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SECTION 2 GROUND HANDLING AND PREPARATION FOR FLIGHT LisT OF CHAPTERS Note... deta/led I/st of contents appears at the beginning of exch chapter 1 Ground hla 2 Preparation for fiteht 2 Loading aad 6, ante omnerai servicing 5 Not spplicatie 6 Procedure following hazardous ‘neidents RESTRICTED enone iin Fst General a = Access to cabia Le. wy = ‘Alighting gear ground lock: Chapter | GROUND HANDL| List of Contents Pars. 1 Conta! i ‘Towing 3 Stinging 4 Covers List of ilustrations ‘Alighting gear ground locks... Control column and ridder peda! locks Picketing senses wo: nomen gua Towing : Singing ss. + Airerast covers General 1. "Information on the gener! ground handling of the aircraft is given in Voie ciaprer. A TiBt of ground eqaip- ment and special tools reguired for the general servicing of the aircraft given in Chapter 4 of this Section ‘Access to cabin NOTE... locking ‘To prevent damage to the canopy hatch locking. mechanism, cA must be exerci 13 #9 avoid when opening the hatch winds, RESTRICTED ‘eateh fn high guards and blanking plates 10.11 AP AD elect. 2,001 ‘Raa Fe0e2 Para 2, ‘The normal means of entry to the cabin is through the canopy hatch. 1K special telescopic Indder io located ina ferrule oneither side of the fu age and secured by inserting and turning the locking spigot. ‘The lad fer, which forma part of the g70% equipment but ie net carried ia the aircraft, may be telescoped by de- prensing the epring-toaded plungers ‘on four of the rungs. The hatch Jocking mechanism, Mlustrated in Sect.3, Chap 1, is operatedby handle: from ‘either inside oF outside the cabin, Pi Aighting ges ground focks ‘Alighting gear ground locks 3: A safety lock, ix the form of a plug anda retaining screw (Fig. 1), ‘must be inserted in the radius sods of the main undercarriage whenever Personnel are working beneath. th aircraft. “A red warning flag ie at tached to each plig as # reminder RESTRICTED that it must be removed besore each Aight. Picketing 4. No special picketing gear or at tachments aze provided on this ait craft, but picketing ropes may be Secured to Convenient points on the rnoarve Asse a een@niit DeraL'er Fig.2 Controt colmn ond rudder pedol locks RESTRICTED AP AOU 1 $82.00. tia, rb? main and nose undercarriage and, or additional security, around the tail booms, care being taken to avoid Samaging the light alloy thin. Control locking 5. Details for locking the contro! column and rudder Pedals are shown inFig.2, The control column locking arm is stowed under the radio shelf forward of bulidhead No.1, (Fig. 2). Towing 4b, -qihe sizcaAiiy bei wed Eee wardby a tractor using te towing arm luatrated ia Fig-3.— An overload seleate mechantom, described in ALP. 2B17A, Vol.1 and 6, Sect.9, Chap. 4, is incorporated in the towing arm unit, This release mechanism, Which should be setto operate at 1850 Tbe, auomatically disengager the towing eye if excessive revistance occurs during towing Slinging 7. Before attaching the aircraft ling thown in Fig.4, the fuselage metal nose cap mast be remov suscrewing the stint secur Support strut to the nose cap 3 moving the two hinge bolte, Fer all- Up-weight of the aircraft under vari ous loading conditions, refer to ChaP= ter 3 of thie Section, Covers, guards and blanking plates 8.44 list of covers and. blanking plates is given in Table 1 in Sect.2, Chap. 4. ‘Airintake guards aze il trated in Chap.2, Fig.l. ‘The plates "et sie —— é RESTRICTED ene0-11L ASA AP ABBUVoI- I Set.2.09.2 Chapter 2 PREPARATION FOR FLIGHT List of Contents Para, Para Salety precautions cee ee eee ee Preumatic system 1 es a 10 Refueliing wes vee cee cee 3 Oxygen system. s+ * a Defuelling 7 5 Windsereen de-icing syatern 2 Off eystem 1 ‘ =e 7 ABSting gear se eee LoD as Hyaraalle system ee ° Liat of Misotsations Fig. ie. Intake guards and blanking plates... r Pilling and charging poists ees vee 8 OW fitter and wemp desi ees eee 2 Shockeabaorber inflation diagrams 2. 1. ‘SAFETY PRECAUTIONS offatter running up. A check must be P failure to start, particularly after 3. Before rimming the engine, care- made to ensure that the gun heating failure to light up.and where fael has 4a positioning ofthe alrcrait in rela- pipe, between No. 14 and 15 combust drained to the grount benesth the en- Hontoother aireraftandso neighbour- ion chambers, ir not touching the gine, it 1s recommended that the air~ {ng buildings must be obrerved,aa an 11, Tlead securingmut onNo.1é com- craft be moved t new location be- nobstructed clearance for 100'yarde bastion chamber igniter plug. fore attempting to restart. | The air should be maintained behind the jet neceenary, the pipe can be rorated so jntake and jet pipe blanking plates pipe, Iris important that the ground that Mt de well clear of the H.T.nut. (Ref. No.26#C/9045, 9047 and 9012) Inthevietnityef theair intakes ie free Whe starting the engine, the elec must be in position whenever the en= from rags, paper, light pieces of trical supply coble from the starter pine {e stationary. wood, ete., since tetemay easily be trolley must only be withdrawn when fucked into the ducts, and uo perton a pre-arranged signal s received Should opproach withina distance of 4 from the cockpit. Failure to observe yards of the intalee ducte’ thse lust precaution will incur the risk of fire. Iris advinable to run the n= NOTE 2. 4 Thealr intake guards (Ref.26FC/ pine with the alreraft into wind,not a2 All ground equipment. referred to 9044-9045) are to be fitted when- consideration for performance, but this chapter is fully classified in ‘aver the engine Jn run for test pur- as a aafoguard in the event of a wes the appropriate Tables in Sect. 2, posesanditienottheintenvionte take atartand subsequent fire. After any Chap. 4. RESTRICTED Refueling 3. The positionofthe fuel filler caps 4s shown im Fig.3, The tanks should ‘be refuclled in the following manner, ‘using the special Key spanner, Part No.Y.o01227A, to unscrew the caps (1) Pun the fuselage tank. (2) Fuel each inner wing tank to Justbelow its maximum level, leay= {ng the filler cap removed. (3) _Puet the outer wing tanks until the foel level fe he taney ving tanks rises to the maximum level, then jecure the inner wing tanke @iler (4) Topupthe outer wing tanke and secure the filler caps (5) Fuct the anderwing tanks (if Bited) NOTE... (8) ‘The operation, in the order outlined sbove, may be carried out ‘when twin boom refuelling, om the port and starboard main pls ‘Himoltancously. (b)_ ‘The outer wing tank fs shal towend care must be taken that the ‘refuelling nozzle Goes not touch the bottom of the tank and thus damage he tank fabric (©) The wing ape should be own during refuelling and an ex= lamination made for fuel in the fap RESTRICTED rvcece-272 ” ereaeriit se compartment after each refuelling operation: 4, Atehougha small quantity of water ‘win not aifect the runing of the en- fine it may, however, freexe snd ponaibly restrict the fuel flaw or eves Samage componente, therefore the tanks #hold, where possible, be kept full in order to reduce the condensa~ Hon of water to aminimam. Any ‘water can be drained off by removing the emall drain plugs fort the elbow connections and from the immersed fuel pamp at the base of the collector box.” The filler cap sealing washers st be keptin good condition, expect ally those for the drop tanks, since. theee mist withstand the preesure ‘venting which transfers the fuel from the drop tanks. Further details of the fuel system are contained In Sect. 4, Chap.2 efuetling 5. The complete fael contents other ‘than that in the drop tanks, must be rained from the low-pressure fel ‘itor on the lower poxteide of the on wine bay (Fig.3). The draining is ‘ected by removing the base cover from the filter and turning the lov= pressure fuel cock ON The fuel Flow may thus be controlled by the cock, The rate of drainage may be Accelerated by the use of the immiee= sed fuel booster pump. 6. The drop tanks are drained indt- vidually by removing the drain plug ‘from the bottom of sch tank (Fig-3)- Ott eyatem 7. “The oft aystom in self-contained within the engine and i¢ supplied from a small sump of 1} gall. capacity at the bottom of the engine wheel cave. ‘The positions of the filler cap and the dipstickare shown in Fig.3. The dip~ stick must be removed in order to ‘Yent the aystem when filling. The off Should be poured ia slowly and a few minutes allowed to elapse to enable the oll. to aottle before reading he Aipatick. Details of the oil system Swill be found in A.P.A121B and C, Vol-1, Goblin afk. and 3 Acro engine. NOTE... “Avoid everfilling the ofl sump, ax RESTRICTED 0 AP 0010-1 Sach 2.062 sia etees thls would result in the accessory gears running submerged, extring Ieakage and possible damage. 8. The oll system fs drained by re~ roving the ramp drain cover frou Deneath the suction fter element of the riarboard side of the engine (Fig 2), and depressing the spring-loaded drain valve. After cleaning and re~ {fitting the filter element, toe mating surfaces of the cover and rump must bbe cleaned and the Joint remade with ‘the approved Jointing compound, Hyévaulic system 9. The position of the filler for the fluid zeservalx and the alr charging ‘connection for the accumulator are shown in Fig.3. The charging con ection is accessible when the nose AP ff open. The specification of the hydraulfe fluid, whieh aifees from shat used in the alighting gear com~ RESTRICTED pression legs,is given in the Leading Particulars. Full details of the pro- ‘cedures for fling the reservoir and ‘charging the accumulator are given fn Sect.3, Chap. 6. Serupulous clean Minets fa tasential during all servie~ ing operations on the hydraulic eys- ‘tem, and care must also be taken to ‘avold spilling the hydraulic fuld which Shas deleterious effect on most air~ craft materiale NOTE... TE is diaportant that the reservot= should only be filled after the flsid pressure har been released from The main accumulator and only when the fliter fe in position in the Hiller eck, Pneumatic system 10. The position of the sir charging connection for the alr container, tblewhen the nos cap is open, 48 shown tn Fig.3, Informationon the charging procedure together with the instructions for draining the ofl-and- water trap vill be found in Sect.3, Chap.1. Access to the oll and water trap is trough the gun bay doors Oxygen eystem 11 The oxygen cylinders may be charged iqceltu through the charging connection shown in Fig.3, access to which fs geined by opening the nose cap. Care must be taken to avoid Betting oll or grease inanyofthe com- ponents of this system. The inetalla tion is described in Sect.3, Chap. 10. Windscreen de-icing aystem 12. The small fd container for the windsoreen de-icing spray is located forward of bulkhead’ Nowland is accessible for refilling when the nose cap {2 open. Detaile of this system ‘will be found & Sect.3, Chap.9, and RESTRICTED the specification of the fluid tobe ured ie given in the Leading Particulars Alighting gear 13." The location of the inflation valves for the main and nose undercarriage shock-absorbers is shown in Fig.3 Wwhilat the respective inflation prea tures relative to alreraft loading are shown graphically in Fig.) thus the needto jackup the aircraft for routine pressure checks te eliminated. Ene ture that the ground locking device i= removed from the radius ¥od of each main underearriage leg before Might. Red indicator flags are attached to these locke which are Diastrated in Chap. of this Section. Ensure that the wheel doors of the main wnder~ carriage are in the open position, These doors are spring-loaded to both the openand closedpositions and it 1s possible that they may be inadvertent Ty left in the closed position r-cewe6/2 APAOON VoL, St 2 Chap ei Mer Chapter 3 LOADING AND C.G. DATA (Completely revised) LIST OF CONTENTS para Para, Pare Introduction 7 Modiation sandord © Coptumable oad 10 General information sd Fiiations ‘Kemerel or naw tment of eget “eral ft W Gi: postion 2 ‘emovchie eaten ema 1 ‘sary fuck 2 6: Sat pos 3 Freed equipment ems bg Stores a emit lows of i ae 2 malt 3 Aibeelicour dota " ‘atime permite alta ncghis |S LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fe. Fa. Loading ond C.G. diagram 1 Fuel oating curve (ternal fuel). LIST OF APPENDICES. PP an. Loading data for alrrat with vo guns “t Loaing dat for aireraft with four gas "2 Introduction known as the “moment arm of the CG. Note These loading and C.G, data give general imitations applable io the Vampire T Mi Il aireraft, respective af the modifi. tion standard andthe numbcrof guns ited, bata fined provision made fr the Biment ‘2ftwo or four gunn, loading data reeven {heat airerat are piven in the Appendices | tnd 2 respecely tote Caper Note The flowing fal veered for sae the wee Fat Densiy (gall) AVTAG 14 avr: 80 aveat oss The fui fi refer to AVE ir Bead tl lr fod tea (GENERAL INFORMATION AND LIMITATIONS 5. poston 2. “The CG. postion is determined withthe Srceaft in the ring postion (ees with he fielage datum tine hotsontal and the under ‘carriage down), and is dened by it tance measure. parlel 10 the fosclgs datuy, from the C16. datum point. This isiance ‘Andi given by the following exprestion fw rac Palo ‘ie postive wen dey refer totems af of the BG, datum and negative when tty rier {olen forward of ie data .G, datom pont 3. The postion of the C.G. datum po Indicated by pos on the port side of the ‘sclage.. This peg In locted at the iter fection of a Tite (normal 10 the fiselage ‘Gatam “through the Tower” wing/iselage attachment ting (wanserse, Star), Wi {line parallel to and 15 inches Yalow the faslage datum lin Permisibe limits of C6. travel 44. The approved limite of CG, vel, with the underariage dow, area fellows: Forward mit 0770 fst (167 S.C) Atvinit 036) fet (0200 SMC) a ferrying only, te aft init tended 8 AM limit +0401 fer (0265 5.M.C) RESTRICTED Refer to Pla’s Notes for resins pertinent Ieferying endin The aleeraft C.G, must be kept within the hove nits even when load’ of Pel att tly or por expended ntun pele ym kenprepenaeons wrinn alo Sewn ieare Tate “0, fms tn (eno C.tees ‘ae eet eee ui mc rd oe Sit ir th og 2 “aioe tee 1 a von reuement hat he coi Bee tb Tete Sop sat onl he fo mt sa exceed 186 Landing ()" Nonmal,(cean ajc. or with external bret including empty drop tank) 1329016, 2) Bnergeney 13 4801 ‘Refer 10 P's Notes for speed, manoewire ‘and emergency landing resrctone Modan sear ethene modiexton sander aed Such is imesh ee sepbetic onthe ara na CB heaton Aierames— 50,727. 86, 20, 100, 108, 112-114, ing, "T) i39)"142, (aes 184" 188, 27, 1, 2g, 2a, 2a! 228, 239, 246, 231, 283, 354, 259, 28, 26, 27, 275, 278, 218277, 2s, 397, Son, 30, 312 314 317,319, 38, 356559301, Se 38, 383, 384,891, 391, 388, Masa, a3, ds, 42s, 26, 429, ‘42, 402, 98 Soe Soo, Sa 39) 50. 548, 545, SBS cdr ae 6: «2 GBS, 6, 65d, 4, G63, ed, eo, 60, ‘re, 642, GRR Gon” 654, «OG Oe, 720, 722, TBS, 37, 798, Tet, eb, 16, 1S, 185-707 PO, $03 $05 £8, sho, siz, 313,816, S14, Se, Se 967; 978 980 983 9, 997, 3032, 203 bg, 31, 3035 S08, 3053 ‘aks, Sse, Big Bae, Sse, 313K 3136 Sa, a, ‘3Naz, Star 3148, 31513184" 3139, 3 3163 365,167 Pe. Anna, 3p, 51733178, 3G, 3ike, Site, Sims, 31024194, 3198, 3au0, Gaol, 3s, Saoe, So7sano, saa, Big a18, “ita, Sake, aM) Biesie, em. soul, aoe, 51, B2ss, sate, s2s7, a2s5, $202265, 3267 ip, Joie, so7es27, "sma2, 3088, 88, SOAR, 399, Sno, 1096, 3298, 3308, 3500, 3310, 314) 3830, 3321, 3328, 308, BOM, ABS, 306, SEN Tao, SR, ag, BME, 35}, 3355-355, S357," ot Baer, Stes, 3270, 387i, SETS, BME 390, 3386.399, 01, 38. 340 3413, 35, Bale, Mod, abo, 30, 300, 3486337, 09, Se, 483, 3453, 4a, 464, 347. Power plan:— 6, 0 2425, 27. Remora of now-Atment of eqipmeat ‘Fixed equipment items aa eee teceeeet eel Fre re tanapes eee aps cert Sena heme meres elegance trast eget Senet ebse che flat sutstiuied to counteract te CO. ont, s9ts gunsight, Type 3, Mk 3 Datei, iad ack 12 wat Damp ind oxygen 780 Ire Mi 3D ‘aast 9. When ballst is required, due to the enovdl or non-ftment ef equipment (para, nd, this may be Inside follows? (@)_ Ballas of the sime weight may be Sstured in the same manner and’ on the Stina re em tac (Gale aving caer fet on Taal CO. tay be ea ak Ref No. 2OV6, Caries, 5.4.20 boxe When bait ater “hope, bali Gre By ik 1 El tan dummy ammusiton) i atl Feed bled i Hispar tnks Mii lett be made olutn (of the Ref, No. 1182, Caries. A 20m Fries for Fight Ceteate ofthe Fort “tispano, ballast, Grade Bs ke RAL Fao including tbe inst Feed bled bx Hispano ls Mic iminoewes only" The weight of such ENS imy be elated wg wee aad eh ~ Wp rem tmoments, oF by using. the. folowing ax. capacity of ammunition boxes formula “itech 2 irom rt oat m= M+ Oe ae (2. alt tang giant tit on be ‘C16. may be carried onthe stow Ser te (Mod. S58) te no Ts Sowage Is designed to catty" up to Sond ad bal sgt AOS) tl ts tage te ah ofthe bal senna te eee moved we = Total waht of te eine Example — = ‘To fed the ballast required inthe ammuni- weight ns tion boxes to counteract the eet of the 2 eshte Bo ‘oval of 0s of equipment ane a Seiahte os {Si moment sage of 1 else 09 ieee 1000 Sieiehts ims we 280 owes RESTRICTED 1050 “otal moment change due ieee aoe = Pere ee ee =e Noe bees pene et Sereno Sharir APA, Vl, Sct 2 Chap. Mie Mer Consumable load Tepe oma onsmeon of fel {Expendable sores {fom the loaings given 1, Table No.2, and App. Table No-2, ‘NIP not este the nreraft €.G. poston (9 Tove beyond the lms quoted fn pare. 4 ‘The -dnta contained in following pact ‘Eapks wil Bower, enable the aicralt CG, omen 16 be determined forse) Toad ondivon. Iiterna fet. ‘ 1 "The weight and comesponding moment {or ul iternal fet 0 galt) ae sven In ‘pp. abl No. and app Tobe No 2 lever, when pari fel loads are card, the Unbution beemeen tbe verios itera fis Me. Lang tl C6. gan tanks is not proportional to their capacities ‘The plotting ef fol weight agaist moment it Bein 2 ere hat he cre Fo ‘moment if used Yor any ven fel weigh, Point "A ing. 2 defies the fac loading Twi gies the most forward erat C.G. Position, and point "B defines the mest ft Postion duc interne! Toet Teasing Aur fed 1 When drop tank fuel ie carsed in addin to lateral fuel an aircraft CG, ‘osion aft of that given by internal fox {oadine point "B' in hp 2 ie obtained, The Fat conumetion vn the tant system is RESTRICTED (1) Deop tank ful. 2) nternal fue Expendable sores In" The sitet CG. postion moves trhen ammunition is sonsmed or the bom ‘OrmePs ae jetlsoned. Minctancous dats 1 ena of Standard Mean Chord = uation to expen CO, positon 2 deci of the Senda Meas Chord from its leading edge (CG. 9 SMC) i tia oar ofthe condition under consideration here 5 the moment arm () (C= FULL INTERNAL FUEL CONDITION= 2640 L®, (330 GALLIANO +2199 LB. FT. MOMENT B= FUEL, LOADING 3alo ub (302 ALL AND 243918, AS ING TO GIVE MOST FORWARD C6. POSITION TC UB IR CALLAN = Zibco, Fe MOMENT. 3 is 1000/11 #1809111 + 2000 MOMENT ABOUT C.6. DATUM= LB. FT. ig, 2. Fuel loading care Gteraa fet) RESTRICTED anv 88ye080-t. rit nee ‘Appendix | LOADING DATA FOR AIRCRAFT WITH TWO GUNS List of Contents Para. Para, Introduction aa Loading restrictions ms 6 Tare weight as 2 Examples on the determination of the ‘Typteal service loads ae 3 C.G. position o be Effect of modifications i 4 List of Tables Table Basic weight, with two 20mm. guns... 1 ‘Typical service loade, with two 20, Mm. guns see eee 2 Introduction L. This Appendix gives the loading data for the Vampire T Mk.II aircraft fitted with two 20 mm. Hispano gune General information and limitations, irrespective of the ‘modification standard and the number of guns fitted, are ‘contained in Chapter 3 of this Section NOTE... ‘The following fuels are cleared for ureintha alreralt: Feet Density (Ib: /gall.) avTAG. m) AVTUR a0 AVCAT as ‘The fuel weights given in para.7 to10 and Table No.2 refer to AVTUR, and must be adjusted when another fuel in aed ‘Tare weight 2. "The tare weight given on Tavie Na.1 includes all ‘fixed fittings and equipment not listed in the Table, and conforms with the basic modification standard defined by Chap.3, para.6. ‘Typical service loss 3." The items of removable equipinent common to all poles are listed in Table No.1, Removable equipment iteme, crew, and fuel to compiete the various roles are fiven in Table No.2. In each Table, the numbers in the columnheaded "Item No"are the key to the numbered spots in Chap. 3, Fig.l. Bifect of modifications 4, Thesollowing modifications having significant effect fon weight and/or C.G, are included in the tare weight. Many of these modifications are not incorporated, their ‘effect must be calculated and, i necessary, load adjus- ted to counteract the elfectof their omission on the ait~ craft C.G, The effect of modifications other than thete Usted may be ignored. RESTRICTED, Moa. Fixed pasta Removable parts Ne Description “Weight Moment Weight Moment er Gene) (-) (ab. fe.) 3142 | tntrocucing Rebecca, Mic.? $26.1 -36 $48.6 | ~185 3293 | Provision for ballast weights in nose chap. 3, (ncluding ba) 465 74 pars 9(c) 5, _ The folloving modifications are not included in tare Seightgivenin Table 1. When any ofthese modifications Are introduced, their effect must be calculated and, 1 Deccstary, load adjusted to countersct their effect’ on alveraft C.G, position. Mod, Fixed pants Removable parts “ Description fe cS Weight Moment | Weight Moment toe) Ab. tt.} We.) Gb.) 3243 | Introducing LF.F-Mh.10 in lieu of mx.3 | +30.9) 77 cra) 9 3287 | Introducing redesigned fire extinguisher system single high rate diachazge bottle | + 1.13 +3 - z sail | Introducing windscreen wiper 410.5 % = : 3312 Introducing {ireproof screens over Arying conerole passing through engine bay +1284 +9 : 3 3325 | ntroducing 2 inverters 100A Ref. 5UB/4938 and control panel SUC/439 in Wea. | inverter 1008 Ref, 5UB/4935. e2h.28 <176 : : 3386 | Introducing stand-by battery for turn and slip indicator. +4 =33 2 : RESTRICTED T-to0sl-2 i ‘A AAU IS. 2, hp. 366 Mod. Fixed parte Removable parte Description Waite Moment | weight ‘Moment (os) bt.) a.) uae) s400 Remove starboard G.4B gyro repeater | - 6-0 4 : : sala | Introducing manually-operated fire ‘extinguisher +a -8 = aaa Introducing locating spigots and sealing fuselage tank filler neck site aa : - saaz_ | lntroducing valve line oxygen automatic Mk 1-60/1782 4227 “3 : 3473 | Introducing cannon mtg. slides in steel in Liew of Buralumin + 1.00 =a : - 3475] Delete 8 "Splitcan’” resetting Size detectors round engine + 2.90 ole ‘ 3477 | introducing additional A.V. mountings ‘on main instrument penel + 0.90 =a : - 3494 | Introducing adaitional stiffener rib 2 and U/C diaphragm main wings + 5.82 rary : 3508 | Introducing reinforcing top rudder hinge in fin $0.70 +13 = - ast Intvoducing additional stiffeners Top and bottom skin air intake duct + 2.00 5 : : 2545 Introducing guard for elevator control quadrant in cockpit +198 a9 Zs - 3555] Ietoducing U/C ground lock inte onmaieted with A,B. +150 R . E 3569 Re-route ayérautic vent pipe to ‘common drain bex +10 ao : = sere Introducing positive up-lock ete. for nose waeet door + 3.96 - 34 - - 3619 | Introducing Uninyvin eables and ex conduit fo? gene ator leads - 4.00 2 : i 3620 | Introducing guard for exible hoses on seats and Feviee hose lengths = 1.75 a F = 3627 Introducing 2 additional hydraulic accummulators and control valve 420.00 “199 = : ata Delete interconnection between O/C ground lock and 8.5. = 1.50 +2 E > RESTRICTED Leading restrictions 6." When the aireraftislown withone crew and with full Grop tance, 300 sounds of ammunition (or alternatively 8x60 lb. hd. R.P.s) must de retained or equivalent ballast carried until the fuel transfer from the drop tanks ie complete. NOTE ‘This restriction does not apply to aircraft flown under exrying conditions (Chap-3, para.4) ‘Examples on the determination of the C.G. position 7. The most forward possible C.G. occurs when the aizeralt carries two crew, full ammunition (300z0unds) fand6x601b. hd. R-P.s (ice., role 2 a8 shown on Table [No.2 less drop tanis) and with fuel coneumed to approx 21 gall. (Point A in Chap.3, Fig.2) Weight Moment (b.) Doe) ALU.W., role 2 from ‘Table No.2 13 560 275 Dedct drop tanks + 150 7135 Dedct drop tank fuel 21600 “270 Deduct internal fuet = 2640 22139 ‘Add Snternal fuel (to a point Ain Ghap-3, Fig.2) + 168 - 218 Totals OSE Tat €.G, position -0.266 (0.168 5.9.c.) ‘This is within the range quoted in Chap.3, para.4. 8. The most aft possible C.G. with érop tanks empty ‘occurs when the airerait carries one Pilot, rocket pro- Sectors ane empty dzop tanks only (i-e., role 2 a8 shown ‘on Table No.2iess expendable stores and 2nd Pilot), and svith uel consumed tospprox. 302 gall. (Point 3 i Chap. 3, Fig. 2) Weight Moment ey te} ALU. We, role? from Trabte ort sso sats Deduct RP. Bi Tan eastern saa ee Degoct 2nd it lie hse Diasec drop tank fom nie liane Deduct iieoal fat lo ahs [Abd imereat fl fo vo Bin Ghap-3, Pie.) sane es Toate RE TT €.6. poston « #2271 40.244, (ot Sime.) ‘This is within the range quoted in Chap.2, para 9. The most ait possible C.G. with drop tanks full tx fdentical with that given in para. 8 above, except that drop tanks fuel 1s added and 300 rounds af ammunition fare carried (para.6). ‘The most aft C.G. in thie con- ition occurs at take-off with full tanks. RESTRICTED etsy 42 ‘AP AALS. 2,0). 300 ran C2 let Weight Moment Weight Moment ibe) batt) te) hae) aeiaapenas pare ween ALU. Wey rae 1 fom Aa tutto fier Tatte No? woo 46 = ca = 90 Dede anawantion Sie tae Add oop tank at taboo hate Deduct 2nd Pilot lam tase ‘350300 round or Dit drop tanta is emia ase 508 ‘ed drop tak oat fico have Deduct Service ft seme tous ESR ‘marked with ateraka in Taba Noa om 4a €.c. position = #2281. 10.238 8 a iaasimc. Toate THT TG The te within the range quoted in Chap.3, para. Ferrying C.G. position = {2822.40.17 (0.253 §.M.C.) 10. The ferrying C.G. position occurs when the airceatt carries the Pilot only’ and full drop tank, but without ‘Thi is within the normal Iimit quoted ia. Chap.3, para. Service St iteme(markod with asterisks in Table No.1) and the ferrying restriction need not be applied 11. Theahove examples show the extreme CG. positions obiainable with any permissible combination of crew, Smmunition, and external stores on aircraft with full Service equipment a listed in Table No.1. Further ‘correction &9 the examples given, in accordance with the instructions given in Chap.3, para.7 and 8, and para.d land 5 of this Appendix, will determine the extreme C.G potitions obtainable inService for the paztewiar aircraft oF group of aircraft under consideration. RESTRICTED TARE T ‘Be wig wt no 20m ums 8 Seay {eee | campy ve mee Gree NS Soe a RESTRICTED 1102084, 6/2 Fe AP ADL lI 2,000.4 a, reece meena exe i i erent peseeoet ‘The following are the angular mea- Mean Sncidence of ail plane rote reeset Soreasenioa tire! — 200010: gett zaro'f HI tape ee see Boro ta eee ‘Main plane incidence at ‘Tail plane incidence .Zerot 24" NOTE. Rib 3, port and stbd. ... Zero t 10’ a (1) The rigging boards ar GDaagoed to reed ZERO hen po Mats plan Seo o ; tarda (ot locates ib 18, povt and rbd... Zero ¢ 38! eon ) eee ME aE Sess permits (2) The leveling Macks provided tianeate ef saesbeace Sete Sl anrcore comperteests are ier al sens Je betrees port torte betirceslasit ater = and stbd. = 20' std. dow + +++ Zero t 10" only. RESTRICTED 1, The Vanpie TMK. 11 fa development Shae Gane NF Mie 10 anc hating & ‘odie pried coekpt To _prowde Suetyside sccommodaton for popi 30d {fsroin, refered ton ae wolume as the iatand ‘nd plot respectly. The It pilot seated ofthe port se ais provided Biot a il cof convoy whist the 2nd Filo, eated“on the sarbard ade, only rovied ith ual contol Te the prince! ying and engine contro. "Tne afmament mst of two 30'mem. pe and RP ad fombing equipment cae ted, 2 The aircrafts Sted with Maria Baker ik 3B epetion Seats. 2, The scat powered by DH, etn abe cence ear ao ee ae aaa Sonfactal ‘ign? ie eas eee ae comes i Sees ae? a he fe INTRODUCTION in ig rig age tak, four fete Sais ifr oy heh Saud a ‘wo one eng Sop tanks 44. The fuselage or cell, which is oval in ‘rosesecton, te construed. in to shell [ales or bain sandwiched between plywood Sheets ‘The halves are joined toether lone the top and bottom centre lines.” The total nose ep, te Aghtalloy engine ling Sr ie ig a sept Jere Leesan meecaereas Sie ee Seep Sense pate oe She seer pete cee mete Rucrare The aw ran neaal par of he Be eieanaaa eens RESTRICTED ApH, Yel. “A%6 Mar. 9 interposed tail plane, levators and twin posed tall plane, 6 The lighting. gear which is ased and owered hydrelaly, consist of wo main ‘whose rettactingoutarge and 2 sale no hel resting renrvards, Pneumatic beaks Ae ited tothe main whee only. 1. The dual lying controls of conventional ope ae opera by cas nd ple ‘cable ron forthe riers and elevators ‘te dupicated and lead down ach tall oom The radio equipment confit of tHe VHF “tcansminerecives, TRIOS and "TH1935, mounted inthe nose compartment, ‘Being twenty chanel in all gad an ROTI, ound bekiod the It plot ser 9, Theelotcal power supply is from 23000 that de peeratar, driven fom the engine ‘wheccase! Two -ol baterns connected {Seis are im the oat compartment RESTRICTED die Roioation M035 Volume 1 Wow M44 APE sume romarron LeurLeT W,/57 Mote.~ Bids leat $a to bo inserted in ite comveot perio) exter folioiag \ BiuaSeer card foraayeaceSneemation Eetleea athe bogisnlag Be boas May, 1957 ar e ) a 5 ( rs 5 6 c 204850.R "ud comme SoA Cases nave Deen reported were the ingress of fel and antsture Snto the Packtar init Is caused, ‘the incorroot reading cf the el gaager ore an snoorrect reading has been otacrved,

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