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Research, procedures,
and certifications
Table of contents

01 An introduction to dietary supplement quality

01 Doctor as teacher
02 The pitfalls of third-party purchases
03 Buyer beware

03 Interacting with manufacturers

04 Manufacturer red flags to watch for

05 Regulating dietary supplements

05 Pharmaceuticals versus supplements
06 New dietary ingredients

07 The importance of cGMPs

07 What cGMPs cover
08 Foreign supplier requirements
08 Identification and validation of ingredients
09 Allergen and source claims
10 Understanding excipients

11 Supply chain scrutiny

11 Key testing procedures and third-party certification

12 Appreciating the role of research

13 Beware of borrowed science

14 Environmental and social considerations

14 Making quality a priority

15 Quality at-a-glance checklist

16 References
An introduction to dietary
supplement quality
The term “quality” is tossed around so much that it has almost lost its meaning. And yet,
when it comes to purchasing and recommending dietary supplements, there is nothing
more important than quality. But what constitutes a high-quality product? As it turns out,
discerning quality is a complex, multi-layered process that requires detailed information
about every aspect of the dietary supplement supply chain. Fortunately, there are rules
and guidelines in place to make sure that dietary supplements are manufactured
properly, labelled clearly, and safe for human consumption.

A great place to start the quality conversation outcomes. “I’ve had many patients who are
is by looking at why quality is important to not feeling well and when I switch their dietary
you, your practice, and your patients. While supplements to the high-quality brands, they
this may seem obvious, it’s worth asking immediately feel better,” he says. Both he
yourself this question and then making the and Dr. Kaczor feel that utilizing lower quality
answer a key tenet of your clinic. products can lead to poor outcomes but it may
also negatively impact the patient’s health.
For naturopathic oncologist Tina Kaczor, ND,
FABNO, quality dietary supplements help inform “When I recommend a high-quality brand,
her about the efficacy of her clinical protocols. I feel more confident that my patients will get
“For example, if I use L-theanine for a patient the expected benefits and the potential for
who is having difficulty focusing, I expect the side effects or reactions will be minimized,”
patient to have improved concentration,” said Dr. Gladd.
she explains. “And if the patient uses a lesser
quality L-theanine brand, I won’t know if the It’s clear that efficacy and safety are two key
problem is with the inferior product or if I should drivers when it comes to focusing on quality
recommend a different intervention.” Quality dietary supplement products. The next step is
helps Dr. Kaczor determine what’s working and to clearly communicate this to patients.
what’s not, so she can achieve the best possible
health outcomes for her patients, which is a key Doctor as teacher
tenet of her clinical practice.
The practitioner’s role is to not only choose and
Integrative family physician Jeffrey Gladd, recommend high-quality dietary supplements,
MD, agrees that efficacy is key and utilizing it’s also to educate patients about quality. One
high-quality products can lead to much better of the principles of naturopathic medicine is

the concept of docere, the Latin word that • Products may not be warehoused properly
means “to teach.” (2) The integrative physician (e.g. probiotics needing refrigeration).
puts this concept into action by educating • Products could actually be counterfeit.(13)
patients, not only about making healthy diet
and lifestyle choices, but also about choosing
“Because of significant quality concerns, buying
quality products.
dietary supplements from Amazon is a scary
“Especially when cost comes up, I explain to proposition for patients,” says Dr. Gladd.
my patients that there are multiple ways that
Integrative medicine expert and host of the
companies control the quality of their products
podcast Intelligent Medicine, Ronald Hoffman,
and it costs money to employ these critical
MD, concurs. “As big as Amazon is, they don’t
quality measures,” explains Dr. Kaczor. “I talk
vet the quality of these dietary supplements
to my patients about certification, testing, and
or have any organized medical oversight of
other quality aspects so they understand why
the supplement products they are selling,” Dr.
it’s important to use dietary supplements from
Hoffman explained on a recent podcast with
reputable manufacturers.”
Dr. Gladd.

The pitfalls of third-party One way that healthcare practitioners can

purchases help ensure they are purchasing a high-
quality product is by interacting directly with
Typically, a discussion about quality dietary the manufacturer. That’s another quality
supplements may also bring up the issue of aspect that’s missing when purchases are
online third-party sellers, where cost can be made through a third-party seller—no direct
a factor. Both Dr. Kaczor and Dr. Gladd offer interaction with the manufacturer.
significant discounts to patients to encourage
them to utilize the higher quality brands and
discourage them from third-party purchasing.

Several quality issues can arise when

patients buy dietary supplements from
third-party sellers such as Amazon and
eBay including:

• The patient doesn’t know the company

making the product or how the product
was manufactured, stored, etc.
• Expired products can be sold because of
lack of oversight.

Buyer beware
Dr. Kaczor illustrates the importance of being aside, enzymes containing protease are easily
diligent when buying and recommending tested because they irritate the tongue. So, at
even high-quality products: “Several years the time, I broke open both tablets to do my
ago, a highly reputable enzyme company own test. The authentic enzyme brand burnt
could not get an important raw ingredient my tongue for hours after contact and the
for their flagship product, which was a pain knock off did nothing.”
reliever. As a result, it was off the market for a
while. During that time, someone duplicated This emphasizes that buying from reputable
the label and made tablets that looked similar suppliers is absolutely critical. Even well-known
and started selling the fraudulent product as retailers can be problematic as illustrated
if it were authentic. Eventually, the fraudulent by a 2015 claim that four national retailers—
company was sued but not before many GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart—were
patients ended up taking the useless product accused of selling fake and potentially
and did not get the pain relief they deserved.” harmful herbal supplements.(33)
Dr. Kaczor goes on to say, “As an interesting

Interacting with manufacturers

Finding quality dietary supplement When it comes to questions to ask, healthcare
products begins with a conversation with practitioners should focus on these key areas:
the manufacturer and then progresses

vial Testing
from there. Lori Bestervelt, PhD, who was
Executive Vice President and Chief Science •
shield-check Third-party certifications

Officer with NSF International and directed •

 Current Good Manufacturing Practices
the NSF Standards Development and (cGMPs)
Toxicology Services Department, says “I •
clipboard-list-check Audits
think it’s important to ask a lot of questions
up front because the quality of the finished
product starts with the quality of the raw It can also be helpful and eye-opening to tour
materials and the manufacturing facilities.” the facility including the lab where on-site
Dr. Bestervelt was also in charge of all labs testing takes place. Strict testing procedures
and testing at NSF as well and she says the should be in place to ensure purity, safety,
information received from the manufacturer and efficacy. Without this information, you
is critical to the decision-making process. could get stuck buying or recommending

an inferior product. And sometimes the due • Lacks third-party certifications
diligence process requires extra effort.
• Participates in “dry labbing,” which
falsified test results(6)
For example, Dr. Hoffman once had a
manufacturer try to sell him on private labelling • Non-compliant with Current Good
Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)
their green tea product. “Since I was going
to back the product with my reputation, I • Uses fake or non-sanctioned GMP
arranged to have it assayed by an independent certification logos
commercial analytical laboratory,” explains • Prohibits site visits to their manufacturing
Dr. Hoffman. “The results showed it contained facility or lab
negligible amounts of the active ingredient, EGCG. • Has a poor reputation in the industry
Needless to say, I passed on the opportunity.”

High quality dietary supplement manufacturers

are transparent, freely provide information
requested, and should work to exceed your
expectations. For a list of red flag warnings to
watch out for from prospective manufacturers,
see the section below. These red flags will
also help you create questions to ask the
manufacturer during the vetting process.

Manufacturer red flags

to watch for
Lori Bestervelt, PhD, created the dietary
Dr. Bestervelt also recommends asking if the
supplement certification program at
manufacturer has received any 483 forms
NSF. She is presently the Director of
from the FDA. “The 483 is issued at the end
Business Development & Partnerships at
of an on-site inspection by the FDA,” she
ChemFORWARD, a company that focuses
explains. “If the FDA investigator observed
on proactive chemical management.
any deficiencies in quality systems or
She has identified these key red flags to violations of cGMPs, they fill out a 483 form
be aware of when evaluating a dietary that can trigger required process changes,
supplement manufacturer: additional training, or other measures that
can be expensive to the manufacturer.
• Lacks an internal and external Manufacturers don’t want to get a 483, but
audit program these forms can provide insightful information
• Lacks testing to the potential purchaser.”

Regulating dietary supplements
In Canada, dietary supplements are of intake for nutrients or maximum dosages
regulated by Health Canada under the for other constituents are not exceeded and
Natural and Non-prescription Health Products ensuring that toxic contaminants are absent.”(7)
Directorate (NNHPD), which mandates that
every Natural Health Product be registered The FDA monitors safety of dietary
for a Natural Product Number (NPN) prior to supplement products and under DSHEA has
entering the market.(10) the enforcement authority to immediately
remove products from the marketplace
In the United States, the Federal Food and that pose an imminent hazard or significant
Drug Administration (FDA) has established risk to the general public.(20) Manufacturers
guidelines to help manufacturers produce are also required to report serious adverse
quality products. According to the FDA, quality event information to the FDA. Product recalls
is reflected when a dietary supplement relating to adverse effects or potential
consistently meets established certifications for contamination is often voluntary, though the
identity, purity, strength, and composition, while FDA may request a recall based on facility
limiting adulteration and contamination.(18) inspection, independently received adverse
event reports, or requests issued by the Center
In 1994, Congress established the Dietary for Disease Control and Prevention.(21)
Supplement Health and Education Act
(DSHEA) which gave dietary supplements a
special classification of regulation within the Pharmaceuticals versus
food category that is separate and distinct supplements
from pharmaceuticals.(19)
Because of the implied safety profile of
With the passage of DSHEA, a new dietary supplements that contain vitamins,
regulatory framework for labeling and minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other
safety was created. Dietary supplements natural substances, they are not regulated
were never regulated in the same fashion as strictly as pharmaceutical drugs. Prior to
as pharmaceuticals and now with DSHEA, market release, pharmaceuticals need FDA
they are no longer regulated as foods. With approval on parameters of safety, efficacy,
their special classification within the food manufacturing compliance, labeling/
category, manufacturers are strictly prohibited packaging, prescribing information, and
from marketing supplement products that marketing materials.(5) Pharmaceuticals
are unsafe or contain an unsafe ingredient. undergo an extensive research and
According to a 2018 review paper in Nutrients, development process that includes pre-clinical,
“This includes assuring that safe upper levels and clinical phase I, II and III trials before

undergoing a review for approval by the New dietary ingredients
FDA. After the drug has been released to
the market, the FDA continues to be involved If an ingredient was not marketed in the
in monitoring pharmaceutical integrity and United States prior to October 15, 1994, it is
safety, new studies, labelling, information considered a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI)
updates, and marketing. that requires special FDA notification at least
75 days prior to being released into the
Dr. Bestervelt explains the regulatory marketplace.(22) Information about the new
difference between dietary supplements ingredient must include how the ingredient
and drugs this way: “Dietary supplements will be used, amount included in the product,
are considered safe until proven otherwise, history of use, safety data, and recommended
whereas drugs are considered unsafe until usage with supporting documentation.(23)
proven safe through clinical trials.”
In addition to NDI requirements, FDA
The Council for Responsible Nutrition states, created Current Good Manufacturing
“If dietary supplements were regulated Practices (cGMPs) that dietary supplement
like drugs, there would likely be no dietary manufacturers must follow to help ensure
supplement industry and the products that their products are the highest quality possible.
did exist would cost what drugs cost.”(4) These cGMPs form the bedrock of all dietary
supplement quality programs.

The Importance of cGMPs
All domestic and foreign companies that Physical plan and grounds
manufacture, package, label, or hold dietary
• Sanitation and cleanliness
supplements for sale in the United States must
follow the FDA’s cGMP guidelines—it’s the law.(24) • Appropriate facility conditions
(temperature, light, etc)
These companies must also register with
the FDA, which makes their facilities subject • Water supply
to FDA inspections.(25) Foreign suppliers also
have specific requirements. To further illustrate Equipment and utensils
and confirm high-quality practices, many • Proper use, installation, and operation
manufacturers have a third party professional
or company perform an independent audit to • Routine maintenance and periodic checks
confirm cGMP compliance.
Production and process control systems
According to Dr. Bestervelt, the addition of a • Quality control specifications in place
third-party audit provides an important level of throughout the manufacturing process
transparency between the manufacturer and
• Quality control personnel review
the customer. She says, “An actual GMP audit and approval
of the manufacturer’s facility done by a third
• Data available to support quality
party is necessary to provide a true sense of
parameters including identity verification,
their degree of ongoing GMP compliance and testing, and expiration date
the ability of the manufacturer to produce high
quality products.” • Corrective action plans in place

A big emphasis in the Production and

What cGMPs cover Process Control System section of the cGMPs
is on quality and the people in charge of
The cGMPs established by the FDA are
quality oversight. Verifying, certifying, and
incredibly comprehensive and detailed.
guaranteeing ingredients is also a focus in
Here are examples of what is included in
this section of the cGMPs, which includes the
the cGMPs:(18)
establishment of a unique identifier, certificates
Personnel of analysis, quarantine, master manufacturing
records, and batch production records. There
• Prevention of microbial contamination
from sick or infected personnel are also detailed requirements for laboratory
operations. Packaging and labeling operations
• Rules regarding hygienic practices are included and covers cleanliness, accuracy,
• Production job description functions and tracking.

Foreign supplier Safety and efficacy issues associated with

requirements botanical extracts can include: (17)

• Misidentification of the initial plant source

The FDA requires importers of dietary
supplements to develop Foreign Supplier • Adulteration with other plants
Verification Programs (FSVP) for each product • Environmental contamination
imported to ensure the foreign suppliers meet (e.g., with heavy metals and pesticide
U.S. safety standards. Unless otherwise exempt, or herbicide residues)
companies importing ingredients or finished • Biological contamination (mycotoxins,
products from other counties are required to: (26) micro-organisms)
• The addition of illegal substances
• Develop and Perform FSVPs with a
qualified employee
The World Health Organization (WHO) has
• Perform hazard analyses established guidelines on good agricultural and
• Evaluate product and supplier collection practices for medicinal plants that
performance risk help to improve the quality, safety, and efficacy
• Verification that hazards have been of the finished product.(35) WHO guidelines state
minimized or prevented that characteristics of ingredient sources, as
well as information about harvesting methods,
• Take corrective actions and reevaluate
the FSVP if necessary should be obtained. In addition, the WHO states
that any processing techniques used to remove
• Reevaluate the supplier every three
microbes should be documented by method
years or more frequently if new safety
performance information or hazards arise and material.

• Provide supplier identification to the Similar steps may be taken with ingredients
U.S Customs and Border Protection
of non-plant origin. For example, chondroitin
sulfate may be derived through synthetic
Identification and validation processes or from a variety of animal
of ingredients sources, each of which have their own
molecular properties.(32) In addition to the
The finished product is only as good as source, variation in extraction and purification
the starting material. That’s why proper protocols can lead to differences in properties
identification and validation of all ingredients is and purity. Source and extraction methods
critical. And that process begins with ingredient may also cause variations in bio-availability
sourcing. Optimal safety and efficacy rely on and efficacy.
accurate sourcing, identification, validation, and
processing. This is especially true with botanicals.

Allergen and source claims
Accurate labeling is a big part of the Examples of allergen and source claims
FDA-established cGMPs. When it comes can include:
to dietary supplement safety, labeling of • 100% plant source • Sesame Seed
allergens and claims related to the sourcing
• Corn • Shellfish
of ingredients is critical because it reduces
the risk of allergic reactions and unintentional • Dairy • Soy
consumption of dietary restricted items. • Egg • Starch
The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer • Fish • Sugar
Protection Act (FALCPA) created by the FDA
• Gluten (certified) • Sulphite
in 2004 requires eight major allergens to
be listed on supplement labels when they • Gluten • Tree nuts
are contained in the product: milk, egg, • Wheat
fish, Crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat, • Glyphosate
Residue Free • Yeast
peanuts, and soybeans.(27)
• Lactose • Vegan

• Peanut • Vegetarian

Regulations for labeling a product as “gluten- natural or synthetic sources. Natural excipients
free” requires that manufacturers abide by a come from plant, animal, or mineral sources
standard for the maximum detectable content and are considered less toxic compared to
for gluten. For a product to be labeled as synthetic excipients.(16)
gluten-free, there must be less than 20 ppm
of gluten, or the item does not contain or Here are some examples of the various
was not derived from any type of wheat, rye, types of natural excipients:
barley, or crossbreeds.(28) Gluten-free labeling • Fillers: plant cellulose, gelatin, lactose,
is not permitted when ingredients derived sucrose, glucose
from these grains have not been processed to
• Binders: acacia, alginic acid, corn starch,
remove gluten, or if processing resulted in the
alginate, polymers
item containing more than 20 ppm.
• Coating agents: gelatin, arabi, natural
Understanding excipients • Lubricants: castor oil, mineral oil,
paraffin oil
In addition to full disclosure regarding
allergens and ingredient sources, excipients • Preservatives: clove oil, cinnamon,
turmeric, cocoa
can also impact the buying and prescribing
decision, so full label transparency is required • Flavorings: ginger, raspberry, lemon,
by the manufacturer. Excipients in dietary orange, peppermint
supplements, as well as pharmaceutical drugs, • Colorings: caramel, chlorophylls, carotenoids,
are therapeutically inactive ingredients added red beetroot, turmeric, saffron
to aid in the manufacturing process, increase • Solvents: purified water, oils
bio-availability, contribute to improved
patient compliance, or to protect, support, or • Buffering agent: lemon juice
enhance product stability.(9) • Emulsifying agents: acacia gum,
gum ghatti
While these added ingredients are considered
inactive, they are not inert substances as some Common synthetic excipients include cellulose,
of these ingredients can interact with other dyes, magnesium stearate, parabens, and
ingredients in the formulation or lead to adverse silicon dioxide. It’s important to clarify what role
or hypersensitivity reactions in patients.(11) excipients are playing and that the manufacturer
is not using excipients simply as fillers.
The FDA requires that excipients comply with
food additive regulations or they have GRAS Excipients in dietary supplement products
status, which stands for Generally Regarded should be evaluated on risk to benefit ratio
as Safe.(29) There are a variety of different with a leaning toward natural excipients
types of excipients that can be derived from whenever possible.

Supply chain scrutiny
Transparency is a key characteristic of an manufacturing standards, distribution
effective quality control program. This requires channels, and accurate labeling. Utilizing
manufacturers to provide a clear picture of these companies is completely voluntary by
every step of the supply chain. Dr. Bestervelt the manufacturer. Supplement ingredient
says the manufacturer/customer relationship suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors
needs to be nurtured on an ongoing basis. who have third-party certifications give their
“For example, manufacturers often switch customers an added layer of confidence
suppliers and QA professionals can change on that the company is adhering to high-quality
a yearly basis,” she explains. “The healthcare standards throughout the supply chain process.
professional needs to develop a trustworthy
long-term relationship with the manufacturer.” This end-to-end transparency begins with the
starting material because after all, a high-
When it comes to transparency within this quality product must have high-quality raw
ongoing relationship, blockchain sourcing materials. “You can’t make a good product
is key. This involves a secure, step-by-step with bad ingredients,” says Dr. Bestervelt. “Raw
verification process from the original source of material testing and certification is critical.”
the ingredient(s) to the end-user. Blockchain She says this is perhaps the most important
decentralizes the supply chain so the process information you can get from the manufacturer.
is not controlled entirely by one person or
group. Each “block” is a time-stamped A Certificate of Analysis (CofA) is a key way
transaction that is uploaded into the supply to verify ingredient quality because this
certification indicates the product meets
chain of events for anyone within the network
these criteria: (1)
to see.(8) It provides a clear roadmap as to
how ingredients become finished products. • The product contains the ingredients stated
on the label
Testing and certification documentation is
• The ingredients are in the stated amounts
also important to transparency and vital to
on the label
supply chain scrutiny.
• Ingredients meet acceptable limits for
suspected or known contaminants, toxins,
Key testing procedures and and/or marker compounds
third-party certifications
A CofA confirms the identity, strength, purity,
Third-party certification companies are and quality of the raw material used in
independent auditing agencies that inspect the dietary supplement. It should include
and verify ingredient sourcing, product a description of the analysis used, any test

limitations, and the actual test results, which NSF and USP are the leading organizations
must be repeatedly confirmed.(30) These doing this testing. For a complete list of
certifications should be done for each organizations that do third-party testing.
batch as skip lot testing is not adequate
to confirm the consistent quality of the Be sure that the certifying organization is not
raw material used.(3) just evaluating data from the manufacturer
but actually does testing in an independent
Finished products should also be tested and accredited lab, and that testing and retesting
certified. Just as with raw materials, each is done on an ongoing basis.(14) NSF and USP
batch should be tested to ensure there are also ensure the products are manufactured
no toxins or contamination of the individual in accordance with FDA-established cGMPs
batch. Utilizing a third-party organization to and that quality is consistent from batch
test finished products is highly recommended. to batch.(31)
When it comes to testing finished products,

Appreciating the role of research

Of course, before a product is even a product, The onus to vet the manufacturer’s research
there is an idea that an ingredient or group falls directly into the lap of the healthcare
of ingredients will somehow enhance health. practitioner. And when the research is vetted
That’s where research comes in. In addition to properly, it can really make a difference in
illustrating efficacy, research can also confirm the decision-making process.
safety and quality as it describes the form of
the ingredient that was used in the research.

While manufacturers have a legal obligation to

ensure that their products are safe and labeled
truthfully before they are introduced to the
market, they do not need to submit scientific
evidence to the FDA regarding efficacy. In the
dietary supplement industry, manufacturers
use published research about an ingredient
to help illustrate the logic as to how that
ingredient or product will influence health.

Beware of borrowed science
Everyone in the dietary supplement industry the ingredient to help match the study with
knows that performing original research the label. That’s really the only way to uncover
on a natural substance can be expensive borrowed science.
and challenging because oftentimes that
substance cannot be patented and the high It’s important to note that research associated
cost of research cannot be recouped. But in with vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids,
lieu of conducting original research, some and other natural substances has gained
manufacturers have gone to the opposite momentum, and the quality of that research
extreme by utilizing “borrowed science” in has improved. Typically for most natural
their marketing materials. substances, research focuses on first establishing
mechanistic plausibility and then moves on to
What is borrowed science? It’s when research in vitro and/or in vivo studies with an eventual
findings are “borrowed” and the results are progression to smaller human clinical trials.(7)
applied to an ingredient or product that may
bear little or no resemblance to what was For a comprehensive evidence-based
actually used in the study.(12) This is much different approach, the three factors to consider when
than shared science where the ingredient in the choosing a dietary supplement product are: (15)
study matches the ingredient on the label. In • Clinical experience
order to shine a light on the borrowed science
• Patient values and expectations
issue, the healthcare practitioner must really dig
into the material provided by the manufacturer. • Research that is available

In addition to being a naturopathic oncologist, In addition to research, other potential factors to

Dr. Kaczor is the Editor-in-Chief of the Natural keep in mind when making supplement buying
Medicine Journal, a peer-reviewed online decisions is the manufacturer’s environmental
research publication for integrative healthcare and social impact.
professionals. She says, “Scrutinizing research
provided by manufacturers is not always easy,
and yet it’s really critical when evaluating
the scientific rationale and clinical relevance
of a dietary supplement.” Dr. Kaczor says
healthcare professionals should, “get the PDF
of the full published paper whenever possible
and make sure the ingredient used in the study
matches the ingredient in the product.” She
says to look for form, dosage, standardization,
and any other distinguishing characteristic of

Environmental and social considerations
Many healthcare practitioners and their patients Companies and leading organizations are
are socially-minded buyers so a manufacturer realizing the importance of the social and
that focuses on the environment will likely be environmental impact of their purchasing and
deemed a higher quality company. The same is manufacturing processes. In fact, the WHO
true for fair trade companies because fair trade guidelines on good agricultural and collection
ensures better trading conditions while securing practices for medicinal plants encourage
the rights of marginalized workers by focusing sustainable cultivation and collection practices
on transparency, respect, and greater equity in that include plant rotation and other methods
international trade.(34) to help promote environmental sustainability.(36)

“When making buying decisions for the clinic, “Socially and ethically responsible companies
choosing a socially-minded company is very always rise to the top of my selection list,” says
important,” says Dr. Hoffman. “For example, we Dr. Kaczor. “These companies are happy to be
want to know that the fish oil was harvested transparent because there is literally nothing
in a sustainable fashion from species that to hide. I think all companies should go in
are not endangered. Or that an herb was this direction.”
obtained without reliance on exploitive child
labor.” Dr. Hoffman says having these values Some of the organizations focus on fair
will also help ensure he is getting safer, high- trade, sustainability, and other social and
quality products. “Buying organically sourced environmental issues. If this is important to
products is important to minimize exposure to you and your patients, look for their logos
contaminants like glyphosate,” he says. when making your purchasing decisions.

Making quality a priority

When it comes to dietary supplements, due diligence process and creating a trusted
embracing quality is easy. Evaluating it is ongoing relationship will pay big dividends
not. That’s why taking a comprehensive when it comes to patient safety and improved
supply chain snapshot for each individual outcomes, which translates into long-term
manufacturer you are considering is critical. practice and business resilience.
The time investment made in the up-front

Quality at-a-glance checklist
The following is a review of what was covered in this white paper. You can use this checklist
when evaluating suppliers and share it with office and clinic personnel. This list can also
be given to patients to help illustrate the steps you take to ensure that quality dietary
supplements are a priority for your clinic.

□ Purchasing and recommending high- □ We value label transparency that includes

quality dietary supplements is a priority allergen identification, ingredient source
because it helps ensure patient safety claims, and excipient information.
and leads to better health outcomes.
□ The supply chain is scrutinized from raw
□ Third-party sellers should be avoided material to finished product and we make
due to lack of oversight, no direct the manufacturer accountable for all
connection to the manufacturer, and aspects from growing to processing
other quality and safety concerns. to packaging.

□ Our relationship with the dietary □ We value Certificates of Analysis,

supplement manufacturers we choose batch testing, and full disclosure by
is trusted, comprehensive, and ongoing. our manufacturers.

□ We thoroughly vet each and every □ We take responsibility to review and fully
manufacturer we purchase from vet the research associated with the
and recommend. product we purchase or recommend.

□ All manufacturers we buy from □ Whenever possible, we base buying

follow FDA-created Current Good decisions on the environmental and
Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs). social impact of the manufacturer.

□ Our manufacturer partners are required

to focus on approved testing methods,
utilization of third-party certification
companies, and ongoing auditing.


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