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March 29%, Monday WE WENT AT TO THE SUPERMARKET | WENT TO EAT ATE WITH MY FAMILY | ATE OUT WITH MY FAMILY Eat out | MADE-did HOMEWORK WE WENT-TO had DINNER We ate out FOR DINNER BROTHERS ? (group of brothers and sisters) siblings The wall is PAINTED by the man The wall is being PAINTED by the man The wall will be PAINTED in white The wall HAS JUST been painted (FEED) The dog is being FED by the man The dog was fed by the man The food is being given to the dog by the man The dog has been FED by the man (TELL OFF) The child IS BEING TOLD OFF The child was told off The child is going to be TOLD 4 OFF TODAY'S: 1.WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT A PERSON? 2.DO YOU CHECK ON PEOPLE’S CLOTHES OR SCAN THEIR LOOKS? (hair, accessories, make up, shoes, etc? 3.WHAT DO CLOTHES, WHICH SOMEONE WEARS, SAY ABOUT THAT PERSON? 4.1S THERE A PART OF YOUR APPEARANCE THAT YOU ARE PROUD OF? (I.E. EYES, HAIR, ETC) . IS THERE ANYTHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE, WHY? 5.HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO GET READY IN THE MORNING? 6.WHAT DO YOU DO IN ORDER TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN PHYSICAL APPEARANCE? 1.Long / large = BIG 2.Fall asleep / oversleep 3.1 was focused ON work 4.1 live in Capital / CABA THE CITY OF BUENOS AIRES 5.Kindergarten or kindergarden 6.This rule is-applicated APPLIED fer IN any context 7.It’s important what you say TO me with your eyes 8.It’s difficult toden’t NOT TO do that 9.The clothes get security to the person Clothes GIVE confidence to people 10. Thewoman WOMEN (PL) WOMAN (SING) 11. The society talkS about the women 12. It’s moreeasy-easier for men 13. |wear myjoggins- joggers Tracksuit = joggers + a hoody Bottom 14. I dress-wear a t-shirt at home Dress up = | wear very elegant clothes | dressed up for my sister’s wedding reception Dress up as = to wear a costume in order to look like... | dressed up as A NUN for the costume party 15. They use the word nigger because they judge. ASCALLY / scallies March 31, Wednesday M AKING SPECULATIONS Whenever | am on the bus , | usually make speculations/deductions about the passengers Whenever | am on the bus, | usually speculate about the passengers. We can speculate ABOUT: -Name, age, origin, personality, profession, mood, place, relationships, -actions now We speculate using 3 modal verbs : MUST : When I’m sure something is true JLO MUST be RICH / a millionaire / wealthy JLO must be 43 years JLO MUST BE charming JLO must be OPERATED JLO must be AT HOME JLO MUST have a lot of money VICKY XIPOLITAKIS JLO must be Doing exercise CAN’T : When I’m sure something is impossible to be true Natalia CAN’T be ON THE BEACH Will Smith can’t BE poor Will Smith CAN’T be a bad guy Dy Will Smith CAN’T BE Argentinian Will smith CAN’T BE dancing at a backstreet party Susana Gimenez CAN’T BE cooking SG can’t be travelling to Europe SG CAN’T BE flying a plane SG can’t be using the SUBE card on a public transport SG can’t be 30 years old SG can’t be grumpy SG CAN’T BE CLEANING THE HOUSE SG can’t be dating Roviralta SG can’t be asking if the dinosaurs are alive MAY/MAY NOT /MIGHT / MIGHT NOT /COULD : when | think something is possibly true SHE may/ MIGHT / COULD be 15 years old She may not BE happy She may be an actress She could be doing a performance She could be in a studio She may be HAVING FUN AT her party

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