Unit 13: Hobbies Part E: Language Focus: Social Science Group

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School: Viet Lam high school

Group: Social science group

Full name: Nguyen Thi Hang
Unit 13: Hobbies
Part E: Language focus

Date of teaching:
Class: 11B2,11B4,11B6
TiÕt:84 (PPCT)

I.The aims: By the end of the lesson.Ss will be able to:

1. Knowledge:- Distinguishing the sounds /pt/ - /bd/ and /bz/ and Pronouncing the words
and sentences containing these clusters correctly.
- Using cleft sentences ( subject focus, object focus, and adverbial focus)
correctly to do the exercises and solve communicative tasks and expanding knowlegde
( cleft sentences in the passive).
2.Oriented development of learning capacities:
- Developing listening and writing skills of learners.
- Developing the creativity of Ss through this skill by using the structures of the cleft
sentences to write a paragragh or essay.
3.Quality: Students will have a positive towards what they have learnt.
II. Teaching aids: T: chalks, computer, handouts, planning lesson.
Ps:crayons, Ao paper ,book,notebook.
III.Teaching process:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. The activities creat learning situations:
- Activity 1: Put the verbs into the correct - Close the books
* Aims: Ss remember the past simple inorder to - Listen to the teacher
practice pronuncing “ed”
* Content: - T calls Ss to put the verbs into the - Look at the pictures and work
correct forms quickly in order to find 2 words that individually to put the verbs into the
appear “ed” . correct forms.
- T lets Ss practice reading 2 words that have “ed”
after that calls some Ss to give the answers and T - Work individually.
checks. - Ss come to the board to write the
* Product: Put the verbs into the correct forms. answers.
1.Yesterday,people (stop) when there were the red - Another Ss give comment for them.
lights. - Listen and compare with teaches’s
2.Yesterday, they (grab) the bag from her hand and keys.
ran away. The correct answers:
*Performing organisation: 1- stopped 2. grabbed
-T asks Ss to work individually to put the werbs - Write down in the notebook.
into the correct form after that read aloud.

- T and other students listen and correct it.
1 - stopped 2. grabbed - Close the book.
- Activity 2: Look at the pictures and answer
the questions
* Aims: Ss know to change singular noun into - Look at the pictures and answer the
prular nouns and practice reading them. questions.
1.How many Clubs are there ?
- Work individually.

- Ss stand up and read aloud the


- Another Ss listen and give


- Listen and compare with teacher’

2.What are they?

The correct answers

1. There are four clubs
2. They are maps.
* Content: T asks Ss answer 2 questions by - Write down the notebook.
finding the plural nouns so as to practice “S”
following p,b. - Whole class : Reading aloud these
* Product: Look at the pictures and answer the words.
questions stopped grabbed
1.How many Clubs are there ? clubs maps
2.What are they?
*Performing organisation:
- T asks Ss to work individually to give the
answers after that read aloud 2 plural nouns
( whole class).
- T checks - Listen to the teacher and open the
*Product suggestions: book.
1. There are four clubs.
2. They are maps.
Reading these words aloud. - Look at the table of the single words
stopped grabbed clubs maps
II. The Activities of forming new knowledge: and tell the teacher how to pronunce
1. Activity 1: Pronunciation: 2 sounds.
1.1.Listen and repeat:
* Aim: Ss can pronunce 2 sounds: “ed” and “s” - Work individually to read aloud in
in a single word or words in the sentences. front of the class.
* Content: T calls Ss to tell the way to pronunce
“ed” follow p,b and “s” follows p,b. - Listen to the tape recorder and read
- T listens and repeats the ways to pronunce them. following it.
* Product: Pronunce “ed” follow p,b and “s”
follows p,b.
/pt/ /bd/ /ps/ /bz/

stopped robbed stops robs

[ stɔpt ] [ rɔbd ] [ stɔps ] [ rɔbz ]
jumped stabbed steps bribes
[dʒʌmpt] [stæbd] [steps] [braibz]
stepped grabbed maps rubs
[stept] [græbd] [mæps] [rʌbz]
trapped bribed shops clubs - Practice reading 3 sentences that
[træpt] [braibd] [∫ɔps] [klʌbz] contain “ed” and “s”.
*Performing organisation:
- T asks Ss to read aloud after that opens the tape
recorder for them to read following (whole class)
after that read individually.
- Practise reading aloud these sentences ( T lets - Open the book.
Ss read 3 sentences that have 4 sounds).
1.She was robbed. - Look at the picture and say the man
2.He stopped smoking. in the picture did with his dog to
3.She's been to a number of shops and clubs. make a sentence: The man hit the dog
2. Activity 2: Grammar: in his house.
* Aims: - Teacher produces 2 examples to transfer
the sentences by using cleft sentennces.
- Through the examples that T gives, Ss can
understand and use the cleft sentences by using
them to rewrite new sentences.
* Content: T gives an example and calls Ss to
determine the position of subject,verb, object,adv
in the sentence so as to write a new sentence by
emphasizing subject focus, object focus and - Identify the position of the word
adverbial focus. types in the sentence so that to write a
* Product: new sentence.
1 . The man hit the dog in his house.
S v o adv 1.The man hit the dog in his house.

2.Mrs Ha is teaching English at our School. S v o adv
S o adv 2.Mrs Ha is teaching English at our
*Performing organisation: S o adv
- T lets Ss to work in groups to read the sentences School.
after that determine the position of
subject,verb,object,adv since then giving the - Listen to the teacher to analyse to
structures: subject focus,object focus,adverbial form new knowledge since then
focus. giving the structures: subject
- T checks the answers. focus,object focus,adverbial focus.
*Product suggestions:
Ex1.The man hit the dog in his house.
S v o adv - Work in groups to write the
=>It was the man who/ that hit the dog in his structures of cleft sentences on Ao
=>Subject focus 1.Subject focus
house. It + is/was + Subject focus+
=>It was the dog that the man hit in his house. who/that + V + …
=> object focus
=>It was in his house that the man hit the dog. 2.Object focus
=> adverbial focus It + is/was + Object focus +
Ex2. Mrs Ha is teaching English at our School. whom /that + S + V +…
=> It is Mrs Ha who/that is teaching English at our 3.Adverbial focus
school. It + is / was + adverbial focus +
Ex 2. Mrs Ha is teaching English at our School. that +S + V +.....
=> It is English that Mrs Ha is teaching at our - Listen and compare with teacher’s
school. structures.
Ex2. Mrs Ha is teaching English at our School.
- Write down in the notebook.
=> It is at our school that Mrs Ha is teaching
=> These sentences are called cleft sentences.
- Giving Ss’ handout that Ss prepare
<=> Structures of cleft sentences: at home.
1.Subject focus
It + is/was + Subject focus+ who/that + V + … - Listen to the teacher’ require.

2.Object focus
It + is/was + Object focus + whom /that + S + V - Work in groups to do them on the
+… handout in 2 minutes.

3.Adverbial focus - After finishing their task,Ss have to

It + is / was + adverbial focus + that +S + V hand up the board.
+..... - Ss try to do as soon as possible in
order to find a group that have

3. Activity 3: Practicing : Doing exercise 1,2,3. finished the fastest.
* Aim: Using illustrative examples to form cleft
sentences,look at the structures to write new
sentences by emphasizing subject focus, object - Ss give comments for each other.
focus, adverbial focus. - Compare with teacher’s keys.
* Content: - T asks Ss to work in groups to The correct answers:
rewrite the sentences by using Subject focus, 1. It was the boy who/that visited his
Object focus, Adverbial focus. uncle last month.
* Product: Rewrite the sentences by using 2. It is English that the man is
Subject focus, Object focus, Adverbial focus. learning.
1/ The boy visited his uncle last month. 3. It was for tea that she made some
2/ The man is learning English. cakes.
3/ She made some cakes for tea.
*Performing organisation:
- T divides into 4 groups to write 3 sentences on
A0 after finishing this exercise ,T asks Ss to hands
up the board and ask a question: - Which group is - Ss remember the knowledge that
the vinner when handing up this exercise the they have just studied to rewrite new
fastest? If there is a group and also has correct sentences by teacher’s suggestions.
answers, T can give a compliment and an applause.
- T calls some groups to give comments for each - Work in groups.
- T can ask a question: Do you have the same - Come to the board to write the
answer like these? Let’s compare my keys. answers.
*Product suggestions:
1. It was the boy who/that visited his uncle last - Giving a comment.
2. It is English that the man is learning. - Compare with teacher’ answers.
3. It was for tea that she made some cakes. The correct answers:
1. It was Marconi who invented the
4. Activity 4: Application exercise: Rewrite the radio.
sentences by using cleft sentences. 2. It was Graham Bell who invented
* Aim: By understanding all of the structures the telephone.
about cleft sentences,Ss can rewrite a new sentence
by giving the cues.
* Content: T calls 2 students to write the sentence
on the board after that T can call some Ss to give
* Product: Rewrite the sentence by using cleft
1.Who invented the radio? – Marconi
=> It was…………………………………..
2. Who invented the telephone? - Graham Bell
=> It was ................................................
*Performing organisation:

- Work in groups
- T can asks a question: Do you have another
- If the students give the correct sentences, T can
give a compliment and give marks for him/her.
*Product suggestions:
1. It was Marconi who invented the radio.
2. It was Graham Bell who invented the telephone.
5. Activity 5: Homework:
Work indivisually:- Learning by heart Grammar and doing the exercise 1,2,3 (page
- Doing exercises of the part “Test yourself E (Part IV - Writing a paragraph of 120
words about one of your hobbies.)
- Rewrite the following sentences with the underlined words.
1. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
2. People talked about this film.

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