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Apostle Joshua Selman - 25.04.


Joel 1:12

Joy is very important

With Joy shall we draw from the wells of salvation

2 Chron 20:20

2 Tim 1:12

For i am not ashamed, for i know whom i have believed and am persuaded that he is
able to keep that which i have committed unto him.

Gal 1:24

here in is my father glorified when you bear much fruits.

Prophecy is powerful

It can make what has no business happening in your life to happen.

4 horns - carpenter

Every chain on the feet break

It was the Lord that caused Aaron and Moses to Advance

disgrace the devil

disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil
disgrace the devil

Lion of Judah you reign

Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign
Lion of Judah you reign

Miracles reveal the Lord of The Father

1) God is Love
2) He is still alive

God who did this miracle, may he empower you to reproduce the kind of miracle in
the lives of people.

Miracle Service
1) Worship
2) Patience - allow Holy Ghost to take control
3) Know how to talk. Everybody - stretch your hand to this woman.

Ish 37:14-15
And Hezekiah received letter from the and of the messengers
and hezekiah spread it before the Lord
Oh Lord of host that dwellest between the cherubims

Phil 4:6
Let your request be made known.

No matter how we try to prophecy, we are limited in time and knowledge.

collection of prayer points -

Trumpet announces seasons

When the Lord is coming, Trumpets announce
Voice of Trumpet that will announce the coming of the Lord
Trumpet announces the coming of every good gift

Ex 14 - this egyptian you see today, you see them no more...

for some of you this are threats, dead setences, ancenstral yokes...
i decree with the Voice of Yahweh your breakthrough

song: Jesus the son of God, i believe in you, i believe in you...

WE stand in agreement

announcing new seasons

annoncing new openings

Father we agree that evry request written down here, let it return as testimonies

May the Ministry of Angels be activated over these requests......

Song: Ancient Words ever True, changing me and changing you, we have come with open
hearts, let the Ancient Words inspire
Satan is put to shame SHAME.

Ps 79:11

Preserve those that are appointed to die

The fullness of your days, you will fulfill

Ps 123

songs that don't die

impartation happens on the platform of discernment

I believe there are many people God wants to raise

The days of superstar christianity is over

The goal is that you become the conduit to bring many people into that experience

People who are more concerned with corporate achievement that individual

Oh Paul even if you meet Jesus, you will still need Ananaias

transference of possibiliies

You can carry what you did not come to church with!

Songs used as ladders to access deeper dimensionn in the Spirit.

You be

sound that causes Heaven to open

More Nathanial Bassey and Greater will arise.....

May you hear the songs of the Lord at night

May he put his praise on your lips

Much more, May he give you much more a heart that pants after him

GRACE for access and visibility

Hear ye HIM Anointing

The proof of favour is loyalty of the heart of men. it is not money

if the body is not corporately edified even though we are excelling [koinonia], we
are still failing together

Whatever you came with as a point of contact, we declare life upon it

return with strange testimonies...

diagnosed of fibroid
diagnosed of cervical cancel
then found to lose blood
and when given blood. was donated a HIV blood

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