Simple Past Tense: Bahasa Inggris Ii

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Apt. Riswandy Wasir, S.Farm Apt, MPH, PhD

Outcome Pertemuan II

Pada pertemuan kedua dengan tema

present continuous tense, kami
mengharapkan agar mahasiswa mampu
memahami (1)Definisi past continuous
tense, (2)Pola kalimat past continuous
Definisi Past Continuous Tense

Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan

untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di
masa lampau ketika kejadian yang lainnya terjadi.
Pola Past Continuous Tense

(+) Positive Sentence S + was/were + V-ing + O

(-) Negative Sentence S + was/were + not + V-ing + O
(?) Interrogative Sentence Was/were + S + V-ing + O?
Contoh kalimat Pas Continuous tense

(+) Simon was studying English last night when his mother phoned him
(-) Simon was not studying English last night when his mother phoned him
(?) Was Simon studying English last night when his mother phoned him ?

(+) While Leli and Lila were cleaning the room, somebody knocked the door
(-) While Leli and Lila were not cleaning the room, somebody knocked the door
(?) Were while Leli and Lila cleaning the room, somebody knocked the door?

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