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Republic of the Philippines


Santa Maria Bulacan Campus

Santa Maria, Bulacan

SEEN 30963

Language Learning Material Development



Velasco, Mariella Mae G.

Bueno, Jewel Lois P.

Cruz, Jorgie Mae M.

Enriquez, Mary Rose B.

Garcia, Princess Gail C.

Reyes, Ericka Joyce Q.

Santos, Lyka D.S

Tenorio, Myra C.


Mr. Mark Nathaniel G. Pascual


Contextualized Learning Material

English 8

Lesson: Modals

Context: Environment

Learning Competency: Use the correct modals to convey the intended meaning of the sentence.


At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:

a. Identify and understand the modals;

b. Determine whether the appropriate modal verbs are used in various sentences;

c. Differentiate the modals according to it's usage;

d. Construct sentences using appropriate modals;

e. Create an environmental pledge using modals.

Activity 1: Instructional Model (30 Points)



Description of participants' English grammar skills. This phase analyzed the grammar skill of

the Grade 8 students relating to modals by giving them pre test. The pretest is about modals; its

definition, function and its uses in a sentence. Learning competencies of the grade 8 students are

based on English 8 curriculum guide.

Exploration of Results- The result was 55% of the Grade 8 students know about modals while

45% of them do not have any knowledge about modals. In this case, modals must be taught in

Grade 8 students.

Contextual realization of materials- This phase ensured that the self learning kit will caught

the students’ interest. Since climate change is a current global issue today, the group used

“Environment” in Pre-test as context to expand the students’ knowledge and skills about modals

while learning the ways on how to be a responsible citizens.

The group also used Localization in Post test part to present the different ways of

Bulakeños in protecting the environment and to make sure that the students can relate to the

following activities.

Pedagogical realization of materials- This phase consider the different levels of intelligence of

Grade 8 students by ensuring that the directions were clear and easily to understand. The

activities were properly arranged from simple to complex to make sure that students will not be

frustrated or demotivated.

The group used “Multiple choice” in the pre-test to be considered as the easiest part.

Presenting that PART A is about the meanings of different modals and PART B. is supplying the

correct modals to complete each sentences.

For the Post-test, to be considered as the challenging part, the group used “Fill in the

blanks” for PART A and PART B to test the students’ skills and understanding about the correct

meaning and usage of modals. And for an optional group activity, to test the students’ critical

thinking skills and ability in constructing sentences using modals, the students will create their

own environmental pledge with their groupmates.

All of the compiled activities was exclusively made by the group and none of these is get

from internet (except to the meanings and usage of modals) to make sure that the learning

materials is anchored on the curriculum guide and will support the students’ needs and demands

based on their different learning style.

Production of Materials. This phase attended to the physical features of materials before it

print. The group ensures that the self-learning kit is free from typographical errors. The font style

use is Times New Roman with a font size of 12 and Double spacing- which is suggested by the

specialist. To lessen the dullness of the self learning kit, the group used the theme “nature” and

make sure that it jazz up to the whole materials.

Evaluation of Materials- This phase involves seeking specialist in making learning materials.

Mr. Mark Nathaniel G. Pascual, MAEd a professor in Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Santa Maria Bulacan Campus and specialist in Language learning and material development

gave his comments, suggestions and recommendations to enhance the developed materials.

Objectives, learning contents, usefulness, organization and presentation of activities is evaluated.

Mr. Pascual commented that the self- learning kit is 96% good and a little revise is needed by

dividing the Pre-test and Post test in two parts and revising the first and the last objectives. The

group revised the self- learning kit based on the specialist’s feedback.

Students' use of materials. This phase covers the dissemination of instructional materials for

students' use in class. However, this phase is not included in the research.

Activity 2: Contextualized Activity (30 Points)



Name:____________________________ Score:_______________

Year&Section:_____________________ Date:________________

Learning Objectives:

After answering the pre-test, the students will be able to:

 Have an idea regarding to modals;

 Distinguish the different usage of modals


Directions: From the given choices below, write the letter of the correct answer that best

describes the meaning of modals.

1. This type of modals is use to show a wish, prediction, request, demand etc.

a. Can c. Will

b. May d. Should

2. This type of modals is use to show permission, possibility and ability.

a. Can c. Might

b. May d. All of the above

3. Which among the following describes the usage of should?

a. Should is use to show possibility and ability.

b. Should is use to show necessity, advice and recommendation.

c. Should is use to show an obligation, agreement or arrangement.


d. All of the above.

4. Which among the following describes the usage of must?

a. Must is use to show possibility and ability.

b. Must is use to show obligation, necessity and probability

c. Should is use to show an obligation, agreement or arrangement.

d. All of the above.

5. What type of modals shows a wish, desire, confidence and in the future?

a. Can c. Will

b. May d. Should

6. This type of modals is use to show moral duty, insistent advice and strict


a. Can c. Ought to

b. May d. None of the above


Directions: Supply the missing modals and choose the correct answer.

7. I _____ bring my own tumbler instead of buying bottled water.

a. Will c. Ought to

b. Must d. All of the above

8. Instead using plastic bag, I ___ start to bring my own eco-bag.

a. Will c. Should

b. Must d. Can

9. You ____ trying to recycle the plastic bottle than throwing it.

a. Must c. Can

b. Will d. Could

10. I ____ clean the garden every day.

a. Can c. Have to

b. Will d. Should

11. I ____ segregate the waste properly.

a. Can c. Shall

b. Will d. Should

12. You ___ unplug the electric the devices after use.

a. Should c. Must

b. Will d. Can

13. I ______ like to thanks the people who care to our environment.

a. Would c. Can

b. Will d. Should

14. My mother_______ provide an eco bag for her shopping every Sunday.

a. Can c. Should

b. Will d. Must

15. You ______ not waste the paper.

a. Can c. Will

b. Could d. Should


1. C 6. C 11. A

2. C 7. B 12. A

3. B 8. C 13. A

4. B 9. A 14. B

5. B 10. C 15. D

Activity 3: Localized Activity (30 Points)


Name:____________________________ Score:_______________

Year&Section:_____________________ Date:________________

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this activity, the learners should:

 know the proper usage of modals.
 know how to apply modals properly in a sentence.


Directions: The sentences below are the way to save the environment in Bulacan. Write the

appropriate modals to complete the sentences.

1. Through the implementation project of Bulacan such as reduce, reuse and recycle, we ______

turn waste into something useful.

2. Each Brgy. Captain in Bulacan _______ encourage their people to participate in clean up


3. The citizen of the Bulacan are using energy-efficient light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. They

last longer, which ______ save you a bit of money and help your environment.

4. The youth organization in Bulacan implemented that, we _____ avoid using too much plastics

instead use reusable bags.

5. Through activities of some school in Bulacan the students ________ plant tress and plants as

they contribute oxygen and a fresher air.


Directions: Write the usage of modals and expand the phrases by citing what you can do to

protect your community as a citizen of Bulacan.

( 1pts for usage and 1pts for sentences )


1. can At home, I can...

2. should At school, I should...

3. might In our barangay, I might...

4. must As citizen, I must...

5. will My friends and I will...


1. Must

2. Should

3. Have to

4. Must

5. Could


1. can Indicates possibility At home, I can help in conserving water.

2. should Indicates command At school, I should practice proper waste
3. might Indicates possibility In our barangay, I might be too young but

age doesn’t matter I order for us to be a

responsible citizen that is willing to help
save the nature.
4. must Indicates strong command or As citizen, I must participate in
environmental movements.
5. will Certain My friends and I will always do our best
to influence others in protecting the

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