Spring Water Quality in The Central West Bank, Palestine

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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

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Spring water quality in the central West Bank, Palestine

Marwan Ghanem a, *, Waseem Ahmad b, Yacoub Keilani c, Farah Sawaftah c, Lennart Schelter d,
Holger Schuettrumpf d
Birzeit University, P.O.Box 14, Ramallah, Palestine
Ministry of Health, P.O.Box 1284, Ramallah, Palestine
Ministry of Agriculture, Ramallah, Palestine
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


Keywords: Water scarcity and pollution are a threat to agriculture, public health and the environment, especially in semi-
Hydro-chemistry arid regions like the West Bank, Palestine. Therefore, a groundwater quality assessment study of the springs in
Water quality two central western catchments of the West Bank was carried out in October 2015. The suitability of 50 springs
Sarida Springs
for agricultural activities in the Sarida and Natuf catchments as well as their pollution were assessed by analyzing
Natuf Springs
Water type
physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the springs’ water. The results show that trace element
concentrations in most of the samples lay below the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The
cations averages of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+ values were 91, 39, 53, and 26 mg/l respectively, while the anions
averages of Cl-, NO–3, SO2-
4 , and HCO3 values were 40, 5, 27, and 200 mg/l respectively. Microbiologically, 63% of

the springs were contaminated by fecal and total coliforms. All springs were characterized as earth alkaline water
with prevailing bicarbonate, while half of the springs were of the Ca-Mg-HCO3 type and the others were of the
Ca-Mg-Na-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3-Cl water types. The correlation of sodium absorption ratio and electrical
conductivity indicates that 68% of the springs were suitable for a wide-range of agricultural purposes, while 32%
of the springs were unfit for irrigation of crops or trees. The majority of the polluted springs lie within highly
populated areas.

1. Introduction vulnerable to degradation due to a variety of anthropogenic activities

(agriculture, urbanization, and industries). Water quality differs from
Access to secure and reliable sources of fresh water cannot be taken one spring to another resulting in different uses of these springs by the
for granted in the Middle Eastern regions, in part due to the semi-arid local residents, such as domestic, recreational, industrial and agricul­
climate. Although the West Bank has scarce surface water resources tural purposes. The quality of the spring water depends on a multitude of
for potable water, the western aquifer provides a potential reserve of factors and interactions of the geology, the mineral composition of an
groundwater. Compared to surface water sources, groundwater sourced aquifer, weathering products, water–rock interactions, topography, cli­
from springs is of relatively high quality (PWA, 2009). Some springs are matic conditions and anthropogenic activities (Todd, 2007; Mohapatra
so productive, they create flowing streams that end in large water bodies et al. 2011). In addition, loading of hazardous substances may increase
such as fresh water lakes or the ocean. The Sarida and Natuf catchments, due to sewage overflow and run-off due to heavy rains (Grimalt et al.,
that form the study area, are located in the central west of the West 2001). Wastewater could contaminate drinking water in different pat­
Bank. The catchments both provide seasonal flowing streams (Wadis), terns which could be originated from cesspits, partially treated waste­
sourced from springs, which have much higher discharge during the wet water, sludge, and leakages in sewer lines by infiltrating into the ground
season around October than during the dry season. and polluting groundwater (Gothwal and Shashidhar, 2015). Permeable
There are a total of 50 springs in the study area, 31 of which are constructed sewage tanks (cesspits), which are common in the two-
located in the Sarida catchment and 19 of which are located in the Natuf thirds of West Bank households not connected to a sewage network,
catchment. Surface and ground water resources in the West Bank are leak organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds which further degrade

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mghanem@birzeit.edu (M. Ghanem).

Received 15 December 2020; Received in revised form 17 March 2021; Accepted 17 March 2021
Available online 22 March 2021
2590-0560/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

the groundwater quality (Mester, et.al. 2019). A qualitative modeling (Silveira, 2010).
study (GLA method) conducted by Ghanem et.al. (2017) on Sarida and Land use and land management decisions, as well as factors such as
Al-Natuf aquifers of West Bank classified the catchments into high and climate change and invasive species, have the potential to affect the
medium sensitivity to pollution. This increases the importance of release and transport of many different contaminants into the local
studying the various pollutants in the region, especially affecting the sources of water (Bonnie et al., 2012). Therefore, a holistic management
quality of groundwater such as raw wastewater. of groundwater and land resources is required to ensure public health as
Moreover, many of the diverse aspects of climate change also affect well as environmental and economic sustainability.
the distribution and mobility of hazardous substances in freshwater A necessary first step towards such a management system is a
systems and so, the impact of climate change on water quality, biodi­ comprehensive accounting of the current status of the water resources.
versity and the ecological status of the inland surface waters may lead to Therefore, the physical, microbial, and chemical parameters of the 50
an increased risk to human health and pose a threat to recreational water springs in the study area have been determined and the interpretation of
use (Grimalt et al., 2001). It is also possible to link changes in water the results provides a knowledge base on which to base first decisions
quality to detrimental changes in multiple ecosystem goods and services about how to handle spring water within the catchments. This study

Fig. 1. The study area with two adjacent catchments: Sarida and Natuv. (All the 50 springs of this study are marked in the map).

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

serves as a foundational assessment of the status quo in the central West consists of chalk and in some places chert is found, which makes it an
Bank in order to initiate and facilitate an informed management of aquiclude.
natural resources for the future.
4. Turonian:
2. Study area
Jerusalem formation (Bi’na formation) is widely spread in the study
The study area is composed of two neighboring catchments, Sarida area; it is formed from hard white creamy limestone which makes it
and Natuf, located in the central west of the West Bank (Fig. 1). The useful for building material. It is highly karstified and thus has high
landuse in this area is mainly rain-based agriculture, forests, Palestinian hydraulic conductivity.
communities and Israeli colonies. The geological formations of the study
area range in age from lower Cennomanian to Albian (Abed and Wish­ 5. Cennomanian:.
ahi, 1999) (Fig. 2). The area is mainly covered by sedimentary carbonate
rocks of Cretaceous period. Lithological composition of these formations This age is divided into two parts; Upper and Lower Cenomanian.
consists mainly of limestone, dolomite, marl, chalk, chert and alluvium. Upper Cennomanian consists of Bethlehem formation (Kefar Sha’ul and
The geological formations found in the study area are classified, from Wiradim), which is formed from chalky limestone and chalk and acts as
recent to old, as follows (Table 1): an aquifer. The Lower Cennomanian is divided into Hebron and Yatta
formations. Hebron formation (Ảmminadav) is characterized by se­
3. Senonian: quences of limestone and dolomite and acts as a good aquifer with a
good permeability because of the conduits and karstic systems. Yatta
The exposed rocks of this formation are referred to Abu Dis group formation is formed from marl layers with some layers of limestone in
(Mount. Scopus). This formation is part of the Eocene- Senonian ages; it between, which makes it a good aquiclude.

Fig. 2. The geological formations in the study area.

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Table 1
Litho-stratigraphy column of the Western Aquifer Basin.
Age Formation Lithology Hydrostratigraphy

Senonian Abu Dees Chalk, chert, marl Aquitard

Turonian Daliya Jerusalem Chalky marl Limestone Aquitard Upper aquifer
Cenomanian Undifferentiated Bethlehem Dolomite, Limestone, Marl, chalk Aquifer
Talme Yafe Aquitard
Albian Hebron Chalk, marl, limestone. Lower aquifer
Yatta Dolomite, limestone, marl. Aquitard
Beit Kahel Marl, clay

6. Albian formation: extensive sampling campaign of 50 springs (Table 2) was conducted in

October 2015 during the dry season. The springs were selected to
The rocks of this age are divided into Upper and Lower Beit Kahil represent the entire groundwater catchment after several exploratory
formations. Upper Beit Kahil (Soreq and Kesalon) consists of layers of field visits. During sampling, 50 spring water samples were collected
limestone with marl layers in between. The presence of marl and chalk using sterilized 1-Liter glass bottles for microbiological analysis and 1-
in this formation makes it an aquiclude. Lower Beit Kahil Formation Liter high density polyethylene bottles for hydro-chemical analysis.
(Kefria and Giv’at Ye’arim) is formed from dolomitic limestone, marly The analysis for fecal coliforms (F.C) and total coliforms (T.C) was
limestone and shale and acts as an aquifer. conducted at the laboratory of Birzeit University for all samples, while
The western aquifer, which is the largest groundwater aquifer in all other parameters were analyzed at the laboratory of AlQuds Uni­
Palestine, underlies the study area and many seasonal and permanent versity. All water samples were analyzed for pH, total dissolved solids
springs can be found in the region. There are two main streams flowing (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC) as physical parameters by stan­
in the study area, Natuf Wadi and Sarida Wadi. In addition, wastewaters dard methods. Regarding the hydrochemistry, major Cations (Na+, K+,
from Salfit city and the Israeli colony Ara’el are flowing in Sarida for Ca2+ and Mg+2) were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma
several kilometers and affect the economic, social, and public health analysis (ICP), major Anions (NO3–, SO2- -
4 and Cl ) except HCO3 were

conditions of the 80 nearby communities throughout the area. analyzed using Cooling Ion Analyzer (CIA), and the HCO3– parameter
The spring water is the main source for agricultural and drinking was analyzed using the AOAC titration method. Trace elements Al, Ba,
purposes for the majority of the human communities in the West Bank. Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Zn were analyzed by ICP-Mass spectroscopy
The springs of the two hydrological catchments are emerging from the (ICP-MS). The results for major cations and anions were further analyzed
perched aquifer, which discharges their water sources from mature using the Aquachem 2014.2 software package, the other parameters
Karstified aquifer for the majority of the outcropping areas of these were processed using Microsoft Excel.
catchments. These springs are of highly vulnerable to the changing
environment through their direct and indirect recharge processes. 8. Results and discussion
Groundwater quality is influenced considerably by the quality of the
recharge water source. Different natural and human activities reflect Chemical, physical, and microbial properties of the spring water
spatial and temporal variations of the pollution sources for the aquifers. were analyzed to describe the general water quality and determine its
The petrological aspects of the aquifer reflects the hydro chemical pa­ suitability for different purposes like agricultural irrigation or domestic
rameters of the related groundwater. Pollution sources are classified as use. The following will present and compare the results of these
point and diffuse sources. Point sources are sources that can be clearly analyzes.
identified and pinpointed; such as landfill leachate. Diffuse sources
cannot be pinpointed and are distributed over a large surface average 8.1. Physical properties
like application of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture (Goldscheider
et al., 2000). Nitrates and pesticides- infiltrate into the soil over an The pH value of water determines its potency to dissolve metals and
extensive surface area and cause groundwater pollution in urban and to leach minerals from rocks it comes in contact with (Thompson, 2007).
rural areas of the study area. Solid waste disposal from rapid urbani­ Therefore, it is an important indicator of water quality and mineral
zation and industrialization as well as the dumping sites in and along the content. The mean pH value for all springs is 7.18 and ranges between
Wadi length could cause pollution to the groundwater. In the study area, 6.91 in Al-Balad spring in Atara village to 7.65 in Qiblia spring in Salfit
groundwater pollution could be resulted from indiscriminate disposal of city, the median value is 7.2. According to Todd (2007), water that
municipal, extensive use of on-site sanitation systems and urban contains less than 1000 mg/l of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is consid­
agriculture. ered fresh water. Otherwise, the water is not suitable for consumption.
The climate of the area is classified as semi-arid Mediterranean Fig. 3 gives an overview of the amount of TDS in the water of 11 springs
climate with a long and dry summer season and short and wet winters that were selected as a representative sample. The abnormal TDS value
(Ghanem, 1999). From early November to late April, there are about 30 of Atara spring is due to high concentrations of the major ions HCO3–
to 55 rainy days each year. Rainfall ranges from 540 to740 mm/year and and Ca2+, which in turn may be dissolved form the aquifer rock
it decreases from East to West. The coldest month of the year is January formation.
with a temperature maximum of 30.1 ◦ C and minimum of 6.2 ◦ C. August
is the month with the highest mean temperature of 39.1 ◦ C and mini­ 8.2. Chemical properties
mum mean temperature of 19.5 ◦ C (Khatib, 2008). However, these
conditions are influenced by many local factors like elevation, distance During chemical analysis the concentrations of the cations Calcium
from the coast and the environment of the sample location (Ghanem, (Ca2+), Magnesium (Mg2+), Potassium (K+), and Sodium (Na+), the ions
1999). CL-, NO–3, SO2-
4 and HCO3 as well as several trace elements were

analyzed. Results indicate that 64% of the springs exceed the limit for
7. Methods Ca2+ concentration set by the World Health Organization (WHO) of 70
mg\l. This might be due to the small dilution factor of the groundwater
For the assessment of the water quality throughout the study area an and the weathering processes of limestone and dolomite outcropping

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Table 2
The 50 sampled springs in the study area were selected to represent the entire groundwater catchment.
# Spring Name # Spring Name # Spring Name # Spring Name # Spring Name

1 Abu Al-Enin 11 Sala’a 21 Al-Kaikaba 31 Al-Tina 41 Zarqa

2 Abu Al-Naji 12 Bitellu 22 Al-Matwi 32 Al-Zreik 42 Ein Sha’er
3 Abu Shaheen 13 Jifna 23 Al-Mgara 33 Bubeen 43 Fliflah
4 Abwin Balad 14 Qarawa 24 Al-Mgarba 34 Dahir lktan 44 Harrasheh
5 Ajoul 15 Qariout 25 Al-Qasab 35 Dirra 45 Id Al-Ashkar
6 A’kari 16 Singil 26 Al-Qous 36 Ein Arik Al-Fouqa 46 Id Al-wad
7 Al-Adas 17 Turmusa’ia 27 Al-Saloon 37 Ein Arik Al-Tahta 47 Jaloud
8 Al-Alaq 18 Talfit 28 Al-Shakhareek 38 Ein Haouoz 48 Jariout
9 Atara 19 Kafr Al-Dik 29 Al-Sufla 39 Ein Qiblia 49 Majour
10 Beit Sourik 20 Doura Al-Karia’ 30 Al-Tahta 40 Ein Salim 50 Rayya

Fig. 3. Variations of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Electrical Conductivity (EC) content.

geology. Mean concentration of Ca2+ for all analyzed samples is 91.64

Table 4
mg/l and ranges from 26.4 mg/l in A’kari Spring in Betillu village to
Overview of anion concentrations in the samples compared to the WHO
132.3 mg/l in Al-Balad spring of Beit Sourik village with a median value
of 79.62 mg/l (Table 3). This makes Ca2+ the most prominent cation by
concentration in all analyzed samples except for Atara. The higher cal­ CL- NO–3 SO2-
4 HCO–3

cium concentration is due to the aquifer recharge process through Mean [mg/l] 40 5 27.7 200.8
dominant outcropping carbonate rocks as well to the water rock inter­ Max [mg/l] 57.5 12.5 40.5 241
Min [mg/l] 28.5 1.9 15.8 156
action inside the aquifer limestone formation.Table 4.
Median [mg/l] 39.15 4.2 27.8 203
The second most prominent cation is Magnesium. Mg2+ originates WHO Standard [mg/l] 250 45 150 100
from dolomite or magnesium-rich limestone that is in direct contact with
groundwater. Based on the classification by Langmuir (1997), the
typical groundwater Mg2+ concentration should not exceed 7 mg/l. agricultural activities which use Na-based and K-based fertilizers, pes­
However, all the measured spring samples exceed this limit as shown in ticides, and insecticides that eventually percolate into the groundwater
Table 3. The WHO standard is set at 30 mg/l. Values of Mg2+ content when applied in excess.
range from a minimum of 15.56 mg/l in Al-Balad spring of Turmusa’ia About 8% of all analyzed samples exceed the WHO limits for K+ of
village to a maximum of 69.68 mg/l in Al-Balad spring of Atara with an 12 mg/l with an average concentration of 26 mg/l and median value of
average value of 39.25 mg/l for all springs and a median of 25.7 mg/l 0.6 mg/l. The minimum value of 0.2 mg/l is found in Jaloud spring and a
(Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). The higher Mg2+ concentration in the spring water of maximum value of 170.7 mg/l in Al-Balad spring in Atara. On the other
the study area is due to the dolomitic nature of aquifer bedrock, which is hand, Na+ concentrations vary from a minimum value of 11.1 mg/l in
dominant in the Upper and Lower Cenomanian aquifer where the ma­ Dirra spring of Doura Karea’ village to a maximum of 122.9 mg/l in Al-
jority of springs are emerging. Balad spring of Atara village with a mean value of 53.5 mg/l and median
Elevated concentrations of potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) usually of 19 mg/l. All measured concentrations are well below the WHO limit
indicate excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides and this is likely the of 200 mg/l.
case in Atara and in Singel. These springs are surrounded by intensive Anions in freshwater can act as an indicator for water contamination
and an overview of analysis results are found in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Cl- can
exist as a natural dissolved element in water that originates from the
Table 3 chloride-containing geological formations that are in contact with the
Overview of analysis results for major cations in comparison to the standards of groundwater (Bartram & Balance 1996). There are other possible jus­
WHO. tifications for abnormal values of Cl-, mainly human activities such as
Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ uncontrolled discharge of industrial effluents, urban runoff and sewage
Mean [mg/l] 91.64 39.25 53.595 26.031 discharges (WHO, 2017). The mean Cl- concentration for all analyzed
Max [mg/l] 132.3 69.68 122.9 170.7 springs is 39.9 mg/l with a maximum value of 57.5 mg/l in A-Balad
Min [mg/l] 26.48 15.56 11.12 0.204 spring of Atara and a minimum value of 28.5 mg/l. The median value is
Median [mg/l] 79.62 25.7 19.035 0.6235
39.15 mg/l.
WHO Standard [mg/l] 75 30 200 10

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Fig. 4. Variations of Cations concentrations in the measured water springs (mg/l) (Part 1).

Fig. 5. Measured concentrations of cations in ten more springs in mg/l.

Fig. 6. Anion concentrations for 10 analyzed springs.

Nitrate (NO–3) concentration in the groundwater should not exceed below the allowable limit of the WHO of 45 mg/l.
43 mg/l, otherwise, the water must be treated as polluted water (Hamil According to Langmuir (1997), the limit of SO2-
4 concentration in the
and Bill, 1986). The mean concentration in all analyzed samples is 4.9 groundwater must not exceed 30 mg/l. However, 32% of the analyzed
mg/l with a median value of 4.2 mg/l. All measured concentrations are samples exceed this limit. The mean SO2-4 concentration is 27.7 mg/l

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Fig. 7. Variations of Anions concentrations in the measured water springs (mg/l) (Part 2).

with a median value of 27.8 mg/l and ranges from a minimum value of
Table 6
15.8 mg/l in Bubeen of Deir Ibzea village to a maximum value of 40.5
Simple statistics of the Microbial analysis in the measured water springs (cfu/
mg/l in Harrasheh Spring of Mazra’a Qibliah village (Fig. 7).
Based on the classification by Hem (1985), the limit for HCO3–
concentration in groundwater is 200 mg/l, which is exceeded by about
half of the analyzed samples. Concentrations vary from a minimum Max [cfu/100 ml] 148 12,560
value of 156 mg/l in Harrasheh Spring of Mazra’a Qibliah village to a Min [cfu/100 ml] 0 390
Median [cfu/100 ml] 18.5 1940
maximum value of 241 mg/l in Rayya spring of Deir Nidam village. The
WHO standard [cfu/100 ml] 0 0
mean concentration is 200.8 mg/l with a median value of 203 mg/l.
Testing for trace elements showed that for most of the samples and el­
ements the standards set by the WHO are not exceeded (Table 5). C. is 12560 cfu/ml and 75 cfu/ml for F.C., which is considered unsuit­
The concentrations of the trace elements cadmium (Cd), chromium able for drinking purposes. The Median value of F.C. is 18.5 cfu/100 ml
(Cr), nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo) are below the detection limit for and 1940 cfu/100 ml for T.C. (Fig. 8).
all 50 springs. Copper (Cu) could only be detected in one spring,
Yanobou’ Salfit, at 32.85 mg/l. Al-Yanbou spring exhibits elevated 8.4. Spatial distribution statistics
concentrations of Aluminium (Al) of 56.6 µg and Iron (Fe) of 35 µg (2
times more). Ba and Copper (Cu) content is also slightly above the WHO Spatial distribution of springs hydrochemical parameters that sur­
limit while a Mn concentration of 7.7 µg is three times more and a Zinc pass the WHO concentration limits are illustrated in Fig. 9. Most springs
(Zn) concentration of 9.8 µg eight times more than the WHO limit. Eight surpass the limits for up to six parameters but there are three especially
springs show Zinc concentrations above the WHO standard, such as Ein polluted springs that surpass the limits for seven or more parameters.
Al Balad in Turmusaia (10x), Ein Elina, Al-Yanboub, and Jaloud (8x). These three springs are Al-Balad - Singel (9), Al-Matwi - Salfit (7) and
More than half of the samples show concentrations of aluminum (Al) of Yanobou’ - Salfit (10). All 52 samples surpass the WHO limits for total
two to three times more than the WHO standard. The majority of the coliform bacteria and for electric conductivity. Furthermore, Barium
polluted springs lies within highly populated areas, which are likely the and Calcium are exceeding the limits in more than half of the samples as
source of these trace elements. well as the fecal coliform bacteria (Fig. 10). Most other parameters are
well within the WHO limits for most of the springs.
8.3. Microbiological properties The spatial distribution of the total coliform concentration is shown
in Fig. 11. It is obvious that springs with higher concentrations of total
Water quality is affected by microbial contents which can serve as a coliform bacteria are located in close proximity to one another, sug­
suitable indicator of water quality particularly for domestic uses. For gesting hotspots of pollution in that area like cess pits or located within
microbial assessment in this study the fecal coliform (F.C.) and total the recharging area of the wadi flowing wastewater in the study area.
coliform (T.C.) were analyzed. Total coliform, measured in colony The Electric conductivity is interesting to note that higher concentra­
forming units per 100 ml (cfu/100 ml) is present in 100% of all samples, tions of EC do not mean higher concentrations of fecal coliform as well.
fecal coliform in 63% of all samples (Table 6). Contamination with This clearly shows that pollution is coming from different sources that
coliform bacteria usually results from contact with untreated sewage do not necessarily correlate with each other.
water, which is likely the case in this instance as many villages discharge
of their untreated wastewater in open drainage channels. 8.5. Water classification
The minimum coliforms content was measured in the sample from
Al-Mgara spring where F.C. is 0 cfu/100 ml, the maximum pollution To evaluate water samples with regard to their hydro-chemical type
with coliforms was measured in the sample from Jaloud spring where T. and hydrological interrelations the measured data were plotted in a

Table 5
The WHO Limits of trace elements in ppm (WHO, 2017).
Al Ba Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Mo Ni Zn

37.24 15.88 4.76 13.68 25.11 14.37 2.54 31.56 34.70 9.84

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Fig. 8. Coliform content in the analyzed water samples (cfu/100 ml).

Fig. 9. Histogram of the number of limits passed by individual springs. (Note that three springs are above the WHO guidelines for drinking water in eight or
more parameters).

Piper diagram using the Aquachem 2014.v2 Software Package. Major used for irrigation of all kinds of Fruits, Vegetables, and Field crops.
cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and major anions (Cl-, HCO3–, and Wilcox (1955) used a combination of the Sodium Adsorption Ratio
4 ) were plotted in the Piper trilinear diagram showing that 100% of (SAR), obtained by inserting Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ values into the gen­
the springs can be considered as calcium sulfate waters and categorized eral SAR equation, and E.C. values. The results of this method applied to
as earth alkaline water with prevailing bicarbonate (Fig. 12). the data of this study are plotted in the Wilcox diagram in Fig. 15 in
The Durov diagram further shows that 48% of the samples are of a order to classify the water depending on its salinity.
Ca-Mg-HCO3 water type, 28.8% are of Ca-Mg-Na-HCO3 type, 19.2% are According to the Wilcox diagram, all springs have a low sodium
of Ca-Mg-HCO3-Cl type, 0.4% are of Mg-Ca-HCO3 type and 0.2% are of hazard. About 68% of all samples have a medium salinity hazard (C2),
Mg-Ca-Na-K-HCO3 spring water type (Fig. 13). which indicates that the water is suitable for agriculture. The other 32%
Schoeller (1962) developed semi-logarithmic plots to represent in the high salinity zone (C3) with low sodium (S1) are only suitable for
major ion analyzes in milli-equivalents per liter and to plot different very salt tolerant crops and trees.
hydro-chemical water types on the same graph. This plot confirms the
spring water type results also shown in the Durov diagram, of calcium- 9. Conclusion
carbonate type (Fig. 14). This is likely due to the karstic nature of the
aquifers. A groundwater spring water quality assessment for the Sarida and
The suitability of the spring water for agricultural activities was Natuf catchments in the western West Bank has been accomplished in
determined depending on the salt content of the water, proxied by the order to evaluate their suitability for agricultural activities and domestic
electric conductivity (E.C.). Todd (2007) created a table using E.C. use in. Physical, chemical, and microbial parameters for the springs
values in order to judge the water suitability for the irrigation of certain were determined. The Total Dissolved Solids of the springs is less than
fruits and crops species. The results show that all the springs are fit to be 1000 mg/l and some springs show abnormal values of K+ and Na+ due to

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Fig. 10. How often has each limit been passed?Coliform bacteria, electric conductivity and the concentrations of Barium and Calcium are the biggest polluting
factors in these springs.

Fig. 11. Map overview of the springs. The total coliform concentration is marked by the color of the dots while the label corresponds to the electrical conductivity of
the springs’ water. (Note that these two parameters do not correlate very much).

the intensive agricultural activities around these springs. The high The concentration of the hydrochemical parameters indicates that
concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg+2 in the springs is due to the geological the springs are of good quality and suitable for irrigation and other
nature of carbonate rocks in the study area. All springs are microbio­ agricultural uses. The majority of trace elements concentrations are
logically contaminated with Total Coliforms (T.C.) and 63% of them below the standard limits of WHO. Durov diagram shows that half of the
with Fecal Coliforms (F.C.), which is due to the cesspits and untreated springs are of a Ca-Mg-HCO3 water type and the other springs are of a
discharge of sewage water into the wadies from the nearby villages. Ca-Mg-Na-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3-Cl water type. Piper triliniar

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Fig. 12. Piper Trilinear Plot for springs of the study area Combined.

Fig. 13. Durov diagram of all analyzed samples.

classification shows that all springs are falling in the earth alkaline with 10. Credit authorship contribution statement
prevailing bicarbonate category. The majority of the polluted springs is
situated in densely populated areas and the cesspits and sewage The study was designed by MG. The fieldwork was done by MG, WA
discharge of these villages and communities might be the main source of and was planned and performed by JK and FS. The results and the an­
pollutants for the groundwater in the area. alyzes were performed by MG, WA, HS. The manuscript was written by
MG, WA, LS and all authors read and approved the final manuscript.

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

Fig. 14. Schoeller plot shows different hydro-chemical water samples of the study area.

Fig. 15. Wilcox diagram showing the correlation between SAR and EC for the measured springs.

M. Ghanem et al. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 5 (2021) 100052

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