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c The ____________ organizes commands on tabs and then groups the commands

by topic.


Correct. The Ribbon organizes commands by tasks. The tasks are divided into
subtasks to make the commands easier to find.

 The ______________ button ignores the identified word one time but flags it in
other locations in the document.

 Ignore All

 Ignore Once

Refer to Objective 3: Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker.

ë ____________ allows you to look at the document to determine how a printed copy
will display.

 Document Preview

 Print Preview

Refer to Objective 8: Preview and Print Documents, Close a Document, and Close

º In __________, one or more pages of your document display exactly as they will


 Print Preview

Refer to Objective 6: Create and Edit a New Document.

- A(n) __________ is a small note, activated by holding the pointer over a button or
other screen object, which displays information about a screen element.

 blank line


Refer to Objective 1: Explore and Navigate the Word Window.

è To rename an existing folder, __________ the folder in the Save As dialog box, click
Rename from the shortcut menu, and then type a new folder name.

 scroll down to


Refer to Objective 4: Organize and Save Documents.

‰ _____________ view displays the page borders, margins, text, and graphics as
they will look when you print the document.

 Full Screen Reading

 Print Layout

Refer to Objective 2: View Documents.

u _____________ refers to highlighting, by dragging with your mouse, areas of text

so that the text can be edited, formatted, copied, or moved.

 Placing the insertion point on text

 Selecting text

Refer to Objective 7: Select and Format Text.

å ______________ allows you to see what the document will look like after you apply
an editing or formatting change to the document.

 Print Layout

 Live Preview

Refer to Objective 7: Select and Format Text.

c  When working with the header or footer in the Word document, the ____________
tab for headers and footers is displayed on the Ribbon.

 Visual prompts

 contextual tools

Refer to Objective 5: View Headers and Footers and Print Documents.

cc  A(n) ___________ is part of the Microsoft Office 2007 Help system.


 Enhanced ScreenTip

Refer to Objective 9: Use the Microsoft Help System.

c  Word assists you in your typing with ____________.


Correct. After you type the first few characters, AutoComplete suggests commonly
used words and phrases to enter.

cë  Business letters follow a standard format.



Refer to Objective 6: Create and Edit a New Document.

cº  You CANNOT add words to the built-in Office dictionary.



Refer to Objective 3: Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker.

c-  You must click the Save As button every time you save a document, even if you
have already saved the document once.



Refer toObjective 4: Organize and Save Documents.

cè  When you close a document in Word, the document closes, but the Word program
remains open.



Refer to Objective 8: Preview and Print Documents, Close a Document, and Close

c‰  When you hold down the Ctrl key and press the A key at the same time, you select
the text of the entire document.


Correct. Holding down the Ctrl key and pressing a letter key is called a keyboard
shortcut, which allows you to perform a similar function to clicking a button on the
toolbar. Ctrl + A selects the entire document.
cu  If you don't see any wavy red, green, or blue lines under words, your copy of Word
does not have automatic spelling and/or grammar checking turned on.



Refer to Objective 3: Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker.

cå  When you press the Backspace key, text to the left of the insertion point is deleted.


Correct. Pressing the Backspace key deletes a space or character to the left of the
insertion point.

  The Header and Footer buttons are located on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.



Refer to Objective 5: View Headers and Footers and Print Documents.

c  The Quick Parts button in the Insert group does NOT work for editing headers and


Correct. The Quick Parts button in the Insert group on the Design tab allows you to
insert a variety of text into the header or footer by selecting a field, such as Author,
Page, FileName, and so on.

 You can only get help with questions about Microsoft Word 2007 online.


Correct. Word 2007 also has a built-in Help feature that allows you to ask questions.
It then provides you with information and step-by-step instructions for performing

ë  You can display formatting marks in Word by clicking on the Show/Hide ¶ button in
the Paragraph group on the Home tab.



Refer toObjective 2: View Documents.

º  Match the following terms to their meanings:



º c  A. Used with the A. Used with the Correct!

 mouse to drag a mouse to drag a
document up and document up and
down to down to
reposition your reposition your
view view

º   B. Used to display B. Used to display Correct!

 information about information about
the document the document

º ë 
 C. Contains the D. Used to display Incorrect. The Ribbon
 command tabs the names of the organizes commands on tabs
program and and then groups the
document commands by topic for
performing related document

º º  D. Used to display C. Contains the Incorrect. The Title bar

the names of the command tabs displays the name of the
program and program and the document. It
document also contains the Minimize,
Maximize/Restore Down, and
Close buttons.

Some of the items are matched incorrectly.

-  Match the following views to their descriptions:



- c  C. Shows the B. Default view Incorrect. Web Layout shows

 document as a how the document will look
Web page when saved as a Web page and
viewed in a Web browser.

-    B. Default view A. Graphics, Incorrect. Print Layout displays

headers, and the page borders, margins, text,
footers do not and graphics as they will look
display when you print the document.

- ë !
 A. Graphics, C. Shows the Incorrect. Draft view simplifies
 headers, and document as a the page layout for quick typing
footers do not Web page and shows a little more text on
display the screen than Print Layout

- º 
D. Can be D. Can be Correct!
collapsed and collapsed and
expanded expanded

Some of the items are matched incorrectly.

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