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Question – Responses

Questions : 1-4
In This Part of the test, your will hear several questions spoken English, followed by four responses
also spoken in English. The questions anda responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed
on your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what speakers say. You have to choose
the best response to each question.
Now listen to a simple question :
You will hear : Where can I pick up my tickest ?
You will also hear :
a. Thursday morning, if that’s convenient.
b. At the Oversas Travel Desk
c. I think it’s at nine o’clock
d. Tomorrow morning

Narrator :
Choice (b)- "At the Overseas Travel desk"- is the appropriate response to the question Wherei can I
pick up my tickets?" Therefore, you should mark (b) on your answer shet.
Now let's begin with question number 4.
Lstening script
1. Woman : Why don't you see a doctor?
Man :
a. You should study hard.
b. The doctor has just moved here.
c. Ihad an examination last year.
d. You're right. I will go now
2. Man : Did you cut your hair? You lcok fresher now
Woman :
a. Thanks. Yes. I cut it yesterday
b. Thaiks. You're welcome.
c. Nothing special.
d. No. I did’t go there
3. Woman : Would you fancy some fresh baked-cookies?
Man :
a. Yes, we should do that
b. No, thank you. I'd had my dinner.
c. Yes, supposed so
d. Yes, let's have dinner together.

4. Man : Would you tell me how I can reach the nearest station, please?
Woman :
a. Sure, I know it
b. Yes, sure. Walk straight then turn right in the Tjunction
c. I'm sorry, I don't know her.
d. d. The earliest train has departed

5. Man : I'd like to book two seats to Jakarta for tomorrow morning, please?
Woman : Woman There is a business class, parting at 7 o'clock, and the executive one,
departing Marat 8 o'clock. Whioh one do you prefer ?
Man : The executive one, please.
When will the man go to Jakarta?
a. Tomorrow afternoon.
b. Tomorrow at 7 o'clock.
c. Tomorrow at 8 o'clock.
d. Today at 7 o'clock.

6. Man : How many meals do you have in a day?

Womar : I usually have three, but sometimes I don't have breakfast because / am late fo
school and I have to hurry.
Man : Do you often eat at a restaurant with your family too?
Woman : No, I dont. My mom enjoys cooking. She's a very good cook. So, we hardly dine
What does the woman say about her mother?
a. She can cook well.
b. She owns a restaurant.
c. She is always in a hurry.
d. She never has breakfast Answer: a. She can cook well.

7. Woman : Hi, Ren. Where did you go last holiday?

Man : I went on a vacation with my cousins in Lombok. We had a great time there
Woman : That's nice to hear. How long were you there?
Man : We were there for a week.
How long did the man go on vacation?
a. Three days
b. A month
c. A week
d. A fortnight

8. Woman : Ujang's grades in Math are pretty low. I think he needs a tutor or something.
Man : I believe so. Let's talk to him about this.
What are these people probably going to do?
a. Study Math with Ujang
b. Take Uiang to a doctor
c. Make the grade of Ujang's Math tests.
d. Discuss the problem with Ujang Answer: d. Discuss the problem with Ujang
Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following formation
Listening script
Our holiday sale offers you arest sags on new books. All books, magazines, comics, and novels
are on sale. W's aiso ave sale prises on stationery and school equipment. Now, it's time to
complete your ibrary collecticn and buy your school stuff at a very:low price. Don't wait. Sale
ends Sunday.
Now, read question number 12 and answer it
Now, read question number 13 and answer it
9. What does the advertisement encourage you to do?
a. Complete your library collection.
b. Redecorate your library.
c. Take a holiday.
d. Save up some money

10. Which item does the advertisement mention?

a. Decorations
b. Library
c. Backpacks
d. Books

Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following information.

Listening script
These days everyone neéds to be drinking eight glasses of water and why not? It's refreshing,
pure, and safe. But, if you drink Sprinkle Botte Water, you'll get more than just a drink. Youll
get all the vitamins you need all day with only a little money. Drink one litre of plain spring
lemon water with the best selling multi-vitamin tabletsiwhich consist of one hundred essences.
Our spring water pravides the minimum daily vitamin requirements of vitamin A, C, and D,
plus the dally minimum of nutrition and it's available in half a litre single bottles and packs of
four bottles.
Now, read question number 14 and answer it
Now, read question number 15 and answer it
11. What is being advertised?
a. A multi-vitamin bottled drink
b. A new brand of bottled water
c. The best-selling multi-vitamin tablets
d. Vitamins needed for human nutrition

12. What is the main advantage offered in the advertisement?

a. Having the vitamins needed for one day
b. Purchasing for much more money.
c. Getting more than a litre of water
d. Packing some gcod bottles.

Questions 13 to 15 refer to the following text.

On the banks of the Chao Phrava, Bangkok? "River of Kings' lies a hotel that has already set
new standards of hospitality.
Set in magnificently landscape tropicai gardens, the Shangri-la Bangkok provides guests
with all the charm and warnth of the orient and, at the same time, unsurpassed range of
facilities and leisure activities.
There is a choice of 12 superb settings in which to,wine and dine, a large free-from
swimming pool that overlooks the river convention and meeting facilities for up to 2,000
people, and a 24-hour business centre. And, from every single guestroom and suite, there is a
breathtaking view all the exotic hustle and bustle of the fabled of the fabled "River of Kings'.
One might expect such a well-equipped and positioned hotel to be miles away from the cite
centre, but at the Shangri-la Bangkok the business district and main shopping areas are mere
minutes away
For more than 200 years, Bangkok's grandeur has been reflected in the waters of the.Chac
Phraya. Today, the Shangri-la Bangkok towers besides this majestic river, offering its guest the
golden promise of the Eást.
13. Which statement is TRUE?
a. Shangri-la Bangkok is set exclusively
b. Shanari-la Banakok is far from business area.
c. The convention and the meeting facilities can occupy more than 2,000 péople
d. The hotel is located beside Bangkok's "River of Kings".

14. The communicative purpose of this text....

a. to describe Chao Phraya
b. to retell events for entertainment
c. to tell the luxury of Shangri-la Bangkok
d. to present at least two points of view about an issue

15. In the second and third paragraphs, the writer describes...

a. the location of Shangri-la
b. the golden promise of the East
c. the distance of Shangri-la Bangkok to business district
d. the parts, the qualities, and the characteristic of Shanari-la Bangkok

Questions 16 and 17 réfer to the following text

How to Organize Your Workspace Organize
Organizer your workspace to encourage maximum productivity.
Intructions :
1. Place your computer monitor directly in front of you if you want to discourage people from
interrupting your work.
2. Position your desk so that you can see people who approach your door.
3. Avoid leaving spare chairs around your desk to minimize distractions.
4. Keep important papers or equipment within reach. Your phone, computer, filing cabinet,
fax machine, and printer should be within reach if you use them frequently.
5. Post a calendar and clock close by. Try using a large calendar that can be posted on your
wall and written on with dry-erase markers.
6. Have papers and materials for only the task at hand on your desk.
7. Establish a filing systemi, keeping current files in your deep desk drawer or a filing cabinet
within reaching distance of your desk. Store papers you need only periodically somewhere
8. Label the names clearly, and try colour-coding your folders for better organization
9. Sel up an inbox and outbox; one to receive incoming papers and another to hold
assignments you’ve completed before forwarding them to thé appropriate person.
10. Read incoming paperwork with a highlighter in hand, marking important deadlines or
phone numbers. Deal with urgent papers immediately, set aside those that aren't urgent, and
throw away the ones that aren't important.
16. What is the text about ?
a. How to encourage maximum productivity.
b. ow to organize our work' schedule.
c. How to manage our workspace
d. How to place our computers
17. What should we do with the files?
a. Post them
b. Label them
c. Avoid them
d. Establish them

Questions 18 to 20 refer to the following text.

As a form of gratitude from the board of Directors, the company invites you to a FAMIY
GATHERING which will be held at Taman Asri Hotel & Restaurant, Sunday 6th May 2018. at 7
a.m. - end. It is totally FREE and every employee rnay come along with his/her family: wife/
husband, and children. This family gathering will be filed with hilarious activities, such as singing,
dancing, and other exciting activities, It will strengthien the bound among employees and between
employees and the. Board of Directors. Guaranteed!
Please enroll to participate immediately to Mr. Adhie, HRA Coordinator, bringing your employee
ID card and valid family cards.
DON'T MISS IT! Let's have fun together
Kirana Dewi

Personinel Manager
18. The text is about …..
a. information about a family gathering
b. an invitation to.join a family gathering
c. an appeal to meet the Board of Directors
d. an invitation to stay at Taman Asri Hotel

19. Where will the event take place?

a. At a hotel.
b. At the company's area
c. At the director's mansion
d. At Mr. Adhie's house.
20. What is requetment for the employees to join in the event?
a. Be able to sign and dance
b. Have a close connection to Mr. Adhie
c. Have a worked for more than five years.
d. Have shown thelr employee ID cards and valid family cards to Mr. Adhie

Questions 21 to 24 refer to the following text

Oprah Winfrey, borm Oprah Gall Winfrey: 29th January 1954, has been known for her self-
titled, multi-award-winning talk show, which has become the highest-rated programme of its
dind in history. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century, the
greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was once the world's only black
bilionaire. She is also, according to several assessments. the most influential woman in the
Winfrey's famous show, the Oprah Winfrey Show, was classified as a tabloid talk show in
the earty years. in the mid 1990s Winfrey then adopted a less tabloid-oriented format. hosting
shows on broader topics such as heart disease, geopolitics, spirituality, and meditation;
interviewing celebrities on recial troues they were directly involved with. such as cancer,
charity work, or substance abuse; and hosting televised giveaways.
In addition to her talk. show. Winfrey also produced and co-starred in the 1989 drama
miniseries The Women of Brewster Place. Besides hosting and appearing on television shows,
Winfrey co-founded the women's cable television network Oxygen. She is also the president of
Harpo Productions (Oprah spelled backwards). On 15th January 2008, Winfrey and Discovery
Communications announced plans to,change Discovery Health Channel into a new channe
called OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. It was scheduled to launch in 2009, but was delayed
and actually launched on 1 January 2011.
Source: Winfrey (20h May 2015)
21. What does paragraph 1 tell you about?
a. Oprah's career in media
b. Oprah's achievements
c. Oprah's childhood
d. Oprah's show

22. "It was scheduled to launch in 2009,.." (Last sentence)

What does 'it' refer to?
a. Winfrey and Discovery Communications
b. Discovery Health Channel
c. Oprah Winfrey Network.
d. Oprah Winfrey Show.

23. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

a. Winfrey co-founded the women's cable television network Oxygen.
b. Winfrey produced and co-starred in the 1989 drama miniseries.
c. Winfrey is the president of Harpo Productions.
d. The Oprah Winfrey Show began in mid 1990s.

24. ".. the greatest black philanthropist in American history, .." (Paragraph 1) The underlined word
is closest in meaning to ....
a. cynic
b. misanthropist
c. humanitarian
d. stamp collector

Questions 25 to 27 refer to the following text.

Computer is a machine that performs tasks, such as calculations or electronic
communication under the control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually
computer and are retrieved and processed by the computer's electronícs. The program resulte
are stored or routed to output devices, such as video display monitors or printers. Computers
perform a wide variety of activities reliably, accurately, and quickly
People use computers in many ways. In business, computers track inventories with bar
codes and scanners, check the credit status of customers, and transfer funds electronically.
Computer programs, or applications, exist to aid every level of education, frorm progratms that
teach simple addition or sentence construction to programs that teach advanced calculus.
Source: Snyder, Timothy Law. Computer." Microsofto student 2008 (DVDI. Redmond, WA: Microsoft
Corporation. 2007
25. What is the text about?
a. Machine
b. Computer
c. Electronic communication
d. The uses of computer

26. How does a computer perform variety of activities?

a. Reliably
b. Quickly
c. Accurately
d. All of above

27. Below are the uses of computer for business, except....

a. to rack inventories with bar codes and scanners
b. to investigate complicated data
c. to check the credit status of customers
d. to transfer funds electronically Answer: b. to investigate complicated data

28. Kikan : I've just witnessed a hit and run.

Police officer : Can you describe the car, please?
Kikan : Well,……, I Think.
a. it's green with buttons down the front
b. it's a two storey one with air-conditioning
c. it's a small blue Japanese one with freezer
d. it's an expensive one with a wheel at the back

29. Ramdan : What are you doing in your spare time?

Mutia : I'm…. the plants
a. speaking
b. talking
c. watering
d. walking
30. Nico : What do you think about my new painting?
Agung : ……
a. Il do it for you.
b. I think that's a good one.
c. You should paint something.
d. I want to practice painting too.

31. Doni :…. It's hot outside. You must be thirsty.

Yudha : Yes, thanks. That's just what I need
a. Would you like a drink?
b. Do you want something to eat?
c. Do you fancy hot chocolate drink?
d. Let's open the windows.

32. Brian : I don't know how to pronounce English words correctty.

Tama : ….. He is good at speaking English.
a. You should travel abroad.
b. You are good enough
c. You should learn it irom Steven.
d. You should join an English course.

33. Mrs. Suryo : Excuse me... I'd like to book a table for tonight, please.
Manager : ……..
a. Sure, Ma'am. How many is it for?
b. Do you need a help?
c. Yes, of course, anything else?
d. I'm sorry for the inconvenient.

34. Mika : You look troubled. Can I help you?

Ingrid : ….. Help me move this table, please. It's so heavy.
a. No, thanks.
b. Sure. What is it?
c. I'm sorry.
d. Yes, please.

35. Vanya :……. ?

Waitress : Certainly, I will bring them right away.
Vanya : Thank you.
a. How much do you want
b. Can you help me
c. May I have some tissue papers, please
d. I will order some foods

36. Woman : How do I look ?

Man : …….
a. I'm sory
b. éoughi this dress yesierday.
c. You look great in that dress.
d. What do you think?
37. Man : Would you ike to watch a basketball game tomorrow?
Woman :
a. I dont want to see a football game.
b. Our school challernged i
c. Yes, I'd love to.
d. Yes, I dont like it
38. Woman : How about your family?
Man :
a. Five people.
b. Oh really?
c. Thev're fine.
d. No comment.
39. Man : Do you need some help with that box?
Woman :
a. Yes, I had picked it up.
b. Sure, you can have it
c. Sorry but I just cant help yòu.
d. Yes, please. It is heavy

Reading script
1. Insert the disc into the optical drive
2. When the installation wizard opens, follow the on screen instrnuction
3. Restart the conputer if prompted to do so
40. What the text about ?
a. Inserting the letters into the drive
b. Following the company's order
c. Installing additional software from a CD or DVD,
d. Restarting the computer monitor.
41. When do we start following the on-screen instructions?
a. When we turm on the computer.
b. When the installation wizard opens
c. When the disc is inserted into the drive.
d. When we turn off the computer.

Reading script
Before I start today's Biology lecture, I'd like to talk with you aboet the paper you should be
working on. As you know, the topic of the paper is the relationship between gun control and
environment The paper itself is due in two weeks, but / would like to see your outline by this
Now, read question number 42 and answer it
Now, read question number 43 and answer it
42. Who will most likely be listening to this announcement?
a. The lecturers
b. The blologists
c. The students
d. The announcers
43. When should the students subrit the finished paper ?
a. Today
b. This Friday
c. In the end of this weok
d. Two weeks later
Questions 44 to 46 refer to the following text
Is your refrigerator getting messy and dirty? 'll tell you how to clean it.
First of all, prepare a cloth, a dish towel, vinegar and water. Then, empty the refrigerator.
Place the items on the table or in cmpty baskets. Throw out aged or inedible food. Toss
anything you don't use regularly.
Affer that, defrost the refrigerator. Use a spatula to gently remove the ice built-up on the
shehves and dispose of it.
Next, wipe your refrigerator inside and outside using a cloth, vinegar, and water. Rinse well
with the cloth and clean water. Don't neglect cleaning the door.
Finally, use the dish towel to dry the refrigerator. Allow it to dry thöroughly beforé you
replace everything. You should keep your refrigerator organized: with meat, cheese, and butter
on one shelf, meat on the bottom shelf to avoid meat juices onto the shelf below and vegetables
in the crisper.
Clean your refrigerator once a month. Please remember, don't wash a cold glass shelf with
hot water. The sudden temperature change could shatter the glass.
Source: http://www.howtocleanstuff. net/how-o-clean-a-freezer.html

44. Which of the following should be put together ?

a. Vegetables and meat
b. Vegetables and cheese
c. Butter and cheese
d. Vinegar and butter
45. Why should we put the meat on the bottom shelf?
a. To spare more space for items.
b. To keep the other shelves clean.
c. To make the meat easy to store and take.
d. To keep the fridge organized
46. From the text, it can be concluded that...?
a. we don't need to clean the door
b. we must not use sharp tools to remove ice
c. we should clean our refrigerator once a week
d. we need less than five items to carry out the procedure
Questions 47 to 50 choose the appöopriate option to complete the dialogue.
47. Adit : I'm sorry fer being late, Sir. 1 got flát tire on my way here.
Mr. Albert : It's okay, but..................... to avoid this situation next time.
Adit : Thanks for your advice. I'll do that
a. you should call a taxi
b. my driver can help you
c. I think I will send you a driver
d. you'd bétter check them before you go
48. Secretary : Check out time is at noon, Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown : Okay……...? They are so heavy..
Secretary : Of course, Sir
Mr. Brown : Thank You
a. Can I help you
b. Can I have your name please
c. Could you go to the receptionist
d. Could you find a person to take care of my bags
49. Wiwin : What do you think about my essay?
Karisma : …………..
Wiwin : Thank You. I'm glad you think so
a. Wow, you're great
b. Never mind
c. You're welcome
d. I think your essay is great
50. Lisa : What do you want to learn recently?
Putri : I want to learn contemporary…….. and.its costumes.
a. dance
b. talk
c. speaking
d. writing

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