Capstone Project Abstract

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Capstone Project Abstract

Team Members:
1. Kidist Beayneh …………………………………………. TER_0089_09
2. Mickyas Tilahun ……….………………………………. TER_0096_09
3. Nigus Mekuanint.………….……………………….…. TER_0098_09

I. Talent Management System

Talent Management system is a set of applications that helps recruit, train, qualify,
manage talent and retain human capital within or outside of an organization.
The current production of manpower is not effective, since the routine procedures
followed are not letting talents to be discovered or improved. This is dragging back
the country from achieving its goal. skilled manpower is very essential for
competence of a certain company.
This proposed web system provides a facility that connects both workforce (ranging
from elementary students to graduates), companies and sponsors. It gives chances
to talented people, monitoring their improvement through metrices like talent
distribution, growth potential and giving trainings. It motivates, suggests and guides
candidates on how to plan education, funds their project and a give a chance to join
compony based on their promise and progress data. And continue monitoring
progress even after being hired to bring the most out of the subjects.
By using this system candidates who have interest know on what they need to focus
to achieve their goal. they know what exactly is expected from them. They become
well equipped with knowledge they gained from trainings. They showcase their
talent. They find an opportunity to find monitory fund from sponsors. They find it
easy to be hired since they will be on the radar of the company.
For companies, they get well equipped personal that they have kept their eyes on for
some time and invested upon. Monitor progress and make an educated guess on
what needs to improve. To make the company competitive by harvesting top talent.
Generally, the system can be used as a talent showcase, skill improvement method
and job opportunity for students and graduates; And as a recruiting system,
company branding, training platform, performance monitoring tool and human
capital retaining mechanism on well-equipped employees for the benefit of the
company in the long term.
This is better than the current practice where students waste their talents from lack
of support and information and where companies get personnel that does not have
the appropriate skills that the company is striving for.
II. Clinic Management System
Clinic Management System is developed to support the clinic daily operation. It
coordinates and integrate all the inherent activities involved in the management and
running of a healthcare facility. Before it is done manually. This system will involve all
the clinic operation starting from patient registration until billing the patient. The
important thing is it will become easier for the data record and retrieval. This system
will be able to generate report regarding the clinic operation. This system is able to
check the inventory for the medicine in the clinic.

III. Schedule Management System

Schedule management is the process of developing, maintaining and communicating
schedules for time and resource. It is the timetable for a project, programme or
portfolio. It shows how the work will progress over a period of time and takes into
account factors such as limited resources and estimating uncertainty. Time
management will be easy with this system.

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