies indicated by grey regions

1H MRS Spectrum from Normal Human Gastrocnemius Muscle

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson


900sat 900 1800




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90ofat 90o 180o


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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Effect of Inhomogeneity on “FatSat”

Fat Sat failure due to field

inhomogeneities (arrows).
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Gradient Field Nonlinearities


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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Gradient Field Nonlinearity Effects

In-Plane Distortion

Slice Plane at Isocenter

– 20 cm FOV
– White circles: with gradient non-
linearity correction
– Black circles: without gradient non-
linearity correction
– Maximum error without correction:
~ 4.5 mm at ±10 cm from isocenter
– Maximum error with correction:
< 1 mm at ±10 cm from isocenter

MDACC MR Research

Gradient Field Nonlinearity Effects

In-Plane Distortion

Slice Plane at 20 cm from

– 20 cm FOV
– White circles: with gradient non-
linearity correction
– Black circles: without gradient non-
linearity correction
– Maximum error without correction:
~ 5.5 cm at ±10 cm from isocenter
– Maximum error with correction:
< 2 mm at ±10 cm from isocenter
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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Not an Artifact!

MDACC MR Research

Gradient Amplifier Failure

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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Radiofrequency Coil Problems

• Typically result in poor SNR

• For phased-array coils, single coil elements may begin to fail
resulting in a localized area of low SNR adjacent to the
failed element.
• Poor decoupling of the receiver and transmit coils will also
give rise to lower SNR (and possible receiver coil damage).

MDACC MR Research

Radiofrequency Interference
• MR scanner is basically a specialized spectrum analyzer
• Any signal in the active bandwidth is received and mapped to
an image position. Artifacts are bands or “zippers” of
intensity perpendicular to the frequency-encoding direction.
• Internal RFI: Single “zipper” at center of FOV
• External RFI: Single or multiple bands.
• Scanner is in a Faraday cage to minimize RFI (typical
shielding requirement: 100 dB attenuation at 100 MHz for
1.5T and 100 dB attenuation at 150-170 MHz for 3.0T).
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MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Radiofrequency Interference

Frequency-encoding direction

MDACC MR Research

Radiofrequency Interference

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

Receiver/Array Processor/Memory Errors

• Bad data values due to acquisition or storage problems can

cause very dramatic artifacts.
• Such “spike noise” artifacts appear as a repeated pattern
across the entire FOV. (Woven-pattern appearance, “fields
of grain” appearance, etc.) Exact appearance depends on
where in k-space the spike (or spikes) occurred.
• Can occur due to receive chain component failure OR true
spike noise due to electrical arcing, etc.
MDACC MR Research

“Spike Noise” Artifacts

No Spike Spike at (135, 135) Spike at (135, 185)

Effect of a single noise spike at varying locations in k-space. As there is no time-frequency
localization property of the Fourier transform, each point in one domain contributes to all
points in the transform domain. (Basis functions have infinite support.)
MDACC MR Research

MR Artifacts - E.F. Jackson

“Spike Noise” Artifacts

MDACC MR Research


• J Zhuo, RP Gullapalli. AAPM/RSNA Physics Tutorial for Residents. MR
Artifacts, Safety, and Quality Control. RadioGraphics 26:275-297, 2006.

MDACC MR Research


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