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Follow these instructions carefully:

A. Demonstration Teaching.

1. After your make your detailed lesson plan, make the necessary editing. After that, you can now
prepare for the instructional materials that you will use for your “recorded” demonstration teaching.
2. Once everything is ready, you can now record yourself as you execute and demonstrate how to
teach the lesson based on your revised lesson plan.
3. Assume that you are in a real classroom setting – wear formal or appropriate attire for your
demonstration teaching, demonstrate it as if you have real students as you provide feedback based
on their possible response, and act naturally like how you teach in a normal “face-to-face” classes.
4. You will be graded according to the rubrics in Appendix B.



(as per DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2016)

A. Lesson Planning &


1. Selecting Instructional Teacher’s objectives reflect Teacher’s objectives Teacher’s objectives Teacher’s objectives
Objectives high level learning related to represent valuable are of moderate value represent trivial
curriculum frameworks and learning and are suitable or suitability for learning, are
standards; they are for most students in the students in the class, unsuitable for
adapted, where necessary, class; they reflect consisting of a students, or are
to the needs of individual opportunities for combination of stated only as
students, and permit integration and permit objectives and instructional
practical/ workable methods practical/ workable activities, some of activities, and they
of assessment. methods of assessment. which permit practical/ do not permit
workable methods of practical/ workable
assessment. methods of
2. Mapping Coherent All of the elements of the Most of the elements of Some of the elements The various
Instruction instructional design support the instructional design of the instructional elements of the
the stated instructional support the stated design support the instructional design
objectives, engage students instructional objectives stated instructional do not support the
in meaningful learning, and and engage students in objectives and engage stated instructional
show evidence of student meaningful learning and students in meaningful objectives or engage
input. Teacher’s lesson or the lesson or unit has a learning, while others students in
unit is highly coherent and clearly defined structure. do not. Teacher’s meaningful learning
has a clear structure. lesson or unit has a and the lesson or
recognizable unit has no defined
structure. structure.
3. Instructional Materials, All materials and resources All materials and Some of the materials Materials and
Resources, & support the instructional resources support the and resources support resources do not
Technology objectives and key instructional objectives the instructional support the
concepts, and most engage and key concepts, and objectives and key instructional
students in meaningful most engage student in concepts, and some objectives and key
learning. There is evidence meaningful learning. engage students in concepts or engage
of student participation in Technology used to meaningful learning. students in
selecting or adapting enhance and support meaningful learning.
materials. instruction.
B. Classroom Management

1. Managing Classroom Classroom routines and Classroom routines and Classroom routines Classroom routines
Procedures procedures are seamless in procedures have been and procedures have and procedures are
their operation, and established and function been established, but partly inefficient,
students assume smoothly for the most function unevenly or resulting in the loss
considerable responsibility part, with little loss of inconsistently, with of much instructional
for their smooth functioning. instruction time. some loss of time.
instruction time.

2. Organizing Physical Space Teacher’s classroom is safe Teacher’s classroom is Teacher’s classroom Teacher makes poor
and students contribute to safe and learning is is safe and essential use of the physical
ensuring that the physical accessible to all learning accessible to environment
environment supports the students; the teacher all students but the resulting in unsafe or
learning of all students. uses physical resources future arrangement inaccessible
well and ensures that the only partially supports conditions for some
physical arrangement the learning activities. students. There is
supports the learning poor alignment
activities. between the physical
arrangement and the
lesson activities.
C. Teaching-Learning

1. Knowledge of Content and Teacher’s knowledge of Teacher demonstrates Teacher’s content and Teacher displays
Pedagogy content and pedagogy is solid understanding of pedagogical little understanding of
extensive, showing the content and its knowledge represents the subject or
evidence of a continuing prerequisite relationships basic understanding structure of the
search for improved and connections with but does not extend to discipline, or of
practice. Teacher actively other disciplines. connections with other content-related
builds on knowledge of Teacher’s instructional disciplines or to pedagogy.
prerequisites and practices reflect current possible student
misconceptions when pedagogical knowledge. misconceptions.
describing instruction or
seeking causes for student
2. Questioning and Teacher formulates many of Teacher’s use of Teacher’s use of Teacher makes poor
Discussion Skills the high-level questions and questioning and questioning and use of questioning
assumes responsibility for discussion techniques discussion techniques and discussion
the participation of all reflects high-level is uneven, with some techniques, with low-
students in the discussion. questions, true high-level questions, level questions,
discussion, and full attempts at true limited student
participation by all discussion, and participation, and
students. moderate student little true discussion.
3. Students’ Learning Students are intellectually The learning tasks and The learning tasks or The learning tasks
engaged in challenging activities are aligned with prompts are partially and activities,
content, through well- the instructional aligned with the materials, resources,
designed learning tasks, outcomes and are instructional outcomes instructional groups
and suitable scaffolding by designed to challenge but require only and/or technology
the teacher, and fully student thinking, minimal thinking by are poorly aligned
aligned with the resulting in active students, allowing with the instructional
instructional outcomes. intellectual engagement most students to be outcomes, or require
There is evidence of some by most students with passive or merely only rote responses.
student initiation of inquiry, important and compliant. The pacing The pace of the
and student contributions to challenging content, and of the lesson may not lesson is too slow or
the exploration of important with teacher scaffolding provide students the rushed. Few
content. The pacing of the to support that time needed to be students are
lesson provides students engagement. The pacing intellectually engaged. intellectually
the time needed to of the lesson is engaged or
intellectually engage with appropriate, providing interested.
and reflect upon their most students the time
learning and to consolidate needed to be
their understanding. intellectually engaged.
4. Students’ Response to All students are cognitively Most activities are Some activities are Activities are
Activities engaged in the activities appropriate to students. appropriate to inappropriate for
and in their exploration of Almost all students are students and engage students in terms of
content. Students initiate or cognitively engaged in them cognitively but their age or
adapt activities and projects them. others do not. backgrounds.
to enhance understanding. Students are not
engaged mentally.
5. Learning Activities Learning activities are Most of the learning Only some of the Learning activities
highly relevant to students activities are suitable to learning activities are are not suitable to
and instructional objectives students and suitable to students or students or
and key concepts. They instructional objectives instructional objectives instructional
progress coherently, and key concepts. and key concepts. objectives and key
producing a unified whole Progression of activities Progression of concepts. They do
and reflecting recent in the unit is fairly even, activities in the unit is not follow an
professional research. and most activities reflect uneven, and only organized
recent professional some activities reflect progression and do
research. recent professional not reflect recent
research. professional
D. Language Proficiency

1. Use of language Teacher’s spoken and Teacher’s spoken and Teacher’s spoken Teacher’s spoken
written language is correct written language is clear language is audible, language is
and expressive, with well- and correct. Vocabulary and written language inaudible, or written
chosen vocabulary that is appropriate to is legible. Both are language is illegible.
enriches the lesson. students’ age and used correctly. Spoken or written
interests. Vocabulary is correct language may
but limited or is not contain many
appropriate to grammar and syntax
students’ ages or errors: vocabulary
background. may be
inappropriate, vague,
or used incorrectly,
leaving students
2. Conveyance of Information Conveys information and Conveys information and Conveys information Presents orally using
and Ideas ideas with clarity. ideas with considerable and ideas with limited correct intonation
clarity. clarity. and body language
to clarify a message.
E. Assessment of Learning
1. Congruence with The assessment is All the instructional Some of the Content and
Instructional Objectives completely congruent with objectives and key instructional objectives methods of
the instructional objectives concepts are assessed and key concepts are assessment lack
and key concepts, both in through the proposed assessed through the congruence with
content and process. plan, but the approach is proposed approach, instructional
more suitable to some but many are not. objectives and key
goals than to others. concepts.
2. Assessing Student Teacher’s plan for student Teacher’s plan for Teacher’s plan for Teacher’s approach
Learning assessment is fully aligned student assessment is student assessment is to assessing student
with the instructional aligned with the partially aligned with learning contains no
outcomes, with clear criteria instructional outcomes, the instructional clear criteria or
and standards that show using clear criteria, is outcomes, without standards, and lacks
evidence of student appropriate to the needs clear criteria, and congruence with the
contribution to their of students. Teacher inappropriate for at instructional
development. intends to use least some students. objectives. The
assessment results to Teacher intends to results of
plan for future instruction use assessment assessment have
for groups of students. results to plan for minimal impact on
future instruction for the design of future
the class as a whole. instruction.
F. Reinforcement of Learning
1. Providing Opportunities to The teacher integrated and The teacher integrated The teacher integrated The teacher failed to
Strengthen Students’ Written carried out the plan for and carried out the plan agreement in the plan integrate and carry
Work, Performance Tasks, reinforcing learning through for reinforcing learning without traces of out the provision for
and Quarterly Assessment well-defined agreement and through well-defined task reinforcing learning reinforcing learning
established connection to as an agreement and but and connecting it to of the lesson taught.
next lesson. unable to establish the next lesson.
connection to the next

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