Fight or Flight

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Fight or flight

D6 system, skills have amount of dice for each roll, on a 4 and 5 you have 1 success, on a 6 you have

All skills base 2 dice, if a 1 is rolled it leads to complication

Character has 8 main stats:

• Endurance: how long without food, exerting

• Bulk: size/strength, anything or anyone with a lower size rating suffers a melee disadvantage but
cover has different effects on bulk. Amount you can carry

• Intellect: natural intelligence

• Education: schooling

• Awareness: ability to notice

• Determination: ability to power through exhaustion, recover from effects, etc.

• Reflex: reaction time, usage of fine motor skills.

• Speech: speaking, lying, general charisma

2 is starting, 4 is decent, 6 is better and 8 is highly skilled

and there are some other stats dependent on your main skills

Hp: hitpoints calculates in endurance + bulk +2

stealth: half reflex (rounded down) + half awareness (rounded down)

first aid: half intelligence or education (pick highest) (rounded down)

medical: education-2

as for weapons:

melee: bulk to hit and for damage bonus, some weapons have "precision" which means reflex can be
used instead.

ranged: reflex

some weapons will have debuffs if not met certain requirements. for example low bulk on lmg. only
is issue when full auto/burst is used.
throwing: bulk unless "precision"

No classes but skill points, purchase of skills and abilities to make character, they can have

All characters start with 14 points to increase base skill to a max of 8

You start with 9 points for abilities.

(ability template)





Combat exhaustion: you can spend points to use abilities you normally couldn’t. doing so will give
you a certain amount of combat exhaustion. You can have half endurance+ half determination before
you start getting debufs. Taking wounds and not tending to them can also grant combat exhaustion.
The effects stack

Amount above max:

1-2 -1 to all rolls

3-4 -1 to shock max, speed -1,
5-6 Rolls of 2 become complications, movement
halved, -2 to shock max,
7 or higher Incapacitated

Shock: equal to half your determination, the amount of mental stress your character can take before
they break. When your character breaks the gm rolls on a sheet of options to see what happens. You
can recover if an ally makes a successful medical or speech check with a dc determined by the roll on
the options sheet.

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