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Module: 9: Entrepreneurship

9.2-Tropical region!
School of Science and Applied
Management Economics The tropical region is heaven on earth receiving the highest amount of heat plants
harvest heat and light by themselves. Food is obtained without an effort thus the
>>[MODULE:-Nine]<< people are not farmers instead they are PEASANTS. Nature Guarantees Food and
sex people are social, less travelled command little geographical knowledge/
science less informed and ignorant of what is happening else where [i.e not a single
case of an African explorer in the history of mankind]
Learning objectives!

Entrepreneurship is the process through which man finds food. Food supply is a system The temperate receive very little heat it's a heal on earth. Plants are rare and can
involving the sun, plants and an evolving planet. Nature provides two systems [1] Direct hardly grow by themselves finding food is a tag of war the people are neither
system and [2] the indirect system. Geographical positions determines which system is peasants nor farmers but soldiers they fight to kill for Food. Nature guarantees food
appropriate for one to use. insecurity, people are born CIVILIANS in a military society, more travelled and
informed and command more facts

9.1-Introduction! Fig:2 SUN

The sun divides into two

[1] the planet [a] Hot tropical region [b] cold temperate region
[2] the vegetation [a] thick green tropical [b] light pale temperate
[3] the people by colour [a] Black [b] white
Black White
[4]the behaviours [a] peaceful secure [b] insure at war

Peasants Civilians

Low Temperature Tropical Temperate

North Temperate Region

Tropical Region/ 9.4-Entrepreneurship!

Black or white, tropical or temperate we all remain human beings but the survival
South Temperate Region
Low Temperature tactics differ greatly. for white to survive a social transformation is required from a
civilian life to a soldier style. Entrepreneurship is the process through which an
individual obtains this social transformation to fit in a military society. The commander
or the one who organises others for a military expedition is called [the entrepreneur]
It's the foundation of western Education a system designed entirely to exploit.
Introduced to uganda during the colonial days, many have contributed to the
exploitation of their own resources leaving the country more poorer than before. Lack
of food is on the increase. Yet universities are on the increase
Module: 9: Entrepreneurship

9.8-Demand Vs supply-

Social justice gave birth to Capitalism is an economic system based on private

ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods and services for
9.5-Slavery, Imperialism and Colonialism! profit. Demand is the desire for heat and light and supply is the ability to provide
the source of satisfaction. Tropics have a natural advantage in agriculture. There
fore an African entrepreneur is a person who will lead PEASANTS into a social
transformation to FARMERS it's a complex process requiring cognitive
Through explorations, the commanders [Entrepreneurs] discovered a vast knowledge and skill
piece of land latter named Africa in the 8th century besieged the peaceful
communities [chiefdoms and kingdoms] and turned them into slaves for
1200 years. During this time, the west under went through a major economic 9.9-Economic sectors-
transformation. Free labour, free food, free gold and silver, free timber fuelled
and industrial revolution. Fig:3

Africans taken across the Atlantic to work as slaves in Europe gave birth to a Central Banking
new human race the NEGRO or Black men and women of African origin in a
white man’s land [temperate]. hard labour and mistreatment transformed
them into soldiers [Entrepreneurs] staging a war against their masters the 5-Self -Actualisation SECTOR
fight against slavery began by the end of the 18th century the black race had 4-Status +Security SECTOR
worn the fight in the united states of America a social justice system where 3-Shelter SECTOR
labour was paid for was introduced and the once forced labours [the negro] 2-Sex SECTOR
become civil servants or [civilians working for a military state] forced labour 1-Food SECTOR
was on a decline. Civil society movements where on the rice demanding for
all sorts of freedoms from the state. Capitalism was born. The social justice Man
reward system increased food production and america was on the move.the
united states was also a united race of black, white and Negro or the farmers,
soldiers and civilians.

9.7-New world social order Capitalism-

In 1945 after world war-II the European supper powers had run out of Food. A 9.10-The road to development-
social justice system had been introduced in america thus food was no longer
free. The United race sold food to A value exceeding their wealthy and since The road development is two fold starting with what we see to what we don't .
1945 U.S.A become the world’s richest country up to date.. Not forgetting Round [1]- involves the transformation of the agriculture sector from peasantry o
their ancestors, using its new position the united race formulated the united commercial farming which besides providing food and sex security the suruplus is
nations to preserve and protect the rights of other countries from slave trade sold to create a saving. This is a baseline for the creation of progress stable family
and military attacks pushing a civil society movement across the world . In the business Ltds which can eventuary merge their small resources from food savings
years that followed, the weakened entrepreneurs [white soldiers] stated to invest in round [2] which is mining. Uganda is reach in mineral resources
granting military / state power or independence and in 1962 Uganda was starting from sand and clay essential for better housing. The export market for
born. In 1966 Bank of uganda was established by the act of parliament uganda’s agricultural products is big and this is where our comparative advantage
uganda become a capitalistic economy. Backlays of england was founded in is lieng on the road to food, sex [security] and good accommodation.. Give it a try
1690 and had been offering banking services to [British entrepreneurs] in the rest will be history
Module: 9: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship 9.12-Factors affecting Entrepreneurship growth

Factors affecting entrepreneurship growth are the factors which may affect ones
social transformation from a PEASANT to a FARMER these are grouped into two
9.11-The African entrepreneur-
[1]-Economic conditions
[2] -Non-economic conditions
Dr Boasmas painted a slain picture of the African entrepreneur from 1945
in a capitalistic economy using scientific knowledge and facts as a basis. [1]-Economic conditions
Pointing on functions of each of the following science degrees.
Include an need for [1]-capital [external heat and light energy] [2]-raw materials [for
1-The bachelor of science degree in Project planning and management secondary production] [3] market for finished goods or services. Waging a war is
would nature the business in Food production as the most profitable more expensive that opening up a new garden because it requires a lot of energy
business and more so external to the environment.

2-The bachelor of science degree in marketing and sales management [2]-Non-economic conditions
would prepare to sale Food product across the world
Are mainly social conditions which Include
3-The bachelor of science degree in accounting and financing would take [1] Ignorance lack scientific facts [entrepreneurship skills]
care of the agro-industry [2]-Religious affiliations and cultural beliefs [stress is contagious]
[3]social-cultural norms and values i.e food for cash is un heard of.
4-The bachelor of science degree in Human resource management [4]-Degree of approval or disapproval of entrepreneurial behaviour
would take care of the workers on a farm and marketing [5]Family back ground , standard and quality of education , technical knowledge
and information enhancing marketing of food
5-The bachelor of science degree in procurement would take care of [6] Political /Government action government may encourage farming by creating
buying agro-inputs and supplies . Seeds and machinery basic facilities , utilities and services and by proving incentives and concessions i.e
7-The bachelor of science degree in business administration would take
over the management work 9.13-Functions of an Entrepreneur-
8-The bachelor of science degree in office administration would take over
office administrative tasks of the agro-business The primary functions of an entrepreneur are also the primary functions of
bachelor of science degree
9-The bachelor of science degree in operations management would 1- Planning [the existence of a problem based on opposites ]
blend man, machines and material a move towards mechanisation of 2-Organisation
farms 3-Deceision making
10-The bachelor of science degree in computer science would introduce 5-Innovation
computing into agro-production, processing and marketing 6-Risk bearing
7-Uncertainity bearing
11-The bachelor of science degree in information communication
technology would introduce satellite communication technology to the All the above bring to light the relevancy of a having a theory, formulae and figure .
business giving it a global presence [Mission vision and objective]

12- The bachelor of science degree in Electrical engineering would

introduce the business to magnetism or natural energy from the revolving
Module: 9: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship 9.15-Characteristics of an Entrepreneur-

The characteristics of an entrepreneur are the characteristic of bachelor of science

graduate understanding the relationship between the sun , the world and nature
gives us facts to life making us highly achievement oriented , enthusiastic and
9.14-Distinction between Entrepreneurs and Manager energetic individual, with the following characteristics:

1-Action oriented, highly motivated individuals who takes risks to achieve goals.
The new world social order, AMERICANISM [1945] did not take away social 2-Hard working in return for personal and financial rewards
classes but instead created social justice. once a soldier [entrepreneur] 3-Accept responsibility with enthusiasm and endurance
remained a solder and once a farmer remained a farmer. I.e Barclays bank is 4-Have self confidence, and dedicated to setting self determined goals
richer than Bank of Uganda. However social justice paved way for the and markets to our ideas responding to demand and supply
Peasants to change their social status through hard work. Military science 5-Thinkers and doers, planners and workers
[knowledge attained through expeditions became a commercial resource 6-Can foresee the future using geometrical tools
and up to date education remains the world’s most expensive item with facts 7-Dependant on the intelligence, imagination
selling more than issues

The distinction between an entrepreneur and manager is a distinction 9.16-Qualities of an Entreprenuer-

between a slave and a master in the new world order facts and issues
brought about science and art a science degree prepares on to be a master Essential qualities are as follows:
while an artistic degree to a level of a servant artistic education is just a step
away from ignorance all in all both will settle for slavey [management] 1-Success and achievement: The entrepreneur are self determined to
position. The world business replaced slavery, entrepreneur replaced slave 20.4-Distinction between
achieve high goals inEntreprenuer and Manager
business, this achievement motive strengthen them to
master and manager replaced slave surmount the obstacles, suppress anxieties, repair misfortunate

l 2-Risk bearer: Entrepreneur accepts risk they select a moderate risk

situation, rather than gambling or avoiding risk, they understand and manage risk.
Distinction Entrepreneur Manager 3-Opportunity Explorer: Always entrepreneur identifies opportunities.
He seizes opportunity and converts them into realistic achievable goals.
1-Goal 1starts a business for 1-His major aim is to 4-Perseverance: Entrepreneur makes extreme efforts and work hard till
Management his own personal render a service in an the goal is successfully accomplished. They are deterred by uncertainties risks and
gratification established business difficulties coming in the way of achievement of ultimate goal.
5-Facing uncertainty: achievement oriented people tend to tackle an un
2-Status 2-is the owner of the 2-is a servant in the familiar but interesting situation. They go ahead with solutions for the problems
business business even without the guidelines
6-Independence: Entrepreneur like to be their own master and want to be
3-Risk 3-Bears all risks and 3-Does not bear any responsible for their own decision. An entrepreneur is a job giver and not a job
uncertainty involved in risk involved seeker
the business 7-Flexibility: entrepreneur makes decision based on the prevailing
situations. Successful entrepreneur do not hesitate in revising their decision.
4-Rewards 4-Receives all the 4-Receives a fixed pay Entrepreneur is a person with open minds not rigid.
profits or salary for service 8-Planner: Entrepreneur frames realistic business plans and follows them
rendered rigorously to achieve the objectives in a stipulated time limit
9-Self confidence: Entrepreneur directs his abilities towards the accomplishment of
5-Innovation 5-is an innovator thus 5-simply executes the goals with the help of his strengths and weaknesses
called a change agent plan of entrepreneur 10-Motivator: Entrepreneur influence and initiate people and make them
introducing new goods translating his ideas think in his way and act accordingly
and services into practice 11-Stress take: ” Entrepreneur as a focal point he will make many right
decisions which may involve a lot of physical and emotional stress. He keeps cool
under a lot of tension while decision making

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