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Address: Tầng 3, phòng VP.03.52 Chung Cư The EverRich Infinity 290 An Dương Vương, Phường 04, Quận 05, Tp HCM
Phone: 0983.125.717 - (028) 22152717- Email: Web:


Issued date: 08/10/2018 Review - Printdate: 08/10/2018
1. Introduction about Products and Company:
Company name: NAM TRUONG HAI CO., LTD
Product name: Fire-resistant Paint platform 3P
Purpose: Fire Resistant Paint 3P-I are water based paint, blistered in high temperature, used
for fire protection for steel, wooden materials, concrete, wall …
Address: Floor 3, Room VP.03.52 The EverRich Infinity Apartment 290 An Duong Vuong,
Ward 04, District 05, Ho Chi Minh City
Phone number: 84-028-22152717 Hotline : 0983125717
2. Hazardous chemical Substances:
Chemical substances used in Fire-resisting Paint 3P-I are sold popularly on the market and not belong to
list hazardous substances or forbidden use.
Fire-resisting Paint 3P-I are not harmful to human and environment.
3. First aid in emergency:
In case of accident or bad prognostics sustaining, the victim must be brought to the health service as soon
as possible. Do not give the kiss of life to the victim. Bring the victim to aeration; give a cursory wash with
water. If victim turned off respire or breathed abnormally then there must carry out artificial respiration,
but not directly from other person. If victim does not lose consciousness, leave him in a position favorably
for him to recover and get a doctor for help.
In case paint threw into eyes, open the protective glass quickly, wash your eyes with clean water in at least
10 minutes. Leave bare eyes and get help from a doctor immediately.
In case paint threw into skin, take off clothes quickly, wash skin with soap or other special skin wash. Do
not use solvent or consolute.
In case of swallowing paint, bring the victim to the health service as soon as possible, let the victim repose.
There is no case of swallowing paint recorded so far.
4. Fire extinction:
Substances used to extinguish the fire: Alco-base fire-fighting foam, CO2, extinguishing powder, sprinkler
5. Store operations for 3P-I:
Avoid the case that paint vapour concentration is higher than the allowable level. Keep paint containters
always staunch. Avoid contacting with eye and skin. Avoid inspiring the steam or dew of paint. Do not eat
or smoke in the paint store or painting area. Please refer to Section6 for Safety methods for users.
Paints 3P-I should be stored at temperature from 5°C to 40°C in dry condition, with aeration system and
avoiding fire and direct lighting. Keep paint containers always staunch. Avoid oxidant, drinking water,
foods for human and animals.
6. Control of paint-in-use and protection for human:
Safety field: use proper ventilation system, preferably partial aeration system. In case that the paint vapour
concentration can not be controlled under the allowable level, respiratory safeguard is required.
Protect the worker:
- Oxygen system: safety device for absorbing paint vapour when spraying must be used in case the paint
vapour concentration can not be controlled under the allowable level.
- Protect hands: in case of contacting with paint directly, worker is required to wear rubber gloves. Barrier
cream can be used but it is not intended to replace safety equipment.
- Protect eyes: eyes protect equipment is used to avoid paint threw into eyes during applying.
- Protect skin: after applying paint, worker should change clothes and wash with soap or skin protective
Address: Tầng 3, phòng VP.03.52 Chung Cư The EverRich Infinity 290 An Dương Vương, Phường 04, Quận 05, Tp HCM
Phone: 0983.125.717 - (028) 22152717- Email: Web:

7. Ingredients and Properties

Ingredients Properties
Fire resistant paint 3P-I Color : Gray
Fire resistant artificial resin 46,00 % involatile solid contents : 65 % ± 1%
Chemical A45 20,00 % Flexibility : Good
Chemical C36 10,00 % Viscosity : 110 KU ± 5
Metal Oxides 14,00 % Flash point : fireless
Polymer 5,00 %
Other admixture 5,00 %
8. Stability and chemical reaction:
Paint is stable in normal condition. When burned, it shall release noxious fumes such as smoke, CO, CO2,
nitro oxide.
9. Information about virulence:
- For respiration: even just a small amount of paint can cause excitation on mucosal and respiratory system.
Symptoms are such as headache, dizzy and tired.
- Skin contact: if paint contacts to skin very often or in a long time, skin will be dry or destroyed due to the
interaction between the paint and fat in the skin.
- Eye contact: if paint threw into eyes, it might cause dizzy.
- Paint swallow: no case recorded sofar.
10. Paint emission:
Do not spread paint emission into the rain, water or area with water source. Paint emission including used
paint kettle must be managed and discarded at an appropriated location at local’s desire.
Pour alum into paint refuse to separate water and solid in the paint.
11. Transport:
Paint 3P-I is not considered as a dangerous product.
12. Law information:
Products are classified and labeled according to manufacturer’s standards.
Code: 3P-I
Kettle: 3P-I: 25 Kg/bucket
Other information:
For more information, please contact:
Office: Floor 3, Room VP.03.52 The EverRich Infinity Apartment 290 An Duong Vuong, Ward 04,
District 05, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08)-22152717 - Email : – Website:
Hot line: 0983.125.717

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