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Module: 13 Organisation theory...


School of Science and Applied

Management Economics Fig:2


SUN Individual
Learning objectives! [I]

To understand the role of facts and issues in shaping nature to our advantage. Community

13.1-Introduction! While the sun [environment] affects man, it equally affects other Men thus man
should turn to his fellow men and collectively ask what can we do. Nature is more
During the day, God the Father [sunvity] creates and increase in the number of powerful and dangerous than man. Thus at community [we] level each one
body cells which are forced to contract by God the son when it comes to night volunteers his effort [no pay] in order to attain a community stock [value] of dead
time besides some cells go missing through evaporation, the contraction plants and animals. The more men involved, the more dead plants and animals a
causes paid, [hunger] which necessitates and addition of cells [food]. While particular community will have. This creates guarantee for social security. With [1]
the expansion is automatic and free during the day finding additional cells Food, [2] Sex and [3] Shelter in every home, society is peaceful and stable its every
[food] is activity which requires planning and some work to be done. one’s desire.

13.3-The weather!
Fig:1 Sunvity

Low Temperature
Volume in [s] North Temperate Region

Weight in Kgs Sun

Tropical Region/

Gravity South Temperate Region

Low Temperature

13.2-Organisation !

Organisation is the act of organising [plants and animals] for the purpose of
obtaining [dead plants and animals] for solving problems of [1] Food, [2] sex The sun organizes plants and animals around the world. Areas with high temperature
and [3] shelter. Lack of dead plants and animals causes social disorder also receive high rainfalls and areas with low temperature also receive low to no
[insecurity] with those without food attacking the ones with food. A hungry rainfall thus poor vegetation cover. Thus despite the need for dead plants and
man is a hungry lion. Thus sustainable organisation does bit start at individual animals being universal, access to plants and animals is not. Thus insecurity [one
level [i] but at community level [we] .while lack of food is an individual problem man attacks another for food] is village affair but its such a big problem involving
the how to get the food should addressed communally. Ie. I am hungry how do bigger geographical blocks. Thus for an individual to be secure he/she needs to
we get the food as opposed to I am hungry how do i get food. subscribe to a bigger [we] or volunteer community i.e a state, united states, Europen
Union etc..
Module: 13 Organisation theory...
Organisation theory 13.6-Direct theory

In areas with high temperatures access to dead plants and animals is direct.
People have direct contact with plants and animals thus obtaining dead plants and
animals requires a direct theory [plant and harvest] there are no miracles, nor
13.4-Patriotism! blessings required!

In uganda just like many other African states we become a state by accident.
50 years there was no need neither there was a plan by then , [1] food , [2] Fig:5
sex and [3] shelter where in abundance there was no insecurity.. This gave
way to external communities to take advantage of what was within uganda
a [geographical region].until when there is no [1] Food, [2] sex and [3] shelter Sun
with insecurity on the increase [i.e iron bar hit men].

Besides, finding food and social security, leads to the birth of nationalism
and patriotism which necessitates an organisation theory, which shapes
organisation behaviour, individual social positions, labour markets and
specialisation. on the Contrary Lack of nationalism, is lack of organisation
theory which leads to unemployment leading to social insecurity . All Man a social Living plants Dead plants
developed nation have patriotic movements where each individual animals and animals and animals
contributes [volunteers] energy i.e U..S.A [USAID] , SWEDEN [SIDA]
Troubled minds where do you pay your patronage? Wake up! Nationalism
and patriotism is branded as Not for profit organisation. Not for profit work
should move a head of for profit activities

13.5-Theory 13.7-In-direct theory

Fig:4 Sun
In Areas with low temperature [access to plants animals ] is zero thus access to dead
plants and animals an indirect approach or theory which requires a STRATEGY
[peace or force] against those who have the plants and animals. Force may involve
war [entrepreneurship] or Peacefully through [Propositions] set of Lies and thus
miracles, and blessings are required! Give me your cow in return for [blessing]
Living plants Man a Dead plants
and social and Fig:6
A theory is a system of ideas intended to explain something based on
general principles where principles are [1] a fundamental truth or [2]
proposition [half truth] that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or
behaviour or a chain of reasoning. When a theory is based on natural
science [the truth] we say its direct and when based on proposition justified
[lies] then its indirect but in both cases the end justifies the means [see
entrepreneurship] Man a social STRATEGY Dead plants
animals [Peace or force] and animals
Module: 13 Organisation theory...
MODULE : 13 P-3
13.10-Industrial classfication
Organisation theory
Organisation theories are key in the classification of industries. Since both [1]
Farmers and [2] soldier [see entrepreneurship] are part of [1] Production, [2]
distribution and [3] Consumption, The people who harvest from garden make up the
[1] Primary industry and [2] those who process make up the [2] secondary industry
13.8.Trade thus Africa and Asia is the world’s primary industry while Europe makes up the
secondary industry its possible to have both in uganda.

Patriotism, guarantees social security which natures Trade. trade is the

action of buying and selling or selling and buying [exchange] of dead plants
and animals either in bulk or retail. Trade may take place within a region or
outside a region. Trade starts with the creation of industries an industry is a Low Temperature
North Temperate Region
social groups of involved in farming or growing a similar type of plant or
animal i.e cotton, coffee, cassava, goats, cows etc and since they share a
common market they become and industry. In turn, industrial groups meat in a
place called a market to exchange for money. The ability for industrial growth Sun
Tropical Region/
is based upon natural advantages thus behind industrial formation must be a
South Temperate Region
Low Temperature
Bean-Grower-1 Maize-Grower-1 Cattle Keeper-1

+ + +
Bean-Grower-2 Maize-Grower-2 Cattle Keeper-2
13.11-Aids to trade
+ + +
Bean-Grower-3 Maize-Grower-3 Cattle Keeper-3 Aids to trade are determined by [1] organisation theory and [2] Nature of production
To a farmer in Africa, tractors, irrigation systems, Rain fall, manure are major aids to
= = = production . To a soldier in Europe , Guns, bombs, strategic relations, regional
Bean-Industry Maize-Industry Cattle Industry corporations, shape up the aids to trade on the other hand the co-existence of [1]
primary industry and [2] secondary industrial in different geographical blocks,
introduces the need for transport, aeroplanes, trains, ships , ware houses, clearing
and forwarding services , artificial energy [electricity], super markets and above all


13.9-.The exchange process 13.12-Trade organisations

The face of patriotism and nationalism transformed with the creation of independent
states patriotic movements become national NGO’s i.e USAID which paved way for
The market starts with sellers, and then the sun brings in the buyers . A
creation of small to big individually owned business organisations. While the state
buyer is a person with a need for something. Needs are natural. The
NGO creates markets, the individual businesses serve the markets. State NGO serve
process involves turning big quantities into small and sometimes small into
in areas where business organisations have an economic interest
big [retail and wholesale] thus necessitating a variable medium of
exchange. Money in the form of coins and banknotes printed with the
The nature of trade organisations ranges from [1] sole trading a one man’s business
weight of a gram a kilogram is the current medium of exchange
to multinationals with stock exchange listings.
Module: 13 Organisation theory...
MODULE : 13 P-4
Organisation theory
A person starting an organisation must have a vision. A vision is a strong desire for
food [dead plants and animals] , to create an assurance for sex and shelter. While the
need for food is person, sex introduces a second and third person. Once a person has
a vision the question of how and what can i do to get dead plants and animals comes
13.13.Education into play

Education is a process of receiving or giving systematic instructions at a

school or university about the sun, how it affects you and your society. [Macro
and micro-economics].thus an effective education system starts with an
established theory [a mathematical function or formulae] upon which
classroom instructions are based upon. to enable students have a positive
contribution of having more dead plants and animals within a community. Vision-Future
The person [student] being instructed ,at university level, the person joins an You
industry of processionals i.e Accountants, Marketers, Electrical engineers

Acc Graduate-1 Mkt Graduate-1 IT Graduate-1

+ + +
Acc Graduate-2 Mkt Graduate-2 IT Graduate-2

+ + + The means to achieve dead plants and animals are different depending on location
Acc Graduate-3 Mkt Graduate-3 IT Graduate-3 thus one has to establish which theory to use. Thus the means may be [1] truthful or [2]
falseful . A mission is a statement which explains the why you do what you do. It
= = = should justify your actions weather based on the truth or half truth in order to achieve
your vision.
Accs-Industry Mkting-Industry IT Industry

Business Org

13.14-.Formation of a Business
The mission, provides the road map to dead plants and animals, since there are so
many types of plants and animals, one has to come up with one type i.e goat, or maize
in order to focus is energy which is an object and its from here that we get objectives.
A business organisation , is a collection of professionals. The size of the While its natural to have desires and dreams, establishing a mission so far is the
organisation determines the number of positions available i.e accountants, greatest challenge a vision without a mission is dead despite having objects. In
marketers, IT specialists etc. In the absence of organisations , the uganda we still have to establish our mission as a country if we are to fit in the global
graduate will have no job. Organisations are build on vision, mission and economy
clear objectives.

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