Sentence Structure-Details of Adverb Clause

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Sentence Structure-

Details of Adverb Clause

Details of Adverb Clause
 An adverb clause expresses the followings:
 Time When he came, I talked to him.
 Reason We like him because he is sincere.
 Condition If he comes, I will go.
 Place He goes wherever I go.
 Purpose He is studying hard so that he can pass the exam.
 Effect He is so weak that he can not walk.
 Manner Do as I say.
 Contrast Although he was sick, he joined the party.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Time:
 After Harry went home after the movie ended.
 As I watched my mother as she prepared dinner.
 As long as I’ll remember that film as long as I live.
 As soon as I will join as soon as I finish eating.
 before Call me before you start.
 Once Once you go there, you will find him.
 Since He has not stopped working since he arrived.
 Till/Until He did not enter the town till/until it was nearly dark.

 When When he comes, I will meet him.

 While While he was working at office, he got a call from his home.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Reason:
 As As it was raining, we waited inside the hotel.
 Because I respect him because he is sincere.
 Since Since he is not performing well, he will lose his position in the team.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Condition:
 If If he comes, I will go.
 Only If I watch TV only if my favorite show is on.
 Unless He won’t pass the exam unless he studies very hard.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Place:
 Where Where there is a will, there is a way.
 Wherever He followed her wherever she went.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Purpose:
 In order that He is studying hard in order that he passes the exam.
 Lest Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
 So that He is studying hard so that he can pass the exam.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Effect:
 So----that He is so weak that he cannot walk.
 Such---that She is such a good runner that nobody can catch her.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Manner:
 As Do as I say.
 As if He talks as if he knew everything.
 As though He walked past as though he had not seen us.
 Just as Do just as I say.
Details of Adverb Clause
 Clause of Contrast:
 Although Although it rained, they enjoyed their walk.
 Even though Even though I was full, I couldn’t stop eating.
 Though Though I was tired, I joined the party.
 While While he was almost exhausted, he decided to finish the race.
 Whereas He stood first in the exam whereas his brother failed.
Details of Adverb Clause
Test Yourself
1. ________most people think of freezing as a relatively modern method of food
preservation, it is actually one of the oldest.
A. Even B. As though C. However D. Although

2. _________most bamboo blooms every year, there are some species that flower only two
or three times a century.
A. Whenever B. That C. While D. However

3. No one knows what color dinosaurs were ________ no sample of their skin has survived.
A. because of B. because that C. it is because D. because

4. __________photosynthesis were to stop, life would disappear from Earth.

A. For B. However C. If D. Although
Details of Adjective Clause
 An adverb clause can be reduced when the subject of the adverb clause and that of
the Principal clause are the same.
 To reduce, Clause of Time and Clause of Contrast, delete the subject and ‘be’ verb.
Add ‘ing’ with the verb if there is no ‘be’ verb.

 While he was working at office, he got a call from his home.

 While working at office, he got a call from his home.
 Before he went to play, he had finished his homework.
 Before going to play, he had finished his homework.
 Although he was confident, he failed to solve the problem.
 Although confident, he failed to solve the problem.
Details of Adjective Clause
 To reduce Clause of Reason, delete the clause marker & subject and convert the verb
into a participle.

 Since he is honest, he is respected by everyone.

 Being honest, he is respected by everyone.
 As he is not performing well, he will lose his position in the team.
 Not performing well, he will lose his position in the team.
 Because it had been damaged, the machine had to be replaced.
 Having been damaged, the machine had to be replaced.
Details of Adverb Clause
Test Yourself
1. _______ added to a liquid, antifreeze lowers the freezing temperature of that liquid.
A. That B. As is C. It is D. When

2. ________relatively inexpensive, the metal pewter can be fashioned into beautiful and
useful objects.
A. Even it is B. Despite C. Nevertheless, it is D. Although

3. _________through a prism, a beam of white light breaks into all the colors of the rainbow.
A. When shines B. It shines C. It is shone D. When shone

4. _______ invisible to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although is B. Despite C. Even though it D. Although
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