Name: Muzaaya: The Employment Office

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The Employment Office

To avoid overcrowding the accounting office creates a division in change of

labor budget it attacks suitable men towards the business.

The following information is collected and kept about men in what is known
as an Employment file.

1. Salary Scale: shs.500000

2. Billing date: 28
3. Deduction: Payee
4. Department Name: Office Administration
1. Employee ID: mk987
2. NSSF Number: 7864
3. Employee Number: 8
4. First Name: MUZAAYA
5. Middle Name:
6. Last Name: RONALD
7. D.O.B: 2/4/1980
8. Tittle: Office executive
9. Telephone: Muzaaya@
10. Nationality: Ugandan
11. Date hired: 5/8/2011
12. Date fired:
13. Supervisor ID:
14. Emergency contact: 0768909765
15. Photograph:
16. Notes: Gradate

Sense simply means the things that a body uses to get information about
the environment.
The following are the roles of sense to man in nature.

1. Sense of smell: This kind of sense helps man to get bad or good smell in his
surrounding area where he lives and the organ for this sense is the nose. For
example if somebody is frying sauce, this sense helps him to smell.
2. Sense of hearing: Here, this sense also enables man to known and interpret
what is going on in the world. The organ for this sense is the ear. For example
when the bell rings, the sense of hearing helps man to hear immediately and
respond to bell positively or negatively.
3. Sense of sight: This sense helps man to see the nature clearly and it enables him
to differentiate God’s creation. For example trees, soil, plants, and so on. The
organs for this sense are the eyes.
4. Sense of taste: This sense helps man to known what is sweet and bitter and he
is able to taste using his body organ known as the tongue. For example the man
will be in position to known what kind of food is being given to him whether it is
sweet or bitter.
5. Sense of touch. This sense helps man to know the coldness and hotness of a
substance by touching it using his hands as the organ of the body. For example
when an iron bar is placed into fire and the man happens to touch on it using his
hands, he tastes it using his hands to its hotness or coldness and this protects
him from danger.

Activity 5


Goal: To practice using a mouse.


Note: The mouse your learners use may be wireless or may have a connector cable
that is inserted into the USB port. Either way, the instructions are the same for both.

1. Distribute Handouts 5: How to use a wireless mouse.

2. Project handout on the projection screen
3. Explain that this is only a brief Explain that the USB stick is need for the mouse to
4. Demonstrate how to insert the USB stick into the USB port.
5. Demonstrate the parts of the mouse and the function of part referring to the
projected handout.
6. Give them time to play with the mouse.
7. Explain that this is only a brief introduction to the mouse. They will get more time to
practice with it in the next modules.

Activity 6
Similarities and differences between Windows and Google Chrome
Goal: To understand the similarities and differences between Windows and Google
Chrome features.

1. Distribute Handout 6: Similarities and differences between Windows and Google
Chrome Features.
2. Project handouts on the projection screen.
3. Explain to the learners that this information will have more meaning when they
start working with the programs on their computers.

After this activity, remind learners:

 To review the handout for homework
 To keep all handouts in their folder and have them available for all
classes for reference
 The time and the place for the next class.

Module 2: Basic Computer functions and Gmail

account setup

In Module2, learners continue to build and apply their skills and knowledge to practical
functions such as email and keyboarding.

The activities in this module help learners to:

 Continue to use and understand computer terms

 Broaden their understanding of similarities and differences between Windows
and Google Chrome features.

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