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International Journal Of Engincering Research And Development ¢€- ISSN: 2278-067, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, ww jjerd com Volume 14, Issue 8 (August Ver. 12018), PP.OI-1S, ee THE COMPARISON OF OCTANE 90 MIXED FUEL WITH BIOADITIVE TOWARDS THE PERFORMANCE OF THE OTTO ENGINE 'Yuniarto Agus Winoko, *Rifgi Wisnu Rinarko, "Umi Anis Ro’isatin Department of Mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engincering ‘Department of Mechanical engineering, Faculy of Engineering ‘Deparment of Mechanical engineering. Faculy of Engineering Sate Polytechnic of Malang. Eat Java. Malang. INDONESIA Comesponding Author: dhs Gemailcom, rnarko@ gmail com, ABSTRACT Innovations regarding alternauve fuels began tobe put forward either searching for new fuel to replace fossil Jnels oF acing certain ingredient to fuel oi One ofthe ways 1s we Bade, where ths material mixed ‘nto the ful 10 the combustion process perfetly of the engine combustion chamber. Cajepu oll sone ype of ‘Noadiave: The study uses cajepur oll Because 15 easily avcilable on the market and is retanely inexpensive The aim is fo determine howe much ming cajepu with 90 octane fue ato compare what the maximum ‘org prodced whem its mixed. The method i he sudy uses he fill pen hoe method with engine sped ‘henwcen 1500 to 6500xpm Data analysis ses wo way anows experimental design. The dependent vanable ts ‘engine speed where the engine speed range trts from 1500 to 6300rpm and the independent variable s octane 90 and roadie mixture of 396, 696 and 9%. The ts resale show Bester performance when fel s mised with ‘adie cajput oil The result of mixing Bioadtve 396th ul increased 19296 rgue tothe standard, where ‘he ental torque was 1141 Nm and afer mixing the broads was 1164 Nm a of Submission: x-xx-nece 1. INTRODUCTION Gasoline is ligui fuel with he chemical formula gasoline is CSHI8 and CTH with volatility at ow temperature (1), while bioaitive san ingredient added to fs. The purpose of adding bioadve to porte the ‘combustion engine combustion process. The ideal additive must beable o reduce the lve of exhaust emissions, ’be detergent (clean) the engine fom carbon deposits, renewable, and ean reduce (ave) fuel consumption (2). The purpose ofthe study wast determine how much mixing cajeput i! with 90 octane fuel and to compare wat the ‘maximum torque produced when its mixed. Some researches by Rudhi A.U and IM. Arsana (2020-25-29) Concluded that there isan iluence ofa mitute of perlite with cajeput ol 7% can increase power 2.25% and tora of 201% (3). Asep K (2009-14) conclaed that hee was a fuel consumption of 28314 mL our when a ‘mixture ofcajeput ol 3% with dase fal (2), Iwan P,Ena.M, Priyagung H (2017-3) concluded thatthe addition of biadiive cajeput ol with perlite fel can increase the highest power of 70 HP (8). HL. MATERIAL AND METHODS “The study uses laboratory experimental metbods by comparing the perfomance when the engine uses cajeput oi minture of 3, 6Y and 9. wth 90 octane fel, Performance testing uses the ful valve opening method to obtin, ta Then the tet data were analyzed using two way anova The Comparison Of Octane 90 Mexed Fuel With Bi: saditive Fowards The Performance Of The OTTO = Engine Figure 1: The flow ofthe methodology The study uses octane ful 90 and cajeput oil bioaitive with a percentage of 3%, 6%, M4 Data were obtained at 1300, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, $000, $S00, 6000 engine speeds The study, aed ¢ dynamometer chassis, 250m measuring cup, 10 mi measuring cup, and tachometer. The esting procedure starts with mixing the fuel with caeput oi to the level prepared, then closes the gas tank tap so thatthe fuel intake docs not come fom the tank but from the fuel that was mixed earlier. It measures the performance of the engine generated from the dynamometer. The fllowing tps flow are explained in the figure belo Figure 2. Research procedures The Comparison Of Octane 90 Mixed Fuel With Bioaditive Towands The Performance Of The OTTO - Engine ML RES Lis Te performance results are entered int a table and drawn on a graph The graph explains the causes ofthe smcrease and decrease in performance, This isto determine the influence and determination of problem solving R097 adie BY *-DODLRe + DON5eR-0.3665% 1.764 47.8625. R= 09745 stander y=-00028 + 00878-0566 +2.10914473367 £2 8 € € € &@ g 8 Engine speed (rom) Figure 3: The correlation between engine spec nd torque IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Based on the test chart shove shows that there isan effect of theadlition of caeput il on Petite fuel. ta standard conditions, the torque of 953 Nm at 1500 rpm rotation, then increased by 7 84% at 2000 rpm which is (0.28 Nom Then it increased again by 293% at 2500 rpm by 10.53 Nm Then it increase to 664% st 3000 rpm hich i 1121 Non The torque slighly decreased by 008% at 3500 ep which is 1120 Non It decrease again at 400 spn by 33% whichis 1083 Nm. Torque as increased by 4.61% 4500 rm which is 1133 Nem The peak torque is reached at 5000 tums at L142 Nm and at subsequent rounds it tends to decrease_ARe chaning the by moxing Perlite with 3% eajeput ol. Direct torque neeased by 4.19% compared to standard condions at 993 Nm at 1500 spm.Itvseagun by 234% from standard conditions at 2000 rpm which is 10.47 Non. Then it ‘creased by 3184 at 2500 mpm which is 108 Nm, The it inreased by 1.07 percent at 3000 cpm whichis 1133, Nm Torque increased again by 128 at 3800 rm by 1134 Nm. It goes up by 3 Ss at 4000 spm which 11.83 Nav Its level of at 4500 spm which i 11.33 Nm and peak torque occurs at $500 rotation of 11 64 Nm with an increase of 192% compared tothe peak torque inthe standard postin. Alter that pertalte witha mixture of 6% ‘ajeput ol, the highest torque is achieved a 8800 rpm with an inerese of 1.05% whichis 11 4 Non And the ‘peak torque decreased in the paralite mixture with 9% caeput ol witha decrease of 0.17% which 11-4 New After that, rom the three variations of the mixture, the percentage ineease in torque ithe mot sznficant amon ‘hethree mixtures. The highest increase among the three mixes, amely in the mints of Petal with 3¥scjepet cil that sequal o 1.92% compared tothe standard, whl the torque on the Perlite witha mixturs of 9% cjeput cil has decreased 0.17% compared to the standsrd. The conclusion is Based on the raph above, it verbo ‘concluded thatthe best mxture between octane 90 and cajeput ol ioatveis 3% with an ncease of 1.929 with peak torque of 1164 Nm. And the addition oF bioadtive to 99 octane fue, it ean improve eine performance, The Comparison Of Octane 90 Mixed Fuel With Bioaditive Towards The Performance Of The OTTO Engine REFERENCES (10 Bold) 11} Yano A Wie, Kass, Suton Pein Dyas Eni Cus Dag. Revs Mal Rem Pe Bh Sepa Pe nahn Boab Mah Ks Pa a a ake een es 1B} ome Aes Avan ue eg Raho Mayet Ka i Pa akan {a} Kalantnan A. Jona egyane MIPA hen Mh Als Sel Bei Bahn as {5} Pn MC 1 rape Pgh i Mi Kay ath Pa Daan a P (Ol, tun sn AM. Yc Pou iS Wang al Pad ea (P} Fyn. PENOARLIG FENAMBAMAN ZAT ADIT PADA HASAN BAKAR TERILADAP EMIS GAS (8) ej Waa

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