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1.    What was the best and worst present you have been given?

The best present I have ever been given was a travel to Disney with my friends when I was 15
years old, and the worst present I have ever been given was a t-shirt because i didn’t like de

2.    Were your parents strict with you? Have you ever been told off by them?

Yes, my parents were stricts with me. I have been told off by my parents because when I was
15 years old sometimes arrived at my house very late.

3.    How was your last birthday celebrated? Who was invited? What was eaten?

My last birthday was celebrated in my house because we were in quarentine, I invited only
three friends and we were eaten pizza and cake.

4.    Do you have a nickname? What are you called by your family and friends?

Yes, I have. My friends and family called solci.

5.    Have you ever been tagged in a photo you didn’t like how you looked? Describe it

I have been tagged in a photo that my friend posted on Instagram and Facebook. I didn’t like it
because my eyes was closed and my hair didn’t looked like good.

6.    Have you ever been given a medal, trophy, or a prize? Expand

Yes, was given a medal. When I was 9 years old, because every year that I finished the dance
course we received a medal.

7.    What weren’t you allowed to do when you were 14 years old?

I wasn’t allowed to stay on Facebook until late, and arrive to my house after 3 AM.

8.    Have you ever been asked to speak in public? Explain

Yes, I was asked to speak at University about my last work (thesis). It was a project to help
university mothers to study in better conditions and with some benefits

9.    Have you ever been told off by your teacher at school? What happened?

I was told off by my teacher because I didn’t give a work on time. Finally, we made a

10. Have you been vaccinated against COVID yet? If not, when do you think you will be

I haven’t been vaccinated yet. I think I will get vaccinated in September of this year.

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