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English Test Answers

Daniel Baloch Grade 10th

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. Ourselves
12. Herself
13. Itself
14. Yourself
15. Myself
16. It
17. Somebody
18. It
19. One
20. Anything
21. Such
22. Too many
23. Enough
24. So
25. For
26. Being
27. However
28. Even
29. Of
30. Although
31. B
32. D
33. C
34. A
35. C
36. 2- a
37. 5 -b
38. 4-c
39. 1-d
40. None - e
41. 3-F
42. Stage
43. Producer
44. Abstract
45. Choreographer
46. Studio
47. Out
48. Up
49. Up
50. Out
51. On
52. Balancing
53. Centre
54. Blank
55. Scenes
56. Art
57. A
58. C
59. B
60. C
61. B
62. Mind
63. Rather
64. Choose
65. Reasons
66. Interested
67. Although both of the pictures depicted show forms of Art such as pottery, and painting, which require a lot of
skill and practice but if I had to choose which one I would like to do in my free time, I would go for painting, as
it is more relaxing therefore I wouldn’t really go for pottery, one of the reasons why is that its too messy and
requires a lot of patience more than just painting something which also requires practice but quiet less than
pottery as you have to wait long times till it dries.
68. Accessible
69. Equipment
70. Easily
71. Patiently
72. Attraction
73. Not to cut yourself
74. A lot of
75. Has been found
76. In spite it is
77. Not friendly
78. C
79. A
80. E
81. D
82. B
83. Melanie stopped what she was doing and looked at the man, as she hadn’t heard him come into the store she
greeted him and later had an acquaintance with him, after a while when the man had left, Melanie realized
that a very beautiful painting had been stolen, she contacted the police and the conducted an investigation,
which later found out that the man Melanie aquatinted was the prime suspect, but he was no where to be
found as if he was a ghost, no one knew of him, after a year the man was arrested and charged with stealing
the painting, but the man kept on telling that he didn’t steal the painting, but no one believed him, to many
people he was the thief. After 20 years it was found out that the painting was actually not stolen by the man
but it was secretly stolen by Melanie, she planned all this she knew she couldn’t steal it herself so she framed
the man, and Melanie lived and died happily rich with the money she got from the painting, while the man

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