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1.Prezentul Simplu
-FORMA :vb. la infinitiv ; la pers III-a , nr singular , se adauga terminatia –s/-es la sfarsit
-ADVERBE : usually , often , always , never , sometimes , rarely
 Pentru activitati sau obisnuite generale sau repetate
EX: I drink tea for breakfast.
 Pentru actiuni care sunt adevarate in general
EX: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
 Cand se vorbeste despre orare si programe fixe
EX: The film starts at 10.30 .
 Pentru a indica o situatie permanenta
EX: My parents live in Manchester.

2.Prezentul continuu
-FORMA : “to be” + vb cu terminatia –ing
-ADVERBE : now , right now , in this moment
 Pentru actiuni care se petrec in momentul vorbirii
EX: Kate is at school. She is reading a book.
 Pentru actiuni in desfasurare intr-o perioada limitata din preajma momentului
EX: John is looking for a job .
 Pentru actiuni care se petrec in preajma momentului vorbirii , dar nu neaparat in
momentul vorbirii
EX: My boss is away on business this week . He is working in Manchester.
 Pentru actiuni in schimbare sau in evolutie in preajma momentului vorbirii
EX: Is your English improving?
 Cu always (insemnand “prea mult”) pentru a exprima iritarea
EX: Your children are always running on my lawn.

ATENTIE ! Prezentul continuu se foloeste pentru referiri la situatii temporare . Prezentul simplu
se refera la situatii permanente.
I’m living with some friends at the moment because my flat is being redecorates.
Richard lives in a comfortable flat in the heart of London.
3. Perfectul present
-FORMA: “to have: conjugat + participial trecut
-ADVERBE : never ; ever ; before ; already ; yet ; for ; since
-UTILIZARE : are o legatura clara cu prezentul , deci este folosit pentru actiuni care au
inceput in trecut si continua PANA IN momentul present
-EX: I have lost my address book

ATENTIE ! Comparati :
o Milan Kundera has written several best sellers . ( Milan Kundera wrote in the past , is alive today
and still writing)
o Goethe wrote “Faust” ( Goesthe is dead)

4.Perfectul Prezent Continuu

-FORMA : “to have” conjugat + participiu vb “to be” (been) + vb cu terminatia –ing
-ADVERBE : for ; since
-UTILIZARE : este folosit pentru actiuni care au inceput in trecut si continua PANA IN
momentul present
-verbe care se folosesc frecvent la perfectul preznt continuu : expect , learn ,hope , live ,
sleep , look , sit, rain , stand , stay , teach, study , work , wait
-EX: I have been waiting for an hour and the museum has still not opened !

ATENTIE ! Comparati:
o Mary has polished the copper. ( Mary has just finished .)
o Mary has been polishing the copper . ( Mary may still be polishing)

5. Trecutul Simplu
-FORMA :la verbele regulate adaugam –ed la infintiv fara “to”
-ADVERBE :ago , yesterday ,last week/month etc
 O actiune finalizata in trecut cand este mentionat momentul actiunii
EX: Tom arrived yesterday.
 O actiune finalizata sigur in trecut chiar daca timpul nu este mentionat
EX: Brutus assassinated Julius Caesar.
 O obisnuita din trecut
EX: She always woke up early on school days .
 O naratiune in trecut
EX: I stopped to buy a newspaper and then sat down on a bench to read it . The
news was quite depressing . So I got up and took a walk and tried to think happy
6. Trecutul Continuu
-FORMA : forma de trecut “to be” ( was/were) + vb cu terminatia –ing
-ADVERBE :while , when , as
 Actiuni trecute cu o anumita durata , dar ale caror limite precise in timp nu sunt
EX: It was raining and getting colder
 Actiuni trecute care au inceput inainte si au continuat probabil dupa un anumit
moment dat :
EX: At noon the sun was shining.
 Momentul dat poate fi exprimat si de o expresie de timp latrecutul simplu
EX: When Tom arrived , the sun was shining .
 Descrieri in trecut
EX: The flowers were blooming , the birds were singing , and the breeze was
blowing softly.

7.Mai mult ca perfectul

-FORMA : “had” + participial verbului
-ADVERBE : by the time , before , by six o’clock , midnight , etc.
-UTILIZARE : este trecutul perfectului present . Se foloseste
 La fel la perfectul prezent
EX: Larry’s wife was quite worried : she hadn’t heard from him for several days .
 Pentru a sublinia o actiune trecuta a avut loc inaintea altei actiuni trecute
EX: After the illustrator had finished , the book was finally ready for publication.

8. Mai mult ca perfectul continuu

-FORMA : “had” + “been” + vb cu terminatia –ing
-ADVERBE : for , since
-UTILIZARE : se foloseste la fel ca perfectul present continuu , numai ca sensul este mutat
mai demult
-EX : It was time to stop . Hillary had been working non-stop since breakfast !
9. Viitorul simplu
-FORMA : “will” + infinitive fara “to”
 Pentru a exprima o reactive sau o decizie spontana sau neplanificata , facuta in
momentul vorbirii
EX: Mary , the phone is ringing ! Oh , is it ? I’ll aswer it .
 Pentru evenimente probabile in viitor , pentru a transmite ccea ce vorbitorul crede,
psera , presupune , se teme , se indoieste , se asteapta sa , se intreaba daca , stie etc .
ca se va intampla
EX: After this rainy summer , I expect the harvest will be good.
 Pentru a prezice evenimente viitoare
EX: By the year 2050 we will all be driving electric cars.
 Pentru a te oferi sa faci ceva
EX:” I can’t do my homework .”
“Don’t worry . I’ll help you .”

10. Viitorul cu prezentul continuu ( sens de viitor)

-FORMA: to be + vb cu terminatia –ing
 Pentru a exprima ceva aranjat sau planificat pentru viitorul apropiat . Timpul
trebuie mentionat pentru a evita confuzia intre present si viitor .
EX: The Orime Minister is flying to Brussels tomorrow.
 Pentru a intreba pe cineva depsre planurile de viitor
EX: What are you doing on Saturday night? I’m going in a club .

11. Viitorul cu Going To

-FORMA : to be + going to+ infinitive
 Pentru a exprima intentia de a face in viitor cvea ce nu a fost aranjat dar probabil se
va intampla
EX: Sarah and James are going to get married next year.
 Pentru a prezice o intamplare in viitor.
EX: Look how fast those cars are moving . There is going to be an accident.
 Forma cu was/were going to :folosita pentru a wxprima o intentie din trecut are nu
s-a realizat.
EX: I was going to call you last night but I fell asleep in front of the TV.
-“About to” se poate folosi in loc de “going to” atunci cand inseamna “aproape ca..dar am
fost oprit sa o fac”

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