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Name:_______________ Roll No.

GC University Lahore
Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies
F.A/F.Sc. Part-I (Islamic Education) Pre Board -2021
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes Objective Max. Marks: 10
‫۔‬  ‫  اب   ) (   ن‬ ‫  ا ت د      در‬  ‫۔    ال    ر‬1  ‫ال‬
: "‫ ا آن‬ " (i)
ؓ     ‫)د( ت ز‬ ؓ   ‫ت ا‬ (‫)ج‬ ؓ ُ‫ت ا‬ (‫)ب‬ ؓ‫ت  ن‬ ( ‫)ا‬
(i) “Jami al-Quran “ is:
(a)Hazrat Uthman (R.A) (b)Hazrat Usama (R.A) (c)Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) (d)Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (R.A)
:    ‫د     ى‬ (ii)
 ‫)د( ى‬   ‫)ج(ا‬    ‫)ب(دور‬     ( ‫)ا‬
(ii) The literal meaning of " ‫"د‬is:
(a)Something nearby (b)Something beyond (c)Good thing (d) Bad thing
:    ‫رۃ ا ٰرى   و     ر   ن‬ (iii)
(‫)د‬ ‫)ج( ر‬ ( ‫)ب‬  ‫)ا (دو‬
(iii) Surah al-Shura has described the forms of Wahi:
(a)Two (b)Three (c)Four (d)Five
:         ‫ا ِل ار‬ (iv)
(‫)د‬ (‫)ج‬ ( ‫)ب‬ ‫)ا ( ر‬
(iv) The Usool-e-Arba include books:
(a)Four (b)Six (c)Three (d)Five
: ‫ د‬          ‫ ا  آ ى‬ ‫ر ﷺ‬ (v)
  (‫)د‬  ‫ت‬ (‫)ج‬  ‫)ب( ان  ر‬  ‫ِ  ام‬ ( ‫)ا‬
(v) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬delivered his last sermon on Hajj occasion at:
(a)Masjid-e-Haram (b)Badar (c)Arafat (d)Mina
:  ‫    ق‬   ‫ ا‬ (vi)
‫)د( رى‬ ‫)ج( رى‬ ‫)ب(آ‬ ‫)ا ( ى‬
(vi) Angles are the creature of Allah (SWT):
(a)Anthropic (b)Celestial (c)Light (d)Fire
:       ‫  د  ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬ (vii)
ؓ   ‫)د( ا‬ ؓ‫)ج( ا     س‬ ؓ‫ہ‬ ‫)ب(ا‬ ؓ‫)ا ( ا     و‬
(vii) Sahifa Sadiqa was compiled by:
(a)Abdullah bin Amr (R.A) (b)Abu Hurairah (R.A) (c)Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A) (d)Abdullah bin Umar (R.A)
:     ‫   ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ر‬           (viii)
(‫)د‬ (‫)ج‬ ( ‫)ب‬ ( ‫)ا‬
(viii) ……………………….Will be punished in the lowest part of the Hell:
(a)The pagan (b)The cruel (c)The Hypocrate (d)The Arrogant
:      ‫  ر ر  ا       دت  وہ‬  ‫ت‬ (ix)
(‫)د‬ (‫)ج‬ ‫)ب( ر‬ ُ ‫) ا (ا‬
(ix) Ja’afar Tayyar (R.A) was martyred in battle of:
(a) Uhad (b) Badar (c) Mota (d) Khaiber
:  ‫رات  زل‬ (x)
‫ت  ٰ    ا م‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ت ا ا    ا م‬ (‫)ج‬ ‫ت داؤد   ا م‬ ( ‫)ب‬ ‫ت  ٰ    ا م‬ ( ‫)ا‬
(x) Torat was revealed to:
(a)Isa (A.S) (b)Dawood (A.S) (c)Ibraheem (A.S) (d)Musa (A.S)
GC University Lahore
Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies
F.A/F.Sc. Part-I (Islamic Education) Pre Board -2021
Time Allowed: 1:45 Hours Subjective Max. Marks: 40

 ‫ اول‬
Q.No.1. Answer any six of the following briefly. 6x2=12
‫۔‬    ‫  ا ت‬    ‫     ا اء‬ 2 ‫ا‬
1 Write only two characteristics of the Prophethood of Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬ ‫۔‬  ‫ت‬ ‫ِ  ى   د  و‬ ‫ر‬ 1
2. Put down any two good ethics. ‫۔‬    ‫ ا ق‬  ‫   دو‬ 2
3. What are the longest and the shortest Surahs of the Quran? ‫۔‬  ‫  رت‬ ‫     او  ر‬      ‫آن‬ 3
4. Write the literal and the terminological meanings of " ‫"ﺻوم‬ ‫۔‬     ‫"ﺻوم "   ى و ا‬ 4
5.What is meant by " ‫? " ِل ار‬ ‫"ا ِل ار "      ا  د ؟‬ 5
6.What is "   "? ‫    ؟‬   6
7. Write two rights of teachers. ‫۔‬ ‫ق‬
   ‫ہ   دو‬ ‫ا‬ 7
8.What is Nisab of Zakat on gold and silver? ‫؟‬  ‫اورز ۃ    ب‬ 8
9. Write two types of Shirk. ‫۔‬    ‫ك   دو ا م‬ 9
Q.No.3. Answer any six of the following briefly. 6x2=12 ‫۔‬ ‫ت‬
  ‫  ا‬    ‫     ا اء‬ ‫۔‬3  ‫ا‬
1.Define Jihad ‫۔‬  ‫م  ن‬    ‫د‬ 1
2.Write the literal and terminological meanings of Hadith. ‫۔‬     ‫    ى و ا‬ 2
3.Where was the first Wahi revealed? ‫؟‬  ‫ و   ں  زل‬ 3
4.What is "   "? ‫"   ؟‬   " 4
5.Write the terminological meaning of “‫ہ‬ ”? ‫۔‬     ‫ہ   ا‬ 5
6.Write three types of “ ‫” ذ‬. ‫۔‬    ‫ ذ      ا م‬6
7.Write the name of the compiler of Usool-E-Kafi.. ‫۔‬    ‫    م‬      ‫ ا ل‬7
8.Translate . "‫"ان اﻟﺻﻠوة ﺗﻧﮭﯽ ﻋن اﻟﻔﺣﺷﺂء واﻟﻣﻧﮑر‬          ‫۔‬   8
9. Translate .. "‫"ﻣﺎﻋﺎل ﻣن اﻗﺗﺻد‬                ‫۔‬   9

 ‫ دوم‬
Answer any two Questions. 8x2=16 ‫۔‬    ‫   دو  ال‬
‫۔‬  ‫  ن‬  ‫ت‬    ‫ِ  ى‬ ‫   ر‬     ‫    ى و ا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫۔‬4  ‫ال‬
Q.No.4. Write the literal and terminological meanings of ‫ ر‬and describe the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
in detail.
‫۔‬   ُ‫ آ ت  آ    رو    ا‬   ‫ اور اس   د‬  ‫م‬    ‫۔‬5  ‫ال‬
Q.No.6. Write the meaning of Hadith and highlight its religious status in the light of Quranic Verses..
‫۔‬ ‫ٹ‬
      ‫ر  ذ‬ ‫۔‬6  ‫ال‬
‫ل‬ ‫و ا‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫)ا ( ل و ا ف‬
Q.No.5. Write note on the following:
(A) Justice (B) Patience and Determination

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