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History of the Faroe Islands

The early details of the history of the Faroe Islands are unclear. It is possible that Brendan, an Irish
monk, sailed past the islands during his North Atlantic voyage in the 6th century. He saw an 'Island
of Sheep' and a 'Paradise of Birds,' which some say could be the Faroes with its dense bird population
and sheep. This does suggest however that other sailors had got there before him, to bring the sheep.
Norsemen settled the Faroe Islands in the 9th century or 10th century. The islands were officially
converted to Christianity around the year 1000, and became a part of the Kingdom of Norway in
1035. Norwegian rule on the islands continued until 1380, when the islands became part of the dual
Denmark–Norway kingdom, under king Olaf II of Denmark.

Following the 1814 Treaty of Kiel that ended the dual Denmark–Norway kingdom, the Faroe Islands
remained under the administration of Denmark as a county. During World War II, after Denmark
was occupied by Nazi Germany, the British invaded and occupied the Faroe Islands until shortly after
the end of the war. Following an independence referendum in 1946 that took place unrecognized by
Denmark, the Faroe Islands were in 1948 granted extended self-governance with the Danish Realm
with the signing of the Home Rule Act of the Faroe Islands.

Early Gaelic and Norse settlements
Pre-14th century
Foreign commercial interest: 14th century to Second World War
Reformation era
1600s onwards
World War II
Post-World War II: Home Rule
See also
Further reading

Early Gaelic and Norse settlements

Archaeological evidence has been found of settlers living on the Faroe Islands in two successive
periods prior to the arrival of the Norse, the first between 400 and 600 AD and the second between
600 and 800 AD.[1] Scientists from Aberdeen University have also found early cereal pollen from
domesticated plants, which further suggests people may have lived on the islands before the Vikings
arrived.[2] Archaeologist Mike Church noted that Dicuil (see below) mentioned what may have been
the Faroes. He also suggested that the people living there might have been from Ireland, Scotland or
Scandinavia, with possibly groups from all three areas settling there.[3]

There is a Latin account of a voyage made by Saint Brendan, an Irish monastic saint who lived around
484–578, there is a description of "insulae" (islands) resembling the Faroe Islands. This association,
however, is far from conclusive in its description.[4]

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The earliest text which has been claimed to be a description of

the Faroe Islands was written by an Irish monk in the Frankish
Kingdom named Dicuil, who, around 825, described certain
islands in the north in Liber de Mensura Orbis Terrae,
(Measure/description of the sphere of the earth).[5] Dicuil had
met a "man worthy of trust" who related to his master, the abbot
Sweeney (Suibhne), how he had landed on the Faroe Islands after
having navigated "two days and a summer night in a little vessel
of two banks of oars" (in duobus aestivis diebus, et una
intercedente nocte, navigans in duorum navicula transtrorum).
Faroese stamp depicting Saint
Brendan discovering the Faroe
"Many other islands lie in the northerly British Ocean. Islands
One reaches them from the northerly islands of
Britain, by sailing directly for two days and two nights
with a full sail in a favourable wind the whole time....
Most of these islands are small, they are separated by
narrow channels, and for nearly a hundred years
hermits lived there, coming from our land, Ireland, by
boat. But just as these islands have been uninhabited
from the beginning of the world, so now the
Norwegian pirates have driven away the monks; but
countless sheep and many different species of sea-
fowl are to be found there..."[6]

Norse settlement of the Faroe Islands is recorded in the Færeyinga saga, whose original manuscript is
lost. Portions of the tale were inscribed in three other sagas: such as Flateyjarbók, Saga of Óláfr
Tryggvason, and AM 62 fol. Similar to other sagas, the historical credibility of the Færeyinga saga is
highly questioned.

Both the Saga of Ólafr Tryggvason and Flateyjarbók claim that Grímr Kamban was the first man to
discover the Faroe Islands. The two sources disagree, however, on the year in which he left and the
circumstances of his departure. Flateyjarbók details the emigration of Grímr Kamban as sometime
during the reign of Harald Hårfagre, between 872 and 930 AD.[7] The Saga of Óláfr Tryggvason
indicates that Kamban was residing in the Faroes long before the rule of Harald Hårfagre, and that
other Norse were driven to the Faroe Islands due to his chaotic rule.[8] This mass migration to the
Faroe Islands shows a prior knowledge of the Viking settlements' locations, furthering the claim of
Grímr Kamban's settlement much earlier. While Kamban is recognized as the first Viking settler of
the Faroe Islands, his surname is of Gaelic origin. Writings from the Papar, an order of Irish monks,
show that they left the Faroe Islands due to ongoing Viking raids.[9]

Pre-14th century
The name of the islands is first recorded on the Hereford Mappa Mundi (1280), where they are
labelled farei. The name has long been understood as based on Old Norse fár "livestock", thus fær-
øer "sheep islands".

The main historical source for this period is the 13th-century work Færeyinga saga (Saga of the
Faroese), though it is disputed as to how much of this work is historical fact. Færeyinga saga only
exists today as copies in other sagas, in particular the manuscripts called Saga of Óláfr Tryggvason,
Flateyjarbók and one registered as AM 62 fol.

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According to Flateyjarbók, Grímr Kamban settled in Faroe when Harald Hårfagre was king of Norway
(872–930). A slightly different account is found in the version of Færeyinga saga in Ólafs Saga

Maður er nefndur Grímur kamban; hann byggði fyrstur manna Færeyjar. En á dögum
Haralds hins hárfagra flýðu fyrir hans ofríki fjöldi manna; settust sumir í Færeyjum og
byggðu þar, en sumir leituðu til annarra eyðilanda.[10]

There was a man named Grímr Kamban; he first settled in Faroe. But in the days of Harold
Fairhair many men fled before the king's overbearing. Some settled in Faroe and began to
dwell there, and others sought to other waste lands.

The text suggests that Grímr Kamban settled in the Faroes some time before the flight from Harald
Hårfagre, perhaps even hundreds of years before. His first name, Grímr, is Norse, but his last,
Kamban, suggests a Gaelic origin (Cambán). He may have been of mixed Norse and Irish origin and
have come from a settlement in the British Isles: a so-called Norse-Gael. The Norse-Gaels had
intermarried with speakers of Irish, a language also spoken at the time in Scotland (being the
ancestor of Scottish Gaelic). Evidence of a mixed cultural background in later settlers may be found in
the Norse-Irish ring pins found in the Faroe Islands,[11] and in features of Faroese vocabulary.
Examples of such words (derived from Middle Irish) are: "blak/blaðak" (buttermilk), Irish bláthach;
"drunnur" (animal tail), Irish dronn (chine); "grúkur" (head), Irish gruaig (hair); "lámur" (hand,
paw), Irish lámh (hand); "tarvur" (bull), Irish tarbh; and "ærgi" (pasture in the outfield), Irish áirge
(byre, milking place: Mod. Irish áirí).[12] The discovery at Toftanes on Eysturoy of wooden devotional
crosses apparently modelled on Irish or Scottish exemplars suggests that some of the settlers were
Christian.[13] It has also been suggested that the typical curvilinear stone-built walls enclosing early
ecclesiastical sites in the Faroes (as in Norse settlements elsewhere) reflect a Celtic Christian style,
seen in the circular enclosures of early ecclesiastical sites in Ireland. Indirect support for this theory
has been found in genetic research showing that many Norse settler women in the Faroe Islands had
Celtic forebears.[14]

If there was settlement in the Faroes in the reign of Harald Hårfagre, it is possible that people already
knew about the Faroes because of previous visitors or settlers.

The fact that immigrants from Norway also settled in the Faroe Islands is proven by a runestone (see
Sandavágur stone) found in the village of Sandavágur on Vágoy Island. It says:

Þorkil Onundsson, austmaþr af Hrua-lande, byggþe þe(n)a staþ fyrst.[15]

Thorkil Onundsson, eastman (Norwegian) from Rogaland, settled first in this place

This description "eastman" (from Norway) has to be seen together with the description "westman"
(from Ireland/Scotland), which is to be found in local place-names such as "Vestmanna-havn" i.e.
"Irishmen's harbour" in the Faroe Isles, and "Vestmannaeyjar" i.e. "Irishmen's islands" in Iceland.

According to Færeyinga saga there was an ancient institution on the headland called Tinganes in
Tórshavn on the island of Streymoy. This was an Alþing or Althing (All-council.) This was the place
where laws were made and disputes solved. All free men had the right to meet in the Alþing. It was a
parliament and law court for all, thus the name. Historians estimate the Alþing to have been
established from 800 to 900.[16]

The islands were officially converted to Christianity around the year 1000, with the Diocese of the
Faroe Islands based at Kirkjubøur, southern Streymoy, of which there were 33 Catholic bishops.
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The Faroes became a part of the Kingdom of Norway in 1035.

Early in the 11th century Sigmund or Sigmundur Brestisson,
whose family had flourished in the southern islands but had been
almost exterminated by invaders from the islands of the north,
was sent from Norway, to where he had escaped, to take
possession of the islands for Olaf Tryggvason, king of Norway. He
introduced Christianity, and, though he was subsequently
murdered, Norwegian supremacy was upheld and continued.

King Sverre of Norway was brought up in the Faroes, being

stepson of a Faroese man, and relative to Roe, bishop of the

Foreign commercial interest: 14th

century to Second World War
The 14th century saw the start of what would prove to be a long
Faroese stamp depicting Tróndur í
era of foreign encroachment on the Faroese economy. At this
Gøtu raising the hammer of Thor
time trading regulations were set up so that all Faroese
against Christianity
commerce had to pass through Bergen, Norway in order to collect
customs tax. Meanwhile, the Hanseatic League was gaining in
power, threatening Scandinavian commerce. Though Norway
tried to halt this, it was forced to desist after the Black Death decimated its population.

Norwegian supremacy continued until 1380, when the islands became part of the Kalmar Union. The
islands were still a possession of the Norwegian crown since the crowns had not been joined. In 1380
the Alþting was renamed the Løgting, though it was by now little more than a law court.

In 1390s, Henry I Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, took possession of the islands (as vassal of Norway,
however) and for some time they were part of the Sinclair principality in the North Atlantic.

Archaeological excavations on the islands indicate sustained pig keeping up to and beyond the 13th
century, a unique situation when compared to Iceland and Greenland. The Faroese at Junkarinsfløtti
remained dependent upon bird resources, especially puffins, far longer and to a greater degree than
with any of the other Viking Age settlers of the North Atlantic islands.

English adventurers gave great trouble to the inhabitants in the 16th century, and the name of
Magnus Heinason, a native of Streymoy, who was sent by Frederick II to clear the seas, is still
celebrated in many songs and stories.

Reformation era

In 1535 Christian II, the deposed monarch, tried to regain power from King Christian III who had just
succeeded his father Frederick I. Several of the powerful German companies backed Christian II, but
he eventually lost. In 1537 the new King Christian III gave the German trader Thomas Köppen
exclusive trading rights in the Faroes. These rights were subject to the following conditions: only
good quality goods were to be supplied by the Faroese and were to be made in numbers proportionate
to the rest of the market; the goods were to be bought at their market value; and the traders were to
deal fairly and honestly with the Faroese.

Christian III also introduced Lutheranism to the Faroes, to replace Catholicism. This process took
five years to complete, in which time Danish was used instead of Latin and church property was
transferred to the state. The bishopric at Kirkjubøur, south of Tórshavn, where remains of the

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cathedral may be seen, was also abolished.

After Köppen, others took over the trading monopoly, though the economy suffered as a result of the
Dano-Swedish war between Denmark-Norway and Sweden. During this period of the monopoly most
Faroese goods (wool products, fish, meat) were taken to the Netherlands, where they were sold at
pre-determined prices. The guidelines of the trading agreement, however, were often ignored or
corrupted. This caused delays and shortages in the supply of Faroese goods and a reduction in
quality. With the trading monopoly nearing collapse smuggling and piracy were rife.

1600s onwards

The Faroe Islands as seen by the French

navigator Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen-
Trémarec in 1767.

The Danish king tried to solve the problem by giving the Faroes
to the courtier Christoffer Gabel (and later on his son, Frederick)
as a personal feudal estate. However, the Gabel rule was harsh
and repressive, breeding much resentment in the Faroese. This
caused Denmark-Norway, in 1708, to entrust the islands and
trading monopoly once more to the central government. English map of the Faroe Islands in
However, they too struggled to keep the economy going, and 1806
many merchants were trading at a loss. Finally, on 1 January
1856 the trading monopoly was abolished.

The Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland became a part of Denmark at the Peace of Kiel in 1814,
when the union of Denmark-Norway was dissolved.

In 1816 the Løgting (the Faroese parliament) was officially abolished and replaced by a Danish
judiciary. Danish was introduced as the main language, whilst Faroese was discouraged. In 1849 a
new constitution came into use in Denmark and was promulgated in the Faroes in 1850, giving the
Faroese two seats in the Rigsdag (Danish parliament). The Faroese, however, managed in 1852 to re-
establish the Løgting as a county council with an advisory role, with many people hoping for eventual
independence. The late 19th century saw increasing support for the home rule/independence
movement, though not all were in favour. Meanwhile, the Faroese economy was growing with the
introduction of large-scale fishing. The Faroese were allowed access to the large Danish waters in the
North Atlantic. Living standards subsequently improved and there was a population increase.
Faroese became a standardised written language in 1890, but it was not allowed to be used in the
Faroese public schools until 1938,[17] and in the church (Fólkakirkjan) until 1939.[18]

World War II
During the Second World War Denmark was invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany. The British
subsequently made a pre-emptive invasion and occupation of the Faroes, known as Operation
Valentine, to prevent a German invasion. Given their strategic location in the North Atlantic, the
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Faroes could have proved useful to Germany in the Battle of the

Atlantic, possibly as a submarine base. Instead, the British forces
built an airbase on Vágar, which is still in use as Vágar Airport.
Faroese fishing boats also provided a large amount of fish to the
UK, which was crucial given food rationing.[19]

The Løgting gained legislative powers, with the Danish prefect

Carl Aage Hilbert retaining executive power. The Faroese flag
was recognized by British authorities. There were some attempts
to declare complete independence in this period, but the UK had
given an undertaking not to interfere in the internal affairs of the
Faroe Islands nor to act without the permission of a liberated
Denmark. The experience of wartime self-government was
crucial in paving the way for formal autonomy in 1948. British Army soldier with local
children, Tórshavn
The British presence was broadly popular (particularly given the
alternative of a German occupation). Approximately 150
marriages took place between British soldiers and Faroese women, although the scale of the British
presence on Vágar did lead to some local tensions. The British presence also left a lasting popularity
for British chocolate and sweets, which is readily available in Faroese shops but uncommon in

Post-World War II: Home Rule

Following the liberation of Denmark and the end of World War II, the last British troops left in
September 1945. Until 1948 the Faroes had the official status of a Danish amt (county). A referendum
on full independence was held in 1946, which produced a majority in favour. This was, however, not
recognised by the Danish Government or king due to only 2/3 of the population participating in the
referendum, so the Danish king abolished the government of the Faroes. The subsequent elections
Løgting were won by an anti-independence majority and instead a high degree of self-governance was
attained in 1948 with the passing of the Act of Faroese Home Rule. Faroese was now an official
language, though Danish is still taught as a second language in schools. The Faroese flag was also
officially recognised by Danish authorities.

In 1973 Denmark joined the European Community (now European Union). The Faroes refused to
join, mainly over the issue of fishing limits.

The 1980s saw an increase in support for Faroese independence. Unemployment was very low, and
the Faroese were enjoying one of the world's highest standards of living, but the Faroese economy
was almost entirely reliant on fishing. The early 1990s saw a dramatic slump in fish stocks, which
were being overfished with new high-tech equipment. During the same period the government was
also engaged in massive overspending. National debt was now at 9.4 billion Danish krones (DKK).
Finally, in October 1992, the Faroese national bank (Sjóvinnurbankin) called in receivers and was
forced to ask Denmark for a huge financial bailout. The initial sum was 500 million DKK, though this
eventually grew to 1.8 billion DKK (this was in addition to the annual grant of 1 billion DKK).
Austerity measures were introduced: public spending was cut, there was a tax and VAT increase and
public employees were given a 10% wage-cut. Much of the fishing industry was put into receivership,
with talk of cutting down the number of fish-farms and ships.

It was during this period that many Faroese (6%) decided to emigrate, mainly to Denmark.
Unemployment rose, up to as much as 20% in Tórshavn, with it being higher in the outlying islands.
In 1993 the Sjóvinnurbankin merged with the Faroes Islands' second largest bank, Føroya Banki. A
third was declared bankrupt. Meanwhile, there was a growing international boycott of Faroese
produce because of the grindadráp (whaling) issue. The independence movement dissolved on the
one hand while Denmark found itself left with the Faroe Islands' unpaid bills on the other.
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Recuperative measures were put in place and largely worked. Unemployment peaked in January 1994
at 26%, since which it fell (10% in mid-1996, 5% in April 2000). The fishing industry survived largely
intact. Fish stocks also rose, with the annual catch being 100,000 in 1994, rising to 150,000 in 1995.
In 1998 it was 375,000. Emigration also fell to 1% in 1995, and there was a small population increase
in 1996. In addition, oil was discovered nearby. By the early 21st century weaknesses in the Faroese
economy had been eliminated and, accordingly, many minds turned once again to the possibility of
independence from Denmark. However, a planned referendum in 2001 on first steps towards
independence was called off following Danish Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen saying that
Danish money grants would be phased out within four years if there were a 'yes' vote.

See also
Timeline of Faroese history
Faroese language conflict

1. "The Vikings were not the first colonizers of the Faroe Islands", Church M.J., et al, published in
Quaternary Science Reviews (2013), doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.06.011 (https://doi.org/10.101
2. New signs of pre-Viking life on the Faroe Islands (http://www.sciencenordic.com/new-signs-pre-vi
king-life-faroe-islands), Science Nordic 28 January 2013
3. Choi, Charles Q (22 August 2013). "Mystery settlers, whoever they were, reached islands before
Vikings" (http://www.nbcnews.com/science/mystery-settlers-whoever-they-were-reached-islands-
vikings-6C10975706?goback=.gde_157795_member_267965982#!). NBC Science News.
Retrieved 2 September 2013.
4. See Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis, chapter XII, at [1] (http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/C
hronologia/Lspost10/Brendanus/bre_navi.html): Cum autem navigassent juxta illam insulam per
triduum antea et venissent at summitatem illius contra occidentalem plagam viderent aliam
insulam prope sibi junctam interveniente freto magno herbosam et memorosam plenamque
floribus et ceperunt querere portum per circuitum insulae. Porro navigantibus contra meridianam
plagam eiusdem insulae invenerunt rivulum vergentem in mare ibique navim ad terram miserunt.
This passage describes an island across a narrow sound, grassy, well-wooded, and full of
flowers, with the mouth of a rivulet on the southern side. Translations: see The Voyage of St
Brendan, translated from the Latin by John J. O'Meara, Dolmen Press, Port Laoise, 1985; also
Nauigatio sancti Brendani abbatis [the Voyage of St Brendan the Abbot], edition by Archbishop P.
F. Moran, tr. Denis O’Donoghue, Brendaniana, 1893: [2] (http://markjberry.blogs.com/StBrendan.p
df). See also Navigatio Sancti Brendani Abbatis, chapter IX, in which reference is made to a
previous island on which there are vast flocks of white sheep: Perambulantes autem illam
insulam invenerunt diverses turmas ovium unius coloris id est albi ita ut non-possent ultra videre
terram prae multitudine ovium.
5. "Bill Thayer's Web Site" (https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/home.html).
6. See [3] (https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/L/Roman/Texts/Dicuil/De_mensura_orbis_terrae/te
xt*.html), chapter 7.2: Sunt aliae insulae multae in Septentrionali Britanniae Oceano, quae a
septentrionalibus Britanniae insulis duorum dierum ac noctium recta navigatione, plenis velis,
assiduo feliciter adiri queunt. Aliquis presbyter religiosus mihi retulit quod, in duobus aestivis
diebus, et una intercedente nocte, navigans in duorum navicula transtrorum, in unam illarum
intrivit. Illae insulae sunt aliae parvulae; fere cunctae simul angustis distantes fretis, in quibus in
centum ferme annis heremitae ex nostra Scotia navigantes habitaverunt, sed, sicut a principio
mundi, desertae semper fuerunt; ita, nunc causa latronum Normannorum, vacuae anachoritis,
plenae innumerabilibus ovibus, ac diversis generibus multis nimis marinarum avium. Nunquam
eas insulas in libris auctorum memoratas invenimus.
7. Flateyjarbók

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8. The Saga of Óláfr Tryggvason

9. Schei, Liv Kjørsvik & Moberg, Gunnie (2003) The Faroe Islands. Berlin.
10. "Færeyinga saga" (https://www.snerpa.is/net/isl/fsaga.htm). www.snerpa.is.
11. https://www.academia.edu/2531097/The_nature_of_the_Viking_Age_settlement_of_the_Faroe_Is
'The nature of the Viking Age settlement of the Faroe Islands' by Jamie Barnes, pp. 9–10.
12. Chr. Matras. Greinaval – málfrøðigreinir. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag 2000
13. [4] (http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/research/globalchange/group5b/QuatEnt/BucklandPanagiotakopulu
2008a.pdf) 'A palaeoecologist’s view of landnám: A case still not proven?’ P. C. Buckland & E.
14. [5] (https://www.academia.edu/3123925/The_Leirvik_bonhustoftin_and_the_Early_Christianity_of
_the_Faroe_Islands_and_beyond) 'The Leirvík "Bønhústoftin" and the early Christianity of the
Faroe Islands, and beyond' by Steffen Stumman Hansen and John Sheehan, pp. 37–41
15. "Samnordisk runtextdatabas" (http://abdn.ac.uk/skaldic/db.php?if=srdb&table=mss&id=21252).
16. "Historical Record" (http://www.logting.fo/files/File/Faldari%202012/faldari_EN_2012%20smal.pd
f) (PDF). www.logting.fo. Retrieved 1 June 2020.
17. "snar.fo, Føroyskar bókmentir, page 4 (in Faroese)" (http://snar.fo/uploads/tx_tcresources/Foroysk
ir_rithovundar.pdf) (PDF). snar.fo.
18. "Føroyska kirkjan" (https://web.archive.org/web/20150308090058/http://www.folkakirkjan.fo/defaul
t.aspx?pageid=6235&sectionid=207). Fólkakirkjan. Archived from the original (http://www.folkakirk
jan.fo/default.aspx?pageid=6235&sectionid=207) on 8 March 2015. Retrieved 21 April 2014.
19. James Miller, The North Atlantic Front: Orkney, Shetland, Faroe and Iceland at War (2004)

Church, MJ, Arge, SV, Brewington, S, McGovern, TH, Woollett, JM, Perdikaris, S, Lawson, IT,
Cook, GT, Amundsen, C. Harrison, R, Krivogorskaya, Y and Dunar, E. (2005). Puffins, Pigs, Cod
and Barley: Palaeoeconomy at Undir Junkarinsfløtti, Sandoy, Faroe Islands. Environmental
Archaeology 10#2 pp: 179–197.

Further reading
Brandt, Don. Stamps and Story of the Faroe Islands. Reykjavík: Nesútgáfan, 1996. ISBN 9979-
Johnston, George. The Faroe Islanders' Saga. [Ottawa]: Oberon, 1975. ISBN 0-88750-135-4
Miller, James. The North Atlantic Front: Orkney, Shetland, Faroe, and Iceland at War (Edinburgh:
Birlinn, 2003), on the Second World War
West, John F. The History of the Faroe Islands, 1709–1816. København: C.A. Reitzel, 1985.
ISBN 87-7421-486-1
Wylie, Jonathan. The Faroe Islands: Interpretations of History. Lexington, Ky: University Press of
Kentucky, 1987. ISBN 0-8131-1578-7

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