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Your Character Backstory?

(Minimum 200 words) [Backstory must look like, you are

new in this city so your current plan to do and your next step.] *
Myself Charles Boyle. I was born in Vice City in a Small Neighborhood on August 19,
1999. I am the second child. I have a younger sister, she lives in Los Santos. I
completed My Graduation from University Of Toronto. Now I am 21 years old and moved
In with my sister to Los Santos. My dad used to work In the VPD( Vice City Police
Department). I was always admired his work. One time remember how my dad took down
two robbers single handedly, he was all over the news. He was presented with a
meddle of Bravery . After my graduation my dad to me to join the VPD and I applied
to the VPD. I was selected and I went a rigorous and hard training for 8 months.
Finally I was ready to start working. I can clearly remember how happy my dad was
to see me in the uniform. I worked really hard and got to the rank of Corporal.
During all this time I had to go through a lot of difficulties my dad and mom
became sick suddenly I was the only one who could take care of them cause my sister
was in Los Santos. It was really a difficult time for. Few months later my dad and
mom both passed away. I was really close to becoming a Sargent unfortunately my dad
wasn't able to make it until then. I decided to quit the VPD because I started to
fell very lonely. I decided to move to Los Santos. Anyways I am very charming and
positive person. I like to make new friends everyday. I have a lot of hobbies like
photography, bird watching, playing pool , and shooting. I was awarded 3 gold
medals for my marksmanship. I know many languages like Bangla,English,Hindi and
some bit of French. I also to take park in events. I am a very punctual and loyal
person. I am never cheat with other people. I always try to find happiness and
enjoyment wherever I go.

Tell Us about your previous any character progression.

Also tell us what kind of Role-Play you planning to do if you get whitelisted in

At first I would like to play a cop character, if you guys approved me to play in
your server. i I will serve the city of Los Santos and bring justice and clam in
the city. If you authorized me to play cop character it will be very honorable for
me. if I dont get a chance to play as a cop then i will like to play a civilian
character. So as a civilian I came from vice city to Los Santos under some
unfortunate circumstance. I finished my Collage from Vice city International School
and Collage in Arts. At first I wanna make some friends who will help me start a
business. I want to open a art gallery. Then I will start to hire artists who will
paint for me display their art in my gallery.

Explain all Basic Role-Play Rules from your knowledge with one scenario for each
rule. *
RDM stands for Random Deathmatch, that means killing someone without first engaging
into quality RP any reason. For example someone is standing by the side of the road
and I came and killed him for no reason. This is called RDM.

VDM is when someone runs over and kills you and/or other with their vehicle with no
RP. For example VDM walking down the street on the sideway when a player hits you
for no reason.


Fail-RP means people who cant play with other people. For example someone is asking
for help to me and i shot him dead with my gun and killed him.

Fear roleplay, commonly abbreviated Fear RP, is the concept that your player is
afraid to die. I was robbing a bank and we asked the hostage if he got any gun, he
said no, but later I saw that he got a gun, I ask for the gun, and he just starts
running and suicide his self.

Kill On Sight:
Kill On Sight means, if you see a particular player you should immediately attempt
to kill him or her because of their past actions. This can be applicable for a
Pearson who has done something bad and is wanted by the police for that.

Power gaming:
Power gaming means to use the in game mechanics or any external information to gain
unfair advantages or to favor their own character or story, and give them an
unfair or unrealistic advantage.

Combat login:
Players are not allowed to disconnect from a roleplay or combat situation that
could have negative in-
consequences. If your game crashes, you must reconnect to the server and inform the
parties involved
with you
before the crash and ask them if they want to continue roleplaying the scenario.
for example: If someone is making me a hostage and suddenly I quit the city so they
cannot make me
hostage this come under combat logging

Prohibited Role-play:
Prohibited Role-play means that there some RP situations which we are not allowed
to do for example:
-Suicide RP
-Pregnancy RP
-Torture RP

What is low effort RP? Explain with example. *

Low effort RP means not giving expected and proper effort into RP scenario. As a
example You are try to robbing a jewelry store and set off the alarm and loot all
of the staffs from the bank and you are ready to get out from the jewelry store
but the police didn't show upto your situation for some kind reason or some
sort of problem. so if u leave the jewelry store before the cops arrived its one
kind of low effort RP. Then On the other hand If you make NPC shop keeper as a
hostage this is a low effort RP.

What is Quality Rp according to you? *

Quality RP is the most important thing for Roleplay server. As a RP player i always
try to make a new RP situation with quality. If you wanna create a good and quality
full scenario you have to give enough effort in that RP or else its not gonna be a
meaningful and not a good RP scenario. Because every RP player wants to find a
good and quality RP scenario. To make your RP career better and meaningful then you
have to put quality in your RP scenario. As a example If you got into a car
accident then obviously you have some injuries and you call an ems. After coming
the ems he doesn't know your injuries so before the ems coming if you are write
down your injuries by using /description its a good kind of quality RP. If the cop
cuffs you then you have to reacts that the handcuff hurts your hands etc. There are
many thing to do that make your RP quality. So I Everyone try to make their
scenario quality and enjoyable.

What is forcing new life rules on someone? When it is okay to dump the dead bodies
killed by you? *
Forcing New life rule means after when we kill some person for revenge or any
purpose still we won't dump the bodies in any place instead we carry his body with
us in car or by carrying it so by doing this we are forcing that dead person not
perform New Life rule because he can't respawn when there is a active situation
going on. It is okay to dumb the dead bodies killed by you when the other guy wants

You are in a secured hospital room. You hear people in the lobby, and they are
talking about putting a hit on someone. What do you do with this information? *
As you tell me I am secured in a hospital room with walls around me so , in that
case I cant hear them those who are talking in the lobby. As we know that in RP
situation we can not hear through walls or glass. So if some people talking about
putting a hit on someone, I have nothing to do because I cant hear them according
to RP rules.

You and your friend are in a neighborhood selling drugs. A man approaches your
friend and holds him at gunpoint, demanding his money and leftover drugs. What do
you do? *
Suddenly some one approaches to my friend and hold him at gun point and demanding
his money and leftover the drugs, I will also point gun at him and say put your
gun down or else I will shoot and I will try to distract him for my friend so in
that case he can put his gun. if he doesn't listen I will give him warning if you
don't put your gun down I will shoot if he doesn't listen me I will shoot him down.


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