Interacting With Computers

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Interacting with 21st-Century Computers

Article  in  IEEE Pervasive Computing · January 2012

DOI: 10.1109/MPRV.2011.81 · Source: DBLP


29 492

5 authors, including:

Albrecht Schmidt Bastian Pfleging

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) Eindhoven University of Technology


Florian Alt Geraldine Fitzpatrick

Universität der Bundeswehr München TU Wien


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We i se r ’s Vi si o n : 20 Ye ars L ate r

Interacting with
21st-Century Computers
This discussion reflects on four themes from Weiser’s original vision from
a human-computer interaction perspective: computing everywhere,
personal computing, the social dimension of computing, and privacy
implications. The authors review developments both in accordance with
and contrasting this vision.

ver the past 20 years, we’ve seen processors. When we talk about ubiquitous
how technology can become computing (ubicomp), we refer to all these
invisible and provide services types of developments. Even though mobile
that ease people’s lives, “invis- phones are ubiquitous, they’re only one, albeit
ibly enhancing the world that important, part in the ubicomp infrastructure
already exists.”1 While Mark Weiser’s vision currently emerging.
was formulated with the user at the center, Here, we discuss ubicomp’s impact on users
technical challenges still must be resolved to and their interaction with devices. Traditionally,
realize his vision. This becomes even more new technologies open up opportunities for
obvious when looking at the prototypes Weiser new types of applications and forms of human-
and his group created, the skill sets of the peo- computer interaction (HCI). 5 A prominent
ple involved at Xerox PARC, example was the transition from text-based user
Albrecht Schmidt,
and the resulting publications interfaces to graphical systems in the 1990s, and
Bastian Pfleging, Florian Alt,
and patents. At the same time, more recently the rise of tangible user interfaces.6
and Alireza Sahami Shirazi
the importance of designing In the last decade, ubicomp has similarly inspired
University of Stuttgart
for the “user experience” has and enabled new approaches to HCI.
Geraldine Fitzpatrick been widely acknowledged Focusing on four themes from Weiser’s
Vienna University of Technology both in research and industry, original article— computing everywhere,
including manufacturers of personal computing, computing beyond the
mobile devices and computers individual, and privacy implications—we
alike. 2,3 discuss these themes from an HCI perspective
Today, mobile phones are the prime and reflect on remaining research challenges.1
computing platform worldwide, 4 tablet
computers are a fast-growing market, and Computing Everywhere for Everyone
many schools are installing digital whiteboards Ubiquitous access to computing and mobile
in their classrooms. Furthermore, processors communication technologies and to the
have become a part of many devices. Some Internet hasn’t just enhanced the world but
TVs are now computers enhanced with hard also changed it. When Weiser wrote his article,
drives, networking capabilities, and special the World Wide Web as we know it didn’t
user interfaces, and smart home appliances exist, but the Web has significantly influenced
can be networked and wirelessly controlled. how people interact with computers and use
High-end cars also include many networked ubicomp technologies.

2 PER VA SI V E computing  Published by the IEEE CS n 1536-1268/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE

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Ubiquitous access to knowledge penetrated people’s lives and enabled Authors have variously suggested that
(such as farming advice or medical them to concentrate on how they these interactions can be embedded,11
information) and up-to-date infor­mation can exploit a device’s power without natural,12 intuitive, or reality based.13
(about weather forecasts or current worrying about how it works. The terms “natural” and “intuitive”
market prices, for example) is increas­ Ubicomp has three major dimensions aren’t well defined and typically refer to
ingly available. People who previously relating to ease of use: deployment, an interaction that conforms to the users’
didn’t have Internet access can now maintenance, and end-user interaction. expectations. Daniel Wigdor and Dennis
obtain such information through kiosks Wixon describe a natural user interface
and mobile phones. Additionally, digital Deployment. This is an important as an “interface that makes your user
banking systems have been created on dimension in ubicomp systems.10 As act and feel like a natural.”12 Matthew
top of the mobile phone infrastructure,7 “ordinary” (nontechnical) people Chalmers and Areti Galani used another
and groups have found ways to use become the target users, the required interpretation of invisibility, arguing that
mobile communication technologies expertise for using, deploying, and total technical invisibility might be an
to organize themselves (even to topple installing systems must be minimized. unrealistic goal.14 Instead, they suggest
regimes8). If construction workers want to “seamful interweaving,” where people
The Web’s impact has been significant deploy sensor networks in buildings, can rationally interact with infrastructure
in reducing the complexity of creating or if farmers plan to apply monitoring “seams” and heterogeneity in the
distributed applications. An early systems to their cattle, we must everyday course of their interaction. In all
approach to combining the Web with reduce the (technical) complexity for of these definitions, the key point is that
ubicomp systems used a Web browser installation and ensure that the required invisibility is about not getting in the way
and Web protocols to control smart knowledge fits in with the users’ skill set. and not drawing attention away from the
environments.9 Nowadays, creating This aligns well with Weiser’s task; as Weiser said, “People will simply
a distributed information application discussion of embodied virtuality. use them unconsciously to accomplish
(basically a webpage) has become trivial; People who will install and deploy everyday tasks.”1
even having an interactive, distributed systems are often experts about the Many of the expectations people
multiuser application requires little object of embodiment (for example, will have with regard to easy and
expertise (using Web forms or a Web buildings or cows) and their own intuitive interaction (and maintenance)
2.0 platform). everyday tasks. In an optimal design, of ubicomp systems will directly come
We have thus witnessed two major knowing about the embodiment from their experiences using the Web.
ubicomp drivers: cheap availability (domain expertise) should be sufficient When dealing with a problematic
of technology and services, and for people to successfully deploy a webpage, users simply hit “reload.”
e a s y- to - u s e comput i ng dev ic e s ubicomp system. Large amounts of information can be
and systems (especially mobile phones available in an instant entering everyday
and smartphones). These are now Maintenance. Ordinary users should language terms. Even with email, the
making possible the realization of what similarly be able to perform their increasing sophistication of search
Weiser suggested in his seminal article, own maintenance tasks. Exchanging tools means there’s less need to sort
saying that “embodied virtuality will an IP-based light bulb shouldn’t be email, because emails can be queried
bring computers to the presidents of more complicated than exchanging a on the fly to provide ad hoc orderings.
industries and countries for nearly regular light bulb. The goal, especially Such expectations are likely to transfer
the first time. Computer access will considering hundreds of computers per over to the standards that people will
penetrate all groups in society.”1 room, is zero maintenance or, where also expect of ubicomp systems. (See
more complex services are required, the sidebar for a small collection of
Ease of Use is Key administration that can be done ubicomp technologies strongly related
Ubiquitous technology use requires remotely or automatically. to HCI that we expect will become
simple, easy-to-use interfaces and a pervasive over the next 20 years. These
positive user experience. These are End-User Interaction. User interaction technologies should greatly impact
prerequisites for enabling technology with the system should also be invisible, future ubicomp interactions and what
access for the masses. People expect at least to an extent where the person we think about the user’s experience.)
to use devices without engaging with can focus on performing the tasks,
the underlying concepts or technical albeit mediated by the system, without Ubicomp Inside
details. In particularly, this trend worrying about the technology itself. To Although many of the early visions
has developed over the last decade as achieve this, we must explicitly consider of interacting with ubicomp systems
computer-based consumer devices have interaction with ubicomp systems. assumed multiple devices, the convergence

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Weiser’s Vision: 20 Years Later

Promising Ubicomp Technologies

M any technologies are currently being explored in

human-computer interaction (HCI). We predict that
the following technologies for implicit and explicit interaction
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Brain-computer interfaces for explicit interaction could become
feasible in the future; however, using electronencephalography
will become ubiquitous over the next 20 years. (EEG) as a source for contextual information is already feasible.
With many cheap devices available that sense and classify brain
Pico Projectors activity, ubiquity use can be expected for implicit interaction.
Visual feedback for ubiquitous devices is still mainly given using Monitoring the user’s brain signals can improve support for
traditional displays integrated into the device itself. Mobile pico activities (see Figure A2).4
projectors will extend the interaction space massively, making
projection technology ubiquitous. These pico projectors can be
integrated into mobile and wearable devices and can convert Physiological (Self-)Monitoring
any surface—walls, ceilings, desks, floors, or even a t-shirt or the Sensors that monitor health parameters (such as heart rate,
palm of your hand—into an interactive display. Some interaction electrocardiography, and muscle activity) are becoming
concepts1 and prototypes, such as the Sixth Sense Project,2 are smaller, cheaper, and more robust. With those sensors vanish-
first examples that illustrate the power for applications. ing into the background (by being integrated in undergar-
ments, for example), continuous monitoring of health and
fitness information becomes possible without the extra burden
Digital Signage and Public Displays
to the user. This information can serve as contextual input for
As prices for display technologies decrease, painted signs in pub-
ubicomp applications and could become a means for health
lic spaces are being replaced with their digital counterparts (see
prevention. Thus, “underwear that’s like a helmet for your
Figure A1). Whereas nowadays digital signage often shows mere
heart” might be the norm in several years, allowing for early
adaptations of traditional content, networking capabilities as
detection of trends and patterns—such as early warning signs
well as sensors will allow content to be easily updated and
of heart disease.
adapted to the audience, potentially making public displays
a future communication medium.3 A key challenge is to create
a pleasant and convenient user experience that fosters people’s Continuous Capture and Extended
engagement with public displays. Human Memory
Wearable cameras and continuous audio capture can easily
Spatial Gestural Interaction record everything we see and hear. Combined with contex-
As gestures and emotion are essential information cues in tual annotation and data mining, this will provide extended
human-to-human communication, they’ve recently received (personal) “memories.” Capture technology and storage are
increasing attention in HCI. The idea is to enable users to interact available for the ubiquitous use of devices to extend human
based on natural gestures with computing devices, allowing memory, but social and ethical implications of such data cap-
explicit gestures as well as implicit observation. Technologies, ture are still an open issue. The SenseCam (see Figure A3) has
ranging from multitouch surfaces to 3D motion tracking (such demonstrated the power of such systems in the context of
as Microsoft’s Kinect), have been a major focus lately—and people with disabilities, because it can continuously capture a
decreasing costs will allow for ubiquitous use. person’s surroundings.5

of multiple capabilities into one device The changes to many machines in In modern cars, for example, many
opens up a new version of ubicomp industry and the transformation of functions are nowadays being realized in
interaction. The phone, for example, manufacturing processes have been software.15
is one device that has seen a massive less visible in public but similarly
transition from an electronic device revolutionary. Ubicomp is fundamentally Increasingly Intimate
into a computer-based appliance, where changing many engineering disciplines Computing
many of the functionalities perceived in as mechanical and electrome­ chan­ Although for most people, the age of
a ubicomp scenario are now available ical devices and systems are being personal computing isn’t gone (yet),
within the smart phone—such as location replaced by computing technologies the nature of “personal” computing
awareness and embedded sensors. with multiple embedded capabilities. as envisioned by Weiser in the early

4 PER VA SI V E computing

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1. E. Rukzio, P. Holleis, and H.

Gellersen, “Personal Projectors for
Pervasive Computing,” to be pub-
lished in IEEE Pervasive Computing;

2. P. Mistry, P. Maes, and L. Chang,

“WUW—Wear Ur World: A Wear-
able Gestural Interface,” Proc. 27th
Int’l Conf. Extended Abstracts on Hu-
man Factors in Computing Systems
(CHI EA 09), ACM Press, 2009,
pp. 4111–4116; http://doi.acm.

3. F. Alt et al., “Designing Shared Pub-

lic Display Networks—Implications
from Today’s Paper-Based Notice
Areas,” Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. Pervasive
Computing, Springer-Verlag, 2011,
pp. 258–275.

4. E.M. Peck et al., “Your Brain, Your

Computer, and You,” Computer,
vol. 43, no. 12, 2010, pp. 86–89.

5. S. Hodges et al., “SenseCam:

A Retrospective Memory Aid,”
Proc. Ubicomp 2006, LNCS 4206,
Springer, 2006, pp. 177–193.

Figure A. Examples of (1) a public display, (2) a brain-computer interface, and

(3) the Microsoft SenseCam (photo courtesy of Microsoft Research).

days of the PC has radically changed.16 The idea of a “personal” way of thinking about computers,
People nowadays have a much closer computer itself is misplaced and one that takes into account the
relationship with their personal … the vision of laptop machines human world and allows the
computing devices. In particular, [is] only a transitional step toward computers themselves to vanish
mobile phones—and increasingly other achieving the real potential of into the background.1
portable devices, such as pads and information technology. Such
tablets—have become ubiquitous and, machines cannot truly make The new form of personal comput­
at the same time, very personal. This computing an integral, invisible ing that many users initially experi­enced
trend is in contrast to one of Weiser’s part of people’s lives. We are when they received their first smart­
forecasts: therefore trying to conceive a new phone exemplifies how nontechnical

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Weiser’s Vision: 20 Years Later

people now perceive and experience are also invisible in the way they seem to entries and logs of personal activities,
computing in the 21st century and blend into everyday practices of use and websites accessed, notes taken, and
how our understanding of “invisible” in how people have evolved practices various applications installed are all
has evolved. For ma ny people , around them. Typing emails on an examples of sensitive and valuable
smartphones are increasingly the iPhone might be viewed as inefficient personal information. 21 With current
“personal computer” that they rely owing to the slower typing speed. technologies, such as Near-Field
on the most—and they have become However, users have compensated by Communication (NFC) and other
an integral, highly visible part of their developing new email practices, such means for electronic payment 22
lives. The device itself and its many as shorter emails, thereby in a way and authentication, 23 phones have
converged functionalities have become increasing the efficiency of the overall become even more personal. Given this
part of people’s self-expression and medium. intimate link between the person and
even a status symbol in many cases. It’s Also seemingly contradicting the the device’s data, how much would
as though consumers have “fashioned” vision of the disappearing computer, you need to trust someone—a family
themselves with a particular phone advertising could become ubicomp’s member, friend, or colleague—before
as an accessory and—similar to the killer app.17 Pervasive advertising is lending them your mobile phone?
fashion industry—competing phone finally ready to leave the labs, and we’re Although many aspects of ubicomp
companies work hard to ensure that currently at a crossroad in terms of are embedded in everyday spaces
the latest smartphones are considered determining advertising’s future. On the and objects, there are other aspects
even more cutting edge and desirable Web, pop-up windows and unsolicited that have become more personal and
than the previous ones, and that the banners strive for user attention, as intimate than probably most people
devices themselves don’t vanish into do static displays. Initial experiments have imagined. Computing has become
the background. show that the use of traditional poster an integral part of life for many users
advertising can be combined with across the world. It has massively
Invisible Technologies mobile and context-aware devices to changed how people live. Being able
When considering the experience of create links between static content and to reach and be reached at any time
using new generations of personal dynamic information.18 as well as having immediate access to
devices, the “vanishing into the The potential for changing how information anytime, anywhere has
background” step Weiser predicted advertising is implemented in ubicomp had a significant impact on the way we
has been clearly made by the majority settings has also been explored with work as well as on domestic life. At the
of users. We recently conducted a a variety of options for interaction same time, phones have become a status
study of mobile-phone-camera use. with yard-scale computing and symbol, especially among the younger
As we asked users about their phone, public displays.19 Many visions of the generation, hence contributing to
we received answers that were mainly advertising future see personalized Weiser’s vision of ubicomp technologies
related to the mobile phone’s functional ads bombarding users with spam, fitting in well with the world.
capabilities (how they use the phone spying on them, and manipulating
for social networking or to show off them to make them buy products they Beyond the Individual
photos or access their favorite apps). don’t need. However, there’s also the Many ubicomp scenarios rely on some
They knew little about the phone’s positive future of calm and engaging forms of artificial intelligence (AI)
built-in processor or networking speci­ advertising where “advertisements and a representation of the world—
fications. Many users didn’t even know strike a balance between being calm recognizing contexts, understanding
the model of their phone. However, when we do not need them and being activities, and triggering or suggesting
hardware properties were better engaging and inspiring when we want applications are some examples. To
known if they directly impacted the to participate.”20 tackle this, Weiser suggested using AI
user experience (such as the camera or to make the problem easier to solve:
screen resolution). We suggest that the Extremely Personal Data
smartphone has enabled a major change Looking at the data many people Sal awakens; she smells coffee. A
in how we interact with computers, as it organize and store on their personal few minutes ago her alarm clock,
has become for many users, in Weiser’s devices, it’s also clear that these devices alerted by her restless rolling
words, “a pleasant and effective ‘place’ have become intimate companions. before waking, had quietly asked,
to get things done.”1 Cherished personal photos; intimate “Coffee?” and she had mumbled,
The interesting paradox is that in communication traces in SMS and “Yes.” “Yes” and “No” are the
being clearly visible as a device or email; contacts and interactions only words it [the computer]
“place,” the technologies and devices with those contacts; private calendar knows.1

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Research laboratories around the Alternatively, modeling based on Such enormous stores will not
world have been developing and testing implicitly sensed information can necessarily be filled to capacity
interesting and useful applications, be used. In a simplistic approach, we with usable information.
implementing, in particular, intelligent could accumulate the information Abundant space will, however,
spaces and smart homes based on from wheelchair users and collect allow radically different strategies
AI approaches. The research results information about the paths they of information management.
suggested that they were feasible, use and how such paths impact the A terabyte of disk storage will
worked properly, and (from a wheelchair (measuring location, speed, make deleting old files virtually
scientific perspective) were successful. and tilt, for example). If there weren’t unnecessary.1
Nevertheless, many of these research enough wheelchair users, we could also
prototypes have not yet made it out of get the same information from walkers This is certainly becoming a reality, as
the lab. (detecting steps and slopes from their we now have growing sensor networks,
A major challenge is making AI gait) and use it to create a map. If we devices, and an abundance of computing
work satisfactorily in the real world. have enough contributed data, we’re that will allow massive amounts of data
As Genevieve Bell pointed out in her likely to need less AI, because we can to be collected. Recording everything
opening keynote at CHI 2010, the use community intelligence.25 we see in a high-resolution video
real world is messy and unpredictable. Participatory sensing, people-centric and storing everything won’t pose a
Furthermore, plans and actions are sensing, 26 and implicit interactions27 technical problem anymore. As the
situated, 24 there are always exceptions, for contributing content have the cost for recording and storing becomes
and behavior can change over time, potential to fundamentally change minimal, even if there are only small
making pattern detection and predictive how we interact with computers and benefits from such recordings, it can still
interpretation difficult. Identifying our environment. Consider an analogy: be useful to do them.28
how “intelligent” behavior can work Children learn from observing grown- If we now imagine that a large
in an environment that can change and ups. Imitation of behavior, even with number of people will record and share
that might not be fully known is still little understanding of what it means or what they have seen, information access
an open question. The main challenge why it’s useful, is key in learning how to and use is the only remaining problem.
is finding the “intelligence” balance deal with the world. At the same time, For many problems, the solutions will
between the system and people who live this also has an interesting effect on become obvious, similar to the concept
in the space. This is where an approach the parents, as their behavior changes, of social navigation.29 Currently, users
that engages communities rather than too. As soon as they realize that their make deliberate choices about what to
individuals offers promise. children will copy their behavior, they record and share. However, consider
become more aware of their actions reversing this approach: what if
Community-Provided Intelligence and their function as a role model. everything a person saw was by default
and Content They often change their language recorded and shared, and we only had
Creating anticipatory systems—systems and behavior when their children are to choose what not to share? How
that can anticipate the users’ desires around. would this impact us?
without conscious mediation—is still Users could similarly get into a Consider the following example:
extremely difficult. One way to do this relationship with ubicomp in which Have you wondered how to change a
might be to observe a community and its the computer learns and observes bicycle chain or how to make strawberry
actions. If we consider the task of creating their behavior. Imagine the ubicomp cupcakes? Someone else has done this
a map of wheelchair-friendly routes infrastructure learning your preferences before and implicitly recorded and
around a town, we will quickly realize for parking places or where you like to shared it, so you can find a first-person
that this is still not easy. We can either shop. If you never drive into a parking account of how to do it. The remaining
look at all possible routes and manually garage, it wouldn’t recommend parking problem is how to find it—but here,
model it or use available maps and garages. Knowing that the computer too, the abundance of resources can
build a heuristic on top of them to find is learning from you and others, and help, because we can store meta-
proper paths. The approach of manually potentially sharing what it learned, information (context) and perform
modeling routes is time consuming could lead to different behavior. massive data processing and image
(but is already done in projects such as mining. This also leads to a societal and the heuristic- Balancing What We Share challenge in terms of what we do with
based approach is surely error prone. and Retain all the data, how we make sense of it,
Another approach is to directly Weiser didn’t foresee storage as being who or what makes sense of it, and
encourage people to contribute. an issue: what this leads to.

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Weiser’s Vision: 20 Years Later

Privacy and Profits undertone (“unpleasant use”). However, that have fundamentally changed how
Ubiquitous computing enables new today such products are successful in the we interact with computers and how
opportunities for tracking people’s market, ranging from location sharing we communicate. The cheap avail-
location and activities, which has to contextual search. Companies ability of technology and services, and
always been a sensitive issue. When profit from providing convenient of easy-to-use computing devices and
Olivetti Labs described their active services, and many users seem to value systems (especially mobile phones and
badge system, the responses in the convenience over privacy. At the same smartphones), means that computing
scientific community and press were time, it’s still an open question whether really is becoming ubiquitous and is al-
to picture a future of ubiquitous the reason for accepting this impact on ready impacting the everyday lives of
surveillance.30,31 These are issues that privacy is the consequence of a lack of people around the world. In particular,
still need to be addressed today. understanding or a result of products global, ubiquitous mobile-device use
successfully making “invisible” which has become the norm and is often seen
Acceptance and Perceived Value data they collect in the background. as the reality of ubicomp. But it’s only
User acceptance of technologies that Many researchers, especially in the one aspect of ubicomp. There are more
invade privacy is strongly correlated HCI field, view this loss of privacy as changes to come, as computers become
with the perceived value. For mobile a major risk. an integral part of many devices and
phones to work, the operator must appliances.
know where the user is. This form of Understanding Risks and

ubiquitous location tracking hasn’t Opportunities
harmed the adoption of mobile Technologies (such as cryptography) et how we interact with the
communication technologies. Users alone won’t solve the privacy issues at “computer” in the 21st cen-
accept and usually don’t reflect much hand. We’ll need societal agreements tury remains a challenging
on the information they must give away on what’s acceptable and how data can question, precisely because
in return for the service. This trade-off be used, implemented within a legal there’s no longer a clear, single computer
between convenience and privacy had framework. We also need to clarify focus, as in the days of the desktop ma-
already emerged in Weiser’s initial for people, at least for “self-education” chine. Weiser set out a new vision for a
ubicomp work: purposes, what’s really possible with ubicomp world, and the emergence of
technology and the risks involved. As a new technologies are helping us realize
Even today the active badges and result, we must develop methodologies evolved versions of this vision. We have
self writing appointment diaries and approaches that help participants single devices that offer multiple ubi-
that offer all kinds of convenience become more informed in these debates comp functionalities and experiences,
could be a source of real harm and more knowledgeable about their and we have multiple networked and
in the wrong hands. Not only own personal choices. This should embedded devices that form part of the
corporate superiors or underlings affect the design process such that fabric of our daily lives. We also have
but also overzealous government systems are made more accountable to users who are becoming increasingly ac-
officials and even marketing firms and understandable by users. customed to having ubiquitous access to
could make unpleasant use of The privacy risks considered in early information and computing power, with
the same information that makes ubicomp research are still perceived as increasingly discerning expectations
invisible computers so convenient.1 risks today—in particular, the tracking about their experiences using these de-
of people and location.32 On the other vices. As designers and researchers, we
Increasingly over the last few years, hand, ubicomp research has yet to have the challenge and responsibility of
companies (such as Google and embrace the full potential of available creating this new world, while keeping
Facebook) have been successfully information. Here, it seems general people and their values and interests at
exploiting information volunteered by commercial use of available data has the center of the technologies.
the users (search queries, email content, moved much faster. More research is
activity and status messages, and required to understand the value of References
multimedia content) to provide targeted the information we create and own
services. So far, this has been more as individuals and as a society, as well 1. M. Weiser, “The Computer for the 21st
Century,” Scientific Am., vol. 265, no. 3,
related to Web services, but it’s apparent as what we can do with it and at what 1991, pp. pp. 66–75.
that such companies are moving into the costs.
mobile and ubicomp space. Reflecting on Weiser’s visions 20 years 2. M. Hassenzahl and N. Tractinsky, “User
Experience—A Research Agenda,” Behav-
Weiser commented on the use of later, it’s amazing how the vision fore- iour and Information Technology, vol. 25,
such information in a very negative saw many technological developments no. 2, 2006, pp. 91–97.

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the Authors
Albrecht Schmidt is a professor of human- Alireza Sahami Shirazi is a research assistant in the
computer interaction at the University of Stutt- Human Computer Interaction group at the University
gart. His primary research interest is human- of Stuttgart. His primary research interests include
computer interaction beyond the desktop. Schmidt mobile HCI, ubiquitous computing, and social com-
received his PhD in computer science from Lan- puting. Sahami Shirazi received his masters in media
caster University in the UK. He edits the “Invisible informatics from RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Computing” column for Computer magazine. Con- He’s a member of the ACM. Contact him at alireza.
tact him at

Bastian Pfleging is a research assistant for the Geraldine Fitzpatrick is a professor/Institute head
Human Computer Interaction group at the Univer- for technology design and assessment and leads the
sity of Stuttgart. His general research interests are HCI group at Vienna University of Technology in
multimodal and natural user interfaces. In particu- Austria. Her research is at the intersection of social
lar, he’s interested in human-computer interaction and computer sciences, particularly in the design
in the automotive context. Pfleging received his of pervasive, tangible, and Web 2.0 technologies
MSc in computer science from the Technical Uni- to fit in with everyday contexts of work, play, and
versity of Dortmund, Germany. He’s a member of daily life. Fitzpatrick received her PhD in computer
the ACM and the Association of German Engineers science and electrical engineering from University
(Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, or VDI). Contact of Queensland, Australia. She’s a member of IEEE
him at and the ACM. Contact her at geraldine.fitzpatrick@
Florian Alt is a researcher in the Human Com-
puter Interaction group at the University of
Stuttgart. The main focus of his research is on
context-sensitive advertising, implicit and ex-
plicit interaction with public displays, and explor-
ing pervasive displays as a future communication
medium. Florian received a diploma degree in
media informatics from the University of Munich,
Germany. He’s a member of the ACM. Contact

3. J. McCarthy and P. Wright, Technology 10. C. Beckmann, S. Consolvo, and A. Lamarca, Press, 2006, pp. 33–42; http://doi.acm.
as Experience, MIT Press, 2004. “Some Assembly Required: Supporting org/10.1145/1134285.1134292.
End-User Sensor Installation in Domestic
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