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Task 2

Perform 3 Peer Observations (CLOs 1-6)

(complete the following forms for each peer observation (3 in total) that you do).

Please ensure that the observer /‘critical friend’ has a copy of the lesson plan.

Peer Observation Number: 1

Date/Time: Sunday 7/3/2021 30 Name of Student-Teacher to be observed:
Mahra Nasser Al Shamsi

Setting: Math Grade: KG2 B

Area of Focus: Name of Observer/Critical Friend:

Mahra Tried to teach students about 2D shapes. Nouf Rashed Al Kendi H00247132
Also, she tried to meet children needs and be
comfortable and provided the environment by:-

● Providing the environment with

supportive resources.
● Differentiate the activities to meet each
child’s level.
● Clear explanation to meet the teacher’s
expectations from each child.
● Be available to provide support if needed.
● Accomplish dealing with problems
through online learning.

Topic for the lesson & Learning Outcomes:

● The students will review the 2D shapes.

● The students will classify and sort the shapes according to the colors and sizes.

Lesson Outcomes

● K2SGD1 Manipulate, identify and sort familiar 2D shapes in exploration and play, recognize them in
everyday contexts.
● Hight: Identify 2D shapes and sort the shapes.
● Middle: Identify the 2d shapes.
● Need support: Know some 2d shapes names.
a) Give 3 examples of positive reinforcement ● Give 3 examples of how differentiation has been
strategies that have been used. used to cater to all learners including those with
- Mahra used stickers when learners special needs.
participated with her. - Mahra used a big printer to make sure that
- Mahra used positive words to engage students can see PowerPoint slides.
learners. - Mahra used an online whiteboard to make sure
- Mahra positive reinforcement board. that students can see shapes and try to copy with
b) What was efficient about these strategies? her.
- Mahra used online stickers to encourage - Mahra used big images of each shape to make sure
learners to participate when she asked that students see it clearly. For example, mahra
questions during the lesson. Also, when she asks her students to count how many sides a
has any activities such as asks the learners to triangle has?
open their camera and draw different shapes ● What was efficient about these strategies?
such as a circle. - These strategies help students who has some vision
- Mahra clapped her hands and told students problems. Mahra tries to help those students by to
positive words that help students to work used a big printer. Also, Mahra uses the online
hard with her. Also, students will be proud of whiteboard to follow each student his to draw
themselves. shapes the count how many sides each shape has.
- Mahra used a positive reinforcement board Mahra used a big size of each shape that helped
that will help students to participate in the students to see shapes clear.
class. Mahra will write names of students
who participate with her on her screen. ● How could these strategies have been improved?
c) How could these strategies have been improved? - She can use a shape book that has a voice or video
- She can use Dojo class because it shows each and give students time to learn this story with their
student's point that they collect during parents. Then, she can ask students to draw
lessons by showing Mahra their good different shapes or create some images that has
behavior and participation during lessons. different shapes on it. Also, she can craft sort
Also, Mahra can send her feedback daily or activities to help them stick to the skills that they
weekly for the parents. Mahra can use a learn with her.
timer to save lesson time. However, Mahra
can use random to make sure that all
students participate with her during the
- Mahra uses positive words to engage the
students, I think she did a great job and next
time she can make a thanks certificate for
students showing her their participation by
answering her questions, singing with her,
and showing her their work during the lesson.
- Mahra can repeat the student’s name to let
other students participate with her. Then, for
those who work hard in the lesson don’t give
them any homework this day.
Please tick the boxes using the scale with 5 indicating the best possible performance

Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
☹ ☺
Displays a high standard of professional behavior, which includes punctuality and x
readiness for the session.
Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session. x

Promotes a safe, and positive learning environment & builds a good rapport with X
the learners.
Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Mahra attends the session on time that Shuchould.

Mahra tries to meet the learner’s needs during the session.
Mahra used positive words to engage her students.

1 2 3 4 5
Planning for Learning ☹ ☺

Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required information and has clear X
and explicit learning outcomes.
The activities are well sequenced to scaffold student learning towards the X
learning objectives.
Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning and/or learning styles. X

Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and appropriate to the X
level of the learner.
Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. X

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Mahra did a good job but for the next lesson, I think she needs to focus to teach each level of learners. Also, Use different
activities to meet each level of students.

1 2 3 4 5
Implementing and Managing Learning ☹ ☺

Uses accurate and appropriate language. X

Maintaining engagement – independence X

Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are clear, accurate & constructive. X

Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, rephrase, redirect) X


Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & routines, and utilises a X
variety of positive reinforcement strategies to ensure that they are followed.
Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and motivate the students. X

Uses a range of teaching strategies. X

Manages lesson time effectively. X

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

☹ ☺
Monitors student progress effectively during the session. X

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning during the session. X

Uses formative and summative assessment instruments such as checklists, X

grading scales, rubrics, tests, and projects, etc. to evaluate students’

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Mahra has strong control during class and she changes her ways and tries to improve her strengths

Overall Observed Strengths Overall Suggestions for further development

(also include comments for the area of focus) (also include comments for the area of focus)

Mahra has strong control during class, she tries to use Mahra needs to focus to teach each level of learners. Also,
assessment to know if all students can move to the next step Use different activities to meet each level of students.
and how can she help some students to improve.

Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with a colleague):

During the observation, I feel a lot of things from Mahra because she has different things to make during her lesson
to be achieved, such as how she thought and choose her activities. Mahra showed me who she was comfortable
with during her observation; honestly, I know she is hard works to help her students and she always tries to find
interactive ways to teach them. After I observed Mahra we have discussed her lesson and the ways that she thought.
I feel convertible because she like my comments that I share with her and she will try to change the next lesson.
Mahra told me that sometimes other things affect her lesson, such as parents because they don’t know how to use
some website so that she can use some easier things that make things be comfortable for parents and students as
well. Mahra react to my assessment by approved and agree my evaluation what I told her, she told me something
that I really like it ‘’ we are learning different things from each other that how we learn’’. I agree with her because I
learn a lot of things from her inside and outside the college.
I give her a lot of websites that she can use during her lessons before such as a live worksheet, neared, and
PowerPoint and I thought her who to use it. Mahra applies this strategy, Mahra told me that she will use activities
for each level in the class. I and Mahra feel that this was a valuable experience because we share together some
experience to improve ourselves and be good teachers. In this lesson, Mahra tries to follow student’s needs and
focus on each level in the class.

Please share feedback immediately following the observation once the forms are completed.

Feedback meeting date:7/3/2021 Time: 7:00 PM

Observer signature:Nouf Rashed Date:7/3/2021

Observee signature:Mahra Naseer Date:7/3/2021

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