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The United Nations

Formation of the UN

 Over 50 million people died in WW1 and WW2

 Allies wanted to prevent WW3
 October 24, 1945 – UN was founded
 Canada was on of the first 50 countries
 Goals of the UN include:
o Prevent war
o Protect human rights
o Encourage equality
o Maintain justice and respect for international law
o Promote social progress and high standards of life
o Live together in peace
o Maintain international peace and security
o Not use armed forces
o Promote economic and social advancement of all peoples

Structure of the UN

 6 main structures:
o The General Assembly
o The Security Council
o The Secretariat
o The Trusteeship Council
o The International Court of Justice
o The Economic and Social Council
 When world peace is threatened, the General Assembly or the Security Council is called upon
 The General Assembly:
o All UN member nations have a seat in the General Assembly
o Each country has one vote
o Each pays a share of the cost to run the UN
o Discuss and debate problems such as aid to developing countries and use of sea
o Suggest ways of settling global disputes
 The Security Council
o 15 nations hold a seat in the Security Council
o 5 nations have permanent seats – US, Russia, Great Britain, France and China aka “The
Big Five”
o They must approve all decision reached by the security council
o Any one of them has the power to veto a vote
o There are 10 additional non-permanent members elected to the Security Council by the
General Assembly

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