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Earth-Science Reviews 46 Ž1999.


Colonization of new habitats by benthic foraminifera: a review

Elisabeth Alve
Department of Geology, UniÕersity of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway


Colonization of new habitats, which have been established as a result of a catastrophic disturbance of the environment, is
one of the characteristic repetitive events throughout the Phanerozoic. In recent years, much attention has been paid to
investigations focusing on biological recovery of benthic habitats severely disturbed by human activity. In order to improve
our environmental and stratigraphical interpretations of such events, we need a more thorough understanding of the
processes involved in colonization by one of the most abundant and useful fossil groups, the benthic foraminifera. The
present review focuses on processes governing benthic foraminiferal dispersion and colonization patterns in modern
environments. For benthic foraminifera, the only active dispersal mechanism is through self-locomotion on or within the
sediment and this is considered to be efficient over short distances only. Several passive dispersal methods have been
suggested but two seem to be of more general importance. These are dispersal through release and transport of embryonic
juveniles and passive suspension and transport of various growth stages. Both are probably important for most benthic
foraminifera but the former is likely to be the main mechanism for attached, tubular and larger foraminifera, which are not
easily entrained at a later life stage. The latter seems to be a more important dispersion mechanism for benthic foraminifera
than previously realized. The colonization rate of soft-bottom substrates is closely related to the hydraulic regime in, and the
transit time from, the source area inhabited by species capable of colonizing the new habitat Žas long as food and other
environmental characteristics are not limiting factors.. The transit time depends on the speed of the transporting medium and
the distance from the source area. There seems to be two end-processes which can operate during the colonization,
depending on whether physically induced or biological processes are allowed to dominate. They are characterized by
different colonization patterns. In high energy environments Žbottom current velocities often ) 20 cmrs., a short transit
time may cause the major components of the nearest ambient seafloor assemblages to colonize the new habitat within days.
In this case the colonization is simply through a physical transfer of parts of the source community to the new habitat,
allowing no time for pioneer, opportunistic assemblages to develop. In low energy environments Žbottom current velocities
generally - 10 cmrs., the transit time is long for most species. Here, colonization follows the classic metazoan successional
pattern with an initial, high abundance pioneer assemblage strongly dominated by small opportunists followed by
development of assemblages with increasing numbers of specialized species and recovery can take from one to several years.
Initial lack of food Že.g., volcanic ash. or ‘hostile’ substrate properties Že.g., recently reoxygenated or severely contaminated
sediments. may delay colonization by months or even years. Small, infaunal species Žboth calcareous and agglutinated. are
among the first and most successful colonizers of soft bottom habitats from shallow waters to the deep sea. Throchospiral

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168 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

agglutinated taxa are among the most abundant colonizers on deep sea hard substrates. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: benthic foraminifera; meiofauna; dispersal; colonization; succession; recovery

1. Introduction Ž3. Exposure of new azoic sea floor due to an

environmental change such as retreating ice fronts
Environmental disturbances have various degrees and oxygenation following anoxic events Že.g.,
of destructive impacts on benthic communities and sapropels and reoxygenation following organic mat-
severe, large-scale disturbances can lead to defauna- ter pollution abatement., whereas marine transgres-
tion of existing sediments or establishment of new, sions probably operate too slowly to provide a lag
unoccupied habitats. Habitat disturbance or destruc- between exposure and colonization.
tion may also cause species extinction and this is In the marine geological record of sudden deposi-
most likely to happen in areas with high numbers of tional events there will be a succession from Ža. a
rarely occurring endemic taxa ŽCulver and Buzas, pre-disturbance deposit to Žb. a disturbance deposit
1998.. The initial faunal recovery processes and followed by Žc. the post-disturbance deposit. Units a
subsequent succession following major disturbances and c may contain in situ fossils whereas unit b will
are referred to as colonization ŽLevin and DiBacco, either be unfossiliferous Že.g., volcanic ash layer. or
1995. and this is the topic considered in the present contain transported fossils Že.g., turbidites, although
paper, focusing on benthic foraminifera. Small-scale they may contain post disturbance, infaunal taxa
disturbances Že.g., fishes stirring up the sea bottom, which utilize organic matter in the turbidite layer
animal tracks, faecal casts. of already occupied habi- ŽRathburn and Corliss, 1994... The marine geologi-
tats are not included. However, several aspects of the cal record of sudden exposure of new azoic sea floor
colonization processes following large-scale distur- may be represented by disturbance deposits without
bances also have implications for our understanding fossils Že.g., as a result of anoxia or ice in contact
of the dynamics and recovery patterns of small-scale with the sea floor. followed by post-disturbance
disturbances and are therefore of general interest and deposits Žwith fossils.. However, events such as
applicability. benthic storms, and dredging may not leave a distur-
In the marine environment, severe disturbance bance deposit but simply erode into older fossilifer-
causing an appearance of new habitats ready for ous deposits Žin which nothing is currently living.
colonization by benthic organisms is generally due to upon which new deposits Žwith fossils. subsequently
one of the following three causes: accumulate Ži.e., create an hiatus.. From a geological
Ž1. Sudden depositional events such as turbidity point of view, important paleoenvironmental infor-
current deposits Že.g., flysch. and other mass-flow mation can be obtained by high resolution studies of
deposits which typically occur along continental sediments deposited just before, during, and after the
margins and in fjords, deposition of submarine vol- disturbance event Že.g., Rohling et al., 1997. but
canic ash layers, and anthropogenic dumping activ- detailed paleoenvironmental interpretations can only
ity. be achieved through analyses of the fossil assem-
Ž2. Sudden exposure of new azoic sea floor which blages. In many cases, benthic foraminifera represent
may be due to Ža. natural or human induced erosion the best fossil group for study because they are
such as areas where the surface sediments have been usually the most abundant benthic organisms pre-
‘stripped’ off during mass-flow transport, Žb. benthic served. While the present review focuses on biologi-
storms Ži.e., strong currents., Žc. icebergs ploughing cal observations of short-term Žin a geological per-
into the sea bottom, or Žd. in more recent years, spective. colonization processes in modern environ-
anthropogenic dredging in coastal areas or possible ments, geological investigations are the only which
deep sea manganese nodule mining. can provide more complete information about long-
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 169

term processes. However, in order to perform de- view, for interpreting and understanding the ecologi-
tailed interpretations, it is necessary to establish cal implications of, and recovery from, anthro-
whether the sedimentary sequence is complete Ži.e., pogenically induced environmental stress Že.g., Elli-
without hiatus. and whether the benthic community son et al., 1986.. This concerns both short-term
recorded just after the event is redeposited or in situ. biological monitoring evaluating impacts of physical
In the latter case, valuable paleoenvironmental infor- and chemical disturbance and environmental stratig-
mation can be obtained only if we know how to raphy investigations ŽAlve, in press. recording im-
recognize and interpret foraminiferal colonization pacts over a longer time period Že.g., back to pre-in-
patterns and this has to be based on a thorough dustrial times..
understanding of foraminiferal biology. There are numerous studies of benthic metazoan
Marginal basins, such as the Mediterranean Sea, colonization patterns both in lacustrine and marine
which have undergone alternation between oxic and environments. The question arises: do benthic
anoxic conditions leading to sapropels Že.g., Rohling foraminifera, being protists, follow the same patterns
et al., 1997; Schmiedl et al., 1998 and references of dispersal, colonization, and subsequent succession
therein. present additional problems of scale com- as metazoans?
pared with the observations of modern processes. At present, there is only limited understanding of
Questions which might be posed include the follow- the processes and biological dynamics of benthic
ing. foraminiferal dispersal and colonization patterns, and
Ø What is the source area of the colonizing most publications so far have primarily focused on
species? Are they from oxic refuges within the basin the speed of colonization rather than on the pro-
or are they introduced from the adjacent open ocean? cesses involved Že.g., see active vs. passive distinc-
If the latter is the case, was the post-sapropel circula- tion below.. This review addresses the principal
tion the same as the present-day anti-estuarine circu- environmental and biological processes which seem
lation in the Mediterranean; this would present a to control dispersal and colonization of modern
major problem for transport of foraminifera. foraminiferal assemblages in newly established, azoic
Ø How rapidly does recolonization take place in habitats in comparison with what is known of the
such previously hostile habitats? Is it diachronous or patterns for marine benthic metazoan invertebrates.
near instantaneous on a geological timescale?
Ø How long does it take for the colonizing as-
semblages to reach comparable diversity and equata- 2. Dispersion
bility levels to those of the pre-sapropel assemblages
after re-establishment of well oxygenated condi- The dispersal phase of macrobenthic life histories
tions? in the marine environment commonly occurs through
These are questions that future studies of sapro- passive spreading of planktonic larval stages ad-
pels might address in the light of the data from vected by currents Že.g., Grassle, 1978. and recolo-
modern environments reviewed in this paper. nization studies have shown that pelagic larval re-
In addition to these more traditional geological cruitment can account for 70–90% of all individuals,
applications, analyses of both live and dead benthic especially of polychaetes and molluscs ŽMcCall,
foraminiferal assemblages have been shown to have 1977; Santos and Simon, 1980; Diaz-Castaneda et
a good potential for studying anthropogenically in- al., 1993.. However, movement by adults and juve-
duced disturbance and recovery effects in marginal niles through the water column have also been re-
marine environments Žreviewed in Alve, 1995a; for ported Že.g., Chandler and Fleeger, 1983; Kern and
discussion of environmental change using benthic Bell, 1984.. In contrast to the macrofauna, most
foraminifera as proxies, see also Murray, in press.. meiofaunal taxa lack pelagic larvae and they are
Consequently, detailed information concerning the known to enter the water column either passively
dynamics of benthic foraminiferal dispersal, colo- through entrainment, or actively through swimming
nization, and recolonization patterns is also impor- Žfor review, see Palmer, 1988a; Thistle et al., 1995..
tant from an environmental management point of Since benthic foraminifera do not have swimming
170 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

abilities, active entry to the water column is not stages of their life cycles between the sediments and
possible. Consequently, for most motile benthic epiphytally on algae ŽErskian and Lipps, 1987. or
foraminifera, there are theoretically four different alternate between intertidal and subtidal habitats
ways of dispersion Žthree passive, one active.: Ž1. ŽWalker, 1976.. Both involve passive dispersion of
release to the water column of gametes, zygotes, or adult individuals as well as of embryonic juveniles.
of embryonic agamonts or gamonts following sexual Some living larger foraminifera can withstand very
and asexual reproduction, respectively; Ž2. adaption high current velocities of 3–4 mrs ŽSeverin and
to a meroplanktonic juvenile life stage with subse- Lipps, 1989., suggesting that they are not easily
quent passive spread by currents; Ž3. self locomotion entrained. This is probably due to a combination of
along the sea floor; or Ž4. through passive Žphysi- their large test size and ability to cling to the sub-
cally or biologically induced. entrainment into the strate with their pseudopodia. Additionally, the fact
water column and subsequent transport of different that larger foraminifera recolonize reef habitats fol-
growth stages. For attached species, the former two lowing defaunation caused by for instance a cyclone
are most likely. Shallow water taxa may also be ŽCollen, 1996., suggests that they re-enter these habi-
transported by floating objects or larger marine ani- tats as embryonic juveniles following reproduction in
mals Žfor discussion, see Myers, 1936., by birds, and adjacent areas. This mechanism probably also plays
by human activity ŽLessard, 1980; Witte, 1994; Mc- an important role in the dispersal of many attached
Gann and Sloan, 1996.. taxa since they are not easily entrained but still have
shown to be among the most successful colonizers of
2.1. Release of propogules following reproduction hard substrates Žsee Section 4..
It seems that dispersal by gametes may be effi-
Dispersal of foraminifera can involve the release cient over small distances Žmeters to hundreds of
of flagellate gametes to the seawater or the produc- meters., whereas zygotes and embryonic juveniles,
tion of amoeboid gametes ŽGrell, 1967.. Of the which probably have a density comparable to seawa-
foraminifera for which aspects of reproduction has ter and therefore are easily transported, are more
been studied, the majority have a life cycle in which prone to disperse over larger distances. The first few
gametogenesis produces numerous biflagellated, chambers of juvenile benthic foraminifera are often
free-swimming gametes that are released directly thin and transparent and capable of increasing their
into the surrounding seawater ŽGoldstein, 1997.. flotation by extending numerous filose pseudopodia,
However, gametes probably do not live long enough so there is no reason why they should not remain
Žhours to one or a few days?. to represent a primary pelagic for days or possibly weeks ŽMyers, 1936..
dispersal mechanism, and the farther they travel, the However, more studies are needed, both for epifau-
lower the density of gametes and likelihood of fertil- nal and particularly for infaunal species which prob-
ization ŽS.T. Goldstein, pers. commun., 1998.. Also, ably reproduce within the sediments Ži.e., no imme-
in some species Že.g., Spirillina ÕiÕipara, Patellina diate release of embryonic offspring to the water
corrugata., the haploid gametes are confined at all column; e.g., Frankel, 1972., before further conclu-
times within an attached cyst implying that dispersal sions concerning the importance of this mode of
cannot be accomplished in the gamete phase of their dispersal can be drawn.
life-cycle ŽMyers, 1936.. On the other hand, distribu-
tional and seasonal reproduction studies of the shal- 2.2. Meroplanktonic life stage
low water species Trochammina hadai suggest that
the sexual generation is more efficiently dispersed Occurrences of living benthic foraminifera in the
than the asexual generation because the gametes are water column has led several authors to suggest that
released to and advected by the bottom water some species have a meroplanktonic Ži.e., temporary
ŽKitazato and Matsushita, 1996.. Some shallow wa- planktonic. stage in their life cycle we.g., BoliÕina
ter species which live in close association with algae Õaughani ŽLidz, 1966.; Brizalina lowmani ŽHueni et
have adapted to the seasonally fluctuating intensity al., 1978.; various tide-pool species ŽWalker, 1976.x.
of turbulent coastal zones by alternating the different To the authors knowledge, a meroplanktonic life
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 171

stage has so far been proved in five genera only foraminifera in the source area, as well as the sur-
ŽTretomphalus, Tretomphaloides, Millettiana, Cym- vival time of the entrained individuals.
baloporetta, and Rosalina. which build a float Compared to other marine, major meiofaunal
chamber for use during their planktonic stage ŽLoeb- groups Žcopepods and nematodes., living benthic
lich and Tappan, 1987; Ruckert-Hilbig, 1983.. This foraminifera seem to be the least easily suspended
is most probably an efficient dispersal method but ŽSherman and Coull, 1980.. This is not surprising,
whether or not it is an adaptive strategy in species since copepods are agile swimmers and nematodes
other than those with a float chamber is left to be lack clinging appendages Že.g., Palmer and Molloy,
proved. Consequently, until more information is 1986.. As pointed out by Severin and Lipps Ž1989.,
available, no conclusions can be drawn concerning a living foraminiferan can use its pseudopodia to
the more general importance of this mode of disper- anchor itself to the substrate, whereas entrainment of
sion. a dead test is simply a function of the size, shape,
and density of the test in relation to the bottom
2.3. Self locomotion current velocity. Furthermore, in shallow water habi-
tats where wave action and turbulence impose a
In most environments, self locomotion along the physical stress on the organisms living there, differ-
sea floor is probably a less efficient and very slow ent adaptive strategies Žattachment, avoidance, test
process because foraminifera Žthose investigated so robustness. are developed by the benthic foraminifera
far. move with a speed of - 1 mm per hour Žtypi- to withstand transport Žsee discussion in Palmer and
cally deep-sea and bathyal species, e.g., Weinberg, Molloy, 1986; Erskian and Lipps, 1987.. Despite all
1991; Hemleben and Kitazato, 1995; Bornmalm et this, living benthic foraminifera have been reported
al., 1997. up to a few millimeters per hour Žsome to occur abundantly in the water column and, as
shallow water species, e.g., Kitazato, 1988; Wet- discussed in Section 3, several studies have shown
more, 1988. and because their movements are known that appearance of diverse, abundant assemblages on
to be random Že.g., Jepps, 1942; Murray, 1963., new substrate can happen so quickly that settlement
implying that they do not actively track a new of various growth stages, rather than settlement Žand
habitat. However, tank experiments have indicated subsequent growth. of recently produced offspring,
that colonization of new habitats through self loco- is more likely to have been the major mechanism.
motion may occur over small distances of some tens There is hardly any information on what bottom
of centimeters within 7 days ŽSchafer and Young, current velocities are needed to entrain motile living
1977.. Consequently, due to the random and rela- benthic foraminifera, but some information exists
tively slow movement, this method is probably most concerning dead tests. Flume experiments have
applicable to active colonization of small-scale dis- shown that the mean traction velocities for dead tests
turbed patches. of common, free living, small Žnominal diameter
0.32–0.52 mm. species such as Quinqueloculina cf.
2.4. PassiÕe entrainment and transport of growth Q. Õulgaris, Islandiella subglobosa, Bulimina ac-
stages uleata, and UÕigerina peregrina are as low as 5.1,
5.4, 6.6, and 9.2 cmrs, respectively ŽKontrovitz et
It is commonly known that once in suspension, al., 1978.. Consequently, bottom currents of at least
sediment particles can be carried for long distances 10–15 cmrs are probably needed to entrain living,
even at low velocities Žrelative to the velocities adult benthic foraminifera as long as their pseudopo-
needed to entrain them. and their physical behaviour dia are active and ‘clinging’ to particles outside the
is mainly a function of the settling velocity. It is test. On the other hand, foraminifera associated with
reasonable to assume that the same holds true for fluffy sediments, e.g., phytodetritus Žwhich is resus-
benthic foraminiferal tests and consequently, one of pended by bottom currents exceeding about 7 cmrs
the most important factors for dispersal of Žat 1 m altitude; Lampitt, 1985.. are probably more
foraminifera of various growth stages is the critical easily entrained and thereby have a higher dispersion
shear velocities required to entrain Žsuspend. the potential. Flume studies indicate that benthic
172 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

foraminifera suspended in bottom flows of about mooring in 400 m of water on the eastern side of the
4–9 cmrs can passively be transported into fiddler USA, Brunner and Biscaye Ž1997. recorded average
crab burrows ŽDePatra and Levin, 1989.. In addition fluxes of 155 benthic testsrm2 per day from the
to physically induced entrainment, biological distur- shelf to the slope during relatively calm spring and
bance Že.g., fiddler crabs, fish, flushing of burrows summer periods, whereas fluxes of 29,000 and 50,000
by infaunal macrobenthos. can also suspend benthic testsrm2 per day were found in connection with a
foraminifera. For example, passive transport of winter storm. The transported benthic taxa were
foraminifera and other meiofauna has been shown to typical of the continental shelf in that area and they
be doubled due to fish activities ŽPalmer, 1988b.. ranged in size from about 30 to 845 mm, with a
Due to the fact that suspension transport of both median size of 81–98 mm. Only a few living indi-
dead and living benthic foraminifera has important viduals were present in the whole data set ŽBrunner,
implications for the taphonomic aspect of palaeoeco- pers. comm., 1998.. Overall, this shows that trans-
logical interpretations, comments will be given on port of benthic foraminiferal tests by water currents
transport of dead tests as well as on living individu- may be substantial.
2.4.2. Suspension transport of liÕing indiÕiduals
2.4.1. Suspension transport of dead indiÕiduals In the above mentioned records, nearly all the
Storms have been shown to play an important role transported benthic foraminiferal tests were dead.
in the suspension transport of benthic foraminifera Considering the fact that in most marine environ-
because there are several records of benthic ments, the densities of dead tests are generally one to
foraminifera in plankton samples taken during or several orders of magnitude higher than those of
after such events but in several cases the majority of living individuals Že.g., Scott and Medioli, 1980;
individuals recorded are dead. For example, plankton Alve and Murray, 1997., it is not surprising that they
samples Žnet opening 76 mm. collected from the sea are also more common in the water column follow-
surface and 10 m below the surface after a period of ing resuspension of surface sediments. However,
storms in the English Channel had a ‘high content’ living individuals, representing various growth
of dead benthic foraminifera, but only very thin- stages, have also been reported from the water col-
walled types, showing a pronounced size sorting umn. For example, Arnold Ž1964. collected some of
Žmajority 150–200 mm in length or diameter accord- the individuals Ž Spiroloculina hyalina. used in his
ing to shape. were recorded ŽMurray, 1965.. Based culture studies ‘by a plankton net towed obliquely
on the presence of only scattered live Žstained. indi- from the surface to a depth of 140 ft’ in an area off
viduals Ž) 76 mm. of benthic foraminifera in surface La Jolla where the water depth ranged from 120 to
water Ž40 m below the surface. samples and samples 160 ft. Lidz Ž1966. found living individuals of Bo-
from 5 m above the sea floor, the Western Ap- liÕina Õaughani in plankton tows Ž62 mm mesh.
proaches and the Western English Channel, Murray down to 15 m below the sea surface 0.5–3.5 km
et al. Ž1982. concluded that, even though dead tests offshore of California and also mentioned unpub-
were abundant, suspension transport is not a lished records of living species of both BoliÕina and
widespread means of dispersal of live benthic BoliÕinita in plankton tows from the ‘deep ocean
foraminifera in that area. Suspension and transport of water’ in the Catalina Basin Ž) 50 km offshore..
‘probably dead’ benthic foraminifera has also been Living individuals of 12 benthic species were
reported from the North Sea where Leptohalysis recorded in plankton tows Ž72 mm mesh. collected
scottii Žas Reophax . occurs regularly during winter from the surface water just off Bodega Head, Cali-
and spring in plankton tows Žmesh size 270 mm. fornia, in water depths to about 25 m ŽLoose, 1970..
collected at 10 m water depth ŽJohn, 1987.. Myers The assemblage composition was the same as that
Ž1936. noted that ‘‘it is not uncommon to find even living in the intertidal community of the area but the
adult Foraminifera in plankton taken from the waters size range of the specimens was somewhat smaller
of the littoral zone’’. During a 16-month survey of Ž250–500 mm diameter.. No quantitative abundance
sediment traps, suspended at 125 m water depth on a data were available, but due to the fact that a fair
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 173

number of living individuals were found even though individuals probably had not entered the colonization
‘the conditions under which the tows were made boxes as either zygotes or juveniles but had been
probably represent a near minimum for energy and suspended and transported into the new habitat in
turbulence’, it was inferred that ‘great numbers of connection with benthic storms or possibly through
foraminifera could be transported’ during storms and bioerosion by deep-sea fish. However, the possibility
high energy conditions. Furthermore, in the Gulf of that the plankton net had been clogged by sediment
Mexico, living individuals of Brizalina lowmani Ž) and thereby decreased the efficient mesh size, cannot
400 individualsrm3 . were recorded in plankton tows be excluded.
collected at 0–25 m water depth from the coast and The cited examples have shown that suspension
up to several tens of kilometer offshore ŽHueni et al., transport of individuals up to several hundred mi-
1978.. crons is not uncommon and that the transported
In a colonization experiment performed in rela- living individuals often represent the dominant
tively shallow water Ž11–19 m. in the western Baltic species inhabiting the sediments in the source areas.
Sea, elevated colonization platforms Ž1.5–5.0 m We shall return to this point in the discussion of
above the sea floor. were used to prevent active colonization patterns.
locomotion of the foraminifera up and into the colo- The processes which lead to colonization Ždisper-
nization trays ŽWefer and Richter, 1976.. Samples sion, transport, settling. operate all the time in ma-
were collected monthly and the first recorded living rine environments and normally they contribute to
individuals were of intermediate size Žabout 200 the changing pattern of species distributions and
mm., i.e., no juveniles and no adults, implying that variability in their abundance through time. How-
the primary dispersion of the foraminifera was ever, the difference between ‘normal’ conditions and
through suspension and lateral transport of individu- colonization of azoic Žempty space. sediment is that
als of intermediate growth stages. Both calcareous in the former the introduced individuals have to
and agglutinated forms were present but Elphidium compete with the pre-existing fauna whereas in the
excaÕatum was by far the most abundant, and live latter this does not apply, at least in the initial stage.
individuals of E. excaÕatum Žsize: 125–200 mm.
were also recorded in the water at that site.
3. Colonization of soft bottom substrates
A nice example showing that even big Žnearly 1
mm in diameter. taxa can be suspended, transported Characteristic features of the dominant, metazoan
into a new habitat, and continue to live there, was early colonizers include high reproduction capacity
shown in a colonization experiment carried out in and short life cycles Žr-strategistss opportunists. en-
Sagami Bay, off Japan, at 1445 m water depth abling efficient colonization Že.g., Koskenniemi,
ŽKitazato, 1995.. The sediment in this particular 1994.. The following specialization stage is charac-
colonization box consisted of artificial substrate made terized by species with lower invasion ability, they
of silt-sized glass beads. After 1 year of colonization, tend to have longer life cycles, and habitat selection
a large individual of AlÕeolophragmium adÕena with mechanisms are increasingly important to determine
glass beads incorporated into the five last chambers the faunal distribution ŽK-strategistss equilibrium
Žout of 11 chambers in the last whorl. was recorded species.. Some species occur later in the environ-
showing that it was alive and in its adult form when mental development due to initial lack of suitable
it was transported into the colonization box. Another habitats and the impact of the species’ dispersion
part of the same experiment included colonization in ability on the community structure decreases dramat-
two boxes with defaunated ambient sea floor mud. ically as more specialized species are introduced
One was open, whereas the other was covered with a ŽKoskenniemi, 1994.. The importance of species dis-
plankton net Ž90 mm mesh. to exclude larger indi- persal ability at the beginning and the increasing role
viduals from colonizing. Both shallow and deep of the habitat Žand species interactions. later in the
infaunal taxa colonized the open box, whereas no succession has been shown for terrestrial inverte-
stained foraminifera were found in the box covered brates Že.g., Huhta, 1971. as well as for macro-
by the plankton net. Kitazato concluded that the zoobenthos Že.g., Koskenniemi, 1994..
174 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

For benthic foraminifera, the current state of Ž1976. reported that re-establishment of the major
knowledge is to a larger extent based on experiments species occurred in colonization frames only 2 days
than on field observations. Recent studies Že.g., after emplacement at 13 m water depth in Nova
Smith, 1985; Kukert and Smith, 1992; Snelgrove et Scotia. In addition to the colonization of the sur-
al., 1995. have shown that several meio- and macro- rounding sea floor species, a strongly increasing
faunal colonization experiments have been fraught absolute abundance of living Ammonia beccarii and
with artifacts due to hydrodynamic effects and the Elphidium spp., which are characteristic infaunal
isolation of the experimental substrate from the am- species of the more shallow areas, occurred a few
bient sediment by the sides and floor of the trays. days later, just after a hurricane had passed. There
However, the present review has not attempted to was no increase of the typical infaunal ambient
evaluate possible artifacts concerning the design of species, Eggerella adÕena, following this event. The
the cited experiments. increase in only the shallower water species was
Several of the colonization experiments dealing directly attributed to disturbance effects caused by
with benthic foraminifera have focused primarily on the hurricane.
ecological aspects rather than the colonization pro- At 65 m on the shelf off New Jersey, Ellison and
cess proper. In these studies, information about the Peck Ž1983. found that defaunated ambient sedi-
colonization patterns has been obtained as a spin-off ments Žmoderately well-sorted, medium–fine sand.
and quantitative faunal data of the experimental and were completely colonized 10 weeks after emplace-
ambient Ži.e., nearby in situ. assemblages are not ment, and the faunal composition was comparable
always available. In several cases, purely sand-sized with that after 43 weeks. In the same way as for the
particles Ži.e., no mud. have been used in some of shallow water studies, the colonization occurred in
the colonization trays, whereas other trays have con- proportions similar to that of the surrounding ambi-
tained ambient sea floor sediments which have been ent fauna. There was no particular difference in the
defaunated, mostly by freezing. Some of the pure faunal composition or density between the 0–1, 1–2,
sand experiments will be discussed together with and 2–3 cm levels in the sediments, and it was
studies of sediments with characteristics beyond the inferred that colonization on and into the sediment
‘normal’ marine range ŽSection 3.2. because the proceeded nearly simultaneously. A similar pattern
well-established positive correlation between mud was recorded after 6 weeks in a colonization experi-
and organic matter implies that pure sand represents ment Žopen mud-filled box. conducted at 125 m
an extremely nutrient deficient habitat and, as such, water depth off Florida ŽBuzas et al., 1989..
is not representative of most marine environments The cited examples show that in shallow water
Žfor macrofaunal responses to colonization in en- coastal and inner shelf areas, the assemblage compo-
riched versus unenriched sediments, see, e.g., Snel- sition and faunal density may rapidly Žwithin days to
grove et al., 1996.. The same applies to recently weeks. approach those of the ambient, surrounding
deposited volcanic ash layers. Studies concerning sea floor. In these instances, the major operating
anthropogenic dump sites and colonization following mechanism seems to be simply a physical transfer of
anoxic events are also discussed in Section 3.2 be- parts of the surrounding sea floor assemblages into
cause they initially represent chemically hostile habi- the colonization trays, leaving no time for oppor-
tats. tunistic, pioneer species to flourish. This nearly in-
stantaneous dispersal mechanism probably has im-
3.1. Azoic ‘normal’ marine sediment portant implications for maintenance of the homo-
geneity of faunal compositions in such areas. But
Experimental studies in coastal shallow water ar- what mechanisms operate in calm, physically less
eas have shown that the initiation of colonization and disturbed areas Že.g., fjords and the deep sea.?
even establishment of assemblages with densities Colonization experiments have recently been car-
and a faunal composition comparable to that of the ried out at 55–63 m water depth in different, well
surrounding ambient benthic assemblages may occur oxygenated, parts of the Oslo Fjord, Norway, to test
in only a few days to weeks. For example, Schafer macro- and meiofaunal responses to various concen-
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 175

open connection to the surrounding sediments. This

would have facilitated direct invasion by neighbour-
ing, free living organisms.
At two sites Žareas B and C., the numerical
density was significantly lower in the colonization
boxes compared to the ambient sea floor assem-
blages, whereas the difference was not significant at
the third site Žarea 1; Fig. 1.. Furthermore, the
number of species was significantly lower and Stain-
forthia fusiformis was 23–40% more abundant in the
colonization boxes compared to the ambient fauna
ŽFigs. 2 and 3.. This shows that the small, infaunal,
opportunistic S. fusiformis was the most successful
colonizer and that 6–7.5 months were not enough, in
this low energy environment, for recovery of the
community structures to ambient levels. Conse-
Fig. 1. Numerical density Žmean values and SD for replicates. of quently, it seems that different dispersal and colo-
live Žstained. benthic foraminifera in ambient seabed sediments nization patterns operate in high and low energy
and colonization boxes Žsurface 0–5 cm. from three stations in the
environments, and that only the latter opens for
Oslo Fjord, Norway.
opportunistic, pioneer species to flourish. In area C,
living tubular foraminifera, primarily Rhabdammina,
trations of heavy metals ŽAlve and Olsgard, in press; were abundant Žreplicates: 5.6, 10.4, and 15.5 stained
unpublished data.. As a spin-off from these experi- tubesr10 cm2 . on the ambient sea floor, whereas no
ments, information has also been obtained concern- living tubular individuals were present in the colo-
ing colonization patterns of benthic foraminifera Ž) nization boxes indicating that tubular taxa are late
63 mm fraction.. Bottom current velocities in these immigrants. Their large size and heavy tests must
areas are generally around 2 cmrs but higher values
can occur, particularly in connection with deepwater
renewals ŽEyvind Aas, pers. comm., 1998.. Data
presented here represent analyses of three replicate
cores Žsurface 0–5 cm. collected from colonization
boxes Žcore diameter 57 mm. and three from the
adjacent sea floor Žcore diameter 69 mm. at each of
three different stations. The colonization devices
consisted of 1.5 = 1.5 m aluminium frames, each
containing 16 propene plastic boxes Ž29 = 32 = 13
cm height.. The three Žof the 16. boxes, from each
frame, which were sampled for the foraminiferal
analyses presented here were filled Žto 2 cm below
the brim. with frozen, defaunated, ambient sediments
Žthe other boxes had ambient or contaminated sedi-
ments and will not be discussed here.. The frames
were left on the sea floor to colonize for 6 Žareas B
and C. and 7.5 Žarea 1. months. This experimental
design isolates the colonization sediments from the
Fig. 2. Number of live Žstained. species Žmean values and SD for
surrounding sediments. It therefore represents a closer replicates. of benthic foraminifera in ambient seabed sediments
analog to larger scale disturbances followed by colo- and colonization boxes Žsurface 0–5 cm. from three stations in the
nization of azoic sediments than if there had been an Oslo Fjord, Norway.
176 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

and high abundance pioneer assemblages characteris-

tic of metazoan invertebrate colonization.
In the deep sea, benthic macrofauna has been
shown to have a much slower colonization rate
compared to shallow water habitats Že.g., Grassle
and Morse-Porteous, 1987, and references therein..
However, more recent investigations suggest that
some events in the deep sea may occur more quickly
than once thought, particularly in response to differ-
ent kinds of food enrichment Že.g., Snelgrove et al.,
1994, 1996.. For benthic foraminifera, it is difficult
to make generalizations like this because their colo-
nization rates seem to a large extent to depend on the
hydraulic regime in the source area and on the speed
of the transporting medium but there is some evi-
dence that foraminifera colonize more rapidly than
macrofaunal invertebrates. In a colonization experi-
ment perfomed in the Panama Basin at 3900 m,
Kaminski et al. Ž1988. reported that, if the tubular
Fig. 3. Relative abundance Žmean values and SD for replicates. of
live Žstained. Stainforthia fusiformis in ambient seabed sediments Dendrophrya arborescens is excluded from the cal-
and colonization boxes Žsurface 0–5 cm. from three stations in the culations, 9 months may be sufficient time for an
Oslo Fjord, Norway. agglutinated foraminiferal fauna Ž) 297 mm. to re-
cover to background levels of abundance and diver-
sity after a disturbance Žthe macrofauna did not
require a very high shear velocity, compared to most recover.. The absence of tubular forms in the Panama
benthic foraminifera, in order to get suspended so Basin colonization trays is in good agreement with
they probably disperse at a very early life stage. the above mentioned findings in Oslo Fjord, Nor-
Their absence in the colonization boxes may indicate way. In Sagami Bay, Japan, most species of the
that they have a slow turnover rate and either had not ambient community recolonized defaunated ambient
reproduced or at least not successfully settled into mud after 1 year but here the assemblage sizes were
the boxes. about 50 times smaller in the culture bottles com-
An even more delayed colonization and recovery pared to those of the surrounding sea floor ŽKitazato,
pattern was recorded in the Baltic Sea experiment 1995..
ŽWefer and Richter, 1976. where living individuals
were found only occasionally during the first 8 3.2. Azoic sediments with characteristics beyond the
months, and the faunal density did not approach that ‘normal’ marine range
of the surrounding environment until 13 months after
installation. It was speculated that this delay might In addition to the recruitment rate of individuals
have been due to an absence of strong water move- to the new substrate, the environmental character-
ments. istics of the new habitat Že.g., nutrient flux, geo-
Compared to what was recorded in the open chemical composition. plays an important role for
coastal shallow water and shelf studies, the coloniza- the faunal recovery and development. Examples are
tion in these comparably tranquil, partly landlocked instances where there is an initial lack of food, such
areas, showed a pronounced time lag with recovery as habitats emerging following volcanic ash deposi-
times of more than 8 months. The strong dominance tion, and initially geochemically hostile sediments,
of one opportunistic species in the low energy, as such as those emerging following dumping of pol-
opposed to the high energy environments, probably luted sediments or reoxygenation of previously
represent the low equatability, low species diversity, anoxic areas.
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 177

3.2.1. Initial lack of food but made up a large portion of the dead assemblage
Colonization following the 1991 eruption of Mt. above the ash after 3 years. It was speculated that
Pinatubo on the Philippines, which caused a 2–6 cm this skinny Textularia and Reophax dentaliniformis,
thick ash layer to be deposited in the South China which showed the largest abundances in the dead
Sea Žcovering an area of at least 36,000 km2 ., has surface assemblages, represented the pioneer stage of
been shown to take many years ŽHess and Kuhnt, a colonization succession and that they had been
1996, 1997. and is still not complete. Investigations outcompeted by later immigrants. Two species of
3 and 5 years after the eruption showed that the Reophax were the most successful colonizers here,
benthic foraminiferal community was still far from as was also the case in the Panama Basin experiment
recovery to background levels. However, the sedi- ŽKaminski et al., 1988..
ment prior to eruption was hemipelagic mud while Surface samples Žnon-quantitative data. collected
after the eruption it was volcanic ash so it should not during five austral summers following the 1970 vol-
be expected that the post-eruption assemblage would canic eruption Žeruptions also in 1967 and 1969. on
be the same. After 3 years, the recolonization fauna Deception Island, Antarctica, also showed a slow
observed in the top centimeter of ash was composed recovery of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages
entirely of infaunal forms, such as two species of ŽFinger and Lipps, 1981.. The assemblages recorded
Reophax and one miliolid. Tubular forms, which had in the caldera in 1972 were sparse, by 1973 the fauna
been abundant before the eruption, were not present. had undergone substantial enrichment and in 1974–
Five years after the eruption, the species diversity 1976 the samples were rich in foraminifera, suggest-
had increased compared to 1994 Ž3 years. and the ing that there was a considerable progressive, but
first epifaunal saccorhizids and rhizamminids ŽFig. slow, repopulation of the devastated benthos.
4. were recorded ŽHess and Kuhnt, 1997.. Textularia Some of the field experiments which have in-
sp. was rarely present in the pre-eruption sediments volved colonization of pure sand or glass beads seem

Fig. 4. Individuals of Rhizammina colonizing the areas ŽSouth China Sea. affected by the ashfall of the 1991 Mt Pinatubo volcanic eruption.
Photo taken by Michael Kaminski in June, 1998, during the RrV Sonne Cruise 132, station 11. Width of pictures 8 cm.
178 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

to illustrate that initially nutrient-deficient sediments colonization will, to some extent, depend on the
show a slowly recovering faunal development. In a geochemical characteristics of the new area.
colonization experiment Žsand from a sand pit., con- Following initiation of sewage treatment in the
ducted during 6 weeks at 1 m water depth in the ¨ River estuary, Sweden, it took about 1 year
Indian River, Florida, weekly sampling showed that before the benthic foraminifera exhibited its first
the densities of all taxa were significantly lower after colonizers and even into the second year only Am-
one and two weeks but that the densities ‘stabilized’ monia beccarii and three allogromiid species were
after 3 weeks and the colonization occurred in the recorded, whereas nematodes and larval forms of
same rank order as the ambient fauna ŽBuzas, 1993.. macroinvertebrates were present already during the
It is not know whether or not reproduction occurred initial phase of the recovery process ŽCato et al.,
in the colonizing sediments. This colonization pat- 1980.. A faster colonization was recorded at an
tern resembles that described previously ŽSection offshore dump site used for disposal of dredge spoil
3.1. for high energy environemts with a physical rich in organic material, Chaleur Bay, Canada, where
transfer of parts of the surrounding sea floor assem- Eggerella adÕena and Ammotium cassis had repopu-
blages into the new habitat, i.e., no primarily biologi- lated most of the substrate after 1 month ŽSchafer,
cally driven succession would be expected but rather 1982.. Two years later, all localities were repopu-
a successive introduction of whichever speciesrindi- lated, and the number of species and the standing
viduals were available for transport during the inves- crop had increased from 13 to 37 and 3 to 27
tigation period. A similar faunal development was individualsrcm3 , respectively.
seen in the colonization of uncovered sand-filled In the geological record, there are numerous ex-
boxes in the Florida Ž125 m. experiment ŽBuzas et amples where colonization has occurred on sub-
al., 1989.. At greater depths ŽSagami Bay, 1445 m., strates which were previously anoxic. Such habitats
in boxes with artificial substrates Žsilt-sized glass have completely different chemical and physical
beads., the densities of living individuals were only properties compared to well-oxygenated sediments
one to two thirds of that of the open defaunated and this probably has an impact on the colonization
ambient mud boxes after 1 year and the number of patterns. For example, in Drammensfjord, Norway, it
species was accordingly lower whereas the diversity took more than 1 year to colonize sediments which
ŽShannon Wiener index. was comparable ŽKitazato, had experienced over 5 years of anoxia ŽAlve,
1995.. Stained individuals were recorded only in the 1995b.. The opportunistic species Stainforthia
fluffy surface 5–10 mm which had been deposited fusiformis was by far the most abundant and suc-
since the emplacement. cessful colonizer of the previously anoxic habitats
both there and in Frierfjord, Norway ŽAlve, 1994..
On the other hand, only sparse living individuals of
3.2.2. Geochemically ‘hostile’ sediments Bulimina marginata, which is considered to be a
The best way of establishing the rate of environ- species tolerant of low oxygen Že.g., Rohling et al.,
mental recovery following disturbance is to monitor 1993., were present during the initial colonization
the faunal development. In some instances, the pre- phase. The fact that B. marginata made up 45% of
disturbed assemblage may colonize after some time the stained assemblage at this site 4 years later
and to what degree this happens can be checked ŽBernhard and Alve, 1996. shows that faunal recov-
through comparison with the fossil assemblages pre- ery after prolonged anoxia may take several years.
served in the pre-disturbed deposits. In other in- Furthermore, it suggests that B. marginata is a
stances, the environmental characteristics of the habi- slower colonizer of previously anoxic sediments than
tat at the site have changed to such a degree that the S. fusiformis.
pre-disturbed assemblages are not the best adapted
any more. Alternatively, according to the ‘species 3.3. Discussion of colonization patterns
pool hypothesis’ of Buzas and Culver Ž1994., more-
or-less random subgroups of species will establish One of the fundamental aspects to consider for
themselves in the new habitat. Either way, the rate of understanding the processes controlling the coloniza-
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 179

tion pattern is the post-settlement responses by the though there are certain times of the year when
recruiting individuals. How do they respond when reproduction is particularly intense, small individuals
introduced into a new habitat? If the settling environ- will always be available for transport and, theoreti-
ment is suitable for the species maintenance, do all cally, the individuals should also be able to continue
introduced species start reproducing soon after they to reproduce in the new habitat, whether or not they
have settled, or do they wait until the season of the are introduced during their most reproductive phase.
year when most individuals normally reproduce? The Reproductive activity is generally thought to be
reproduction patterns in benthic foraminifera are very closely related to food availability. Different species
complex and even though the life cycle is known for have their peak densities at different times of the
about 50 species ŽLee et al., 1991., there is still a year and this may be a strategy for temporal parti-
poor understanding of how often they reproduce and tioning of food resources where those resources are
what actually triggers reproduction. Many seasonal limited ŽCorliss and Silva, 1993.. Such partitioning
studies suggest that reproduction occurs once or a is not required in eutrophic areas where the abun-
few times a year Že.g., Lutze and Wefer, 1980; dance of food is not a limiting factor. For example,
Erskian and Lipps, 1987; Cearreta, 1988; Kitazato nutrient conditions were not considered to be one of
and Matsushita, 1996.. Wefer Ž1976. suggested that the controlling factors of reproduction for Trocham-
Elphidium excaÕatum had a growth period of about 3 mina hadai as the phytoplankton production Ži.e.,
months between each reproductive cycle. Boltovskoy nutrient availability. was high throughout the year
and Lena Ž1969. suggested that the life cycle of ŽKitazato and Matsushita, 1996.. However, even in
small species probably is as short as 1 month, but eutrophic areas, reproduction may be seasonal if the
extremely rapid reproduction rates, just a few hours food supply is seasonal Žfor examples and discus-
after the gamonts leave the reproductive cyst, have sion, see Gooday and Rathburn, 1999 - this volume..
been reported in very small taxa ŽPawlowski and The species composition established in the new
Lee, 1992.. area depends on the species pool in the source
Most seasonal studies show that, even for species areaŽs., the type and availability of food, and the
which seem to go through one or several reproduc- species’ ability to survive and reproduce in the new
tion peaks per year, at least some juveniles are habitat. It has been pointed out by several authors
present throughout the year, indicating that they that many benthic invertebrate larvae actively select
reproduce continuously Že.g., Nonion depressulus, their site of settlement, i.e., habitat selection Že.g.,
Murray, 1983; Ammonia beccarii, Basson and Mur- Thorson, 1966; Butman, 1987; Woodin, 1991. and
ray, 1995; Stainforthia fusiformis, as Fursenkoina larvae of polychaetes with sedentary adult stages
fusiformis, Murray, 1992.. Most seasonal studies are seem to be particularly good in discriminating be-
from shallow water areas but even though less is tween different substrates ŽGray, 1971.. Similar se-
known about reproduction rates in deep-sea species lective behaviour was suggested for Glabratella or-
Žsee Corliss and Silva, 1993., there are indications natissima ŽErskian and Lipps, 1987. but it is not
that a similar pattern also applies to them. Some clear whether or not this applies to other species.
deep-sea species have been documented to increase Pioneer macrobenthic colonizers are often typi-
their abundance within a period of 1–2 months, as a cally epifaunal or shallow infaunal, whereas infaunal
response to increased fluxes of phytodetritus Že.g., groups which mix and aerate the sediments to greater
Gooday, 1988; Gooday and Lambshead, 1989., depths, colonize at a later stage ŽMcCall, 1977;
whereas most of the metazoan meiofauna seem to Rhoads et al., 1977.. For benthic foraminifera,
fail to exploit and utilize phytodetritus as rapidly as Schafer and Young Ž1977. suggested that free living
the foraminifera ŽGooday et al., 1996.. On the other species with an epibenthic life style had a higher
hand, small individuals of common phytodetritus-ex- susceptibility for redistribution than infaunal forms.
ploiting species Že.g., Epistominella exigua. Ždif- In this connection, it must be kept in mind that,
ficult to say for rarer species. are also present be- particularly in areas with variable inputs of liable
tween the phytodetritus deposition events ŽA.J. Goo- organic material, the vertical microhabitat position of
day, pers. commun., 1998.. This implies that even sediment-dwelling foraminifera is dynamic and do
180 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

not always show a consistent species specific depth ments, passive suspension and transport of various
partitioning within the sediments Že.g., Linke and growth stages dominate. Here the intensity of the
Lutze, 1993; Jorissen et al., 1995.. However, in hydraulic regime in the source area is responsible for
shallow water habitats, species which are common which size fractions are thrown into suspension.
both within and below the surface 1–2 cm of sedi- This, together with the transit time, controls whether
ment such as Ammonia beccarii Že.g., Goldstein and only the most easily suspended individuals or a more
Harben, 1993., Elphidium excaÕatum Že.g., Corliss representative and numerically larger fraction of the
and Van Weering, 1993., and Fursenkoina fusiformis source assemblage will be recruited. In areas with
Že.g., Alve and Bernhard, 1995., have been shown to frequent recruitment of most faunal elements of dif-
be among the first colonizers in defaunated sedi- ferent growth stages, there is no time for oppor-
ments Žsee above mentioned case studies.. At a tunists to flourish and the recovery happens within
bathyal site Ž1445 m., Kitazato Ž1995. recorded that only a few days to weeks simply by a physical
deep infaunal taxa were among the few species transfer of parts of the surrounding sea floor assem-
which colonized his open, ambient sediment-filled blages into the new habitat Ži.e., the colonization
culture bottles. And finally, in the deep sea, infaunal pattern is controlled by physical factors.. An excep-
taxa such as skinny species of Textularia and some tion may be if the new habitat is eutrophic and
Reophax species have been shown to be among the thereby probably cause enrichment opportunists,
first and most successful colonizers Žsee Section rather than the introduced assemblages, to flourish.
3.2.1.. Consequently, typically infaunal rather than On the other hand, in low energy environments with
epifaunal species seem to be among the first coloniz- limited or only occasional recruitment Že.g., partly
ers in environments ranging from shallow water to enclosed basins., recovery may take more than one
the deep sea. year. When food and the physico-chemical properties
It seems that whether or not benthic foraminifera of the new habitat are not limiting factors, oppor-
follow the classic metazoan successional coloniza- tunists Že.g., Fursenkoina fusiformis. which are par-
tion pattern to a great extent depends on the intensity ticularly suited for rapid exploitation of new habitats
of the hydraulic regime in and the transit time Žwhich will dominate during the initial colonization phase
in turn depends on current speed and transport dis- Ži.e., the colonization pattern is primarily controlled
tance. from the source area as well as on the envi- by biological factors.. The same colonization pattern
ronmental characteristics Že.g., food availability. of seems to apply when the transit is slow due to long
the new habitat ŽFig. 5.. In high energy environ- distance Žhundreds to thousands of kilometers. trans-

Fig. 5. Generalized outline of dispersion of growth stages and colonization patterns of benthic foraminifera on soft-bottom substrates. The
‘transit time’ depends on the speed of the transporting medium and on the distance to source area.
E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185 181

port over nutrient deficient areas Že.g., subsequent to abundance was higher on arrays exposed to low
ash deposition.. We do not know how long the current flow Žvelocities often - 5 cmrs. compared
foraminifera can survive in transit but the dispersal to those exposed to higher flow Žvelocities up to tens
and colonization may occur via stepping-stones such of centimeter per second., whereas no difference was
as whale falls, as suggested to be the case for recorded after 2 years. These results show that
hydrothermal vent and cold seep organisms ŽSmith et boundary layer flows affect both settlement and
al., 1989; Feldman et al., 1998. or other organically post-settlement processes in this abyssal environ-
enriched patches on the sea floor Žfor benthic ment. Agglutinated foraminifera Žprimarily Trocham-
foraminiferal patterns associated with such patches, mina sp.. were the most abundant of all the coloniz-
see Gooday and Rathburn, 1999 - this volume.. ing organisms both after 7 weeks and 2 years which
is in accordance with the naturally occurring epifau-
nal assemblages on manganese nodules and crusts.
The fact that these attached foraminifera were abun-
4. Colonization of hard substrates dant on the manganese nodules after only 7 weeks
indicates that embryonic juvenilesŽ?. were available
Colonization studies of hard substrates show that in high numbers soon after deployment. Whether this
foraminifera are one of the most successful coloniz- high availability is a commonly occurring phe-
ing groups. For instance, Abyssotherma pacifica was nomenon or not is left for future studies to investi-
the dominant taxon of all the organisms on one of gate.
two recruitment plate arrays placed near a hydrother-
mal vent at 2600 m depth Ži.e., above CCD. in the
East Pacific for more than 3 years ŽVan Dover et al., 5. Conclusions
1988 Žas Foraminifera sp. 1.; Bronnimann et al.,
1989.. Here, it made up ) 25% of the total living Our present state of knowledge concerning ben-
meio- and macrofauna Ži.e., 19 testsr10 cm2 . thic foraminiferal dispersal and colonization of new
whereas a relative abundance of only 3% was habitats is based on both experimental and field
recorded on the other, indicating a patchy coloniza- observations.
tion pattern. However, the colonization of this species Dispersal through self locomotion and release of
must have taken more than 3–4 weeks, as it was not gametes to the water masses may be significant over
recorded on arrays deployed for 23–26 days. Addi- short distances and the presence of a meroplanktonic
tionally, A. pacifica Žas ‘brown foraminifers’ but life stage has been reported for a few taxa only.
species name confirmed by L.S. Mullineaux, pers. Consequently, these methods are not considered to
comm., 1998. was one of the two far most numeri- be of general importance for colonization following
cally abundant species Žthe other was a ciliate. of all large-scale disturbance. On the other hand, dispersal
taxa recorded on basalt colonization plates deployed through release of embryonic juveniles is considered
for 3 years in hydrothermal vent communities at to be an important mechanism, and it is probably the
2505 m water depth, East Pacific Rise, with no main mechanism for attached, tubular and larger
temperature anomaly ŽMullineaux et al., 1998.. This foraminifera, which are not easily entrained at a later
shows that trochospiral agglutinated foraminifera like life stage. Finally, passive suspension and lateral
A. pacifica can be significant components of the transport of various growth stages seems to be a
benthic community that colonizes hard substrates in more important dispersion mechanism for benthic
deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments. foraminifera than has generally been appreciated.
Manganese nodules represent a very common hard This realization has an impact on our understanding
substratum in the abyssal deep sea ŽMullineaux, of the mode and rate of colonization of new soft
1988., and recolonization is an important topic when bottom habitats, which seems to be closely related to
considering manganese nodule mining. How long the hydraulic regime in, and the transit time from,
would recovery take following disturbance? After 7 the source area inhabited by species capable of colo-
weeks of colonization at 1240 m water depth, the nizing the new habitat. The transit time depends on
182 E. AlÕe r Earth-Science ReÕiews 46 (1999) 167–185

the speed of the transporting medium and the dis- low water to the deep sea. In the deep sea, trochospi-
tance from the source area. ral agglutinated taxa are among the most abundant
It is suggested that the speed and pattern of colonizers on hard substrates.
colonization of soft bottom sediments are controlled There is still a large gap in our knowledge of the
by to which extent physical or biological factors are processes governing benthic foraminiferal dispersal
allowed to dominate. If high energy conditions Žbot- and colonization patterns. Considering the important
tom current velocities ) about 20 cmrs. dominate implications a closer understanding of these pro-
in the source area and the transit time for most cesses have for paleoenvironmental interpretations,
species which are likely to inhabit the new environ- biostratigraphic correlations, and for evaluating the
ment is short Žhours to days., colonization may recovery rates following environmental disturbance,
happen within days and ‘stabilization’ within days to this calls for intensified research. Only through a
weeks Ždifferent from metazoan pathway.. The pro- combination of well-planned experiments and field
cess will simply be a physical transfer of parts of the observations following unplanned natural ‘experi-
source community to the new habitat, leaving no ments’ such as volcanic eruptions, anoxic events, or
time for development of an opportunistic pioneer mass-flow deposits, can we obtain a better under-
assemblage. However, an exception is probably if standing of the dynamics of benthic foraminiferal
the new habitat is highly eutrophic. If the source area colonization patterns.
is dominated by weak bottom water currents Ž- 10
cmrs., entrainment is rare and the transit time is
long Žweeks to months., allowing primarily embryos
and small individuals to be transported. This leads to Acknowledgements
an initial establishment of a pioneer assemblage
strongly dominated by one or a few opportunistic I am very grateful to the organizing committee for
species Žsimilar to metazoan pathway., and recovery inviting me to present this paper at the ‘Cor Drooger
can take from one to several years. The same colo- Symposium’, to Mike Kaminski for allowing me to
nization pattern seems to apply when the transit is use one of his photos, and to John Murray, Andy
slow due to long distance Žhundreds to thousands of Gooday, Bert van der Zwaan, and the reviewers
kilometers. transport over nutrient deficient areas Ahuva Almogi-Labin and Frans Jorissen for con-
Že.g., subsequent to ash deposition.. We do not know
structive comments on the manuscript.
how long they can survive in transit but the dispersal
and colonization may occur via stepping-stones Žbe-
neficial temporary habitats connected to organically
enriched patches like whale carcasses.. References
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