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Jovellanos, Jan Audrey S.

The portrayals of the mother and Vicente are contrastive not as it were against each other
but moreover against generalizations of their sexes. The story opens with Vicente being depicted as
“so tender, so kind,” a state ordinarily utilized for ladies. Vicente could be a dull “little” man whose
“voice [was] delicate [and] way slow.” On the other hand, the mother may be a “gloating” mother
whose “eyes [held] pride.” She is scarcely depicted at the begin, as truant as the
father but for brief conveyed lines, which are moreover in a tone not
in adjust with generalization moms. As it were afterward is the mother totally uncovered: a “tall
woman” who talked in a voice “very moo, exceptionally heavy” and with an “awful timbre.”
The differentiate emphasizes the obscurity of Vicente and the mother’s magnificence.

This differentiate is additionally shown within the allegory of light or brightening. At the begin, Vicente

was depicted as gradually progressing into the circle of light. Amid the significant minute, the mother is
“transfigured [by a] glow” (note the implication of Jesus/God, pictures of greatness). She had been “in
the shadow” actually, and metaphorically, around Vicente’s “queerness” that “crouched” interior him. In
her outrage, she “advance[s] into the glare of light” and uncovers her wonderful self. Vicente is at that
point constrained “out of the circle of light” and “into the shadows that ate him up.” The mother’s sense
of control with Vicente is set against her inward mien once with her girl. Her touch is “heavy…kneading”,
eyes with “angered fire”, her activities “almost frantic.”

The inversion of sexual orientation assignments isn't as it were incidental. The

story isn't almost one radiant lady but of all ladies and moms who have been in shadows but “raise
[their] hand[s]” against male manhandle. Typically appeared in how all through the story the mother
is alluded to as “mother” but at the minute she was rebuffing Vicente, she is called “woman.” When she
gets back to her girl, she is seen as “mother” once more, but in investigating her mien and seethe she
is once more “woman.” At long last, upon calming down, she gets to be “mother” and tucks her child in.

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